Chapter 273 Brothers Quarrelling Candle Shadow Cries

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Chapter 273 Brothers Quarrel, Zhuying’s Crying

Liu Bei's anger was not because Guan Yu resisted his will.

Brothers don't talk about this.

What made Liu Bei angry was that Guan Yu's shaking head meant that he didn't care about his body.

The younger brother is not in a hurry, but the elder brother is in a hurry. This is what Liu Bei's mentality is now.

After Guan Yu shook his head, Liu Bei originally wanted to scold Guan Yu with a straight face.

But at this time, Guan Yu took the initiative to ask Liu Bei: "What my brother just said was an imperial decree issued as the emperor of the Han Dynasty, or was it an advice expressed as Yu's brother?"

Liu Bei, who was still angry, began to soften when he heard Guan Yu call him brother.

The word "brother" to Guan Yu touched the softest part of his heart.

Since he entered Shu, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu have divided their towns into two places. He has not heard the voice of his brother that he heard every day for a long time.

Old people are nostalgic the most, not to mention the relationship between Liu Bei and Guan Yu is unusual?

After his expression softened, Liu Bei looked at Guan Yu and asked, "How about being the emperor, what about being the elder brother?"

At this time, Liu Bei's tone was no longer so urgent.

Liu Bei's reaction was noticed by Guan Yu. Facing Liu Bei's question, Guan Yu raised his hands and answered:

"If my elder brother had just issued an edict as the emperor of Han Dynasty, and Yu was a minister, and as a minister, loyalty should be the first priority, then the emperor's edicts would definitely be obeyed."

After saying this, Guan Yu continued: "But as a younger brother, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

Originally, when Liu Bei heard Guan Yu's last sentence, there was some surprise on his face.

He knows best about his good brother, he shouldn't have this kind of character.

But Guan Yu's next turn of phrase made Liu Bei feel that this was indeed the case.

Guan Yu specially emphasized the words "with regrets for life" to express his true attitude.

It's just that Liu Bei is not someone who changes his views so easily. Liu Bei knows what Guan Yu means by regretting his life.

On the way to the sleeping tent with Guan Yu just now, Guan Yu seemed to have realized that Liu Bei would know the secret after a while.

So he informed Liu Bei in advance that Zhang Liao was leading tens of thousands of Cao Wei's troops to arrive.

Liu Bei, as Cao Cao's old rival, understands the importance of Cao Wei's central army only more deeply than Guan Yu.

But this alone was not enough to make Liu Bei change his mind.

Liu Bei said firmly to Guan Yu: "The days are long, and maybe you will miss this opportunity when you return to Chengdu.

But as long as you take good care of your health, are you afraid that you won't have the chance to defeat the Wei Zhongjun in the future?"

Facing Liu Bei's persuasion, Guan Yu showed a wry smile and said: "Brother, time waits for no one!"

Guan Yu then asked Liu Bei: "Brother, do you still remember the battle at Dangyang?"

Hearing Guan Yu mention the battle at Dangyang that almost cost him his life, Liu Bei had a heavy look on his face.

How could he forget the tragic situation at that time?

Seeing Liu Bei starting to recall the details of that battle, Guan Yu continued: "Brother, do you still remember the power of the cavalry against Wei?"

When he heard Guan Yu say these words, the look on Liu Bei's face was no longer heavy, but fearful.

As the coach of that battle, how could he not know?

Everyone knows that in the Battle of Dangyang, Liu Bei was defeated by 5,000 cavalry led by Cao Cao.

But few people in the world know the specific story of the Battle of Dangyang.

Although Guan Yu was not in the army during the battle at Dangyang, Guan Yu had heard Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei tell them about the specific events of that battle.

At that time, Liu Bei led hundreds of thousands of people to retreat southward.

Among the more than 100,000 troops, Liu Bei's army numbered nearly 10,000, and most of them were elite soldiers!

At that time, Liu Bei's team moved very slowly, only covering more than ten miles a day.

This is because in order to protect the more than 100,000 people, Liu Bei personally led a group of generals and 10,000 elite soldiers to the rear.

So when the 5,000 cavalry led by Cao Cao arrived near Dangyang, the first people they came into contact with were the 10,000 elite troops led by Liu Bei himself.

Perhaps the army under Liu Bei's command was not large at that time, but among his army were senior generals such as Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Chen Dao.

According to Liu Bei's thinking, he should be able to withstand Cao Cao's cavalry for a while.

But what Liu Bei didn't expect was that his carefully trained 10,000 infantry troops encountered Cao Cao's 5,000 cavalry. They didn't last long before they were completely defeated. In the end, only he and a few dozen cavalry escaped.

Liu Bei was defeated so miserably in that battle, not because his troops were not good enough, nor because his generals were not brave.

In fact, Cao Cao's five thousand cavalry had a great advantage in the unobstructed plains.

It was that battle that made Liu Bei understand the importance and terrifying nature of the cavalry unit.

