Chapter 244 Down the Wudan Mountain, Long Live the Mountain

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Chapter 244 At the foot of Wudan Mountain, long live the mountain

In September of the first year of Yankang in the Han Dynasty, there was a widespread rumor in Shu that Emperor Liu Xie was killed by Cao Pi.

After Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong, heard the news, he couldn't control his grief. He personally mourned the emperor Liu Xie and posthumously named Liu Xie the Xiaomin Emperor.

Because the Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty had been killed by Cao Pi, and because of the continuous auspiciousness in various places in Yizhou, some ministers with low status in Chengdu began to formally and publicly submit letters to Liu Bei to persuade Liu Bei to join.

These ministers include Yilang Yangquan Hou Liu Bao, Qingyi Hou Xiangju, partial generals Zhang Yi, Huang Quan, Zhang Shuang, Yin Mo, Qiao Zhou, etc.

These ministers were basically from the Yizhou gentry and were widely famous in Yizhou.

In their letters to persuade Liu Bei to join him, most of them used scriptures and prophecies as reasons to persuade Liu Bei to proclaim himself emperor.

It is obvious that these Yizhou ministers are using their local influence in Yizhou to establish a public opinion basis for Liu Bei's move to proclaim himself emperor.

A few days after these Yizhou ministers wrote letters to persuade them to move forward, those ministers who really held great power or had high status began their formal efforts to persuade them to move forward.

General Wei Yu Jin, Grand Tutor Xu Jing, Anhan General Mi Zhu, Military Advisor General Zhuge Liang, Taichang Lai Gong, Guang Luxun Huang Zhu, Shaofu Wang Mou, Yijun General Zhao Yun, etc. all came forward:

"Cao Pi usurped the throne, annihilated the Han Dynasty, stole artifacts, robbed loyal people, and was ruthless and ruthless. People and ghosts are angry and poisonous, and they miss the Liu family. There is no emperor in the world, and the sea is panicked and everyone looks up to him.

More than 800 people wrote to the group, saying that Fu Rui, Tu and Ming Zheng were prophesied. Huanglong saw Wuyang Chishui and left in nine days. Xiao Jing's support to the gods said: "When virtue reaches Yuanquan, Huanglong will see you."

The person is the symbol of the king.

In the ninth year of the Yi Qian Dynasty, "The flying dragon is in the sky", the king will rise as a dragon and ascend to the throne.

Again, Guan Yu besieged Fan and Xiangyang, and now Mi Yang has killed Cao Ren, killed the bandit army, and achieved brilliant military exploits. This is exactly what happened.

Zhang Jia, a man from Xiangyang, and Wang Xiu presented a jade seal. The seal dived into the Han River and lay in Yuanquan.

The husband of the Han Dynasty was the title given by the great ancestor to the country that determined the world. The great king followed the path of the previous emperor and also flourished in Hanzhong.

Today, the divine light of the Ziyuxi Seal came out of Xiangyang, at the end of the Han River, and the Ming Dynasty King inherited it and conferred the title of Son of Heaven to the King. The auspicious destiny and talisman were not caused by human power.

In the past Zhou Dynasty, there was an auspicious sign of mullet, so I thought it was time to rest. The second ancestor was ordered to write the pictures and books first, as a test. Today, heaven announced the auspiciousness, and a group of handsome scholars came to the river.


King Fuwei was descended from the husband of Emperor Xiaojing, King Jing of Zhongshan. He had a lineage of hundreds of generations, and only descended to Zuo. He has a majestic and majestic appearance, a powerful spirit, a benevolent and virtuous person, and a lover of good people. He has returned to his heart from all directions.

Examine the spiritual pictures, enlighten the prophecies, wefts, the tables of the gods, and the names and taboos are clear.

It is appropriate to assume the throne of the emperor, to compile the second ancestor, and to have an heir, Zhao Mu, and the world is very lucky. I would like to discuss with Dr. Xu Ci, discuss with Lang Meng Guang, establish etiquette, choose the order, and give the honorary title."

