Chapter 167 Mi Yang returns to the north, Tzuyu seeks peace

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Chapter 167 Mi Yang returns to the north and Ziyu asks for peace

After days of recruiting troops in Jiangling, Mi Yang finally recruited about 4,000 new soldiers from the captives of the Wu army.

Originally, Mi Yang only planned to recruit about 3,500 soldiers, but now there is no harm in recruiting about 500 more.

At that time, he can select 500 of the most elite among the 1,500 police officers and form them into his direct personal army.

After recruiting soldiers, Mi Yang planned to set off north to return to Xiangyang.

There are still 5,000 new soldiers he has recruited outside Xiangyang City. When he returns to Xiangyang City, he will randomly add the 4,000 soldiers newly recruited from Jiangling City to the 5,000 new soldiers. His pretense of a 10,000-strong army will not matter.

Preliminarily set up.

On a vast plain in Jingbei, a huge team was marching slowly.

There are thousands of people in this team, and in the center of this huge team, there are many vehicles driving.

The thousands of soldiers in the huge team were the new soldiers Mi Yang had just recruited, and the many vehicles escorting them were mostly items belonging to the general's palace.

At the front of this team were two generals, Mi Yang and Guan Ping.

Mi Yang looked at Guan Ping, who was riding beside him, and remembered that he and Guan Ping went south to guard the police station on this official road.

Now a few months have passed, and the two people who were not well-known at the beginning have now become famous generals in the world, which makes Mi Yang feel a little emotional.

Mi Yang said to Guan Ping beside him: "Frankly speaking, you will have to go out to control Jingzhou County in the future."

Mi Yang's words made Guan Ping feel a little depressed.

A very important reason why Guan Yu wanted to hold a wedding ceremony for Mi Yang and Guan Yinping in a hurry was that when things happened in Jingzhou, Mi Yang would leave Jingzhou.

Although Guan Yu did not tell Guan Ping where Mi Yang would leave town next, as long as he was not in Jingzhou, it would be difficult for him and Mi Yang to meet each other again in the days to come.

After all, both of them have grown up and each has responsibilities and duties. They can no longer be as free and inseparable as they were when they were children.

Thinking of this, Guan Ping felt a little uncomfortable.

Guan Ping replied in a low voice: "My father told me before that he would appoint me as the prefect of Wuling and guard Jingnan."

That day, he and Mi Yang went south to fight the enemy together, but today they went north together to go their separate ways.

Things in the world are unpredictable, which makes people sigh.

After hearing Guan Yu's arrangements for Guan Ping, Mi Yang nodded.

It seems that after Sun Quan's sneak attack on Jingzhou last year, Guan Yu began to really pay attention to the defense of Jingnan.

The original name of Gong'an County was Chiling, which was originally a county under Wuling County.

However, Liu Bei later changed the name of Xiaoling to Gong'an and used it as his administrative seat in Jingzhou.

Because of this move, the police have a layer of specialness.

With the capture of Xiangyang, Jingzhou's military center of gravity will inevitably move closer to the north of Jingzhou.

In this case, the police may gradually lose their specialness.

Now Guan Yu intends to appoint Guan Ping as the prefect of Wuling, probably because he wants to turn Gong'an City into the administrative seat of Wuling County.

Guan Ping was then asked to serve as the prefect of Wuling and stationed at the Public Security Bureau, responsible for the defense of the entire Jingnan area.

The current public security guard is Li Yan, but Li Yan is the governor of Qianwei and a representative of the Dongzhou faction. It is only a temporary move for Liu Bei to let him guard the public security.

When Liu Bei returns to Yizhou, he will definitely take Li Yan away.

This kind of arrangement is very good for Guanping's future development, and can also ensure the safety of Jingnan.

Mi Yang heard the depression in Guan Ping's voice. If Guan Ping was stationed in Jingnan in the future, he would be stationed in the three eastern counties, one in the south and one in the north. It would indeed be difficult to meet him.

Although he didn't want to give up, he had a cheerful personality. He smiled and said: "Why be upset if you can be frank."

"Although you and I will not be together in the future, as long as we work together to revive the great cause of the Han Dynasty, we will definitely meet again one day."

"Perhaps in a few years, I will open my palace. At that time, I will write to the king and transfer you to my shogunate. Wouldn't it be wonderful?"

Hearing what Mi Yang said, a look of joy appeared on Guan Ping's face.

Mi Yang is the partial general and Guan Ping is the Yamen general. Neither of them are qualified to open a mansion now.

After Liu Bei claimed to be the King of Hanzhong last year, he actually called himself the Great Sima of the Han Dynasty. Mi Yang and Guan Ping were both generals directly appointed by Liu Bei, so they were regarded as the shogunate generals of Liu Bei's Great Sima of the Han Dynasty.

Once Mi Yang opens his government in the future and becomes independent from Liu Bei's shogunate, Mi Yang can recruit subordinate officials and generals on his own. By then, it is indeed possible for him to transfer Guan Ping to his command.

And Mi Yang knew that this day was not far away.

