Section 227 Show (Part 2)

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 What Wang Ai didn't expect was that after hearing the invitation, Constance hesitated for a moment, then shook her head and refused. Under Wang Ai's "close" gaze, the little girl stammered: "That day, that day

There are arrangements..."

"Okay." Wang Ai didn't ask her if she had any arrangements worth giving up attending the crown prince's wedding. This little girl always had some secrets. Wang Ai asked tentatively a few times, but the little girl always said "You won't even kill me."

He said, "I'll tell you everything if I can't beat you to death." Wang Ai didn't ask any more questions.

The two of them haven't reached that point yet, and asking for details is not the way to become friends.

It's just that Constance unexpectedly didn't go. Wang Ai thought about it and found no one suitable. There were some female staff members in the club, but Wang Ai was not familiar with them. Some of them were other people's wives or girlfriends, although they were familiar with her.

They are probably happy to attend the royal wedding, but their significant other is definitely not happy. Wang Ai can't do it either. It's not like she can't be found. If she can't, there's Leonie.

Sure enough, after a phone call, Leonie agreed immediately!

On May 20th, Leonie came to A Coruña with a suitcase. When we met, she said: "I am here on behalf of Sister Huang Xin, Manager Shi and Sister Qinglian. This time, I will dress your clothes."

Fully responsible, do you have any opinions?"

Wang Ai hurriedly shook his head. He also knew that his fashion concepts were relatively old, so he could just forget about it. Attending such an important ceremony, he represented the image of Chinese young people and could not be neglected. Besides, Leonie was so impressive that she seemed to be inclusive.

It relieved other people's resentment towards Wang Ai for several years.

Satisfied, Leonie opened the luggage bag she brought and dug out a handmade youth uniform. She grabbed the youth uniform from Wang Ai's closet and threw it on the ground with disgust.

"Okay, what are you doing? Can you still wear it?"

Leonie asked doubtfully: "Can I still wear it?"

"Ah, I was wearing it the year before last!"

"Then put it on and let me see."

It was only when Wang Ai started wearing it that she realized there was a problem. She had grown taller and couldn't fit it in. The year before last, Wang Ai was only 1.6 meters tall, and now she's 1.75 meters tall. How can she still wear the tight-fitting design of youth clothes?

Wang Ai had no choice but to close his eyes in distress and let Leonie sweep through his wardrobe, letting Leonie command him to take off and put on clothes.

"It's quite suitable. How do you know what size I wear?" Wang Ai said, stroking the smooth material on her chest.

"I know your size best." Leonie stood close to Wang Ai and smoothed the wrinkles on his shoulders, her voice dripping with tears.

"Ahem, this is close to sexual harassment." Wang Ai suppressed the urge to ask her size.

"Haha, have you become so shy after spending so much time with the little girl?"

Wang Ai shook his head and turned around, raised his head slightly, and pinched Leonie's chin: "You are embarrassing me, you know? You are taller than me?"

Leonie turned sideways and said, "Is this good?"

"How about this?" Leonie turned to the front and bent her knees, her eyes were seductive, she licked the corners of her mouth, and her body got lower and lower.

Wang Ai quickly grabbed Leonie's arm, "I haven't been with you for a year. Okay, stop making trouble, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's talk, to be honest, I miss you too.


Leonie held Wang Ai's arm and squeezed into a sofa: "It was because Constance didn't go that you thought of me, right?"

"Yeah!" Wang Ai admitted firmly, and then Leonie tightened her ribs.

Fortunately, Leonie asked Wang Ai to "practice" it, and said without changing her expression: "I really want to ask you, why don't our country's senior cadres come to participate? I don't remember that they have never come to participate.

Including the British Crown Prince’s wedding.”

"Don't tell me, I was quite curious at first and asked our embassy. I was wondering if it was someone from our country, and then I went with the delegation so that I wouldn't have no one to chat with.

.Then I learned that this was mainly due to two considerations. One was that it was difficult to return gifts. The royal family could hold a wedding and invite us, but we could not invite them. There were no nobles in the country, so it was not equal. The second was that this kind of activity had already evolved from the royal family.

, the exchange of interests between nobles has turned into a large-scale public relations event between the royal family and the common people, and it is of little significance to participate."

"Public relations?"

"That's right. When Princess Diana had an accident a few years ago, do you still remember the reaction of the British people? Do many people demand the abolition of the royal family? This actually reflects that in European countries with royal families, the dignity of the royal family is now illusory.

In the past, relying on financial power, political power, and military power was very reliable. Even after handing over power, relying on one's own influence at the top, the decline process was very slow. But today it is really no longer possible. If you continue to show off, you can't be fooled.

Fortunately, the image has not completely collapsed. Through a series of public relations methods and the public's goodwill towards the royal family, the wedding has been turned into a large-scale show."

Seeing Leonie thoughtfully, Wang Ai explained: "Our Chinese revolution is very thorough. The people have not known the emperor for hundreds of years, and they have no respect for the royal family or anything, and there is no sense of mystery.

In Europe, the royal family and traditional culture are intertwined. If the new government wants to establish national cohesion, it must carry forward tradition, and the royal family is parasitic on it. As long as there is no anger and resentment, and as long as tradition exists, the royal family can survive."

"It is better for our motherland to be clean and tidy and not to paralyze the people!"

"Yes, of course!" Wang Ai nodded with satisfaction. Now he has become accustomed to this blond German girl's distortion of national identity.

A few days later, the two attended the wedding of Crown Prince Felipe together. They saw Felipe in military uniform walking into the auditorium with his second-married "Cinderella" on his arm. The British Crown Prince Charles, the King of Belgium and his wife, the King of Sweden, the Queen of the Netherlands,

The Crown Prince of Japan, Mandela and others were watching the ceremony from close by. Wang Ai was a little further away. Among the lineup of cultural and sports stars, he was not familiar with anyone else. Fortunately, there were the Beckhams and the Raul couple.

Yes, we can still chat for a few words. Wang Ai didn't directly answer Raul's vague invitation. Raul also knew that the stars of the Galaxy Battleship were bright, and Wang Ai could only serve as a substitute when he came, so he didn't say much.

The wedding was such an unprecedented event that Spain closed its airspace for the occasion. More than 4,000 guests attended and more than 20 million euros were spent.

"Didn't you say that the total assets of the Spanish royal family are only 20 million? It will be hard to live in the future?" Leonie and Wang Ai had something to eat at the buffet and chatted together in a low voice.

"Here!" Wang Ai gestured to the outside of the restaurant, where a group of reporters were watching: "The live broadcast of this wedding and the subsequent copyrights are worth at least several million. Those expensive jewelry and dresses are actually provided by the royal family's companies.

,,No matter how much it’s worth, it’s actually left-hand and right-hand. By the way, it also advertises, so it costs a little bit of money, but it’s not the royal family’s money. The city of Madrid received the king’s instructions half a year ago. You

It is said that the royal family used the wedding as a show and brought so many distinguished guests and tourists to Madrid. How could the Madrid city government not say anything? I wish I could get married only once a year."

"Oh!" Leonie drawled, "It's so boring to ask you to say that."

This chapter has been completed!
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