After all the ministers who could be named in Chengdu formally wrote to persuade him to join, Liu Bei no longer refused. He ordered the ministers to discuss the date and place of proclaiming the emperor.

After several days of emergency consultations, the ministers in Chengdu finally determined the place and date for Liu Bei to proclaim himself emperor.

Wudan Mountain in the northwest of Chengdu.

After discussions with Zhuge Liang and other ministers, they determined Wudan Mountain as the place where Liu Bei would hold the enthronement ceremony.

The reason why Zhuge Liang and other ministers chose Wudan Mountain as the place where Liu Bei ascended the throne is because Wudan Mountain is located in the northwest of Chengdu, and the Qian position in the Book of Changes is in the northwest.

The person who does it is the position of the emperor.

After determining the location and date of Liu Bei's accession to the throne, the ministers in Chengdu, under the auspices of Zhuge Liang, began intensive preparations up and down Mount Wudan.

After some time, all preparations for Liu Bei's enthronement ceremony were in place.

And the day for Liu Bei to ascend the throne has also arrived.

It was September 18th, the first year of the reign of Emperor Yankang of the Han Dynasty. Even history books that cherish words as preciously as gold will record this day in the future.

At this time, at the foot of the mountain above Wudan, a group of ministers had already stood in their respective order.

Behind and around them were tens of thousands of uniformly armored and sturdy Han army armed guards.

In normal times, there may be a gap in status between ministers and guards.

But today, they are gathered here for one person and one thing.

They want to witness a king transforming into a cloud dragon and flying through the nine heavens. They want to witness the occurrence of a major event that can change the world.

When the grand ceremony and music played, a noble and solemn car, escorted by thousands of soldiers, began to appear in tens of thousands of eyes.

The eyes of hundreds of ministers followed the progress of the car and were constantly flowing.

In those hundreds of pairs of eyes, there were expressions of excitement, excitement, emotion, and awe.

At this time, the sunshine, which represented hope and brightness, was pouring wantonly on the faces of hundreds of ministers.

Under the warm and bright sunshine, the expressions of hundreds of ministers finally turned into a unified expression, that is, fiery.

The man sitting in the carriage is their king and will soon become their king!

Originally, the weather in Chengdu has been mostly gloomy since autumn, occasionally mixed with some cold autumn rain.

When choosing the day when Liu Bei would ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, Zhuge Liang and other ministers were worried about this matter.

Unexpectedly, after they selected September 18th as the day when Liu Bei ascended the throne, the weather inside and outside Chengdu suddenly gradually improved.

As of today, the clouds are all gone and the sun is shining brightly!

This scene made all the ministers breathe a long sigh of relief, and it also made a different kind of emotion float in their hearts.

In the eyes of the ancients, weather is sometimes a hint from heaven.

The gloomy weather suddenly cleared up. This phenomenon made them feel that Liu Bei's ascension to the throne was destiny as they had written.

This hint made the fiery expressions on the faces of hundreds of ministers even brighter, and they all bowed towards the car.

Although the tens of thousands of Han army guards were unable to move at all due to their duties.

But their eyes were like hundreds of ministers, watching the car.

The fire in their eyes was no less intense than that in the minister's eyes.

It's autumn, and the autumn wind is refreshing.

When an autumn wind mixed with the fragrance of rice ears blew quickly through the foot of Wudan Mountain, the white feathers on the tens of thousands of Han troops fluttered in the wind.

The white feathers shining in the sun were fluttering in the wind and bent in the direction of the carriage. This scene was like tens of thousands of Han soldiers bowing their heads to pay homage to Liu Bei in the carriage.

Hundreds of ministers bowed their heads, and tens of thousands of Yulin bowed their heads. This was the glory that belonged exclusively to the emperor of Han Dynasty.

