Chapter 189: Death in Retribution Shen Yi's Thoughts

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Chapter 189 Killing oneself in retribution Shen Yi’s thoughts

Before Mi Yang entered the inner room, he called Zhang Yi to enter with him.

Among this navy of tens of thousands of people, the large ship Mi Yang boarded was not only the headquarters of the army's central army, but also Mi Yang's residence.

The inner room on the boat is Mi Yang's private sleeping quarters.

Before Mi Yang led Zhang Ni in, Mi Yang asked Guan Yan to go to the other room first, and he summoned Zhang Ni alone in the inner room.

Regarding the two talents arranged by Liu Bei this time, Mi Yang valued Zhang Yi more than Lu Yi.

The evaluation of Zhang Yi in history is: his appearance and words should not be shocking, but his strategy can be calculated and his resoluteness can establish his authority.

You must be loyal to your ministers, you must be upright and upright in your conduct, and you must pay attention to the rules when doing anything. Although the heroes of ancient times are so far behind!

Among the ministers of the Ji Han Dynasty, there were not many who could compare with Zhang Yi in such an evaluation.

Unfortunately, because Zhang Yi was mainly active in the post-Three Kingdoms period, few people know about his deeds.

After entering the inner room, Mi Yang asked Zhang Yi to sit down. Zhang Yi was somewhat flattered by Mi Yang's move.

He was born into a poor family, which caused him to suffer a lot of neglect since childhood.

Mi Yang, who is now of high status, allows herself to enter his dormitory. This is a sign of respect and trust.

However, Zhang Yi had a strong character and was not a shy person. After bowing to Mi Yang, he sat down in the inner room.

After Zhang Ni sat down, Mi Yang asked Zhang Ni, "What does Bo Qi think of the Shen brothers in Xing County, Han Dynasty?"

For Zhang Yi, in Mi Yang's heart, his importance is no less than that of Deng Ai.

Next, if he wants to quickly control the situation in Hanxing County, he needs to make good use of every card in his hand.

Although he currently has a certain reputation in the world and currently has nearly 10,000 troops in his hands, as the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress local snakes. Mi Yang will never take local snakes like the Shen brothers lightly.

And Zhang Ni, a talented person with both civil and military skills, will become an extremely important arm for him in the future.

Facing Mi Yang's inquiry, Zhang Yi pondered for a while and then replied: "There are only three counties in Hanxing County now. As early as the Chuping period, Xicheng and Shangyong counties were under the control of the Shen brothers.

For more than twenty years, I think the Shen brothers have become deeply entrenched in Xicheng and Shangyong counties."

"The prince of Fu first came to Hanxing County. Although he had a great reputation, his reputation was not deeply rooted in the hearts of the local people."

"Therefore, at this time, if the emperor wants to govern by himself, the Shen brothers will definitely become an obstacle to the emperor."

"When there were bandits attacking the city in the county where I was serving, I suspected that the bandits' actions might not have anything to do with the wealthy families in the county."

"Never forget the past and be the guide of the future. The Lord should be wary of the Shen brothers."

Listening to Zhang Yi's judgment, Mi Yang showed a look of approval on his face.

This is why he looked for Zhang Yi to discuss how to face the Shen brothers.

Zhang Yi was born into a poor family. Such a person would naturally not have a good impression of the local powerful.

In addition, Zhang Yi once served as a meritorious official in a county, and the meritorious official was called Youzhi, who was in charge of the personnel promotion of a county.

With this experience, Zhang Yi will have a deeper understanding of local powerful people than ordinary people.

Zhang Ni became famous for protecting the county magistrate's wife and fighting his way through the bandits. But what kind of bandits can be powerful enough to attack the county seat and even make the county magistrate abandon the city and flee?

Mi Yang, who had been following Liu Bei in battles since childhood, also felt that such bandits must not be ordinary bandits, but were probably outsiders recruited by the wealthy families in the county.

This is also a common method used by local powerful people in the world. They respect themselves by raising bandits. Once the county magistrate or prefect does not meet their wishes, they will attract bandits to attack the city, disperse or even kill the county magistrate or prefect.

Just before coming in, Mi Yang's words, "Political affairs must be decided by oneself" had already made Zhang Yi get to know Mi Yang again.

Now that Zhang Yi saw the look of approval on Mi Yang's face, he had a deeper understanding of Mi Yang.

Just now at the banquet, Zhang Yi saw Mi Yang and Shen Yi chatting happily, and thought that Mi Yang was not very experienced in the world and was easily credulous.

After all, it is one thing for Mi Yang to have outstanding military exploits, but managing politics and fighting wars are not the same thing.

The key to managing politics is to know the affairs of the world before you can manage them.

Zhang Yi is from Sichuan and knows something about Mi Yang's past.

