Chapter 193 The army is divided into three and seven cut as orders

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Chapter 193 The army is divided into three and seven orders.

Under Mi Yang's idea, he only planned to divide his army of more than 10,000 into three battalions.

Because if his army of more than 10,000 people is divided into five battalions, then there are not many generals who can command one battalion.

Deng Ai, Zhang Yi, Meng Da, Ding Feng, etc. Mi Yang currently has these four generals who can command a battalion alone.

It was impossible for Mi Yang to disperse all the 10,000-strong army to the generals, leaving only 500 personal guards for himself.

Therefore, in Mi Yang's idea, dividing the 10,000-strong army into three battalions, each with 3,000 men, was the most beneficial army structure for him.

First, after dividing the 10,000-strong army into three battalions, there are still 1,000 people left in the 10,000-strong army. Mi Yang can incorporate them into his own army, so that the number of his own soldiers will reach 1,500.

To achieve this, Mi Yang only needs to make some adjustments to the original army organization.

The specific adjustment is to convert the original two songs into one, into three songs into one, and then combine the five groups into one battalion, which will be 3,000 people.

As for the commander-in-chief of the three battalions, Mi Yang also had a candidate in mind.

The candidates are Meng Da, Zhang Yi and Deng Ai.

Meng Da was originally the commander-in-chief of the First Army, but because of his crimes, Liu Bei deprived him of all military power and demoted him to the rank of Sima of the First Army under Mi Yang.

However, Mengda's ability to command troops did not change because of this, and judging from his previous attack on Dongsan County, his military strategy was not bad.

As for Zhang Yi, it goes without saying that his ability and loyalty are both the best choices at the moment.

As for Deng Ai, although he is still young and has never led an army alone, Deng Ai is the most qualified among the three.

What he lacks is just exercise and his current lack of prestige and reputation, but this will never change if he keeps Deng Ai by his side.

So Mi Yang's plan is that after splitting the army into three battalions, Meng Da and Zhang Yi's two battalions don't have to worry too much.

In Deng Ai's camp, Mi Yang prepared to serve as the commander-in-chief himself, and Deng Ai appointed him as deputy general.

Then Deng Ai could use his own prestige to initially take charge of the battalion.

Then Mi Yang put Ding Feng into this camp and used his experience to assist Deng Ai. Deng Ai was extremely talented and expected to grow up quickly.

After Mi Yang announced this arrangement, Meng Da felt that it was natural, and both Zhang Ni and Deng Ai were grateful to Mi Yang.

Zhang Yi was previously appointed as the subordinate governor by Mi Yang and was in charge of his personal army.

But not long after he became the sect commander, Mi Yang once again entrusted him with important tasks and appointed him as the commander-in-chief of the first battalion.

This made Zhang Yi feel beyond words to express his gratitude to Mi Yang, and he only thought about serving Mi Yang well in the future in order to repay him.

After Deng Ai learned about Mi Yang's arrangement, he was extremely moved.

But his feelings for Mi Yang were already full, so he just kept Mi Yang's kindness in his heart silently.

To command a battalion of soldiers originally requires the rank of captain or general.

However, due to urgency, since the world has been in chaos for decades, countless seniors have already worked out a solution to this problem for Mi Yang.

The method is very simple. Mi Yang is currently the prefect of a county, and the prefect can directly appoint the county captain.

The three battalions founded by Mi Yang can nominally give the three meng Da the title of county lieutenant in the three counties of Hanxing County.

It can be said that the three county lieutenants, as the military attachés who maintain the security of a county, command thousands of county soldiers.

After initially deciding on the commander of the third battalion, Mi Yang began the most important step.

Since ancient times, as a general, once the number of the army under his command increases, he will inevitably divide the army under his command and hand it over to his generals to command respectively.

For example, today Mi Yang divided the main part of the 10,000-strong army into three, commanded by Meng Da, Zhang Yi, and Deng Ai respectively.

This is a practical need, because one person's ability is limited and it is impossible to directly command every soldier.

