Chapter 162 Renamed Yong'an5000 words!

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Chapter 162: Able to bend and stretch, renamed Yongan (5000 words!)

The dust kicked up by the horse's hooves flew between Mi Yang and Deng Ai. When the dust fell, Mi Yang could fully see Deng Ai's face.

At this time, Deng Ai was also surrounded by the Han troops present.

According to contemporary people's aesthetic standards, Deng Ai should be considered decent-looking.

But unfortunately, his dirty demeanor ruined Deng Ai's overall temperament.

Looking at the sincere hope on Deng Ai's face, Deng Ai's pleading words just now echoed in his ears. After dozens of Han soldiers surrounded Deng Ai, Mi Yang did not order them to capture Deng Ai.

Kill them on the spot or kill them on the spot.

At this time, Guan Ping, Zhang Bao and others who were behind Mi Yang had also stepped forward to protect Mi Yang.

Zhang Bao's temperament was even more impatient. He drew out the long knife from his waist and pointed it at Deng Ai in front of him and said: "That thief, how dare you assassinate my general!"

After Zhang Bao finished speaking, he ordered his soldiers to step forward and capture Deng Ai.

But a voice came from behind him, stopping his action.

"Wait a minute."

Zhang Bao looked puzzled when he heard Mi Yang's stop.

After all, judging from Deng Ai's performance just now, his sudden move to stop the driver was indeed a bit like an assassin.

Not only Zhang Bao thought so, but also Guan Ping and others, including dozens of Han soldiers present, thought so, otherwise their reaction would not have been so great.

The sudden scene at the East Gate Recruitment Office has frightened the remaining nearly a thousand young men.

Having lived under Cao Cao's rule for many years, they are well aware of the strictness of laws in troubled times.

According to Cao Cao's law, if an assassin appears in a team, the team will most likely be implicated.

Thousands of young people returning to the south saw that because of the movement here, the Han troops on duty near the east gate were coming here in a steady stream.

In order to prevent some of the people returning to the south from deliberately causing trouble and causing panic, Ma Liang deployed layers of troops outside Xiangyang City.

The sound of countless armors clashing around them sounded, and the thousands of young men all collapsed to the ground in fear.

There was only one thought in their minds at this time, they were going to be killed by this man named Deng Ai!

After Mi Yang stopped Zhang Bao, he drove his horse forward and came to his side.

He said to Zhang Bao: "He is not an assassin."

Facing Mi Yang's determined expression, Zhang Bao wanted to remind Mi Yang not to take it lightly.

Mi Yang smiled and continued: "Have you ever seen an assassin in the world who dared to commit murder with bare hands?"

"Besides, assassins are all about surprise. If he wants to assassinate me, he should come straight at me. How can he stop me in front of me?"

"He just wants to recommend himself."

Mi Yang's judgment made Zhang Bao gradually put down the suspicion and vigilance on his face.

In addition to the above two judgments, Mi Yang concluded that the person in front of him was not an assassin, but also because he already knew that the person in front of him was Deng Ai, who was famous in history.

Deng Ai's reputation in history is mixed, but he can definitely be regarded as a man with great ambitions and an ability to bend and stretch.

If you assassinate yourself in public outside Xiangyang City, even if you succeed, you will definitely not be able to escape death in the end.

For people who are flexible and flexible, they would not do this kind of thing.

At this time, Deng Ai, who was not far in front of Mi Yang, listened to the calm judgment in Mi Yang's mouth, and the tension in his heart gradually dissipated.

In fact, when Deng Ai made this move just now, he only did it after mustering up great courage in his heart.

If you rashly stop in front of someone like Mi Yang, it is very likely that you will be directly treated as an assassin and be killed on the spot.

But Mi Yang is right in front of him now, and Deng Ai doesn't want to give up such a good opportunity to get ahead.

He was betting his life that Mi Yang would be as wise and decisive as rumored. Now judging from Mi Yang's words, he made the right bet this time!

Because of the tension in his heart, Deng Ai's palms are now sweaty. He is not as calm as he appears on the surface.

Although he believed that he was an undiscovered talent, he was still young after all and had not experienced any major battles.

At this time, the first Han army to come to the rescue had arrived at the scene. The leading general raised his hands to Mi Yang and said, "General, are there some unruly people causing trouble?"

Mi Yang waved his hand and ordered him to lead the team back to their original posts.

The general looked at the somewhat tense atmosphere at the scene. Although he felt strange in his heart, under Mi Yang's order, he could only leave.

After the general left with his troops, the other Han troops who were on their way noticed the departure of the Han troops, so they also gave up on coming here and returned to their original posts to garrison.

