Chapter 377: Drifting Cherry Blossom Rain (Part 2)

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 The night at the Yokohama International Arena was very late.

When the game ended, fireworks were erupted from the reserved position at the top of the stadium. When Depor finally lifted the championship trophy, pink fireworks flew in the sky of the stadium, just like the Japanese favorite

The color of cherry blossoms. Many Japanese female fans pointed at the sky and jumped up and down.

The team won six championships. Many coaches and players shed tears. No matter how excited they are, even the boss Lendoiro who rushed to the court and hugged the staff couldn't stop crying. This is him

The glory that he has brought to the team after more than ten years of hard work, in a poor town that cannot support the La Liga championship team, is precisely based on his years of blood transfusion and club policies regardless of the cost - such as forcing players to sign long-term contracts.

, with the help of the mercenary Lion who sells players, the team is what it is today. And he also realized his childhood dream: to become a great club president!

Even if he knew that this might be the final pinnacle of his entire career as chairman, it still wouldn't be in vain for him to sit on the green sponge chair cushion with large and small holes in the club meeting room for more than ten years.

Many veterans who have followed Deportivo for many years are as out of control as him. For example, Mauro Silva, an old guy who always smiles, is about to retire. He originally thought that he could retire with such a team.

I never imagined that I would experience such a wonderful night.

When it was his turn to lift the trophy and face the romantic fireworks in the sky, the veteran had already developed a strong desire to retire: there is no more pursuit.

For him, he has missed the opportunity to pursue personal honors. He is a defensive midfielder, and it is difficult to win glorious individual awards. As for collective awards, he has got everything he wants! Especially this night.

Toyota President Fujio Zhang personally announced the best player of the game: Wang Ai, a foreign aid from China in the Depor team, and handed a car key to Wang Ai on the spot amidst the cheers of the crowd. This is also unique to the Toyota Cup

It’s a unique place. Since it opened in 1980, the best players can drive away the cars on the sidelines! Of course, the players are either from Europe or South America, and they can’t drive them home directly, but the meaning is very interesting. After all, in the early days,

Toyota also needs to make such efforts in order to promote its own cars.

Wang Ai has a bit of difficulty with the car. He is not yet 18 years old and cannot pass the Chinese driver's license test, nor can he pass the Spanish driver's license test. If he is given a car, he can basically look at it but not touch it. But deep down in his heart, he has an impression of Toyota cars.

Generally speaking, because he is a very handsome person, and although the handling of Toyota cars is good, the appearance is quite satisfactory. Besides, the relations between China and Japan have been tense in recent years. He wants to ride in Toyota cars on the road, which will have a bad impact. Otherwise, how can he even connect with Japan?

He hasn’t accepted any ads, which is inappropriate. As a sports star with great influence, he must pay attention to this. Not only does he ask for it, but many of his sponsors also ask him to do so, for fear that he will get into trouble and affect his image.

, which delayed the sales of the products he endorsed.

So when he returned to the hotel to celebrate, he thought about it and decided, forget it, just give it away.

Who should he give it to? All his Chinese friends have cars, or rather, all his friends have cars. Even Ozil, who does not have a driver's license, has prepared a car and is now driving it for his brother.

After going around in a circle, I suddenly remembered that in addition to using his annual salary for his family, almost all of it was donated to his hometown of Las Palmas, which is a few islands floating in the Atlantic Ocean outside the entrance to Gibraltar.

Islands. Even many substitutes in the team have their own cars, but he does not. He walks to and from work all day carrying a broken bag.

The poorest Spanish international player is none other than him.

Compared with the old captain Forlan and the current captain Pablo, Belleron's skills are not much higher than theirs, but his personality and professional ethics are widely admired both inside and outside the team. In a sense, Belleron is

This Deportivo has injected a spiritual temperament that is different from other teams. Although his humble character does not and will not accept too much praise, his influence within the team is superb and he never competes with him.

When teammates quarreled and their teammates became anxious, he didn't get angry and was always so conscientious. Although this is different from the way good people are born in China's atheistic environment, he can be regarded as a good person who sets an example.

Wang Ai has always admired this kind of people.

After arriving at Deportivo, Belleron was the first major player to extend a hand of friendship to Wang Ai, which helped Wang Ai quickly open up the situation. After Wang Ai gained a huge reputation, he was not jealous. His family member Wang Ai often

He often came to Wang Ai's house, and he even learned to use chopsticks and speak simple Mandarin. On the court, their styles are also very similar, with delicate footwork, willingness to assist, and concentration. Even though their personalities are carefree,

A devout Christian and a Communist became friends who talked about everything.

Apart from football, what they actually talk about most is charity. In terms of earning power, Belleron's low-key personality and the development of Spanish football make him far inferior to Wang Ai, and the amount of donations is even more incomparable, but he is worse than Wang Ai Yes: The purpose of his donation is very pure, unlike Wang Ai who has so many calculations.

So, after Wang Ai took the key and entered Beleron's room, he said with a smile: "This car belongs to you! Busman?"

Bellelon sat on the bed and shook his head with a smile. He was used to taking the bus every day.

Wang Ai sat next to him and put his arms around his shoulders: "What? I still need to give you gasoline."

Beleron smiled shyly: "Your prize represents your undisputed performance and contribution."

On the surface, Beleron, who is 12 years older than Wang Ai, does not look like a big brother at all.

"That's why it's even more memorable." Wang Ai put the key in Belleron's hand: "The future football king's first major competition prize, the last Toyota Cup prize, the testimony of our friendship, so much

Title, are you still embarrassed to refuse it?"

Beleron hesitated. Although he had only been in contact with Wang Ai for more than a year, he knew what Wang Ai's personality was like. Every time Wang Ai returned to China for more than a year, he would definitely bring gifts to his teammates. Over the past year, he had eaten and drank at Wang Ai's house.

It can also be seen that the Chinese people's temperament actually does not like the AA system that is very clear.

"You have to do more good deeds, and you have to do what you can. At least you can't make yourself work too hard. This will affect your physical fitness and condition, which will affect your money making, and then jeopardize your ability to do good deeds."

"Okay, thank you." Beleron could not refuse, so he accepted this precious gift.

"Oh, by the way!" Wang Ai turned around and warned before leaving the house: "You can't sell it! If you want to sell this testimony of our friendship, you have to wait until I retire and the commemorative value is at its highest before selling it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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