Section 330 Face to Face: Dr. Wang's Football Reflections (7)

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 On TV, Wang Zhi was shocked and shook his head and said with emotion: "This is the first time I have heard someone settle a score with me like this! If you want to say that, there are not 11 football players among 1.3 billion people. It is really not an exaggeration. So.

, Dr. Wang, how do you explain that many countries with small populations can produce good results?"

"This relates to the current stage of economic development in our country. Please note that the highest level of football in the world is in Europe and South America. Europe is a developed society, right? What about South America? In fact, it is also a quasi-developed society.

I don’t know much about the situation in South America, let me talk about Europe. I spent three years in Germany. The city where I studied, Tübingen, is a small town with a population of 80,000. There are ten free courts. And what about us? Think about it.

In Beijing and Shanghai, in addition to school playgrounds, can you find free football fields that provide sports for citizens? Why? Because our development stage is not good. European urban infrastructure is complete and completed, but what about us?

There is still a long way to go. Roads, railways, bridges, ports, squares, residences, office buildings, plus water, electricity, gas, heating, communication networks, etc. are not all ready. Then our country and our society will give priority to investment

Where to go? It must be the main field related to the national economy and people's livelihood, not the sports field, right? Because like me, even if I am famous internationally, so what? Can I resist foreign aggression? Can I resist natural disasters?

Can it meet the people's most basic needs for food, clothing, housing and transportation? It cannot. Therefore, from the stage of national development, to family education investment, to the actual needs of the entire society, Chinese football is strategically shrinking.

, and it will be long-term, even if it is slow. And what about Europe? All these are ready, the people have enough money, and the society has enough security, allowing the people to live as they want, and they can play football if they want to, even if they can't.

Well, you can easily find a job even if you are not famous. In the final analysis, football is not something necessary for people's lives. It belongs to an entertainment industry, or a cultural and sports industry. Only when people are living a prosperous life will they think of spending money in the cultural and sports fields.

Just look at the consumption ratio of essential consumer goods for urban and rural residents released by our National Bureau of Statistics, and you will know that it is a real developing country."

After talking a lot, Wang Ai felt a little thirsty and took a sip of water.

Wang Zhi did not interrupt, but waited for Wang Ai with admiring eyes. He really had never seen many interviewees who were as young as Wang Ai but had such a broad perspective. He would advance the topic without much guidance from you.

The serious and profound level makes people think.

"Some small countries in Europe have much smaller populations than ours. For example, Greece, the current European Cup champion, has only 10 million people, but they have more children engaged in football. At the same time, what are our children doing? With the encouragement of parents and schools,

Next, work hard to learn cultural knowledge. How many children play football? While European children happily go to school and play football every day, our children are studying hard and making up lessons. Although we have a large population, but registered players

In terms of sports, it is less than small countries in Europe. No matter how big the population is, if there are not many people working in this industry, what is the use? A large population can make the market for this sport very big, but if there are few practitioners, the level will naturally not improve.


"From what you're saying, are you dissatisfied with the reality of our primary and secondary education? But you are still a young Ph.D.?" Wang Zhi stabbed again.

"No." Wang Ai shook his head: "I support China's current education policy and education situation. We Chinese have valued education since ancient times, and learning cultural knowledge has never been easy since ancient times. We cannot engage in the kind of European and American society

Happy education is misleading and deceiving people. After all, the education system in our socialist country is conscientious and will not use happy education to lower the competitiveness of the middle and lower classes in society. This is also what our country can do in the future.

The basis for long-term maintenance of social activity. If, like Europe and the United States, only children from wealthy families can receive private school education, oh, the learning pressure in their private schools is also strict and heavy, and children from poor families can only go

If you accept happy education, easy education, a lack of pressure, and nonsense education, then the upper and lower classes of society will have long-term unfair competitive advantages, and the upward path of the lower classes will gradually be closed. What will this cause? The upper classes are lazy and the lower classes are ignorant.

, the development of the entire society has stagnated. We Chinese parents have a good saying, don’t let your children lose at the starting line. This is right, and our country’s education system also supports it. So I say, this is a conscientious education system. Although

Some people say that there is too much academic pressure during this period, which makes children unhappy. But I think this may be because adults are unfounded. Children can find their happiness no matter what kind of environment they are in. When I was in school,

I am very happy, even though my parents think I am unhappy, but it is not like that. Children are pure and have very low laughter."

"Okay, Dr. Wang, you support this educational reality, but this reality has objectively caused what you call the strategic contraction of Chinese football. You also say that you hope that Chinese football will get better and better. Don't you think it's contradictory?"

Wang Ai smiled: "It's not contradictory. I just said that football is not a necessity for people's lives. Only after the problems of food, clothing, housing and transportation are solved can people have money to support cultural and sports consumption. Our country is at such a stage. As a football

Athletes, of course, must comply with the needs of the country. Instead of destroying the situation for their own selfishness, even personal efforts cannot destroy it. This is called mantis trying to control the situation."

"So, with the foundation of Chinese football weakened, will there be problems with long-term performance?"

"Definitely." Wang Ai replied: "At the beginning today, you said it was a 'brilliant' summer, but the sunset over the western mountains is equally brilliant."

"You mean..."

"Yes!" Wang Ai nodded decisively: "What I mean is that in the future, the pressure for Chinese football to achieve good results will be increasing. When I first participated in the 84 National Youth League, the number of registered players of this age group in the country was only 30.

Less than one. And now a group of people from the 84 National Youth League will become the Chinese Super League and the new generation main force of Chinese football in the next three or two years. And the 86 National Youth League and the 88 National Youth League are not much better.

The selection field is getting narrower and narrower. Although they are all very talented athletes who have been carefully selected and persuaded by coaches at all levels, but so what? If there are fewer people, there will be fewer people. Many talented people no longer play football.

, This is different from Bai Guanghai’s generation. At that time, they had more choices in sports schools, and parents usually would not object.”

This chapter has been completed!
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