Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Mi Yang offers advice

In fact, Mi Yang was a little worried just now. He was worried that Mi Fang would kill him in a rage.

Fortunately, although Mi Fang had bad personal ethics, he was still a loving father and had a deep affection for him.

Seeing that Mi Fang had already acquiesced to his capture of Xu Xiang, Mi Yang knew that the highlight was coming next.

Mi Yang knelt on the ground and asked Mi Fang,

"My father is an important minister of the Han Dynasty, so why would he secretly meet with Jiangdong's envoys?"

"If my son hadn't discovered this earlier, if the king knew about it, the consequences would be disastrous."

Mi Yang used his acting skills to naturally act like a confused son.

After hearing Mi Yang's worries, Mi Fang, who felt that her future was already bleak, burst into laughter.

By this time, he was already a bit broken.

Mi Fang's laughter was full of sarcasm and she said,

"If Zisheng had not killed Xu Xiang today, in a few days it would still be unknown who my master is. How could I be afraid that Xuande would know about this?"

After Mi Fang said these words, Mi Yang quickly raised his head "frightened" and looked at Mi Fang with a shocked expression.

Mi Yang trembled and said in disbelief, "Is it possible that my father and the envoy from Jiangdong are negotiating with each other?"

Looking at the second half of Mi Yang's unspoken words, Mi Fang no longer wanted to hide anything in front of her son.

The escape route he was looking for for himself was cut off by his "unknowing" precious son himself, and then he felt that he was in danger of death. What else did he have to worry about?

"Yes, Sun Quan from Jiangdong wanted to attack Jingzhou again, and Xu Xiang was sent by Sun Quan, Lord of Wu, to surrender to me.

I have met with him more than once."

"And what I just discussed with him is how I will open the city to welcome the Wu army when they approach the city in the future."

After Mi Fang told Mi Yang all the secrets, Mi Yang felt clear in his heart, but he had to pretend to be in disbelief on his face.

His eyes were red and he said to Mi Fang,

"My father is a minister of the Great King Yuancong. He has never had any second thoughts for decades. Why do you have such thoughts today?"

Facing Mi Yang's question, Mi Fang just sneered and said,


Because Guan Yunchang humiliated me too much!"

"Guan Yu has always been contemptuous of scholar-bureaucrats, and he used to have many contemptuous remarks towards me. This is nothing.

As a father, I know that I am a counselor without Kong Ming's stratagem, and I am a military general without Yu Guan Yu, who has Zhang Fei's invincible spirit."

"Guan Yu is General Xuande, and I have been friends with him for decades. For the sake of Xuande's great cause, I can bear no matter how Guan Yu slighted me in the past."

"But he shouldn't be trying to kill me."

"This year he launched his troops to the Northern Expedition. The original plan was to return within half a year at most, but he fought consecutive battles and won a series of victories, which shocked China.

When he was so majestic, he didn't know how hard it was for me to raise troops, horses and food in the rear."

"Jingzhou is no longer the wealthy country it was under Liu Jingsheng's rule.

Since the Battle of Chibi, Jingzhou has been plunged into a three-party melee and has become dilapidated.

In addition, our army currently only has three counties: Jiangling, Wuling, and Lingling. The two counties of Wuling and Lingling are located in Jingnan, which is originally a barbaric land.

In the past, it was difficult for these two counties to be self-sufficient, so how could they raise military supplies to supply the front line."

"Therefore, since Guan Yu went on an expedition this year, I have been supporting his tens of thousands of troops with the national strength of one county. It is not easy to last for several months."

"But just last month, he ordered his envoys to ask me for troops, food, fodder, and ordnance."

"Since the beginning of winter this year, an epidemic has spread in Jingzhou. Our Jiangling County has spent all its national resources to support tens of thousands of troops for nearly half a year. How can we have any troops, food, grass, ordnance to supply the front line?"

"I just told the details truthfully, but Guan Yu thought that I was deliberately delaying military supplies, and even said that,

"You will punish me when you come back"

"How can a father sit back and wait for death when he speaks like this?"