If you want to command the army smoothly and freely, you must establish a strict organizational structure and then assign generals to lead it.

But as a general, you must firmly hold the military power in your hands.

Zhuge Liang had already warned Mi Yang before he came:

"The one who has military power is the commanding officer of the three armies and the power of the general."

To put it simply, military power is the foundation for Mi Yang, the commander-in-chief, to settle down and live his life.

In peacetime, the specific symbol of military power is the tiger symbol.

But when the Tiger Talisman comes into play, it is a period of peace for the dynasty.

Because of the strong deterrent power of the central government, the tiger charm issued by the central government has the greatest effectiveness.

But these are troubled times, and things like the Tiger Talisman have long lost their maximum effectiveness.

In troubled times, if you want to firmly control the military power of your army, you must rely on the methods of the general.

One very important reason why Mi Yang appointed Meng Da, Zhang Yi, and Deng Ai as the actual controllers of the three battalions was that there was never any connection between these three people.

Moreover, except for the good relationship between Zhang Ni and Deng Ai among these three people, Meng Da looked down upon Zhang Ni and Deng Ai.

This will prevent these three people from connecting in private and threatening him.

This is a check and balance made from the upper structure.

Of course, this is not enough.

Among the 10,000 troops, the one who was most loyal to Mi Yang was not Deng Ai or Zhang Yi, but the 1,500 public security soldiers Mi Yang specially brought from the public security city.

This is one of the biggest achievements that Mi Yang gained after the first battle with the police.

Those 1,500 police officers, under Mi Yang's combination of kindness and power, had already given up their hearts on Mi Yang.

Among the 1,500 public security soldiers, 500 were accepted by Mi Yang as personal soldiers, and there were still 1,000 left.

Mi Yang's plan is to make these one thousand people become grassroots officers at all levels in the three battalions of the army.

Commanding an army must be carried out through a corresponding organizational structure, and the foundation of the army's organizational structure lies in each grassroots officer.

Once Mi Yang appointed one thousand public security soldiers as junior officers in the nine thousand army.

So relying on the loyalty of these thousands of public security soldiers to Mi Yang, they will naturally be optimistic about this army for Mi Yang, allowing Mi Yang to achieve the goal of completely controlling this army.

Even if some of the three battalion commanders wanted to rebel against Mi Yang, they would not be able to command their armies at all.

This is the best way to completely control an army.

Moreover, appointing a thousand public security soldiers as grassroots officers at various levels in the army will also have an advantage.

That is, these 1,000 public security soldiers are all veterans who have experienced blood and fire wars. Under their leadership and training, this 9,000-strong army can quickly demonstrate its combat effectiveness.

"One person can teach ten people, ten people can teach hundreds of people, a hundred people can teach thousands of people, a thousand people can teach ten thousand people, and three armies can be taught."

Under Mi Yang's arrangements, and with the assistance of a thousand public security soldiers, within a few days, the general framework of the three battalions of the army was completed.

A few days later, the sky was clear and clear, and a newly built high platform stood on top of the school field in the river valley.

At this moment, Mi Yang was standing on the high platform, looking at the vast army below.

Different from the thousands of police soldiers he faced in the public security city in the past, the nearly 10,000 troops standing below him now were truly his army.

It is also the life guarantee that he will rely on to survive in troubled times in the future.

For this reason, Mi Yang must train the nearly ten thousand troops under the high platform into a strong army.

At this time, only Mi Yang was on the high platform. There was no friend Guan Ping beside him to remind him, and there was no famous general Yu Jin beside him to teach him experience.

All subsequent training matters for the army can only be arranged by Mi Yang himself.

As the saying goes: "If an army has no practice, a hundred will not be equal to one; but with practice, one will be equal to a hundred."

Mi Yang, who grew up under the tutelage of famous generals, knows that there are four main aspects in training soldiers:

Teach them propriety and justice, teach them loyalty, warn them with punishments, and intimidate them with rewards and punishments.

