Chapter 277

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Chapter 277 Wei Youliangchen, Third Master’s Roll Call

Sitting on the main seat, looking at the heated generals, Zhang Liao, who had just slapped a memorial, saw that the anger on his face had somewhat dissipated.

When he was the main target of insults just now, although some generals were very angry that he, the commander-in-chief, was being insulted and wanted to challenge him, they were only some generals at that time.

Even though most of the remaining generals had angry looks on their faces, they never stood up and wanted to lead their troops to repel Zhang Fei.

But now that Zhang Fei opened the map cannon, he ignited the mood of all the Wei generals in the entire tent to fight.

And it lit up very high.

There was no way, if Zhang Liao could still evade the fact that Zhang Fei said "Cao Pi poisoned Emperor Xiaomin" by using the reason of leaving the town at that time.

At present, most of the generals in the big account are generals of the Chinese army.

As trusted generals who defended Cao and his son day and night, they must have done some things.

But this reaction of the generals made Zhang Liao calm down somewhat.

If he were an ordinary general, he would have already led his troops out of camp to fight Zhang Fei.

But Zhang Liao was able to climb to his current position as a lowered general. He was more than just a brave general.

Looking at the generals who were fiercely asking for battle, Zhang Liao suddenly realized: Isn't this what Zhang Fei outside the tent wants?

Zhang Liao, who was familiar with the art of war, knew that in war, you often cannot act according to the enemy's wishes, otherwise the result will often not be good.

Looking at the generals standing in front of him, spitting and blushing, Zhang Liao thought of Zhang He.

He knew Zhang He's ability.

But in the Battle of Danqu that year, wasn't Zhang He lured out by Zhang Fei and then defeated and annihilated?

Zhang He at that time was just like the generals standing in front of him now.

Thinking of this, the anger in Zhang Liao's heart was quickly dissipating.

The reason why he can perform like this is not because of his good self-cultivation, but because he is a subordinate general, and his original boss was Lu Bu, who was despised by everyone in the world.

So he has experienced many things before, and he has a certain psychological acceptance ability.

Precisely because of his status as a surrendered general, in addition to being extremely brave on the battlefield, he is actually a rather cautious person in his daily life.

Just like the two battles at Bailangshan and Hefei that made him famous, although he was the one who specifically commanded the battles, those two battles were all conducted under Cao Cao's instructions.

Without Cao Cao's instructions, no matter how brave and strategic he is, it will be useless.

Although Cao Cao is dead now, Cao Pi is still in Wancheng, and even Cao Pi's spy is by his side.

Under this situation, even if he wants to fight now, he must obtain the consent of one person.

What's more, because of Zhang He's case, he will not easily choose to fight out of anger.

After slowly calming down and thinking about the many stakes, Zhang Liao chose to focus on Du Xi, who was sitting below him.

And he also took advantage of the opportunity to see Du Xi's face.

Although Zhang Fei's actions once angered Du Xi, causing a look of anger on Du Xi's face.

But Du Xi's vision was still clear, and his thoughts were not completely obscured by anger.

Du Xiguanghui's resume and being valued by Cao Cao are enough to show that his personal abilities are very good.

In addition, he is from a noble family, and children of noble families sometimes value face the most.

But if they are shameless, they are more thorough than anyone else.

Just like today's Du Xi.

Perhaps when he was young, Du Xi would remember the four hundred years of kindness in the Han Dynasty, but now as the head of the Du clan in Yingchuan, he now has one and only one responsibility and mission, and that is to continue to carry forward the Du clan.

Family, country, country, family is in front of the country, and now the interests of the Du family in Yingchuan are tied to Cao Wei.

When Du Xi turned his back on the Han Dynasty, it was for the benefit of his family.

And now Du Xinneng can not lose his mind because of Zhang Fei's humiliation, which is also the family interest that he always cares about.

With Du Xi's wisdom, as long as he didn't lose his mind due to the anger in his heart, he could see Zhang Fei's intentions.

Since he saw Zhang Fei's intention, Du Xi would naturally make a choice that was beneficial to the Du family in Yingchuan and Cao Wei.

At this time, Du Xi also noticed that Zhang Liao was looking at him, and Du Xi nodded slightly at Zhang Liao's gaze.

Then Du Xi slowly got up from his seat, and when he stood up, he took a staff from the hands of the subordinates behind him.

When the Wei generals in the tent saw Du Xi holding a staff and walking towards Zhang Liao's seat, they immediately stopped calling for battle.

They all obediently bowed in the direction of Du Xi.

Even when Zhang Liao saw Du Xi walking towards him with a staff, he immediately stood up and stood aside.

No matter how glorious Du Xi's resume was, and no matter how high Cao Pi's trust in him was, how could he ensure that he could correct the chaos in the army in time?

What he relies on is the scepter given to him by Cao Pi in his hand.

