Chapter 373 The Great Demon King is Coming (Part 1)

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 Asia used to be a simple geographical concept. When Europe's great voyages began, it was discovered that the civilization on this land was unique, but also... low in combat effectiveness. After World War II, the Soviet Union and the United States in order to fight against the old colonialists

, and in order to compete for the world, they have supported the independence of Asian nation-states. After the establishment of these countries, they discovered that the countries and nations on this land have had almost the same fate for hundreds of years.

As a result, the geographical concept of Asia became a political concept due to the sympathy of the same people.

Japan, which was the first to awaken in Asia and complete reforms, once thought of commanding the Asians and resisting European oppression. However, they did not truly unite the Asians. Instead, they adopted the methods of invaders and forced the Asians. As a result, the Asians

United resistance. After the war, although Japan was disappointed with Asia and began to "leave Asia and join Europe", the rise of Asia itself was still good for Japan.

Between races, nationalities, and cultures, Asians have more in common with each other.

Compared with Japan's "**** circle" proposition, Wang Ai's or China's concept of "peaceful competition, fair development, and regional integration" is more popular among Asians. No country, even a small country, likes it more

Willing to be told what to do by others, let alone invaded.

Therefore, Wang Ai's speech once again attracted widespread attention and widespread coverage from Asian media. This time, it was not only sports media that paid attention, but also political media, financial media, and social media. Although the slogan of "Asian Century" did not

It is not new, but the Asian financial crisis seven years ago hit Asian countries, including Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia, and was unable to recover for several years, which has made this slogan a lot darker.

As Wang Ai, who has the highest academic qualifications among active professional players in the world and the highest achievement among active players in Asia, it is surprising to hear such a cry. More importantly, his speech implicitly contained "All of Asia unite,

The meaning of "Strive for the comprehensive rejuvenation of Asia", even if it is just a vague and slogan-like proposition, still has progressive significance. After all, Asian culture is completely different from European culture and African culture, especially East Asian countries have the deepest feelings.

Of course, during this wave of media frenzy, the Chinese media were very low-key. No media reproduced the full text of Wang Ai's speech. Most of them mentioned it indifferently. The focus was still on Chinese football winning five awards and Wang Ai's second

Won the Asian Footballer of the Year for the first time on a purely sports level. He ignored the other parts of Wang Ai's impromptu speech.

Although Wang Ai's speech made the media in other countries very happy, such as Japan, South Korea, and Singapore media, they all introduced it in detail, and almost the most important media published the full text. After all, the speech was not long and took up as much space as possible, but it was even more important.

Most of them are comments from reporters, so it seems quite lengthy.

Wang Ai's sponsors are also very happy. After all, Wang Ai is in the limelight again. These media reports are free to promote Wang Ai, and by the way, they also strengthen the influence of their products.

However, Wang Ai was very unhappy because when he returned to the hotel that night, he received serious criticism calls from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Administration of Sports!

The key point is the phrase "the century of the yellow race". According to the criticism of the cadres of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: You are patronizing to make Asians happy. What is the reaction of Europeans? Although Asia's century is originally the century of yellow people, so

It's logically correct, but it's too harsh, isn't it?

Besides, we are busy keeping a low profile and biding our time. Why are you singing so high-spirited words? We can’t even pretend to be grandsons. You have to let the Americans think that we are a problem? Isn’t it good to let them dig into the valleys of Afghanistan, blow up donkeys, and look for cats?

Do you see how much fun they have?

Although there are scholars, entrepreneurs, and people from all walks of life who have said this, Wang Ai's influence is too great after all. He is China's "first public intellectual" in this era. This does not represent academic level, but only reputation.

, worthy of this title.

Therefore, while the superiors quickly suppressed the Chinese media who were stirred up into a frenzy by Wang Ai, they also issued a "silence order" to Wang Ai. Yuan Weimin personally said: "Stop talking!"

Under Zhang Jilong's persuasion, Wang Ai understood that the leader wanted him to be honest and let him get out of the limelight. Now that the limelight is out, it can almost be withdrawn. The country is pretending to be a grandson, what can you do individually?

This is also the love and protection given to him by his superiors. After all, competition between countries is cruel and has no bottom line. Bribing and attacking each other's cultural celebrities, especially patriotic cultural celebrities, is itself part of the soft power competition.

I'm not happy at all, but I'm still a little suffocated in my heart. The motherland is not strong, and as a citizen, you have to work with the country to hold back your words and your anger.

Because Wang Ai was at the forefront of the news, he did not return to China with the group after winning the award. He only asked the little beauty who also came to Kuala Lumpur to take his two trophies home, and then transferred to Japan with Lao Shen.

Depor has also arrived in Japan, preparing to compete in the 2004 Toyota Cup, which is also an extension of the Intercontinental Cup. The predecessor of the Club World Cup is a competition between European and South American club champions sponsored by Toyota. Due to these two

The football level of the continent is absolutely leading, so although there are only two participating clubs, they can still be regarded as the strongest clubs in the world!

This is the last peak of this glorious summer for Depor. This also means that after becoming the strongest team in Spain and the strongest team in Europe this summer, Depor is moving towards the strongest team in the world.

Although Wang Ai's speech disturbed public opinion for a while, the focus of media from all over the world soon focused on Deportivo, who went to Japan to compete with the Libertadores Cup champion Manizales City Caldas of Colombia for the Toyota Cup championship.

On the body.

Because including the Toyota Cup, Depor, a small team from Galicia in northwest Spain that has only emerged in the past decade, is heading towards an unprecedented "Six Crowns"!

This is also what surprises the outside world the most. Although this "six-time crown" is for a year rather than a season, and is still far behind the top six-time crown in the same season, it is still a goal that has never been achieved by clubs around the world.

It is an unprecedented and great achievement.

Once the Toyota Cup is successfully won, Depor Club, owner Lendoiro, head coach Irueta, captain Pablo, main player Belleron, Wang Ai, old captain Forlan, Andrade, Ska

Loni, Romero, Naibet, Victor, etc., will all reach the latest peak of their careers. Everyone can publish a book called "The Days of Six Crown Champions" in the future!

Even though the decline of Depor is obvious this season and the pace of reconstruction is still advancing, for this game, the entire Depor team still went all out. All the main players have been fully rested before, and all the main players have come to Japan.

A willingness to give up one or two league games, or even the Champions League and Copa del Rey, in order to win the Toyota Cup.

This chapter has been completed!
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