Because Cao Cao is about to die, and once Cao Cao dies, that funny guy Cao Pi will definitely be able to usurp the Han.

Once Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty, in order to stabilize the hearts of the people, Liu Bei would naturally continue the Han tradition and ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. After ascending the throne, Liu Bei would enfeoff all the ministers.

Based on Mi Yang's previous achievements, his position as general will make a big jump.

After Mi Yang comforted Guan Ping, Mi Yang began to look behind him.

Guan Ping noticed Mi Yang's gaze. He thought about his sister in the team behind him, and a smile appeared on his face.

He thought Mi Yang was secretly looking at his future wife, but he didn't expect that Mi Yang was looking at a man.

After Mi Yang looked at the man, he turned to Guan Ping and said, "Frankly speaking, why do you think Ambassador Wu is here?"

Guan Ping didn't expect that Mi Yang was actually concerned about Wu Shi, and a strange look appeared on his face.

He left his beautiful girl alone and went to see the man who was in trouble, this Zi Sheng!

How did Guan Ping know that Mi Yang only wants to pursue a career now?

Mi Yang noticed the strange look on Guan Ping's face, but he ignored it and just talked about his judgment in front of Guan Ping.

"According to my prediction, envoy Wu came here to ask for peace from the king."

Upon hearing Mi Yang's judgment, Guan Ping's attention was immediately attracted.

It's just that he has some different opinions on Mi Yang's judgment.

Guan Ping said to Mi Yang: "Sun Quan just attacked Jingzhou and was defeated. He shouldn't be so shameless and send envoys to sue for peace."

"I guess this envoy from Wu is here to test whether the king has any intention of attacking Jiangxia."

The envoy Wu mentioned by Mi Yang and Guan Ping was Zhuge Jin and his party who had just arrived in Jiangling City not long ago.

Because Zhuge Jin arrived in Jiangling City just when Mi Yang was about to set off north, so Zhuge Jin went north with Mi Yang.

Although people in Liu Bei's influence now hate Sun Quan, in the face of Zhuge Jin, as Zhuge Liang's brother, Chen Dao, Mi Yang and others are still quite kind to him.

Along the way, Zhuge Jin just stayed quietly among the advancing team, firstly not getting close to Mi Yangtao, and secondly not ordering his men to go around to inquire about information, as if he was here to enjoy the scenery of Jingzhou.

Facing Guan Ping's suggestion that Sun Quan would not be so shameless, Mi Yang sneered.

That's his more shameless side that you haven't seen yet.

Historically, Sun Quan was under pressure from Liu Bei during Liu Bei's Eastern Expedition. After sneaking into Jingzhou and killing Guan Yu, he could still lick his face and send Zhuge Jin to sue Liu Bei for peace, let alone now that he was weak.

As long as he can keep his Sun family's inheritance, there is nothing Sun Quan can do.

Mi Yang waved his whip and pointed at the working people in the fields next to the official road. He said to Guan Ping: "Spring plowing has arrived, and many fields in Jingzhou have begun to be cultivated. At this time, our army is no longer suitable to raise a large army again. This will take a long time."

siege campaign."

"If Wu's envoy is just to find out whether the king intends to raise an army, he only needs to inform Sun Quan of the scene he saw, then Sun Quan will naturally feel relieved."

"Why does he have to go north to meet the king?"

"It's just for the sake of re-alliance."

After Mi Yang said this, Guan Ping nodded with approval.

Then he came to his senses and spat softly: "Zi Sheng was right when he scolded him at first. This Sun Quan is a shameless villain."

After scolding Sun Quan, Guan Ping asked Mi Yang: "Does Zisheng think the king will agree to Sun Quan's request?"

Mi Yang was not sure about this either.

According to the news he had received before, the population exchange between the two armies outside the Han River was nearing completion.

The Wei army on the north bank of the Han River was gradually retreating. Similarly, under Liu Bei's order, part of the Yizhou army also began to return to Yizhou.

With the arrival of spring, the water volume of the Han River began to gradually become abundant, and the best time for the Wei army to cross the Han River had passed.

Under such circumstances, in order not to delay the spring plowing in Yizhou, Liu Bei began to order the generals of Yizhou to lead their troops back one after another.

The reason why Liu Bei has not yet set off to return to Yizhou is that in addition to helping Guan Yu sort out Jingzhou's internal affairs and rearrange Jingzhou's personnel, what should be hesitant is how Sun Quan should deal with it.

Now that Sun Quan has taken the initiative to reveal his willingness to seek peace, it depends on how sincere he is.

If it is big enough, Liu Bei may not be able to agree.

"Let's take a look."

Mi Yang finally replied like this.

After several days of trekking, Mi Yang's huge team finally arrived outside Xiangyang City.

After arriving outside Xiangyang City, Mi Yang led the four thousand recruits he had just recruited to the newly built military camp for him outside the city.

Guan Ping, on the other hand, escorted his family members and all the belongings in the mansion to the prefect's mansion in the city.

As for Zhuge Jin and his party, Ma Liang, who had been waiting at the city gate all morning, took them to the camp on the south bank of the Han River.