"Guard the army to maintain integrity and supervise the army as if I were here in person. Anyone who violates the rules will be destroyed."

When Du Xi stood in front of the generals of Cao Wei with a staff in hand, there was almost silence in the entire tent.

Du Xi, who often supervises the place, naturally has an aura about him.

He glanced at the generals present with majestic eyes, and then asked them a question:

"Who can lead an army of 30,000 to quickly defeat Zhang Fei's troops within half an hour?"

After Du Xi asked this question, no general in the entire tent could answer him, not even Zhang Liao.

The person outside who was humiliating them through Lingyou was Zhang Fei, the powerful enemy of thousands of people.

When Zhou Yu besieged Cao Ren in Jiangling, because of the incompetence of Jiangdong generals, Cao Ren was given the title of General of Heaven and Man. Zhou Yu was so angry that he borrowed Zhang Fei from Liu Bei.

Since Zhou Yu borrowed Zhang Fei, Cao Ren was so frightened that he no longer dared to go out to fight in the city. In the end, he could only be beaten silently in Jiangling City.

Not to mention that when Zhang Fei led 20 cavalry to cut off Liu Bei's rear at Dangyang Changbanpo, his roar frightened the five thousand Cao Wei cavalry from pursuing him. This incident is still fresh in the memory of many Cao Wei generals.

Faced with such a fierce general, he led 5,000 infantry troops and had no cavalry to support him.

Even if Emperor Wu of Wei was resurrected, he would not be able to command an army of 30,000 and quickly devour Zhang Fei's troops within half an hour.

This is not fear of the enemy, this is fact.

The generals' unanswerable reactions fell into Du Xi's eyes, and he was not surprised.

Then Du Xi looked at the generals and asked coldly: "There is no dense forest outside Yancheng, but a few miles away from Yancheng is a mountain forest. Tens of thousands of elite soldiers can be hidden in that mountain forest."

"If our army rushes out of camp to fight with Zhang Fei's troops, our army will be unable to advance or retreat during the battle. Do you think that if Guan Yu has an ambush in the dense forest, the bandit army can arrive before our army defeats Zhang Fei?"

When Du Xi said these words, the generals who were trapped in anger seemed to be awakened. They all raised their heads and looked at Du Xi with surprised eyes.

Their surprise was not that they thought Du Xi was talking nonsense, but that what Du Xi said was likely to happen.

The anger in their hearts was one of the reasons why the generals of the Wei army strongly requested a battle just now. Another reason was that they felt that no matter how powerful Zhang Fei was against ten thousand people, he only led an army of five thousand thieves.

In this case, relying on the bravery of the Chinese army under their command, they were fully capable of defeating Zhang Fei's troops.

But after Du Xi pointed out this point that they had always ignored, their rationality quickly returned.

The reactions on the faces of the generals in the tent fell into Du Xi's eyes, causing a big stone in his heart to quietly drop.

Although he could directly order the generals not to go into battle if he maintained integrity.

But that would undoubtedly confuse the generals and lead to instability in military morale.

Du Xi did not want the army to rush into battle, nor did he want to see the army's morale unstable.

Therefore, he had to wake up the generals in the tent first. Only in this way could he ensure that the morale of the army would not be shaken.

After waking up the generals in the big tent, Du Xi finally issued an order to the 30,000 Wei troops outside Yancheng:

"Without the emperor's order, anyone who dares to fight will be killed!"

After giving this order, Du Xi ordered the generals in the big tent to return to their respective camps and go to appease the soldiers under his command.

Under Du Xi's order, the generals of the Wei army hurriedly left the main tent.

Even if he has seen through Zhang Fei's intentions, he does not intend to fight again.

But as those insulting words kept coming in, it was obvious that everyone from Zhang Liao to Du Xi to the generals had lost the mood to discuss matters.

After all the generals left, Zhang Liao looked at Du Xi with grateful eyes.

Even though he is the commander-in-chief, he can still suppress the generals from asking for battle.

But without the Emperor's Talisman, although he could suppress the generals, he could not convince them like Du Xi did.

Cao Pi was very kind to him, but Cao Pi gave him all kinds of favors, but he did not give him the power to maintain integrity.

In Cao Wei, without the emperor's talisman in hand, there was no way to fully command the Chinese army.

Facing Zhang Liao's grateful gaze, Du Xi just smiled and didn't care.

After bowing to Zhang Liao, he slowly exited the tent.

Zhang Liao's identity is sensitive, so there is no need for him to get too close to him.

After Du Xi exited the main tent, Du Xi immediately looked towards Luoyang in the north.

I think Jia Xu had already returned to Luoyang by this time.

When Zhang Liao led his army to leave Wancheng, Jia Xu, already the Duke of Qi, returned to Luoyang on the same day.

Just the day before the army set off, as usual, Du Xi, the guard, had to say a ceremonial farewell to Jia Xu, the highest military officer, Taiwei.