He had heard about Mi Yang's reputation as one of the "Four Friends of the Prince", so he just thought at the banquet that Mi Yang was an ordinary noble prince who didn't know much about the world, so he was unprepared for Shen Yi.

Now it seems that Zhang Yi was worrying too much.

Mi Yang is not only good at fighting, but also has a deep understanding of the dangers of people's hearts and human affairs.

Mi Yang looked at Zhang Ni. Since Zhang Ni had a clear understanding of the situation in Hanxing County, he should have a way to deal with it.

So he continued to ask Zhang Yi: "Since Bo Qi thinks that the Shen brothers will become an obstacle to me, does Bo Qi have any strategies to teach me?"

Seeing Mi Yang asking what his plan was, Zhang Yi recalled Mi Yang's behavior at the banquet just now.

From the fact that Mi Yang called him into the inner room alone and asked him what he thought of the Shen brothers, it can be seen that Mi Yang should have already had the intention to get rid of the Shen brothers.

Therefore, Mi Yang's behavior at the banquet just now was probably to confuse Shen Yi.

After guessing Mi Yang's intention, Zhang Yi replied: "If what you expected is correct, what Lord Caifu did at the banquet just now was an act of subterfuge and deliberately lowered Shen Yi's vigilance."

Seeing that Zhang Yi guessed his purpose, Mi Yang smiled and nodded. Zhang Yi is indeed a person with both wisdom and courage.

Whether in terms of the purpose of completely controlling Hanxing County or Shen Yi's subsequent performance in history, Mi Yang would not let go of local tycoons like the Shen brothers who could easily start a rebellion.

But Mi Yang also knew that the power of the Shen brothers had been operating in Hanxing County for many years and must have penetrated deeply into all aspects of Hanxing County. Under such circumstances, even if he had an army of 10,000 people, he could not act rashly.

Either they don't move, or if they move they will be killed with one blow, preventing the Shen brothers from having a chance to counterattack.

To achieve this goal, playing hard to get is of course the best way.

Zhang Ni met Mi Yang's smile and continued: "The ruler is wise and the Shen brothers cannot be eliminated. At this time, the ruler should not confront them head-on."

"According to Yi's thinking, it is better for the prince to continue to be on good terms with Shen Yi and further reduce their vigilance."

"The Shen brothers have been entrenched in Handong for many years. I guess they are cunning people. A temporary friendship is not enough to make them lower their guard."

"When the future Lord arrives at Shangyong, he can secretly send people to collect evidence of the Shen brothers' crimes, and on the other hand, he can step up the training of his soldiers."

"Once the soldiers under Fu Jun's command are trained and have the strength to fight, we will find an opportunity to wipe out the power of the Shen brothers in one day."

After listening to Zhang Ni's plan, Mi Yang stood up happily. He came to Zhang Ni. As soon as Mi Yang got up, Zhang Ni also immediately stood up from his seat.

At this time, Mi Yang held Zhang Ni's hand and praised, "Bo Qi has a good plan, and he has the talent to govern the world."

Regarding how to deal with the Shen brothers, Mi Yang had already discussed with Deng Ai, and the final strategy they came up with was similar to what Zhang Yi suggested.

The reason why Mi Yang wanted to discuss with Zhang Yi was so that he could gain understanding through listening.

After all, among his ministers, Zhang Yi is the only one who has served in various places and is trustworthy.

Zhang Yi, who was now experienced, also proposed a similar strategy, which made Mi Yang more confident about eliminating the influence of the Shen brothers in Hanxing County in the future.

Faced with Mi Yang's praise, Zhang Yi felt a little ashamed and did not deserve it. After all, he could also see that Mi Yang might have already had a similar plan.

After praising Zhang Yi, Mi Yang continued to say to Zhang Yi: "I have always had the idea of ​​forming a pro-army before, but I had no choice to lead it.

I talked with Bo Qi today and learned that Bo Qi is a talented person. I would like to invite Bo Qi to be appointed as the governor of my account, but I don’t know what Bo Qi wants.”

After the recruitment of troops in Jingzhou was completed, Mi Yang planned to draw 500 elite soldiers from the original 1,500 public security soldiers to serve as his direct personal troops.

Although he also found many worthy people during his previous recruitment.

But in the face of life and death matters, compared to those newly invested talents, Zhang Yi, who has been proven by history, is undoubtedly the person he can rely on more at the moment.

After all, regardless of his ability, Zhang Ni's loyalty and bravery are famous in history.

As for the newly recruited talents, after he fully controls Hanxing County, he will naturally train them and put them to good use.

Mi Yang is now a partial general and does not have the power to open a government, but he can still appoint some positions on his own, such as Deng Ai's secretary and the post of governor.

Menxiadu means the governor under the tent, mostly the personal commander of the general of an army.

Those who can take up the position of sect governor must be a close confidant of the commander-in-chief.