That's why he began to vigorously repair the four Guanzhong roads after taking Yizhou, preparing to use Guanzhong as the main direction of his Northern Expedition in the future.

Guan Yu saw that the fear on Liu Bei's face became more and more serious after he recalled the past, so he continued:

"What brother said is not unreasonable. Yu also understands the principle that haste makes waste, but times are different now!"

"In the past, the reason why our army suffered many defeats in field battles with the rebels was simply because the rebels relied on the strength of their cavalry. When our army fought against the rebel infantry, the rebel cavalry either harassed or attacked the rear, which ultimately led to

Our army suffered a great defeat."

"My brother has also been leading troops for many years. Have you forgotten this lesson? And during the battle of Dangyang, have you also forgotten the benefits of cavalry for the rebel army?"

"It's different now. Yu just defeated the tens of thousands of cavalry troops of the rebel army. For a period of time, it will be difficult for the rebel army to organize a large-scale cavalry army."

"Now is the best opportunity for our infantry to defeat the counter-Wei Central Army.

Only if the cavalry against the Wei does not participate in the battle, can our army have a greater chance of defeating the Chinese army against the Wei head-on on the vast plains."

"It is easy for Yu to retreat, but if Yu retreats, our army will undoubtedly miss this excellent opportunity, and it will undoubtedly give Ni Wei a chance to breathe."

"Even if Riyu can recover his health and lead his army north again in the future, once the opportunity is missed, it will be difficult to get it again."

"The national power of the Han Dynasty is still weak. If we cannot seize every opportunity to continuously weaken the national power of Wei Wei, then when will the dreams of you and my brothers be realized?"

"The honor and disgrace of a person's life and death are trivial, but a man should put the great cause of the country first!"

When Guan Yu finished his last words, he bowed deeply to Liu Bei in front of him.

Guan Yu's words revealed the reason why he refused to retreat.

Because in his opinion, now is an excellent opportunity to defeat Cao Wei's central army.

And this opportunity is the result of his painstaking planning over this period of time.

After many days of hard work, it is finally time to reap the fruits. Now if he is asked to retreat, how can he be willing?

But when Liu Bei faced Guan Yu's request to bow down, he subconsciously took a few steps back.

After Guan Yu's explanation, Liu Bei finally understood why Guan Yu insisted on fighting this battle.

Liu Bei admitted that what Guan Yu said was right, but Liu Bei still couldn't sit back and watch Guan Yu fight this battle while dragging his sick body.

So although Liu Bei didn't say anything to stop him, his continuous physical retreat had already expressed his attitude.

Liu Bei's performance was also noticed by Guan Yu.

After Guan Yu saw Liu Bei's behavior, a look of anger appeared on his face.

He has already explained it so clearly, why does Liu Bei still not understand him?

In anger, Guan Yu walked anxiously towards Liu Bei.

Every time Guan Yu took a step, a puzzled sentence came out of his mouth:

"Brother, do you think I am doing this just to make contributions?"

"When I joined my brother, he taught me to put national affairs first."

"But why has brother forgotten this truth now?"

"Ji Chang doesn't understand me, Zisheng doesn't understand me, I can accept it."

"But how can you, brother, not understand me!"

Because Liu Bei retreated, Guan Yu was already some distance away from Liu Bei.

As Guan Yu walked towards Liu Bei, the initial confusion in Guan Yu's mouth almost turned into an aggrieved question.

In the dark night, the candle in Guan Yu's main tent was swaying with its own faint light, lighting up this dark space.

Under the flickering candlelight, the figures of Guan Yu and Liu Bei were stretched out and reflected on the tents around them.

When Guan Yu approached Liu Bei step by step with anger, Guan Yu's figure also began to slant towards another figure still standing on the tent.

This scene happened to be clearly seen by Mi Yang outside the big tent.

And because Guan Yu was in an excited state, his voice was quite loud just now.

Mi Yang could also clearly hear the words he asked when he approached Liu Bei.

After realizing that the two brothers had begun to quarrel, Mi Yang, standing in the cold wind, unconsciously shrank her neck.

He finally understood why Liu Bei had to shun everyone tonight, leaving him alone to wait outside the tent.

It wasn't that Liu Bei saw him as a powerful warrior, but that Liu Bei had anticipated this scene.

Liu Bei believed that he was both Guan Yu's son-in-law and his nephew, and they were both part of the same family.

After all, "family scandal" cannot be made public.

In the big tent, when Guan Yu expressed all his grievances and complaints and came to Liu Bei, Liu Bei was not frightened by the angry general who came to him.

What Guan Yu did just now had been done in front of him many times before.

Among the three brothers, although Zhang Fei seems to have the most bad temper, Guan Yu is actually the one who often argues with him.

Although the three brothers have the same ambition, their personalities are very different.

Guan Yu lost his temper the most, and complained in public that his decision was wrong.

Looking at Guan Yu who was already standing one step in front of him, Liu Bei's temper was already rising at this time.