This scene made Qian Qianzhuang, who had been paralyzed with fear, finally regain some vitality.

After settling these matters, Mi Yang rode up to Deng Ai.

Before Mi Yang came to Deng Ai, Deng Ai looked at Mi Yang's tall body. He felt that Mi Yang had a vague aura that was oppressing him.

This made Deng Ai's breathing become a little short.

Mi Yang ordered the horse's head to line up with Deng Ai's, then he lowered his body and asked in a curious tone: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Facing Mi Yang's question, Deng Ai saw that Mi Yang, who was still out of reach in the legend before, was now three feet away in front of him, and he began to feel excited.


Deng Ai's answer made Mi Yang let out a light sigh.

"If you're afraid, why are you doing this?"

Mi Yang continued to ask.

Deng Ai took a deep breath, raised his head to meet Mi Yang's clear eyes, and replied firmly: "Because Ai wants to follow the general and make contributions."

Deng Ai's answer made Mi Yang laugh.

"Just now you said you had a plan for me. Tell it. I will listen carefully."

Mi Yang's tone was sincere, and his tone sounded like the sound of nature to Deng Ai's ears.

Over the past few years, many dignitaries came to pay homage to Chen Taiqiu outside Xiangcheng.

However, under Deng Ai's self-recommendation, those dignitaries never gave him a chance to fully explain the strategy he had in mind because of Deng Ai's stuttering.

Now Mi Yang gave him this opportunity.

Infected by Mi Yang's sincere tone, Deng Ai suppressed his excitement, and then he said in Mi Yang's ear:

"In the first battle of public security, the general made outstanding achievements and became famous all over the world. He has been worshiped as a general."

"According to Ai's expectation, when the population exchange between the two armies of Han River is completed, the general will be arranged by the King of Hanzhong to leave the town."

"Among the two states of Jing and Yi, the general has the greatest reputation in Jingzhou. It is very likely that the King of Hanzhong will arrange for the general to go out to control a certain county in Jingzhou."

"But Ai thinks that stealing is a plan for the general's future. The general cannot guard Jingzhou and should take the initiative to request to go to Dongsan County."

Deng Ai's stuttering problem still exists. When he starts to speak at length, the stumbling feeling in his speech is even more difficult to ignore.

If this fell into the ears of others, they might interrupt Deng Ai before he could finish speaking a few words.

But Mi Yang was different. Faced with Deng Ai's verbal confrontation, his face never showed any sign of impatience.

He did not rush Deng Ai, but patiently waited for Deng Ai to organize his words and continue speaking.

Mi Yang's performance made Deng Ai feel warm in his heart.

This kind of warmth was something he had never experienced from an outsider before.

When Mi Yang heard Deng Ai's suggestion that he leave the three counties in the east of Zhendong, the look on his face changed.

Most people could guess what Deng Ai said before, but his last suggestion made Mi Yang take it seriously.

Because of his concern, Mi Yang no longer sat on his horse and listened condescendingly to what Deng Ai said.

He jumped off the horse, looked at Deng Aiping, and stretched out his hand to tell him to continue talking.

After Mi Yang dismounted, Deng Ai, who was immersed in his own world of strategy, did not realize that it was an act of disrespect for him to look at Mi Yang levelly.

He squatted down directly and started to use the stones on the ground under Mi Yang to plan for Mi Yang on behalf of Dongsan County.

As soon as Deng Ai squatted down, Mi Yang also squatted directly opposite him, watching him use the stone as a command to guide the mountains and rivers.

In the past years, because Deng Ai lived in poverty, he often used stones instead to decorate the terrain of military formations.

So those inconspicuous stones seemed to have turned into flexible military fortresses in his hands.

"Last year the King of Hanzhong sent troops to Hanzhong, ordered General Liu and others to seize Shangyong and other counties, and finally ordered General Guan to attack Xiangfan in the north."

"Ai found out that the intention of the King of Hanzhong was to build a Northern Expedition front line from Hanzhong to Xiangyang relying on the Han River to completely complete Zhuge Gong's Longzhong strategy."

"This year, the King of Hanzhong's intention has been achieved."

"With the connection of the Han River, the three strategic locations of Hanzhong, Dongsan County and Xiangyang have been connected into one."

"Because of the Han River, the three important places are closely related to each other and connected with each other."

"Compared to Hanzhong and Xiangyang counties, although Dongsan County is located among the mountains, it is the hub of the entire Han River defense line."

"If the three eastern counties are lost, the connection between Hanzhong and Xiangyang will be cut off immediately, and they will not be able to coordinate with each other to achieve the effect of the joint Northern Expedition."

