Chapter 281: Future Trouble

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Chapter 281 Trouble in the future: Erqi Pi Goose

After Liu Bei said those words to Ma Chao, Ma Chao did not hesitate anymore. After bowing to Liu Bei, he immediately strode out of the lobby.

When Ma Chao walked outward, his back straightened a lot.

After Ma Chao walked out of the lobby, Liu Bei looked at his leaving figure. He looked at the long black hair on Ma Chao's head, which was mostly still dark, with a smile on his lips, but there was something thoughtful in his eyes.

Liu Bei looked at Fei Yi and asked him: "General Hussars, how much do you value Geng this year?"

Fei Yi was valued by Liu Bei not only because of his extraordinary wit, but also because of his photographic memory.

After a little recall, Fei Yi respectfully replied to Liu Bei: "If I remember correctly, General Hussar is forty and five years old this year."

After hearing Fei Yi's answer, Liu Bei thought about his age, and then he realized that Ma Chao was more than ten years younger than him.

In today's world, the gap of more than ten years is almost a generation.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei picked up a memorial from the desk in front of him. This memorial was written to him by Prime Minister Zhuge Liang.

In this memorial, Zhuge Liang did not talk about official matters.

Since Liu Bei was deeply responsible for staying in the capital, he had the power to deal with everything on the fly, and there was no need to report the political affairs of Chengdu to Liu Bei all the way.

This memorial written by Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei talks about the recent performance of Prince Liu Chan.

After officially establishing Liu Chan as the crown prince, Liu Bei paid more and more attention to Liu Chan's education.

Not only did he appoint many ministers to serve as Liu Chan's teachers, he also asked Zhuge Liang to keep an eye on Liu Chan's academic performance for him when he left Chengdu.

At present, the world is uncertain and the world is in chaos, so Liu Bei's education to Liu Chan cannot only be about classics.

On the contrary, Liu Bei always attached great importance to Liu Chan's education in Machiavellian wisdom.

But unfortunately, according to reports from Zhuge Liang and other close officials, Liu Chan's performance in this regard has been very poor.

Perhaps in front of others, Zhuge Liang would praise Liu Chan in order to stabilize people's hearts.

But in his correspondence with Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang was outspoken.

"The prince has the virtue of benevolence and love, but rarely has the wisdom to change."

Although Zhuge Liang's comments were considered tactful, Liu Bei could still see Zhuge Liang's true thoughts from the comments.

And Zhuge Liang's true thoughts coincided with what he had in mind.

The world is uncertain, and wisdom comes first. Based on Adou's current wisdom, will he be able to rule the world and intimidate his ministers in the future?

For example, after his own death, can Adou control Ma Chao as easily as he does today?

In fact, Liu Bei knew that Ma Chao would not be 100% loyal to him, but in his opinion, so what?

With the continuous improvement of his status, the mentality of Liu Bei, now the founding king of the country, has changed.

When he was in the high position of an emperor, his first consideration was whether a person was useful to him, rather than a simple issue of loyalty.

But Liu Bei can perform like this because he has confidence in his own prestige and methods. But can Adou do it?

Liu Bei began to feel deeply worried about this matter.

Now Liu Bei finally understood why Taizu of the Han Dynasty had to go to great lengths to deal with Yingbu and Peng Yue despite his advanced age.

It wasn't that Taizu didn't have the confidence to overwhelm Yingbu and Peng Yue, but that he was worried that his successors wouldn't be able to do so.

He is already sixty years old this year, and he will even reach the age of sixty-one in the near future.

Under such circumstances, Liu Bei had to start thinking about some things.

Of course, although Liu Bei has the style of Han Taizu, some of his actions are not as ruthless as Han Taizu.

If Liu Bang were in power now, in order to prevent future troubles, he would definitely physically destroy the people he feared.

But what Liu Bei was thinking about was to use other means to ensure that his son Adou would be able to secure this position in the future.

The only people who can make an ambitious man like Ma Chao fearful are those who have made great military exploits and have such a great reputation in the army.

And only if such people stand firmly behind Adou, the dreams he pursues in his life will not give up halfway.

After considering this, Liu Bei picked up another secret letter in his hand and read it carefully again.

This secret memorial was sent by Zhao Yun, the general of the Southern Conquest who is currently guarding Nanzhong.

Looking at what Zhao Yun said there, Liu Bei couldn't help but reveal a scornful smile after seeing a name:

"A mere barbarian dares to call himself king."

After Guan Yan came to Xiangyang City, she was taken care of by Liu Bei and stayed in the general's mansion in Xiangyang City.

Originally, in this world, it was normal for an army general to bring his family members with him in the army, and sometimes this was even regarded as a way to train future generations.

Therefore, it is okay for Guan Yan to go directly to the military camp to accompany Mi Yang.

