Chapter 334: Hidden Boss (Part 2): Dayu Controlling the Flood

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 An article signed by the Chinese Youth Philosophical Society was published in the newly published "Guangming Daily". Although it is not the front page, it is a rare representative of the academic community's attention to the hotly discussed "individualism vs. collectivism" debate.


Yes, the building is already crooked like this!

"Tacking hats and grabbing braids can neither prove the truth nor help. We have noticed that a recent controversy in the sports field has spread to the academic world. Mr. Wang Ai, the youngest member of our society, was involved in football social practice because of

Some hiring arrangements and some remarks by the coaching staff have caused controversy. We believe that learning is based on sincerity. Facing the truth, expressing one's feelings directly, and telling the truth are the minimum rules of conduct. Football is a category in competitive sports, and it should have its own rules.

Its own rules. Judging from the practical situation, the research in this field in our country's academic circles is still relatively weak, and there is no timely and sufficient guidance for practical work. This is one of the reasons why the level of football in our country lags far behind that of table tennis and other strengths.

1. Not only does it not match the huge resources obtained, but it also does not match our country’s comprehensive strength and the development level of sports. Therefore, we believe that Dr. Wang Ai’s football social practice activities are beneficial to the development of football.

Exploration and research in a field that is slightly unfamiliar to us is also beneficial to the development of philosophy in the new era."

It should be said that the Chinese Youth Philosophy Society is still very self-respecting, and the articles it publishes are quite satisfactory and the words are touching. They are far less frivolous than the reports in some newspapers, but they are very powerful. This article is titled "Our Views"

"The article has less than 2,000 words, but it represents the attitude of an authoritative academic institution. Therefore, as soon as the article came out, all the scholars who participated in criticizing Wang Ai immediately stopped.

The situation changes and the sea changes.

It was as if all the hair-pulling and spitting yesterday had never happened.

Wang Ai saw this article by reading a screenshot of Xu Qinglian's blog. QQ does not yet support remote video, and the Internet speed these days is also very impressive, so Xu Qinglian took it with a digital camera and uploaded it to the computer, and then uploaded it.

As for the blog, this is much faster than mailing. Even the diplomatic parcel sent through the embassy is not as fast.

"Is this philosophy society so powerful?" Xu Qinglian asked curiously amidst Wang Ai's laughter.

"Hey, whoever dares to use the name 'China' is not easy to bully? It's just that I didn't expect the society to help me. Wait a minute. I will write a thank you letter to express my help to the organization.

My gratitude for solving the problem. Well, let me take a look. Then I will fax it to you after I finish writing it. You can ask my dad to go to the meeting in person tomorrow."

"Who are you looking for?"

"If you are looking for an office with this name, it must be a decision that was discussed and approved at a meeting."

"Oh, is it just the name 'China' that scares away those bad guys?"

Wang Ai chuckled: "Of course it's not like that. Those people are just using me to vent their other dissatisfaction."

"Then you can't talk nonsense."

"Freedom of speech."

"Freedom of speech? Don't bully me. How can we have freedom of speech in China?"

"Why not?" Wang Ai retorted: "Qinglian, don't listen to the nonsense of some stupid people, especially some scholars. They are just deceiving you and pointing fingers at you to make trouble so that they can reap benefits."

"What!" Xu Qinglian said dissatisfied: "Don't foreigners always say that we are a dictatorship and have no freedom of speech?"

"They know nothing!" Wang Ai said with disdain: "They are the kind of extremely stinky guys who look in the mirror every day and ask 'Am I the most beautiful'?

"Anyone who can't fit in is wrong. His mind and vision are as big as the tip of a pin!"

"Don't curse, speak the truth."

"Okay, okay, let me give you an example. Have you been to the riverside park across from our Liaoyang Public Security Community? Every summer morning and evening, are there a lot of old men having fun there? Hey, as soon as you walk there

Come on, have you heard what they said?"

Xu Qinglian smiled and said nothing.

Wang Ai slapped his hand: "Right? They curse the sky, the earth, and the air in between. What do they dare not say? Are Americans awesome when they criticize the president? We Chinese old men also dare to curse... the president of the United States! Hehe, you

Can we say that there is no freedom of speech? Who is usually detained for saying the wrong thing? Of course, there are exceptions for spreading rumors and being a traitor. Now is not the time to charge counter-revolutionary crimes for nothing a few decades ago."

"Okay, I guess you're a little unreasonable. Then why is Xixue so powerful?"

"Listen to me. The government doesn't care when the common people complain or even say extreme things. Why? The influence is small, except for the people around you, and it won't have any great consequences. But you

Look at government officials and party committee cadres, are they all cautious in their words and deeds? The more the people scold them, the less they dare to speak? This is where status lies. One word they say is worth ten thousand words to the people. However, there are exceptions in everything.

There is a group of people in Chinese society who have both status and freedom of speech. They basically say what they want and how they want to say it. They don’t care even if it breaks the law and are rarely dealt with. At least in terms of freedom of speech.

, they are even absolutely free. Do you know who they are?"

"Is there such a person? Who is it?"

"Scholars!" Wang Ai said proudly: "Those who are engaged in learning. In the past few decades, our economic development has been inseparable from academic progress, so the treatment of scholars is very good and very relaxed. What are they dissatisfied with and can't stand?

Just talk loudly about it, and few people will care about them. Even if they really violate taboos, they can list one, two, three, and turn the scolding into an academic paper. In short, you have time to read, especially in the liberal arts

Yeah, there are a lot of people getting shot at. They don’t call this freedom of speech, they call it academic freedom. Hey, how does academic freedom manifest itself? Papers, speeches, so slowly among scholars, academic freedom becomes

Freedom of speech.”

"But." Wang Ai added: "One thing brings another, and ants climb a big tree. It is not unnoticed that scholars take advantage of the loose atmosphere of academic freedom to bring in private goods. The public prosecutor and the law will not be able to control them for a while, but

Schools and societies can take care of them. If a scholar wants to publish a book, someone must pay for it, right? These are dry things that cannot be sold, and lose money when no one reads them. If a scholar wants academic status and historical recognition, someone must support him, right?

Otherwise, who would know who you are? Scholars also need daily necessities and a salary, right? Not to mention that university professors want their own books to be used as teaching materials, which is inseparable from the approval of the upper and lower academic organizations."

"Oh~~" Xu Qinglian drawled.

"So, don't look at Professor Zhu and the others dancing happily. It's because no one pays attention to him. If you really want to take care of him, you can recruit anyone. What's wrong with one or two scholars, or even a group of scholars? They are just soldiers, and there is no such thing.

The best is to learn the sense of touch. Those who have no money or power, just pinch them, and do it accurately."

This chapter has been completed!
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