Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Six My Site I Call Them (Part 2)

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 Union Berlin struggled hard in the second half. As a result, the team's chief scorer, Sreto Ristic from Serbia, scored a goal from Steffen's pass before the end. The game ended at 2:4.

.This game, known as the "North-South Championship Battle" by the outside world, also ended with the final victory of last year's Southern Regional League champion.

This is of course the reason why a large number of Tübingen fans came to support. Southern Germany and northern Germany have always despised each other due to factors such as history, culture, religious beliefs, etc.

On the day of the game, the Tubingen youth did not stay overnight in Berlin, but flew directly back to Stuttgart. After getting off the plane, they got on the bus waiting for the club, and a large number of fans followed them all the way. Since the Tubingen youth did not have a team yet,

Singing "You'll Never Walk Alone" after the victory was a bit off, and singing "We Are the Champions" was also too wrong, so there were all kinds of excited howls on the bus and various cars.

For fear of getting into a traffic accident, the members of the Tübingen Youth did not dare to stick their heads out, so they had to jump up and down in the car.

In the past few years, the sudden rise of Tübingen's youth has not changed Germany much, but it has profoundly changed Tübingen, a quiet university town and a young city. The passion of young people burst out from the books and became high-spirited.

Even professors from the University of Tübingen organized an amateur football team to participate in the Tübingen Community League. Now Tübingen, a city with a population of 80,000, has more than 20 teams participating in leagues at all levels.

, among which Tübingen Youth Club has two, and the rest are all organized voluntarily by fans. Before Wang Ai came, there were less than ten in the city.

Howling all the way back to the small town, the fans followed the bus to the door of the club. They didn't want to disperse, but they didn't know what to do. Wang Ai came to his senses and sent someone to take his World Cup Silver Boot trophy out of the club and put it away.

It was originally intended to show off to the fans outside.

The fans watched this trophy in surprise. Even though it was a Silver Boot, it was enough. Only three were awarded in four years, let alone the youngest Silver Boot winner in history. Mr. Jimbos publicly announced on the microphone: In the next month, this trophy will be awarded.

Both trophies will be placed in the club's honor room. This will satisfy the fans' hunger.

Although the Tübingen youth have just entered the professional league, they have actually won trophies for both young and old. The team has been established for more than 20 years and has also been promoted from one level to another in the community league, and each level has a championship.

Runner-up trophy...

"We need a whole team song." The next day, Wang Ai went home and found Leonie and sighed.

"Yes." Leonie was stunned for a moment and then said with emotion.

If Wang Ai's demands weren't too high, Leoni would have made do with Liverpool's "You'll Never Walk Alone", but Wang Ai refused and put forward three requirements: one that fits the youthful temperament of Tübingen, and one that matches the southern

German cultural atmosphere is unique.

This is difficult. Leonie studied philosophy, not literature, and not music. Wang Ai forgot about it in the blink of an eye after giving the task, but Leonie did not. After graduating with a master's degree in philosophy, she studied

She took an economics and management course at the University of Tübingen, but Huang Xin really put too much pressure on her.

Leonie, who has just turned 20, wants to take on the daily management tasks of a Bundesliga club like Tübingen Youth, so she has to move forward in big strides. If she is a little slower, she will not be able to keep up with the requirements of the work. Wang Aigang

When she came here, Leonie worked part-time as the "manager" of the Tübingen football team, but at that time it was still in the state league and there was not even an office space for the club. There were only three of them, Kugel and Favre! But!

Immediately after the arrival of Chinese geniuses, Tübingen youth soared into the sky. They were in the state league, regional league, German second league, state championship, regional championship, German Cup champion, and even entered the UEFA Cup! But Leoni had just graduated with a master's degree.


Therefore, Leonie has been carefully hiding her inferiority complex, and even used lust to seduce Wang Ai to find her own value. It was not until Huang Xin arrived to teach her step by step, and Xu Genbao's guidance that she slowly adapted to her role. So for

Even if Wang Ai gave an order casually, he would be very serious.

"We have already collected it among the fans." Leonie turned around and pulled out a folder from the filing cabinet in her office: "No, that's it. It has everything, including folk songs, pop music, rock music, religious music, etc.

There are also military songs, and of course the team songs of other teams are also indispensable.”

Speaking of this, Leonie lay facelessly on her arm: "I don't know why, but I am so sad."

Wang Ai lowered his head and flipped through large and small papers and said casually: "An ancient myth lingers in my heart."

"Ah!" Leonie stared: "Do you still know this poem?"

Wang Ai raised his head and patted the table dissatisfied: "I'm studying German literature, have you forgotten? How many cultural celebrities are there in Germany? Do I still know about Heine?"

Leonie nodded frequently: "Yes, yes, Germany is a remote country, but China is better."

Wang Ai rolled his eyes, forgetting that this guy was a big Chinese fan.

"Okay, let's do this for now, and I'll think about it again. If it doesn't work, I'll find someone from the University of Tübingen. Don't they have music majors?"

"Don't mention it, I've already looked for it." Leonie leaned on the chair dejectedly and spread her hands. The collar of her little windbreaker was parted, revealing her tall woolen sweater breasts.

I don’t know if this little lion is in heat again.

"Who said those who study music can compose music and write lyrics? If you study literature, do you know ancient Greek?"

"Yes!" Wang Ai nodded: "Forget it, let's talk about it, I'll put some thought into it. By the way, our square in front of the club needs to find a way to add some tricks, it's just such a bare cultural atmosphere. I'll think about this.

Can we let the University of Tübingen...uh, forget it."

"You also know?" Leonie twirled her green-white fingers: "The University of Tübingen was originally a seminary. It had no art department at all. It only had an undergraduate degree in art history, which was affiliated with philosophy."

Wang Ai stretched out and was about to end the work meeting. Leonie had just given him a work report.

At this moment, the door opened and Lao Bai walked in with a serious expression, accompanied by Leonie's assistant Xiao Meng.

"Xiao Wang, something happened."

Wang Ai originally wanted to tease the two of them about whether they had killed someone, but when he saw how serious Lao Bai was, he became more serious: "What's wrong?"

"Something happened over there at the National Youth League."

This chapter has been completed!
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