However, Liu Bei considered that Guan Yan was about to give birth, so he let Guan Yan rest and recuperate in Xiangyang City.

Liu Bei and Guan Yu were as close as brothers, so he naturally treated Guan Yan as his niece.

He also hopes that Guan Yan can give birth to a fat boy for Mi Yang, so that when Liu Chan gives birth to a daughter, he can then arrange to have a baby and kiss her, which will be a great thing.

After Guan Yan was treated like a princess and moved into the General's Mansion, she immediately wrote a letter and ordered it to be sent to the military camp on the other side.

Soon after, Mi Yang in the military camp received a letter from Guan Yan reporting that he was safe.

Looking at Guan Yanjuan's beautiful handwriting on the letter, Mi Yang felt a sense of longing in his heart, and at the same time, he was also a little surprised.

Because Guan Yan informed him in a letter that Ma Chao also came to Xiangyang City.

This surprised Mi Yang.

Although Ma Chao was in Hanzhong, Mianyang, where Ma Chao was located, had always been under the direct jurisdiction of Liu Bei, so Mi Yang didn't know much about the situation there.

What surprised Mi Yang the most was, is Liu Bei going to appoint Ma Chao?

Ma Chao in history is not like in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, with clear grudges and filial piety first.

On the contrary, Ma Chao has a very bad reputation in history because he was the chief culprit who killed more than 200 members of his own clan.

In the official history, Ma Teng, Han Sui and other warlords who separatized Liangzhou actually had a good relationship with Cao Cao.

Before the Battle of Chibi, Ma Teng and Han Sui, under the mediation of Sili Colonel Zhong Yao, often sent troops to help Cao Cao attack the enemy.

It was precisely because of this relationship that Ma Teng was later willing to lead almost all his clan members to serve as officials in the court.

From this, it can be seen that Ma Teng has no intention of resisting Cao Cao.

That period was the honeymoon period for Cao Cao and Ma Teng.

During that honeymoon period, Cao Cao valued Ma Chao very much because of his outstanding performance in combat.

He had many times intended to let Ma Chao go to the Central Plains to serve as the governor of Xuzhou and to advise the officials and other high officials, but he was always rejected by Ma Chao.

Of course, Cao Cao did this for the purpose of weakening Ma Teng's power.

However, Ma Chao was only in his twenties at the time, so he was regarded as the main target of weakening by Cao Cao, which shows that Cao Cao valued Ma Chao's ability.

Later, in the 16th year of Jian'an, Ma Chao was worried that Cao Cao would implement a false plan to destroy Guo Cao, so he raised troops to resist Cao Cao, thus killing Ma Teng and other relatives.

Even though some people in later generations defended Ma Chao's behavior, they thought that Ma Chao might have been born from a foreign race and had been bullied and ignored by Ma Teng, so he acted like this.

It's just that this idea is illogical.

Because before Ma Teng left Liangzhou, he handed over all his military power to Ma Chao, which shows that Ma Teng attaches great importance to Ma Chao.

Otherwise, Ma Teng's brain is not sick and he will hand over all military power to a "concubine's eldest son" who has been bullied by him and not taken seriously.

Moreover, the reason why Ma Teng dared to enter the court was because he felt that Ma Chao was leading troops outside as his support. As long as Ma Chao stayed safe, Cao Cao would not take the initiative to attack him?

This is enough to show that Ma Teng and Ma Chao had a good father-son relationship at that time. Otherwise, it would still be the same reason - Ma Teng was not mentally ill.

The reason why Cao Cao believed in Ma Teng's initiative to enter the court was precisely because he felt that with Ma Teng in his hands, Ma Chao would stay safe.

This is a common sense judgment based on past facts and human ethics throughout the ages. As a result, what happened next can only be said to be completely unexpected.

And what Ma Chao said to Han Sui after he raised his army:

"Now Chao has abandoned his father and regards the general as his father, and the general should also abandon his son and regard Chao as his son", which even more exposed Ma Chao's true thoughts at that time.

Because of this, Ma Chao directly lost the hearts of scholars all over the world because of his rise in the army, causing everyone in the world to despise him.

There is no way. In the Han Dynasty, a son killed his father. This was simply challenging the moral bottom line of the world.

From Ma Chao's past experience, we can see that Ma Chao's early personality was extremely self-centered and fearless.

It is undoubtedly difficult to control such a person, so since he defected to Liu Bei, Liu Bei has kept him in isolation most of the time.

After all, if a person can even abandon his clan father, who can trust his loyalty?

But maybe because he has experienced a lot in the past few years, I heard that Ma Chao's personality has changed a lot, and he at least knows how to weigh the pros and cons.

And now the implication of Liu Bei summoning Ma Chao is almost ready to come out.

However, after the accident, Mi Yang did not pay too much attention to this issue.