Zhuge Jin held the messenger talisman in hand and entered the heavily guarded Han army camp step by step under Ma Liang's welcome.

When he entered the Han army's camp, he carefully observed the number of troops still present in the Han army's camp.

When Ma Liang was leading Zhuge Jin, he noticed Zhuge Jin's probing eyes. He smiled and said, "What Ziyu wants to know is, how many troops are there in our camp?"

Seeing that Ma Liang had seen through his intentions, Zhuge Jin bowed to Ma Liang and said apologetically: "I share my worries with the Lord. I am rude, so please forgive me."

Although Zhuge Jin is not as talented as Zhuge Liang, he is also a man of character. After Ma Liang saw through his intentions, he did not bother to quibble, but generously apologized for his rudeness.

Facing Zhuge Jin's apology, Ma Liang smiled slightly.

Ma Liang respected Zhuge Liang very much and regarded Zhuge Liang as the idol he had pursued throughout his life.

Because of his affection for Zhuge Liang, Ma Liang had a good first impression of Zhuge Jin.

After seeing Zhuge Jin apologize to him, Ma Liang returned the favor and said, "Although many soldiers have been evacuated from our army camp recently."

"But now in the camp, there are still 40,000 heavenly soldiers waiting for battle."

"With this force, it will not be easy to compete in the Central Plains, but if you go down the river and take revenge, it should be about the same."

"At least, there are enough measures to unify Jingnan."

Ma Liang has a very good tutor. His tone of voice is very gentle, and his words are mainly sincere and gentle.

Originally, such words would make people very relaxed, but after hearing Ma Liang's words, Zhuge Jin's eyes suddenly condensed.

He heard the threat in Ma Liang's words.

But Ma Liang looked calm. He was not threatening, he was just stating the facts.

Who told him to be sincere?

After Ma Liang took the initiative to confess, Zhuge Jin also stopped looking around. He narrowed his eyes and followed Ma Liang to the outside of Liu Bei's tent.

After the person who announced the arrival turned around and conveyed Liu Bei's order to meet him, Ma Liang led Zhuge Jin towards the tent.

After entering the tent, Ma Liang went to his seat and sat down, and then Zhuge Jin walked step by step to Liu Bei and bowed to him.

"General Hussar sent Zhuge Jin to pay homage to the King of Hanzhong."

Liu Bei, who was sitting on the main seat, looked at Zhuge Jin, who looked somewhat similar to Zhuge Liang, and his eyes showed a little softness.

He stretched out his hand to support her and said, "Tzuyu, please get up."

"We said goodbye that year, but it's been several years since we last saw each other."

As early as when Zhuge Jin and his party arrived at the police station, Li Yan reported to Liu Bei that Sun Quan sent Zhuge Jin.

Since then, the whereabouts of Zhuge Jin and his party have been closely watched by Liu Bei.

Because he was concerned about the whereabouts of Zhuge Jin and his party, Liu Bei had already known that Zhuge Jin would arrive today, and he had already made preparations to meet Zhuge Jin.

The "goodbye" in Liu Bei's words refers to a very unpleasant event that happened to the Liu and Sun families.

In the 20th year of Jian'an, Liu Bei acquired Shuchuan from Liu Zhang. After Sun Quan learned that Liu Bei had captured Yizhou, he asked Liu Bei for Jingzhou.

Liu Bei refused, and Sun Quan was very angry about this, so he sent Lu Meng to lead an army to attack Jingzhou. Because Liao Li, the governor of Changsha, fled without fighting, the three counties of Jingnan fell.

After Liu Bei learned the news, he immediately led troops from Yizhou to support Jingzhou.

At that time, a war between the two families was about to break out. Later, Cao Cao invaded Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, and the two families began to make peace.

The two families agreed to divide Jingzhou equally, that is, with the Xiang River as the boundary, the Jiangxia County, Changsha County, and Guiyang County of Jingzhou belonged to Sun Quan, and the Nan County, Lingling County, and Wuling County of Jingzhou belonged to Liu Bei. This was the demarcation of the Xiang River.

At that time, it was Zhuge Jin who served as Sun Quan's envoy to discuss the demarcation of the Xiang River.

Of course Zhuge Jin could hear what Liu Bei meant in his words.

But he followed Liu Bei's intention and said: "Back then, both sides fought for Jingzhou, but in the end they were able to make peace and fight together against the powerful enemy."

"Today's situation is very similar to that day. Jin hopes that today's mission will go as smoothly as that day."

After listening to Zhuge Jin's words, Liu Bei and the ministers in the tent understood why Zhuge Jin came.

At this time, even Ma Liang, the most well-educated person in the tent, had a look of disdain on his face.

After the surprise attack on Jingzhou resulted in a huge defeat, he still dared to send envoys to seek peace. Sun Quan, a villain with no sense of etiquette, justice and shame, will be ashamed of the world that gave birth to him.

Fortunately, Zhuge Jin had a good younger brother, otherwise he would have been thrown out of the tent by Guan Yu and the Han officials.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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