Chapter 600 Golden Gun (10)

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"Thank you." Wang Ai moved the document away, gave the chef a smile, and listened patiently to the chef's show off.

After the chef left, Wang Ai pointed at the table: "The pile on the far left is what I will still consider in the future and will not be moved; the pile in the middle is what I agreed to and will be sent directly; the pile on the right is rejected and I have already written

After receiving our opinions, we will try to finish the work on the same day.”

The secretary nodded: "Understood, I will send the documents back after get off work every day."

Wang Ai nodded and added: "I will also give it away before lunch break."


"have you eaten?"

"Not yet." The secretary opened his hands and said, "I don't have any time on my hands."

Wang Ai laughed and moved the two plates in front of him: "I can't help it. With my big body, I can't survive without eating too much. You can go quickly and don't have to come back in a hurry."

Although he said he was not in a hurry, the secretary only took ten minutes to finish eating in the cafeteria. When he came back in a hurry, he saw that Wang Ai had already finished a whole plate, and he was eating while reading documents.

A few days later, in a hotel in Shijiazhuang, a long-haired man was looking at the interrogator across the table indifferently with his arms folded. Suddenly the door opened, and a tall and muscular figure walked in. The long-haired man lowered his arms in surprise.

: "Little Wang'er?"

Wang Ai sat on the chair given by the interrogator and stared at the long-haired man expressionlessly for several minutes: "Brother Tiezi, long time no see."


Wang Ai waved his hand: "Don't talk nonsense. When you come out, we will have time to chat. Let's talk about the current situation. I am too busy with a lot of things in BJ... I heard that you are very stubborn and don't explain anything? What's wrong?

, Brother Tiezi, you think this process is too peaceful and boring, how about making a show?"

"No, Wang Ai..."

"Pa"! Wang Ai slapped the table: "What's that? What's your level? You're not even a formal staff member of a state agency! There are so many ministerial and departmental levels that can't handle it. Do you want to? Let me tell you,

Now that I am the top leader in the center, the Football Association, and the academy, who are you going to shoulder the responsibility for? Who do you expect to save you?"

The long-haired man looked shocked.

Wang Ai picked up the water cup he was carrying and took a sip: "Brother Tiezi, I remember talking to you when I first bought Liaozu. You said you hated people who played match-fixing the most. It wasn't long ago, right? More than ten years ago.

Year, what is your original intention? We also talked when you were an assistant coach of the national team. You said that match-fixing destroys the ecology and hinders the growth of players. How many years has it been? I haven’t looked at you for only a few years, and you are like this


Wang Ai's roar surprised the people outside the interrogation room.

"How come you have become the person you hated the most? You have become the person you hate the most. Why don't you repent? How many leaders, coaches, teammates and fans have trained you and led you over the years.

Following you, admiring you, supporting you, this is what you do? Now that I have given you the opportunity to turn back, you still don’t cherish it. Do you plan to run all the way to the dark side? Do you think you are trying to make trouble here?

Will it end well?"

Wang Ai looked at the long-haired man majestically and said, "In the final analysis, are you right? Didn't you take what you shouldn't have? Didn't you give what you shouldn't have given?"

Wang Ai suppressed the anger in his heart: "Brother Tiezi, it won't be punishable by death to tell the truth about you. If you tell me well, you will vomit it all up. Even if you can't do this job anymore when you come out, our friendship will still be there."

Now, when the time comes, each of my brothers will lend a hand to ensure that you don't starve to death. But if you resist to the end and completely break our hearts, you will really be alone."

Having said this, Wang Ai stood up and left. When he reached the door, he looked back and said, "Brother Tiezi, I hope we still have a chance to meet."

The door closed with a bang, and the sound of Wang Ai's footsteps gradually faded away. The long-haired man's Adam's apple continued to twitch, and he raised his head for a long time: "Where to start..."

A week after Wang Ai took office, the news gradually spread, and many people lost contact, which confirmed the speculation in the public: Wang Ai, a super shooter, fired a fierce shot at the Football Association after returning to China. The number of people shot and the level were unprecedented.

The biggest ever.

A PS picture has been widely circulated on the Internet: Wang Ai is holding a golden matchlock gun, facing a field of fallen cartoon people.

Except for the occasional appointment to meet the stubborn interrogator, Wang Ai had no time to pay attention to the rumors on the Internet. After spending a week to settle the center through secret confrontations such as conversations and documents, the Football Association instinctively resisted.

focused on some deep-seated issues.

Superiors need both results and funds, and officials at all levels need to safeguard their vested interests. Youth training, which is the most promising and should be heavily invested in, has been deprived of resources for a long time because it has no profit output. Wei Di, Lao Gao has interests in all parties.

Unable to make strategic adjustments under the occlusion, we slowly fell into tight siege and had to continue the previous work situation.

Some complicated backgrounds and interest relationships have also caused some correct decisions to be unable to be executed and implemented, resulting in obstruction or even tumor status.

On the evening of June 21, Wang Ai burned the midnight oil in the study room of his home in the Summer Palace.

While he was busy, the study door opened, and Xu Qinglian walked in and noticed Wang Ai's eyes: "What? Do you want to chase me away or beat me? Come on, the pregnant woman with twins is waiting for you to beat me."

Wang Ai put down the pen helplessly: "Who is going to hit you? Isn't it because of my work that I am so serious?"

"Look at what time it is? You specifically told me this morning to remind you to train in the evening."

"Oh? Oh..." Wang Ai glanced back reluctantly: "Okay, I'll go down right now, um, write two more strokes."

"Just two strokes!"


Although he said it was two strokes, he still wrote for another five minutes. The pregnant woman with twins stared at her eyes. After Wang Ai finished writing his thoughts very efficiently, he got up and went downstairs to the gym.

Instead, Xu Qinglian sat down and moved the mouse to read the document titled "Report on the Basic Strategic Adjustment of Football Work" again.

"After comprehensive consideration, I believe that reducing the funding of national teams at all levels by 50% will not have any serious impact on performance. Establishing a lower league salary cap system and a fairer wage ratio system will be beneficial to revitalizing the real football market... in the long run.

The existing phenomena that violate the laws of football development should be reversed and corrected. It is worth paying a certain sacrifice and price for this. It must be paid sooner or later, and the sooner the lower the cost... For this reason, I consider sacrificing the national team in the next ten years.

Results, it is worthwhile to devote all our efforts to support youth training, private leagues, and correct the wrong atmosphere of professional leagues in exchange for a truly solid development foundation..."

At the bureau party committee meeting on the 23rd, the director put down the document and said: "You are very courageous."

"As expected of a young cadre, he dares to think and act."

"The cost is very high, and the key is to gain the support of the people."

"Sacrificing the performance of the national team... This is not only shooting down his colleagues, I remember he hasn't retired yet, right?"

"So..." The director looked at everyone with emotion: "We have to have a serious discussion."

This chapter has been completed!
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