The more Mi Fang talked, the angrier he became. As he talked, he hit the bed beneath him with his hand to show his anger.

Mi Fang's words made Mi Yang fall into silence for a moment.

Most of what Mi Fang said is consistent with historical records. Many people in later generations scolded Mi Fang for selling herself to others in order to gain glory, but in fact, Mi Fang only sold herself to others in order to survive.

However, now that Mi Yang has traveled through time, he doesn't want Mi Fang to sell out.

After listening to Mi Fang's words, Mi Yang immediately spoke emotionally and persuaded,

"I was born in Runan in the fifth year of Jian'an. At that time, the king led troops to attack Xudu. Even when the army was in danger, he still gave me the name Yang, which means sunrise.

Then when I got the crown, the king gave me the title Zi Sheng.

As a ruler, it is virtuous for him to give names and titles to the sons of his subjects.

Lord, after the king acquired Yizhou, he immediately entrusted his father with the great responsibility of enclosing the territory. This is a kindness.

Your Majesty has shown great kindness to our Mi family and has never done anything wrong to our Mi clan. Even though my father has a quarrel with the former general, what does he have to do with your Majesty?

Your Majesty has never betrayed our Mi clan, how can my father betray me now?"

Mi Fang wanted to surrender to Sun Quan because of her grudge against Guan Yu, but this had nothing to do with Liu Bei.

Mi Yang knew that Mi Fang was the guard general of Jiangling. Even if he cut off Mi Fang's way of surrendering to Jiangdong, if he did not inspire Mi Fang's desire to guard Jiangling, then everything would be in vain.

And this can only start from Liu Bei's kindness to Mi Fang.

Hearing Mi Yang mention Liu Bei, a look of shame appeared on Mi Fang's face, and a generous face instantly appeared in his mind, and that face vaguely smiled at him.

Seeing the look of shame on Mi Fang's face, Mi Yang continued,

"In the first year of Xingping, Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian died of illness, and his father and uncle jointly welcomed the king as the lord of Xuzhou."

"In the first year of Jian'an, Lu Bu took advantage of the stalemate between the king and Yuan Shu and took the opportunity to sneak attack Xiapi and captured the king's wife.

At that time, the king's base was completely lost, like a rootless tree, and the wise and brave men around him left one after another.

In the end, only a few people, including his uncle and father, remained loyal to the king.

However, the uncle married his aunt to the king and spent all his wealth and servants to support the king, so that the king's military power could be restored.

At that time, Cao Cao tried to alienate each other and recommended his uncle as the prefect of Ying County and his father as the Prime Minister of Pengcheng.

But neither my father nor my uncle accepted it, and decided to follow the king. At this time, the king was looking forward to reviving the Han Dynasty, so why did my father feel rebellious again?"

Speaking of this, Mi Fang's face became even more ashamed.

Mi Yang continued, "In the second year of Jian'an, the king was defeated again by Lu Bu in Xiaopei, and his father followed him to take refuge in Xuchang.

In the third year of Jian'an, Lu Bu sent Gao Shun and others to break through Peicheng where the king was guarding. The king rode alone to avoid danger.

My father did not avoid danger, and after many twists and turns, he finally reunited with the king.

In the fifth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao personally conquered the king in Xuzhou. The king was defeated and General Guan was captured.

The king fled to Qingzhou, and his father traveled thousands of miles and led the scattered soldiers. After a lot of hardships, he reunited with the king, so that the king would not become a general without soldiers.

In the fifth year of Jian'an, my father followed the king to Runan, where he and the king killed Cai Yang.

In the sixth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao attacked the king, and the king was defeated in Runan. His father protected the king and fled to Xinye.

In the thirteenth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao personally led his army southward, Liu Cong surrendered, and his father followed the king in retreating southward.

In that battle, all my brothers and sisters were killed, but my father still had no regrets and continued to follow the king."

"These past events were all told to me by your Majesty since I was a child.

The king never forgot his father's loyalty to him.

Your Majesty has never forgotten his guilt towards me, Mi."

"But now, has my father forgotten his original intention?"