Liu Bei should consider how difficult it is to use Ma Chao if he is not in his position, and he does not need to worry about this problem.

Unfortunately, what Mi Yang doesn't know is that one day soon, it will be his turn to have a headache regarding the recruitment of Ma Chao.

Now all Mi Yang's attention is focused on collecting information about the north.

According to the inference of the time, Cao Pi in Wancheng should have already known about him being dressed as a woman.

Be angry, Pi Goose.

If you are not angry at all, you will be laughed at by future generations for thousands of years.

Pi Gou, whom Mi Yang misses so much, is in a good mood now in Wancheng.

The sky was clear and clear on this day, which was a rare good weather since Wancheng entered winter.

Because the weather was very good, even Cao Pi, who lived in Wancheng, was in a good mood.

Of course, as an emperor, Cao Pi was in a good mood not only because of the weather, but also because of the good news he had received continuously during this period.

Not long ago, he received a battle report personally sent by Du Xi from the front line, saying that Zhang Liao's army had safely arrived outside Yancheng.

After Zhang Liao's army arrived outside Yancheng, although the rebels kept challenging outside the camp, he and Zhang Liao were determined not to leave.

With their own army unable to hold on, the rebels did not launch an attack on Fancheng.

If the current situation continues to develop, it won't be long before the bandit army has no choice but to retreat.

Originally, after Cao Pi received the news that Liu Bei had arrived outside Fancheng, he was still worried that Liu Bei's army wanted to fight a protracted war with him.

But now it seems that the purpose of the bandit army is to achieve a quick victory.

This is exactly the same as the previous speculations of Cao Wei ministers.

Even if Cao Pi is in trouble, he still knows that as time goes by, the situation will slowly reverse towards his side.

Because he has the strong national power of Cao Wei behind him.

In addition to this good news, as the new year approaches, grain output and population statistics across the country are also being reported to him one after another.

Looking at the gratifying amount of data in his hand, the joy on Cao Pi's face never stopped.

These various data are not only a reflection of Cao Wei's strong national power, but also ironclad proof that he governed the country well and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

These will be recorded in history books in the future to prove that he is a wise and wise king.

After Cao Pi officially proclaimed himself emperor, he had lofty ambitions and always wanted to be a wise and wise emperor recorded by historians.

And how could such data not please Cao Pi, a traditional Confucian emperor?

Under those gratifying data, Cao Pi seemed to have foreseen that Cao Wei would one day unify the world in his hands.

But just when Cao Pi was immersed in the beauty of Cao Wei becoming more and more powerful, Shangshu ordered Chen Jiao to come to Cao Pi's bedroom with a face full of shame and anger.

When Cao Pi, who was reviewing the memorial, heard the rapid footsteps, he raised his head and looked quickly towards Chen Jiao.

After Cao Pi saw Chen Jiao's face, his heart sank slightly.

Not long ago, a close minister with the same surname Chen came to look for him in such a hurry.

The experience of searching for each other made him feel like a shadow lingering in his heart when he thought about it now.

Now that he sees Chen Jiao doing the same thing, he will certainly have concerns in his heart.

But Cao Pi thought carefully about it and found that all the orders he had given in Wancheng were appropriate and contained no omissions.

Coupled with his confidence in Zhang Liao, his heart gradually settled down.

When Cao Pi gradually calmed down, Chen Jiao took off his shoes and came to the palace.

Like Chen Qun, Chen Jiao did not have the courage to speak out about the news he had just received.

He just quickly came to the main hall and handed the information in his hand to the eunuch beside Cao Pi, asking him to pass it on to Cao Pi.

Through the eunuch's delivery, Cao Pi quickly opened the information submitted by Chen Jiao and read it.

But almost instantly, Cao Pi's calm demeanor changed dramatically.

An emotion called extreme shame and anger quickly climbed onto Cao Pi's face. Looking at what was recorded in the intelligence, Cao Pi's eyes quickly turned red.

Especially after seeing that Mi Yang had done this, the anger in Cao Pi's heart escalated several times.

Because of the anger in his heart, Cao Pi was speechless for a moment.

He just looked at Chen Jiao with a look that wanted to kill someone. His breathing became heavier and heavier, and his chest was rising and falling due to intense emotions.

Cao Pi wanted to curse, but as he had received a good education since childhood, he thought about it but couldn't think of any lethal words.

In the end, he could only gasp and overturn the desk in front of him, pointed to the south and cursed: "Traitor! Traitor!"

"Why isn't he dead yet?"

Chapter 3, 2 o'clock, everyone can wake up and read it the next day.

In addition, there has been controversy in historians as to whether Meng Huo was a Han or a barbarian. Since there is controversy, this book will choose one point of view as the background.

The corresponding background will be mentioned when Meng Huo appears.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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