Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Become a Class Chao

Mi Fang is nearly sixty years old and has only one son, Mi Yang, who is naturally very precious.

When Liu Bei entered Shu, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang's brother, accompanied Liu Bei to Shu. Liu Bei was grateful that the two brothers Mi Zhu and Mi Fang had not been afraid of hardships and never left for decades. He also felt that Mi Yang, who had been fashionable since childhood, was smart and cute.

He ordered Mi Zhu to take Mi Yang to Shu together, and Liu Bei kept Mi Yang by his side on weekdays, showing great favor.

Later, Mi Fang was appointed as the prefect of Nanjun. Mi Fang, who was eager for her son, ignored the etiquette of a monarch and a minister, and wrote to Liu Bei many times to let Mi Yang return to serve him. Only last year, Liu Bei ordered Mi Yang to come from Shu to Nanjun to serve and accompany Mi Fang.

This shows Mi Yang's status in Mi Fang's heart.

Because she loved Mi Yang, as soon as Mi Yang arrived in Jiangling City, Mi Fang immediately arranged for him to live not far from her dormitory so that she could see Mi Yang at any time.

Because of Mi Fang's arrangement, Mi Yang and Mi Zhong arrived outside Mi Fang's bedroom after passing through several corridors.

When Mi Yang first arrived at Mi Fang's bedroom, he happened to see Mi Fang, who was dressed in deep blue clothes, sending a very unfamiliar person out of the room.

When Mi Yang saw that person and looked at his attire, he immediately knew that this person was the envoy from Jiangdong that Mi Zhong just said!

The sudden appearance of Mi Yang and Mi Zhong also shocked Mi Fang and the envoy from Jiangdong.

Today, Mi Fang had a private meeting with this mysterious envoy from Jiangdong. The discussion was about surrendering to the Lord.

Even if this matter is revealed a little bit, not only the life of the envoy from Jiangdong is in danger, but also the head on Mi Fang's head may not be saved.

Therefore, after Mi Yang and Mi Zhong suddenly appeared, Mi Fang and the envoy from Jiangdong were shocked.

Fortunately for Mi Fang, after seeing his son suddenly appear, he was only surprised and not afraid.

And the fear in the heart of the envoy from Jiangdong suddenly reached its peak.

In order to save his own life, and to successfully complete the mission given to him by his master Sun Quan, the eyes of this envoy from Jiangdong flashed with murderous intent. He pulled out the sword at his waist and was about to take a few steps forward to kill Mi. Yang,

This scene went beyond the expectations of everyone present.

Mi Yang was a young man after all, so he reacted a little faster. When he saw the Jiangdong envoy coming towards him with a sword and murderous intent, he reacted after a while, pulled out the sword from his waist, and confronted him. stand up.

Mi Zhong, who was originally behind Mi Yang, reacted faster. He pulled out his sword faster than Mi Yang, and then stood in front of Mi Yang to guard Mi Yang.

Among everyone present, only Mi Fang, the oldest, was the slowest to react. By the time he reacted, he had already seen that the atmosphere at the scene was tense and seemed to be on the verge of breaking out.

And just when the envoy from Jiangdong was holding a sword and was about to continue walking towards Mi Yang, Mi Fang, who had been quite respectful to the envoy from Jiangdong just now, instantly became extremely angry.

He glared at the envoy from Jiangdong and roared angrily,

"How brave, don't hurt my son."

Mi Fang's roar not only frightened the envoy from Jiangdong, but also made Mi Yang present look at him with admiration.

In Mi Yang's impression, although Mi Fang was a minister of Liu Bei's Yuan Dynasty, had high qualifications, and was now in a high and powerful position, he had always looked like a good old man in front of outsiders, and he rarely appeared as domineering as he does now.

Following Mi Fang's roar, the sound of many armors clashing instantly sounded outside the courtyard where Mi Yang was, and then a solemn greeting came from outside the corridor,

"Is Mr. Fu okay?"

It seems that Mi Fang's bodyguard who was on duty outside heard Mi Fang's roar and thought something was wrong with Mi Fang, so he asked Mi Fang this question.

Mi Fang's roar and the frightening sounds of countless armors clashing outside the corridor made everyone present calm down.

The unknown envoy from Jiangdong turned around and looked at Mi Fang, who was glaring at him. Mi Fang was completely different from the Mi Fang who was just now in the room, who was courteous in front of him and respectful in the back.

It was at this moment that Xu Xiang suddenly began to pay attention to Mi Fang's identity, as if he had only realized it in hindsight.

No matter how unbearable he is, at this time he is still the governor of Nanjun, a frontier official in charge of the life and death of hundreds of thousands of people in a county.

The name of this envoy from Jiangdong was Xu Xiang, whose courtesy name was Ziming. He was a native of Wucheng, Wu County and a fellow countryman of Sun Quan.

The current captain of Jiangdong is Sun Quan's confidant.

Mi Fang's roar caused a subtle change in the situation at the scene. Just as a light flashed in Mi Yang's eyes, the subsequent development of the situation made Mi Yang deeply disappointed.

After Mi Fang saw that Xu Xiang was frightened and continued to attack Mi Yang, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and then a smile appeared on his face and he greeted Xu Xiang. He said to Xu Xiang apologetically,

"Don't worry, Lieutenant Xu, the person coming is my son, and he will definitely not reveal what is going on here.

Lieutenant Xu can safely return to Jiangdong to report to Lord Wu. I will definitely think carefully about your discussion with me today."

Mi Fang's tone was humble, and she emphasized the word "think" at the end of her words. Xu Xiang was also a smart person, and he immediately understood what Mi Fang meant.

In addition, Mi Yang is Mi Fang's son, Mi Fang's performance just now has shown the importance of Mi Yang in his mind, and Mi Yang has absolutely no possibility of betraying Mi Fang, so Xu Xiang nodded with peace of mind,

He said to Mi Fang, "This is the best."

After saying this, Xu Xiang bowed to Mi Fang, then turned and left.

If he had despised Mi Fang just now, but after experiencing Mi Fang's roar just now, he unconsciously had some respect for Mi Fang, and his attitude also improved.

After Xu Xiang turned around and left, Mi Fang turned to look at Mi Yang, who was still holding the sword. He instantly put away the smile on his face. He first looked at Mi Zhong with eyes full of murderous intent.

Mi Yang is his son, but Mi Zhong is not.

After Mi Fang looked directly at Mi Fang with her dangerous eyes, Mi Zhong was so frightened that he lost his mind. Fortunately, Mi Yang stepped forward to defend Mi Zhong at this time. He said to Mi Fang,

"A-Zhong has been by my side as a servant since he was a child. He will not have any second thoughts."

After hearing what Mi Yang said, Mi Fang's murderous gaze gradually dissipated.

As Mi Yang said, Mi Zhong is Mi's family servant. Such a person can be trusted for his loyalty.

For example, the personal guards guarding the outside were all his family servants who had followed him for many years.

But then Mi Fang looked at Mi Yang who was acting without scruples, and snorted coldly, "You come in with me as my father."

After finishing speaking, Mi Fang entered the room first, minding her own business with her hands behind her back.

After Mi Fang entered the dormitory, Mi Yang put away his sword and stared at the direction Xu Xiang was leaving. After a few breaths, Mi Yang immediately made a decision.

He ordered Mi Zhong, "Go out of the house immediately and summon my personal guards. They will ambush outside the city and capture the man just now when he leaves the city."

"If he swears not to be captured, he can be killed on the spot, even if I want his body!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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