But just when Du Xi wanted to end the meeting as soon as possible, Jia Xu, who had always been deaf to what was happening outside the window, gave him a few words of advice as if he was talking in his sleep.

“Take defense as offense.”

Although there were only four words in Jia Xu's words, Du Xi couldn't forget them.

Because although Du Xi looked down on Jia Xu's character, there was no one in the world who was not convinced by Jia Xu's wisdom.

Because of this, Du Xi, as a pragmatist, paid great attention to what Jia Xu, who had never spoken easily, said.

Based on his current judgment of the situation, Du Xi believes that what Jia Xu said is Cao Wei's best strategy now.

It was also the best tactic after his 30,000 Chinese troops arrived in Yancheng.

If this is the case, then Du Xi will definitely stick to this tactic unwaveringly.

Anyway, what Your Majesty wants now is to retreat from the enemy and keep Fancheng intact. As for how to achieve this, His Majesty will not interfere too much.

Thinking of this, Du Xi felt very relieved.

Zhang Fei, who had been humiliating Cao Wei's generals through his servants outside the Wei army's camp, saw that after humiliating him for several hours, Cao Wei's camp had not yet been opened, and he couldn't help but have a look of anger on his face.

No matter what the surname of Zhang Liao's ancestor was before, his surname is always Zhang now.

They are all named Zhang, why is Zhang Liao so bloodless!

Zhang He is more bloody than him.

It's just that although Zhang Fei was angry at Wei Jun's inability to hold on, Wei Jun hid in the camp and refused to fight with him. No matter how brave he was, it would be of no use.

So when Zhang Fei saw that the sky was starting to turn dark, he could only lead his army back to the Han army's camp with his spear in an angry mood.

After returning to the Han army camp, an angry Zhang Fei immediately threw the spear in his hand to Mi Zhong. Mi Zhong almost missed the sudden heavy spear thrown at him.

After doing this, Zhang Fei took off his armor and went to Guan Yu's main tent. Before Zhang Fei entered the tent, he had already begun to speak loudly.

"What kind of birdman is Zhang Liao? He doesn't even come out to die after being so insulted."

"A thing like this can beat a rogue to the point of losing his armor. The cunning rogue is really a disgrace."

Today, the five thousand Han troops have been scolding and Zhang Fei has been waiting all day. Now Mr. Zhang is very angry.

There were only a few generals in Guan Yu's main tent.

It's not that Guan Yu didn't summon the generals to discuss matters today, it's just that most of the generals led their troops to ambush in the dense forest.

And long before Zhang Fei entered the main tent, the generals in the tent who had been paying attention to Zhang Fei's actions had long known what happened outside the Wei army's camp today through the scouts' reports.

Guan Yu saw Zhang Fei sitting next to him with an angry look on his face, a smile appeared on his face and he said:

"The enemy's failure to come out is not because Yide's strategy is bad, but because Zhang Liao is an impulsive person."

To be honest, if Zhang Fei's initial scolding battle was considered a normal operation, then his later act of "insulting the enemy" was already considered a clever plan.

After Zhang Fei made this move, even Guan Yu had great confidence that the enemy army would come out to fight.

It's a pity that Zhang Liao is not an ordinary opponent.

But this is normal. If Zhang Liao was an ordinary opponent, how could Guan Yu want his head so much?

After hearing Guan Yu's comfort, Zhang Fei felt better.

Zhang Fei was very angry, but he still knew that the war was coming, and he couldn't just give up.

So he said: "I will fight again tomorrow. I won't believe it. The traitors against Wei are all made of clay and have no temper at all."

However, Guan Yu shook his head slightly at Zhang Fei's idea.

A clever plan is necessary, and the army ambushed in the dense forest cannot wait for long.

Even if the army can hold on, the ambush deployed by our side in the dense forest will be easily discovered as time passes.

Seeing Guan Yu shaking his head, Zhang Fei became even more angry.

He really wanted to help Guan Yu win this battle.

The angry Zhang Fei used his tiger eyes to look around the big tent. Since there were not many people left in the big tent, Zhang Fei quickly finished his inspection.

After completing his inspection, Zhang Fei set his sights on a young general, who was Mi Yang.

Seeing Zhang Fei look at him, a feeling called crisis immediately came to his heart.

When he was a child, once he was stared at by Zhang Fei, his body would be bruised in mild cases and bleed in severe cases.

Mi Yang deliberately didn't want to meet Zhang Fei's eyes, but Zhang Fei directly called out Mi Yang's name.

"Zisheng, please quickly come up with a clever plan to help your wife."

When Mi Yang was named by Zhang Fei's loud voice, all the senior ministers in the big tent looked at Mi Yang.

Who in the world doesn't know that Mi Zi Sheng is good at clever tricks?

But Mi Yang, who was watched by everyone for a moment, had a wry smile on his lips.


(End of chapter)

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