These four essentials are the prerequisites to ensure that the army under his command can obey orders, and among these four essentials, Mi Yang believes that the third point is the most important.

Strict military discipline is the basis for building a strong army.

When Mi Yang stood on the high platform, nearly ten thousand troops under the high platform were also looking up at Mi Yang.

Since they joined Mi Yang, the preferential policy of "three meals a day, one meat every seven days" that Mi Yang had previously promoted has been implemented and has not broken its promise once.

Under such circumstances, Mi Yang established initial credibility in their hearts.

Just when the eyes of nearly ten thousand troops were looking at Mi Yang on the high platform, they saw Mi Yang on the high platform start to wave.

Then hundreds of Mi Yang's soldiers in front of them began to step forward, with their hands on their hips, reciting the military order that Mi Yang had personally ordered:

"If you don't arrive at the scheduled meeting, if you can't listen to the drums, if you take advantage of the wide space to stay to yourself, if you stay away from yourself, if you are close at first and then far away, if you don't respond to your name, if you don't have chariots and armor, and if you don't have weapons prepared, this is a light army, and those who are light soldiers will be killed.

When orders are received but not passed on, when orders are given but not reviewed, when officials are confused, when golden drums are not heard, when flags are not seen, this is called an arrogant army, and those who act arrogantly will be killed.

There is no provision for food, there is no army, there is uneven distribution of gifts, there is a personal relationship that takes things that are not theirs, there is a loan that is not repaid, and there is a person who takes a person's head in order to gain merit, this is called robbing the army, and those who steal the army are beheaded.


Under the recitation of hundreds of Mi Yang's pro-troops, military discipline orders written by Mi Yang himself began to be passed on to the ears of nearly 10,000 troops.

The sound of killing orders floated in the deep river valley, causing fear to appear on the faces of the nearly ten thousand troops.

Mi Yang issued a total of seven execution orders, targeting seven situations: light army, slow army, stealing army, bullying army, carrying army behind, disrupting army and misdirecting army.

The beheading order is very strict, but if it is not strict, it will not be possible to produce a strong army.

The seven execution orders that Mi Yang issued today actually come from the military book written by Zhuge Liang.

Historically, Zhuge Liang relied on this strong military discipline to never fall behind even in a decisive battle with the Wei army in the Guanzhong Plain.

History books also record the military discipline of the Han army after Zhuge Liang implemented the above seven orders.

"Light up your body and lead the troops to attack Qishan. The formations are in order, rewards and punishments are solemn, and the orders are clear."

"This is the basis for dividing the troops into camps and stationing them for a long time. The cultivators are mixed among the residents of Weibin, but the people are safe and secure, and the army is selfless."

"Their troops come in and out like guests, marching without bandits, eating grass and not hunting, just like in the country. Their troops are stationary like mountains, advancing and retreating like wind. When the troops go out, the world is shaken, but people's hearts are not worried.

When marching in the bright light, it is quiet and strong; it is quiet but easy to move; when strong and strong, it can advance and retreat. The bright law is clear, rewards and punishments are known, and the soldiers use their lives and go to danger without hesitation."

Various historical data show that under the strict military law, the military discipline and combat effectiveness of the Han army were greatly improved.

It is in sharp contrast to the Wei army who are like robbers.

Mi Yang comes from a later era when soldiers and civilians were as close as family members.

Although due to the circumstances of the times, Mi Yang was unable to develop an army as strong as the disciples of later generations.

But since strict military discipline can not only improve combat effectiveness but also ensure that the people are not harassed by soldiers under his command, Mi Yang has no reason not to implement it.

After hundreds of Mi Yang's soldiers read the military discipline set by Mi Yang, more than ten thousand troops under the high platform instantly fell into a big commotion.

In order to ensure that every soldier can understand military discipline, Mi Yang made some originally complex military discipline contents simple and easy to understand, and replaced them with common terms of the day.

But precisely because every soldier understood the military discipline promulgated by Mi Yang, many people had a look of fear on their faces when faced with this strict military discipline.