When Liu Bei's chariot was getting closer and closer to Wudan Mountain, the tens of thousands of Yulin guards spontaneously raised their spears and struck the ground heavily with the end of their spears.

The sound of tens of thousands of spears hitting the ground resounded from the neat land.

The sound became louder and louder, and finally it seemed that the entire Wudan Mountain had been enveloped by these bursts of sound.

When the loud sound of the spear hitting the ground mixed with the solemn ritual music at the foot of Wudan Mountain, a unique and more moving sound was formed.

It's like the gods in the sky are singing.

It makes people feel their blood pumping.

Chengdu is not far from Wudan Mountain. As the silent cheers from heaven and earth became louder and louder, Liu Bei's car arrived at the foot of Wudan Mountain.

When the carriage came to a stop, Liu Bei, who had already put on the imperial robes of the Emperor of Han, slowly emerged from the carriage.

Liu Bei was seven feet five inches tall, which was considered tall for his time.

His appearance is different from ordinary people, giving people a feeling of calmness and self-importance.

After four hundred years of development in the Han Dynasty and continuous improvement by the great Confucian scholars of all generations, the crown uniform of the emperor of the Han Dynasty appeared very majestic.

When the majestic emperor's crown was worn on the extraordinary-looking Liu Bei, it made Liu Bei's nobility even more impressive today.

So when Liu Bei appeared in his car wearing the crown uniform of the Emperor of Han, tens of thousands of eyes at the foot of Wudan Mountain showed awe and admiration.

Although the enthronement ceremony has not been officially completed, Liu Bei has now become the emperor in the hearts of tens of thousands of people.

What is the Son of Heaven?

The emperor received books from all over the world, copied tributes and treasures from all nations, cared for the Xia at home, and suppressed hundreds of barbarians outside.

The Son of Heaven is the supreme being in this world.

The moment Liu Bei stepped out of the car, the entire world outside Chengdu was instantly covered by a burst of extremely warm cheers.

"Long live! Long live!"

Countless fiery cheers rose from the foot of Wudang Mountain and quickly rushed towards the clouds in the sky.

This kind of loud and enthusiastic cheers seemed to shake the world where Liu Bei was standing.

Countless birds were startled from the dense forest by the loud cheers and kept hovering in the sky.

And when this loud sound from tens of thousands of people spread throughout the world, there seemed to be a faint echo on Wudan Mountain.

This is Shanhu!

When Emperor Xiaowu consecrated Mount Tai, the ministers who followed him all heard three faint voices shouting "Long Live" coming from the mountain.

So far, the emperors of the Han Dynasty have regarded this matter as a great auspicious event.

Five-colored clouds rise, birds fly into the sky; Long Live Mountain shouts, shaking the sky and the earth.

This is the grand scene that Liu Bei saw when he stepped out of the car.

This scene made Liu Bei feel excited and excited.

In his ears, he heard the sound of long live that seemed to last forever. He looked at the tens of thousands of burly people in front of him who bowed their heads and cheered for him, and his face became increasingly red.

No man can resist such a scene.

Under the grand welcome ceremony, Liu Bei walked slowly towards Wudan Mountain.

The altar he used to make sacrifices to heaven and earth was on Nawudan Mountain.

Liu Bei is old and strong, and his steps are slow but steady.

Wudan Mountain is not far from him.

When Liu Bei's feet stepped on the first step at the foot of Wudan Mountain, the eyes of tens of thousands of people at the foot of Wudan Mountain had already turned around, looking towards his back with the sun, moon and stars.

Feeling the stone steps under his feet, Liu Bei held his head high and walked step by step towards the highest point in his life.

As Liu Bei walked step by step up Wudan Mountain, his mind recalled everything he had experienced before.

Over the decades, he has been betrayed, slandered, and ridiculed.

He is the most down-to-earth person, with only one or two followers around him.

When he was at his most dangerous, the enemy's blade almost struck him.

