Chapter 115: Mi Yang Design (10)

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Chapter 115 Mi Yang’s Design (Ten updates, first order please)

Mi Yang didn't have the slightest sympathy for Liu Chan's regretful look.

He led Guan Ping out of the prison door, leaving Liu Zhang and Liu Chan's father and son alone time.

When Mi Yang and Guan Ping came outside the prison door, Guan Ping asked Mi Yang, "Zi Sheng, is what you just said true?"

Hearing what Guan Ping said, Mi Yang knew that what he was asking was what he had just said, that in the future Zhuge Liang and others would convict Liu Zhang based on mere suspicion.

"No." Mi Yang replied flatly.

"Zhuge Gong's temperament is frank, but he is not ignorant."

“He strives to be fair and impartial throughout his life.

According to his method of governing the law, he would not convict Liu Jiyu based on mere suspicion."

Seeing Mi Yang say this, Guan Fangping breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the Zhuge Gong he knew.

But then he asked, "Then why did Zi Sheng say that?"

Facing Guan Ping's doubts, Mi Yang smiled and said, "There is not a single lie in what I said."

"If Liu Chan rebels under the rule of Cao Cao and Sun Cai, how can Liu Zhang be spared?"

"We believe that Duke Zhuge will not be like thieves Cao and Sun, but how can people like Liu Chan, who are hostile to the king, believe in Duke Zhuge's righteous heart?"

"A mean person will always think of others the same as himself."

"I did not directly state how Zhuge Guild would deal with Liu Zhang. I only reminded Liu Chan how common sense would punish him."

"As for Liu Chan feeling regretful and fearful because of his distrust of Zhuge Gong, that is his own business and what does it have to do with me?"

Seeing that Mi Yang seemed to be well prepared, Guan Ping couldn't help but smile and said, "Zi Sheng, are you trying to trick Liu Chan?"

His thoughts were exposed by his friends, Mi Yang just smiled faintly.

"How can I get what I want if this villain doesn't cheat?"

"As for whether Liu Chan will reveal the information I want because he is worried about Liu Zhang's safety, I can't guarantee it, but it's always right to give it a try."

"After all, Liu Chan is still a human being, and there is still some family affection between father and son."

"And Tanzhi, don't you still have some people left alive?"

"Even if Liu Chan doesn't tell us, we can still get what we want from those living mouths."

"Liu Chan, I just did it just in case, to verify the authenticity of the news."

After Mi Yang and Guan Ping left, only Liu Zhang and Liu Chan were left in the cell.

When Liu Zhang saw Liu Chan being bound by ropes, he couldn't help but reach through the fence and untie Liu Chan's ropes.

Liu Zhang knew that there were heavy troops stationed outside the cell at this time. Even if all the ropes on Liu Chan were untied, Liu Chan would not be able to get out from here.

He just did this to make Liu Chan feel more relaxed.

Liu Chan, who was grinning just now, was as quiet as a sheep when Liu Zhang untied the rope from his body.

Liu Zhang looked at the blood stains on Liu Chan's body. His movements were very gentle, like an old cow licking a calf, for fear of hurting Liu Chan.

While he was untying Liu Chan's body, tears were streaming down his face.

I still remember that Liu Chan was playful when he was young and accidentally fell into the pool.

Although Liu Chan was rescued by the guards around him, he started crying out of fear.

Later, when Liu Zhang, who was still a shepherd in Yizhou at that time, learned about this incident, he immediately left his official duties and came to comfort him.

At that time, Liu Zhang was half-kneeling on the ground as he is now, cleaning the water and weeds from Liu Chan's body.

Under Liu Zhang's comfort, Liu Chan finally stopped crying.

Perhaps in the eyes of Fazheng, Zhang Song, Meng Da and others, Liu Zhang was not considered a qualified lord.

But in Liu Chan's eyes, Liu Zhang has always been a qualified father.

After untying the rope from Liu Chan's body, Liu Chan, whose hands were freed, immediately grabbed Liu Zhang's hands.