"Although Dongsanjun does not directly face powerful enemies from the north, due to its special geographical location, the generals stationed in Dongsanjun can either bypass Hanzhong and attack Yongliang in the north, or they can directly go east along the river and attack Wanxuzhi in the hinterland of the Central Plains.


"Surrounded by mountains, the three eastern counties are easy to defend and difficult to attack. During the Northern Expedition, the defenders of the three eastern counties have no worries and can mobilize all their troops.

Moreover, the Han River flows in the three eastern counties, making it easy to transport grain and grass from both east and west."

"A man in this world is determined by his military exploits. Cao Cao has been asking for such a place, but he can't get it. Wouldn't it be a pity if the general abandons it and doesn't ask for it?"

As he spoke, Deng Ai fiddled with the stones on the ground. Under his fiddling, a rough map of the three eastern counties was roughly drawn on the ground full of loess.

After Deng Ai finished speaking, he looked at Mi Yang expectantly, and he was overjoyed when he saw Mi Yang's expression seemed to be excited.

But at this time, Mi Yang said: "Although Dongsan County is a strategic location, it is not rich. If we use Dongsan County as a base to send troops in the future, what will happen if there is insufficient food?"

Faced with Mi Yang's question, Deng Ai already had a plan in mind.

He pointed to the "Three East Counties" on the ground and said: "Though the Three East Counties are surrounded by mountains, their territory is vast and there is no lack of plain land in the territory."

“The most important thing is that there are water systems throughout the three counties in the east.”

"Those who eat food cannot survive without water."

"If the general can garrison the three eastern counties, he can open large canals, divert water to irrigate the plains, accumulate military supplies, and open canal roads."

"And there is no war in the three eastern counties in peacetime, so the general can vigorously carry out the policy of farming."

"Within a few years, the grain produced by the three eastern counties will be enough for the general's army to march in all directions."

After hearing what Deng Ai said, Mi Yang asked the last question in his mind.

"Not long ago, the King of Hanzhong had assigned General Right to go to Dong to oversee the Three East Counties. How could the King of Hanzhong order me to garrison the Three East Counties again?"

This news was something Deng Ai didn't know before, but he still knew the previous information about the world-famous Zhang Fei.

A thoughtful look appeared on Deng Ai's face and he replied: "General Right was previously highly regarded by the King of Hanzhong and was stationed in Langzhong, Brazil."

"Langzhong, Brazil, is a place in the heart of Yizhou, and there are many foreign ethnic groups in Brazil. The king of Hanzhong will not easily change the guard of such an important place."

"Ai thinks that the King of Hanzhong's decision to order General Dong on the right to supervise the three eastern counties is just a temporary measure. General, don't worry."

"Given the general's current prestige in military exploits and his close relationship with the King of Hanzhong, if he asks to lead troops to garrison the three eastern counties, the King of Hanzhong should be willing to do so."

After hearing what Deng Ai said, Mi Yang, who was squatting on the ground, couldn't help but raise his head and laugh.

At this time, under the gaze of thousands of people around them, they discovered something strange.

Mi Yang, who had an extraordinary bearing and a great reputation, was squatting on the ground regardless of his identity, and approached a "beggar" who was in tattered clothes and spoke stumblingly.

He watched attentively as the "beggar" played with the stones on the ground that only children could play with, and at the end he burst out laughing.

Not only Qian Qianzhuang could not understand this scene, but even Zhang Bao and others who were good friends with Mi Yang were also very surprised.

Because Deng Ai's voice was not loud, and they were not around Mi Yang, the people around him could not hear clearly what Deng Ai said to make Mi Yang laugh.

For those who didn’t know, they would have thought that Mi Yang was chatting with some famous person in the world.

Zhang Bao rode his horse and approached Guan Ping. He asked Guan Ping in a low voice, "Frankly speaking, is Zisheng like this in the police station?"

Facing Zhang Bao's inquiry, Guan Ping glared at him fiercely.

Can he say that he has never seen Mi Yang like this?

No, as his best friend, I can't say that.

After Guan Ping glared at Zhang Bao, he hummed softly: "Sometimes."

After hearing Guan Ping's answer, Zhang Bao showed a thoughtful look on his face.

It seems that he still has a long way to go to become a famous general.

After Mi Yang finished laughing, he patted Deng Ai on the shoulder and said, "You are very talented. You can be my assistant from now on."

Seeing that Mi Yang appointed him as his assistant, Deng Ai excitedly bowed his head to Mi Yang.

Shu Zuo is an assistant officer who handles documents.