Those who were originally young and strong in Jingzhou were not bad. They were originally honest and responsible farmers. After years of oppression, they developed a submissive character.

As long as they are not unable to survive, they will not easily become rebellious.

And although the military discipline set by Mi Yang was very strict, each of his execution orders was concise, concise and meaningful.

This actually made those people in Jingzhou feel that they had laws to follow and that they would not be beheaded innocently.

Externally, they are citizens who must strictly abide by Han law; internally, they are soldiers who must strictly abide by military discipline. They think this is natural.

Only that part of the Wu army surrendered. Originally, their military discipline was not good when they were in Jiangdong, and some bad habits had already been developed.

So when they heard the military discipline set by Mi Yang, they had the biggest reaction.

But the thousands of Wu troops surrendered because the police had been in awe of Mi Yang since the first battle.

In addition, because Mi Yang had initially established credibility in their hearts, the mood of the thousands of Wu soldiers who had surrendered gradually stabilized under the pressure of their respective generals.

The thousands of Wu soldiers who surrendered could only silently hope in their hearts that they would strictly abide by military discipline in the future and never violate any of the seven execution orders.

After seeing that the mood of the nearly ten thousand troops below gradually stabilized, a satisfied smile appeared on Mi Yang's face.

With these Seven Cut Orders as the basis of discipline, he should be able to train a strong army with strict military disciplines soon.

After reading out the seven execution orders in public, Mi Yang ordered General Deng Ai to come up to the high platform.

After the three generals Deng Ai came to the high platform, Mi Yang handed over the three military disciplines he had personally copied to the hands of the three generals.

And he solemnly warned: "The seven orders govern me above and control the soldiers below. You and the other three must strictly remember these seven orders. Otherwise, if you violate military law in the future, I will not spare you."

"Ruling the army is the responsibility of the generals who command the troops. I will give you a copy of this Seven-Death Order. You must memorize it after you return to camp."

"After you have memorized it by heart, you should also urge your generals and soldiers to memorize the Seven Killing Orders one by one."

No matter how good military discipline is, if it is not implemented, it will be nothing but a piece of paper, and the prerequisite for implementation is familiarity with it.

Hundreds of soldiers have just read the Seven Kills Order aloud. It is certainly not possible for all the soldiers present to remember the contents of the Seven Kills Order, so the next step is to rely on the three generals Deng Ai to supervise.

When Deng Ai and the other three generals heard Mi Yang's words, their expressions froze.

Mi Yang's words "Govern me from above, rule the soldiers from below" made Deng Ai and the others realize that Mi Yang attached great importance to the Qizhan Order.

So the three of them knelt down to accept the order after taking the Seven Cut Order from Mi Yang.

Some readers have some thoughts on the recent plot, so I’ll explain it here.

The so-called farming has nothing more than three aspects: organizing the army, reforming production, and controlling local areas. These three aspects complement each other and are indispensable. The current chapter is to develop the content of these three aspects.

There are many ways to deal with the Shen brothers, but the Shen brothers are just a microcosm of the world's powerful people. We must first understand why the powerful powerful people can separatize local governments, so that when reforms are proposed later, everyone will not be confused.

Maybe some readers don't care about this, but I am the author, and it is difficult to agree with everyone. I have to take into account the overall reader's perception.

You have always supported me, which is what I cherish the most.

Today's three chapters took me 12 hours to write and nearly 4 hours to look up information.

Whether it was before it was released or when it has achieved good results now, I have always been thinking hard about writing this work well.

The epidemic situation has been gradually lifted recently, and my work may have to resume in the near future. I don’t know how long it will last.

In addition, many of my family members have recently seen me feeling haggard while writing novels, and they are also trying to persuade me that my health is important, so I may only be able to write two chapters (8,000 words) a day in the near future.

If you guys want to read this book, please ask the author and remember to read it once at the end of the month.

Thank you all for your continued support!

In order not to overstate the word count of the Seven Cut Order, I will post it in the book review area, and those who are interested can read it.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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