But in these decades, no matter how many hardships he encountered, he never gave up the idea in his heart.

According to his reputation, wealth and glory are just within easy reach.

He could have gone with the flow and given up the ideal in his heart for the sake of glory, wealth, fame and fortune.

But that's absolutely impossible.

So what about suffering, what about death?

If he wanted Liu Bei to succumb to this man-eating, greedy world, then he would rather choose to guard the purity of his heart amidst the enemy's swords, guns, and halberds.

The glory he receives today is due to his belief that he will never give up.

Even if the world becomes more difficult in the future, he will still be determined and continue on without hesitation.

Just like he is now.

Liu Bei was nearly sixty years old. The mountain road was rugged and the steps were steep. Originally, such road conditions were not suitable for an old man like him to walk.

As he approached the top of the mountain step by step, Liu Bei actually felt tired.

But at this moment, a force called faith burst out from his body.

Under the influence of this power, Liu Bei's steps became more and more steady, and his eyes towards the top of the mountain became more and more determined.

When Liu Bei set foot on Wudan Mountain, a group of ministers, led by Xu Jing and Yu Jin, followed Liu Bei on both sides and walked slowly towards the top of Wudan Mountain.

Wudan Mountain is not high, and Liu Bei soon reached the altar first.

When Liu Bei arrived at the altar, the ministers behind him also stopped five steps away from the altar.

Only Taifu Xu Jing, holding a sacrificial inscription, followed Liu Bei to the altar.

After Liu Bei lit the three pyres on the altar, Xu Jing, who was the most famous among Liu Bei's subordinates, immediately unfolded the sacrificial text in his hand and began to read aloud.

"On Bingwu in the ninth month of the first year of Yankang, the emperor Beida dared to use Xuan Mu to announce to the emperor, heaven, queen and earth gods:

The Han Dynasty ruled the world without borders. In the past, Wang Mang usurped and robbed, and Emperor Guangwu was so angry that he executed her, and the country of Sheji was restored. Today, Cao Cao prevents his troops from being patient, kills the queen, and consumes the sky, ignoring the heavenly manifestations. Cao Zipi records his vicious rebellion.

, the stolen artifact.

The officials and soldiers thought that the country was in ruins and it was time to repair it. They succeeded the Second Ancestor Wu and carried out heaven's punishment.

Bei Wei is not virtuous, and is afraid of disobeying the throne. He asked the common people, as well as the barbarian rulers and leaders, and they said, "The destiny of heaven must not be ignored, the ancestral inheritance cannot be replaced for a long time, and the world cannot be without its owner."

I led the earth to look, and I was preparing a man. I was afraid of the fate of heaven, and I was afraid that the Han Dynasty would be buried in the earth. I chose the first day to go to the altar with Bailiao, receive the emperor's seal and ribbon, repair the burnt pot, and report it to the gods. Only the gods can eat it.

Reign in the Han family and conquer the world forever!"

When Xu Jing mustered up the greatest strength in his life to read the sacrificial text in his hand, the civil and military officials under the altar, under the command of the visitor on the altar, all bowed to Liu Bei on the altar and worshiped:

"Your Majesty will live for ten thousand years, and the great Han will live for ten thousand years."

Because hundreds of ministers stood on different steps in order, their worship sounds were quickly transmitted down the mountain.

When the visitors at the foot of the mountain heard the ministers paying homage, they immediately directed the band at the foot of the mountain to play the emperor's ceremonial music.

The solemn yet joyful ritual music, played by thousands of drummers, began to sound rapidly at the foot of Wudan Mountain.

And when the emperor's ritual music reached the altar on the mountain, the cheers of tens of thousands of soldiers below the mountain resounded throughout the world again.

Today, the legal system of the Han Dynasty continues to be established!

The weather is cold and my hand speed is a bit slow, but it’s not a big problem.

There are three chapters tonight.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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