If Guan Yu behaved like this in the past, Liu Bei might have thought of punching him, but when faced with the issue of Guan Yu's safety, Liu Bei would not give in at all.

"No matter what you say, you must return to Chengdu with me."

Faced with the pressure of thousands of enemies in the world, Liu Bei showed the courage of a big brother.

It's just that Guan Yu is such a bow-headed person.

"As the emperor, you should give top priority to national affairs, how can you not use your children's love to do things for their own sake!"

Seeing Guan Yu trying to reason with him, Liu Bei was naturally not afraid at all.

"The emperor's family affairs are state affairs. You are my family, so of course your affairs are also state affairs."

Hearing Liu Bei say this, Guan Yu felt warm in his heart, but he still said:

"State affairs are also divided into big and small. To oppose the Wei Dynasty is to be a traitor to the Han Dynasty. To kill the traitors to the Han Dynasty is to be the first-class state affairs of the Han Dynasty."

Seeing Guan Yu talking about the basic national policy of the Northern Expedition, Liu Bei quickly reacted and said:

"In my heart, your safety is as important as killing the national traitors."

Seeing Liu Bei's strong words, Guan Yu couldn't help but become anxious.

"Brother, you are too persistent!"

Although Guan Yu was anxious, Liu Bei remained calm.

"Yun Chang, you are too persistent. Even though this opportunity is rare, as long as you are by my side, even if tens of thousands of Wei army cavalry are there in the future, what do I have to fear?"

After hearing Liu Bei's words, Guan Yu looked at Liu Bei with confusion and said:

"Brother, I'm not afraid. As a general of the Han Dynasty, what's wrong with me wanting to beg thieves for the Han Dynasty?"

After Guan Yu said these words, Liu Bei, as a monarch and his elder brother, was speechless for a while, but then he said in a sad tone:

"Then I am your brother, and I want you to be by my side all the time. What's wrong with that?"

"Even if I can live thousands of miles away, how can I be happy if I don't have my brothers by my side?"

"I don't object to you begging for thieves, and I don't object to you fighting on the battlefield. I just want you to come back to Chengdu with me and take good care of yourself first. What's wrong with that!"

"I just don't want to be alone."

When Liu Bei said the last words, Guan Yu's eyes instantly became wet.

Liu Bei's feelings for him were just like his feelings for Liu Bei. How could he not know?

But Liu Bei ignored one thing.

Guan Yu said to Liu Bei in a sadder tone: "But brother, my brother's health is not good."

When Guan Yu said this, he spoke very slowly.

But when his words fell into Liu Bei's ears, Liu Bei fell to the ground subconsciously as if he had been hit hard.

Yes, according to what Fan A just said, Guan Yu's body can no longer be cured.

Just now, Liu Bei had been consciously ignoring this matter because of his inner persistence.

But now that this matter was mentioned again by Guan Yu, Liu Bei, who could no longer avoid it, finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground.

Guan Yu also took advantage of the situation and sat on the ground.

After Guan Yu sat in front of him, Liu Bei stretched out his hands and put them on Guan Yu's shoulders.

Liu Bei looked at the brother in front of him who had gray hair on his temples, and his eyes slowly became moist.

It is true that his second brother is an unparalleled hero.

But heroes will also grow old one day.

At this time, Liu Bei wanted to say the three words "I won't" to Guan Yu, but the words were already on his lips and he couldn't say them out.

Seeing Liu Bei's reaction, Guan Yu felt uncomfortable.

But as a person involved, he was more open-minded than Liu Bei.

"Although I cannot maintain good health, I am not in danger of my life for the time being. Brother, there is no need to suffer too much."

"Kang people are destined to die. Time flies, and you and I are no longer the young men we were when we surrendered to the army in Zhuojun."

"Perhaps in the near future, my body will be too sick to stay.

"My brother knows my brother's temperament. If I were to give up my obsession and choose to spend the rest of my life lingering on the hospital bed, that would be the most unacceptable to me."

"So I really hope to fight again for my brother and the big man.

No matter I win or lose after this battle, I will return to Chengdu with my brother!"

"I hope my brother will be successful!"

While saying the above, Guan Yu held Liu Bei's hand and the strength in his hand continued to increase to show his determination.

Feeling the strength in his hands and looking at Guan Yu's pleading eyes, Liu Bei's heart began to waver.

Maybe he could use the authority of the emperor and his brother's status to force Guan Yu, but is this really good for Guan Yu?

After realizing this, Liu Bei closed his eyes and thought for a long time.

His expression of struggle, unbearability, and pain kept changing.

But at the end, he said slowly:

"I will summon Yide. The war is imminent and the three brothers are indispensable."

"No matter the outcome, we, the three brothers, will live and die together."

After hearing what Liu Bei said, Guan Yu sat upright and bowed deeply to Brother Jun, whom he admired most in his life.

Liu Bei's love for him was so deep from beginning to end.

That’s it for today.

Thank you all for your support.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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