There was a cry in his words now, and he said with regret, "I'm sorry, father, I'm sorry!"

"From the beginning, I just wanted to help my father regain his country, and from the beginning, I just wanted to take on this matter."

"If it succeeds, my father's great cause can be restored. If it fails, I will die myself, and my father will have an elder brother to inherit his legacy."

"I never wanted to implicate my father."

Listening to Liu Chan's words full of regret, Liu Zhang did not blame Liu Chan.

He stroked Liu Chan's hair with his hands and arranged his long hair.

"I believe in Chan'er, how could Chan'er intentionally harm me?"

Just as Liu Chan said, if he wanted to implicate Liu Zhang at the beginning, then Liu Zhang still had more than a hundred soldiers in his palace, and he would not want to use them.

After all, since Liu Zhang arrived at the police station, Liu Chan was the only son by Liu Zhang's side, and Liu Zhang had left almost all affairs in the government to Liu Chan.

Under such circumstances, it would be extremely easy for Liu Chan to mobilize the hundreds of personal guards belonging to Liu Zhang.

But at this time, Liu Zhang asked Liu Chandao in confusion, "Since joining the police, Xuande has always treated my father and son preferentially. Why do you have to do such a dangerous thing?"

What Liu Zhang said was true. Liu Bei not only returned all the property belonging to Liu Zhang to Liu Zhang without any movement.

He even had a lot of trust in Liu Zhang's two sons.

If not, where would Liu Chan have the capital to rebel today?

In Liu Zhang's impression, Liu Chan's character was more similar to his own, quite gentle.

He really didn't expect that Liu Chan would have the courage to do such a thing.

Faced with Liu Zhang's confusion, Liu Chan finally revealed what was in his heart.

"Back then, I, Jiguan, sent supplies to Baishui Pass on my father's order."

"It happened that General Yang went to have a banquet at Liu Bei's invitation, so I went with him."

"At that banquet, General Yang and Liu Bei were still enjoying themselves as host and guest.

But I didn’t expect that Liu Bei would suddenly kill General Yang.”

"I was sitting next to General Yang at that time. When his warm blood splashed on my face, I felt extremely frightened."

"Later on, every time I woke up from my dreams in the middle of the night, I would think of General Yang's tragic death in front of me."

"I'm afraid, father."

"I'm afraid of me, I'm afraid of my brother, and I'm afraid that my father will end up like General Yang one day."

"Everyone in the world praises Liu Bei for his benevolence and righteousness, and his actions in recent years are worthy of the name of benevolence and righteousness.

But he is already old. If a new master succeeds in the future, I wonder if the new master will protect my father and son?"

"The only way to avoid being the victim of a sword is to become a sword bearer."

"That's why I got involved with Lu Meng, even if I can't help my father return to Yizhou in the future.

But as long as my father is not under Liu Bei's rule, because Sun Quan is afraid of Liu Bei, Sun Quan will definitely use my father and son's influence on Yizhou to contain Liu Bei.

Only in this way can our family be protected."

After hearing what Liu Chan said, Liu Zhang asked Liu Chan again, "What about your brother? He is in Yizhou, aren't you worried about his safety?"

Seeing Liu Chan mention Liu Xun, Liu Chan knelt down and replied:

"Originally I made an agreement with Lu Meng that as long as I help him capture Guan Yu, he will help me exchange Guan Yu for Liu Bei in exchange for my brother."

After learning Liu Chan's full plan, Liu Zhang couldn't help but laugh a few times. His son was still too naive.

But the matter has come to this, and now it is more important to save Liu Chan's life.

So Liu Zhang helped Liu Chan up, made him look at him, and then said:

"With the current plan, there is only one way to save my family."

Then Liu Zhang explained his method.

After listening, Liu Chan's face moved slightly, seeming to be unwilling.

But looking at the old and gray-haired Liu Zhang, he finally had no choice but to accept Liu Zhang's proposal.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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