"Before today, who in the world did not praise my father as a loyal minister? How could it be that today my father is going to bring shame on the reputation of my Mi family because of a mistake in his thoughts?"

"As a teacher who never forgets the past, my father should take this as a warning to General Wei for his ban a few months ago."

"Back then, under the threat of Cao Cao's ax and ax and the inducements of high officials and generous salaries, my father never wavered.

And now my father is actually going to abandon the king because of a temporary grudge?"

"Besides, with the king here, even if the former general wants to punish my father, the king will try his best to protect his father.

Why should father worry?"

As the saying goes, the authorities are confused, as soon as Mi Yang finished speaking, Mi Fang was already covering her face and crying.

Judging from various past events, there is no doubt that Mi Fang is loyal to Liu Bei. He was temporarily blinded by personal grudges before.

People's hearts are full of flesh, let alone betraying a person who has been following him for more than 20 years and is like a brother and a master. Mi Fang felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Now that Mi Yang has revealed the past events one by one, Mi Fang is almost filled with regret.

But the big mistake had been made. Mi Fang knew that it was not just a day or two that he and Xu Xiang were connected, and they were already riding a tiger.

Even if Mi Yang captured and killed Xu Xiang today, Xu Xiang would not be able to go back and recover.

However, in previous contacts, Sun Quan had long known that Mi Fang had intended to surrender, which would undoubtedly strengthen Sun Quan's determination to launch a surprise attack on Jingzhou.

Seeing Mi Fang hiding her face and crying, Mi Yang knew that Mi Fang must have begun to regret it at this time.

In fact, the reason why Mi Yang insisted on preventing Mi Fang from surrendering to Soochow was not because of how loyal he was to Liu Bei. As a time traveler, how could he be loyal to Liu Bei?

Mainly because he knew that after Mi Fang surrendered to Soochow, not to mention being called a dog in later generations, even in this life, she was deeply despised by the people of the world.

This includes Wu people.

Historical records record that once, Mi Fang was traveling by boat and encountered Yu Fan's boat. The people on Mi Fang's boat wanted Yu Fan to get out of the way, so they shouted forward: "Avoid our general's boat!"

Yu Fan said sternly: "Why should a person who has lost his loyalty serve the emperor? Is it okay to make a person lose two cities and still be called a general?"

Mi Fang was so ashamed that she closed the window on the boat and let Yu Fan pass first.

Later, Yu Fan was traveling by car and passed Mi Fang's camp. The officials did not open the door, so Yu Fan's carriage and horses could not pass.

Yu Fan said angrily: "Close what should be opened, and open what should be closed. How can anyone do this?"

After Mi Fang heard this, she felt even more ashamed.

It can be seen from these two things that Mi Fang must have lived a very unsatisfactory life after surrendering to Soochow.

Mi Fang has already been like this. He, a person with no foundation in Soochow, will definitely be even worse after Mi Fang's death.

But if he does not betray Liu Bei and remains in the power of Shu Han, with the past achievements of brothers Mi Zhu and Mi Fang and his kindness to Liu Bei, as the second generation founding father of the country, Mi Yang's status will definitely be leveraged.

It is precisely because of this mentality that Mi Yang does not want Mi Fang to surrender to Sun Quan.

After breaking Mi Fang's psychological defense, Mi Yang knew that the time had come, and he immediately suggested to Mi Fang,

"Father, don't worry. Soochow has not yet sent troops, and Jiangling is still in the hands of our army. There is still time."

At this time, Mi Fang was already in a state of confusion. He subconsciously asked Mi Yang,

"What's Zisheng's plan?"

Mi Yang first asked Mi Fang, "My father had contacted Jiangdong before, but were there any letters exchanged?"

Mi Fang shook her head when she heard this and said, "In order to ensure that the matter is not leaked, I have always contacted Xu Xiang through a single line and have not left any correspondence."

Hearing Mi Fang say this, Mi Yang felt relieved instantly.

Mi Yang said, "Xu Xiangding cannot be returned to Jiangdong today, otherwise my father and son will not be able to explain to the king in the future. Only with Xu Xiang's head can the loyalty of my father and son be rectified."