Shuzuo is a kind of subordinate official who is directly eliminated by the superior, and can be regarded as the direct descendant of the superior.

Because Mi Yang is a partial general and is not qualified to open a government now, he does not have many official positions that he can take charge of.

The Shuzuo may not seem to have a high position, but he is a direct descendant of the chief. As long as the chief's official position becomes higher and higher in the future, the Shuzuo's official position will also rise accordingly.

If Mi Yang can open a government in the future, Shu Zuo will most likely become the chief secretary of the shogunate.

Deng Ai was born into a poor family and suffered from slurred speech. Mi Yang was able to confer such an official position on him for the first time when they met, which was already a big deal.

It turns out that what Deng Ai was thinking was that if Mi Yang could accept him, then he would be willing to serve as a halberd man in front of Mi Yang's tent.

After Mi Yang appointed Deng Ai as his assistant, Deng Ai said to Mi Yang: "My mother is seriously ill. Please ask the general to borrow some money to treat my mother."

After finishing speaking, Deng Ai bowed to Mi Yang again.

Mi Yang was stunned when he heard Deng Ai's words. As soon as he joined the job, he asked his boss for money. This Deng Ai.

But Mi Yang didn't care about this. He took out a piece of gold from his bag and handed it to Deng Ai.

He came out today with only this piece of gold.

"Go ahead."

When Deng Ai saw Mi Yang take out a piece of gold and give it to him, he waved his hand and refused, "You don't need so much, you don't need so much."

Facing Deng Ai's refusal, Mi Yang smiled and said, "This gold is a gift from me."

"The strategy that Shi Zai offered today is worth ten gold coins. Now I pay one gold coin in return. On the contrary, I am treating Shi Zai poorly."

Mi Yang's words made Deng Ai's nose feel sour. No one had ever valued him so much, despite his low status.

With the slightest warmth flowing in his heart, Deng Ai tightly held the piece of gold in his hand.

Kindness without saying thanks.

Finally, Mi Yang patted Deng Ai on the shoulder and encouraged him: "Being poor is not a shame. Only those who are able to bend and stretch, and work hard to make progress are real men!"

After saying this, Mi Yang got up and mounted his horse again. Then he ordered Wang An to register for Deng Ai, and then he drove the horse and Guan Ping and others to gallop away.

After Mi Yang left, Deng Ai kept repeating Mi Yang's words of encouragement to him. The more Deng Ai thought about it, the brighter his eyes became.

This sentence almost expressed his true feelings.

At this time, Wang An came to Deng Ai and said to Deng Ai: "It's lucky that you met my general today, otherwise you would have died long ago."

"That's true of you. The general just told me to take you in, but you're still so impulsive."

When Wang An's words reached Deng Ai's ears, Deng Ai's eyes showed huge shock.

He originally thought that Mi Yang didn't intend to accept him, so he took the initiative to recommend himself.

Moreover, he just thought that Mi Yang was so kind to him that he didn't care about his background and stuttering after seeing his courage and talent.

But what I didn't expect was that it turned out that Mi Yang had planned to recruit him into the army from the beginning, and he did not discriminate against him from the beginning.

Deng Ai, who was filled with incomprehensible feelings, bowed deeply to Mi Yang's leaving figure.

You treat me as a nobleman of the country, and I will repay you as a nobleman of the country!

Jiangxia County, Yongan City.

Sun Quan, who had been lucky enough to save his life, was taking a nap on the bed in the county palace in Shaxian City.

But in his dream, he once again dreamed of the scene of being chased by Mi Yang that night.

Just when Mi Yang's spear was about to hit him in the dream, Sun Quan woke up from his dream.

Sun Quan woke up with a cold sweat all over his body. He stretched out his hand and touched his neck. When he found that there was no hole on it, he let out a long sigh of relief.

We can't blame Sun Quan for having such a suspicious reaction after waking up. Everything in the dream just now was too real.

Now that Sun Quan thought about it, he could still recall the murderous intent shining on the spear in his dream, as well as the wanton look on Mi Yang's face.

After waking up, Sun Quan immediately ordered people to summon Lu Xun.

After he was lucky enough to survive under the protection of Lu Xun, he did not return to Jianye immediately.

Because he was worried that Mi Yang would take the opportunity to attack Jiangxia.

The first thing he did when he came to Yong'an City was to immediately change the name of Jiangxia County from Shaxian to Yong'an.

Yongan, Yongan, I hope Jiangdong can survive the next crisis safely.

The author must clarify that it was not intentionally out of context.

But now that readers have responded, I will pay attention to this issue in the future.

Chapter 3 today, don’t stay up late after reading it.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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