Moreover, although the rank of the subordinate governor is not high now, it is still a position with a rank of 300 shi, which is the same rank as the general magistrate of a small county.

Previously, Zhang Yi was only engaged in one state, and his rank was not comparable to that of Baishi.

In the future, as Mi Yang's military rank rises, the rank of the subordinate governor of Zhang Yi's family will also rise, reaching the highest level of Qian Shi, which is considered to have entered the ranks of high-ranking officials.

Seeing that Mi Yang invited her to serve as his disciple, Zhang Ni was moved with emotion on his face.

Lu Yi, who followed him together, has not yet been granted any position by Mi Yang.

Moreover, when he defended the county magistrate's wife and fought a bloody path, although he made great achievements, in the end he was just on the same level.

Now that he has been favored by Mi Yang, he has directly jumped to the third level. This is a sign of Mi Yang's respect and trust in him.

Zhang Yi immediately knelt down to Mi Yang and said, "Mr. Mengfu believes in love, and Yi will kill himself to repay him."

Mi Yang has a bright future, is sharp and wise, and has great trust in him. Zhang Yi has no reason not to follow such a person.

Moreover, the reason why Liu Bei transferred him to Mi Yang was to let him follow Mi Yang well.

Zhang Yi has a prudent character and does not speak nice words, but he is a man who values ​​love and justice. Once he speaks his words, he will definitely use his life to fulfill his promise.

Seeing Zhang Ni bowing down, Mi Yang quickly helped Zhang Ni up, and then he said to Zhang Ni: "I have an army of five hundred. I will allocate it to you as soon as I arrive in Shangyong City."

Faced with Mi Yang's arrangement, Zhang Yi did everything he could.

In the county office in Xicheng County, Shen Yi, who had just got off the boat and looked drunk, was sitting alone in the inner hall.

Shen Yi was alone at this time, and his face was flashing with thoughts. Looking at his current appearance, there was no trace of the drunkenness he had just in front of Mi Yang.

Shen Yi was thinking about Mi Yang's every move at the banquet just now.

On the surface, Mi Yang was not as arrogant towards him as Liu Feng, nor was he as wary as Zhang Fei.

But Shen Yi is no longer the younger brother who needed his elder brother's guidance.

After being in charge of the affairs of a single city for many years, he has a clear understanding of the unpredictable nature of people's hearts.

Moreover, Mi Yang has a remarkable reputation, and Shen Yi will not take him lightly.

It is not in line with Shen Yi's character to judge Mi Yang's character through just one meeting.

Shen Yi did not have any rebellious intentions, but he knew that Mi Yang, as the governor of Hanxing County, had an army of ten thousand in his hands. If he had any evil intentions towards the Shen family, it would undoubtedly be a serious matter. Tough things.

In fact, for Shen Yi, he didn't care who the prefect of Hanxing was, nor did he care whether he was the prefect.

What he cares most about is whether the prefect of Hanxing County will pose a threat to his Shen family and whether it will hinder the expansion of his Shen family's power in Hanxing County.

So Mi Yang's attitude and actions next determined Shen Yi's attitude and actions towards him.

Although Mi Yang had 10,000 troops in his hands, his Shen family had been operating in Hanxing County for many years.

If it really comes to the point of a military confrontation, the Shen clan soldiers who occupy the right location and people may not necessarily be incapable of fighting.

After thinking about it, Shen Yi leaned on the desk and started writing a letter.

Soon after, a letter was written.

Shen Yi called to a tribesman. After the tribesman came in, Shen Yi handed him the letter written in his hand and asked him to set out overnight to deliver the letter to Shen Dan in Shangyong City.

After receiving the letter, this tribesman left quickly.

After the clan members left, Shen Yi extinguished the lights in the room.

Let’s see what Mi Yang will do next.

If he really has no bad intentions, that's fine. If he has any bad intentions next, then the Shen family is not someone to be trifled with.

With this thought in mind, Shen Yi finally fell into a deep sleep.

Soon after, Shen Dan in Shangyong City received a letter from Shen Yi.

After reading the contents of the letter, Shen Dan's face looked heavy.

He knew his brother's character. Compared to him, his brother was a little more ambitious.

In the past, Shen Yi's proactive attitude indeed played a huge role in promoting the expansion of the Shen family's power.

But things are not what they used to be.

When the world was in chaos and the princes were divided, there were no powerful princes around Hanzhong County.

That's why the Shen family was able to grow rapidly with its local influence in troubled times.

But now, Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong, has basically unified the two states of Jing and Yi.

Under such circumstances, the Shen family can no longer show any disobedience.

This was also the reason why he originally moved his wife, children, and clan to Chengdu as hostages.

If Shen Yi doesn't change his character, sooner or later, he will harm the Shen family.

With this thought, Shen Dan immediately wrote a reply and asked the Shen clan member to take it back to Xicheng to Shen Yi.

good night everybody.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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