After finishing speaking, Mi Yang continued,

"The Sun thieves want to attack Jingzhou. I expect that they have been preparing for a long time and will send troops soon."

"Time waits for no one. The most urgent task is to inform General Guan on the front line of the news so that he can take precautions and quickly withdraw his troops and return to defend Jiangling."

Previously, Lu Xun and Lu Meng devised a plan to make Guan Yu take his guard lightly and mobilize a large number of Jiangling garrison to the front line.

Nowadays, Jiangling City is empty of troops. Although Jiangling City is strong, its lack of troops is a very big hidden danger.

And Guan Yu still has tens of thousands of troops in his hands. Once these tens of thousands of troops return to support, it will not be difficult to defend Jiangling.

Then Mi Yang continued,

"Furthermore, my father should immediately send an envoy to Shu to ask for help, inform the king of the Sun thief's intention to surprise Jingzhou, and ask him to send a large army to rescue him as soon as possible."

Hearing Mi Fang's words, Mi Fang was puzzled. He said,

"If we ask for reinforcements, Generals Shangyong Liu and Meng are closer, why not ask them for reinforcements first."

But when he heard that Mi Fang wanted to ask Liu Feng and Meng Da for help, Mi Yang shook his head.

Liu Meng is reliable, the sow can climb the tree.

But he just used the reason that Liu Feng and Meng Da had few soldiers to excuse him.

Finally, Mi Yang said, "Father should immediately give the order to transfer all the weapons, grain, grass, and defenders from the remaining cities in Nanjun to Jiangling City.

This can not only strengthen the walls and clear the country, but also strengthen the defense force of Jiangling."

Jiangling is the strongest and most important city in Nanjun.

It borders Xiangyang to the north, Jingnan to the south, and Bashu to the west. As long as Jiangling is not lost, Guan Yu's tens of thousands of troops will have a retreat.

And as long as Guan Yu's tens of thousands of troops are not lost, Jiangling City will never be lost.

As for the other cities in Nanjun City, if you lose them, just lose them, and you can just get them back later.

After Mi Yang finished talking about these three important things, Mi Fang nodded frequently, and he immediately gave the order to do it.

But he had trouble with one thing.

That was who to send to inform Guan Yu. After all, he and Guan Yu had been at odds for a long time, and he was afraid that Guan Yu would not believe what he said.

Mi Yang saw Mi Fang's embarrassment, he immediately held his hands and said to Mi Fang,

"My son is willing to join General Guan's army."

Hearing that Mi Yang actually recommended himself, Mi Fang was very reluctant for a moment.

He was afraid that Guan Yu would be angry with Mi Yang because of him, but Mi Yang smiled and said,

"I am a filial and honest person recommended by the King of Hanzhong. How can I not be filial and honest and not share my father's worries?"

"General Kuangguan is a sensible person and will definitely not embarrass me."

After Mi Yang said this, Mi Fang felt relieved.

Mi Yang had been raised by Liu Bei's side since he was a child, and Guan Yu would not embarrass Mi Yang for Liu Bei's sake.

After saying this, Mi Fang immediately took out her prefect's seal and gave it to Mi Yang, so that he could go on the journey smoothly.

After getting Mi Fang's prefect's seal, Mi Yang was about to leave, but just as he walked to the door, Mi Fang's voice suddenly sounded from behind,

"Zi Sheng."

There was a sound of Zi Sheng, and Mi Yang stopped walking immediately.

"Don't ever think that your father is someone who is greedy for life and afraid of death.


I am just afraid that if I die with a guilty body,

As the son of a guilty minister, what will you do when you are under the king's command?"

Hearing Mi Fang suddenly say this, Mi Yang felt a little moved for a moment.

He stood for a while, then turned his back to Mi Fang and clasped his fists, saying,

"Father, please sit quietly in the city. With my son here, I will definitely protect Jingzhou!"

"My family, Mi, should be a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty."

After saying that, Mi Yang immediately opened the door and walked out.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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