Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 The Soul Seducer is Here (please vote for me, please read)

Guan Ping just lacks quick wit, but he is not stupid. He knows that Mi Yang's analysis is reasonable.

The stopping look on Guan Ping's face at this moment was no longer so firm.

But out of concern for his friends, he still didn't want Mi Yang to go into the city alone.

Seeing that the look of resistance on Guan Ping's face had wavered, Mi Yang continued,

"If you enter the city frankly, Shiren will not be suspicious of you, and with your bravery, I will not stop you from entering the city."

"And why do you want to stop me now?"

"You and I are both sons and nephews of the great king, and pure ministers of the Han Dynasty.

From the day you and I were born, we should always be prepared to devote ourselves to the King's inheritance. If you have this kind of loyalty, I will not lack it either."

"At this moment, only by sending me into the city as an envoy can we possibly capture the police without spending a single soldier.

That being the case, why do you hesitate because you are doubting my courage and loyalty?"

At the end of the sentence, Mi Yang's face already showed an angry look.

When Guan Ping saw this, he immediately said, "Of course not."

"In this case, you shouldn't stop me from entering the city."

"I did it all for the big man, I have no regrets."

Mi Yang's words were full of determination and heroism.

Seeing that Mi Yang had said so, Guan Ping could only acquiesce to the fact of sending Mi Yang into the city for the sake of Liu Bei's foundation.

After confirming this fact, Mi Yang first asked Guan Ping to stop the marching soldiers, and first stationed troops one mile outside the public security city.

To avoid getting too close to the Public Security City, it would irritate Shiren's fragile nerves.

After Guan Ping left, Yu Jin rode his horse and came to Mi Yang's side. He asked Mi Yang,

"How much of what you just said is true?"

Mi Yang was a little surprised to hear Yu Jinhui suddenly ask this question, but he soon understood.

Yu Jin was not a young man like Guan Ping. He had been in the officialdom for many days, and he was still in the officialdom of Cao Wei where power and intrigue were rampant.

Yu Jin, who grew up in such a dye vat, would naturally doubt Mi Yang's words just now.

After all, people in Cao Wei's forces may never understand the ideals and ambitions of people in Ji Hanzhong.

Moreover, Yu Jin and Mi Yang are now in a relationship of mutual use, so there are not so many scruples in the dialogue between Yu Jin and Mi Yang.

When Mi Yang saw Yu Jin doubting himself, he immediately smiled and said,

"Of course it's all true."

The reason why Mi Yang wanted to enter the city alone was because he had his own little thoughts, but he also wanted to protect Liu Bei's foundation.

Otherwise, even if the affair between Mi Fang and Shi Ren comes to light,

As long as Mi Zhu is here, Mi Yang will have to live in Yizhou for the rest of his life.

Why should he recommend himself to the city?

But Yu Jin was someone who had personally experienced Mi Yang's methods. He didn't think that Mi Yang, who played with people's hearts like that, would be as loyal and courageous as he showed today.

Yu Jin naturally didn't know what Mi Yang's real concerns were.

He believed that the reason why Mi Yang dared to risk huge risks and enter the police station alone was because

It's more of a big gamble, a bet on a bright future.

In Cao Wei, most people did this, talking about benevolence and righteousness, but secretly fighting against each other.

Yu Jin was used to seeing this kind of person, so he subconsciously regarded Mi Yang as this kind of person.

With this mentality, Yu Jin couldn't help laughing after hearing Mi Yang's answer.

His laughter was full of doubts.

Faced with Yu Jin's doubts, Mi Yang didn't bother to explain. He just muttered to himself,

"The person who is now at odds with fire and water is Cao Cao.

If you are anxious, I will be lenient;

If you use violence, I will use kindness; if you use treachery, I will use loyalty;

Every time you do the opposite, things will come true."

This sentence is what Liu Bei often taught his original self. Liu Bei hopes that his children and nephews will become people like him.

The original person was taught very well by Liu Bei. He inherited many of Liu Bei's excellent qualities, and his belief in doing things in the past was based on benevolence and righteousness.

After Mi Yang traveled through time and was influenced by the ideas of later generations, Mi Yang felt that in order to truly calm this troubled world,

Liu Bei's benevolence and righteousness and people-oriented ideals are indispensable, while Cao Cao's machinations and cunning methods are also indispensable.

For those who believe in power and conspiracy, he will use power and strategy to deal with them after he has lost his temper. For example, he has banned

For those who advocate benevolence and righteousness, he will repay them with benevolence and righteousness after Mi Yang. For example, he treated Guan Ping,

This is the life creed of his new life Mi Yang.

As for the question about the ban,

It doesn’t matter what one’s heart is when doing things, as long as what one does is worthy of one’s heart.

Yu Jin on the side looked at Mi Yang who was facing his doubts with an indifferent expression.

He thought of Mi Yang's methods on him, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind:

If this person takes over power in the future, will it be a blessing or a curse for the world?

No public can cross the river,

Gong Jing crossed the river!

What does this elk want?

Mi Zhong arrived at the gate of Gong'an City first.

Because during the war, although the police were not on the front line, Guan Yu, who had always been wary of Jiangdong, ordered Shiren to strengthen his defenses.

Therefore, the public security has always been under martial law.

What is martial law, that is, the four doors are tightly closed.

Because of this, Mi Yang and Guan Ping were so worried about how to enter the police.

When Mi Zhong arrived at the north gate of Gong'an City, his traces were immediately discovered by the soldiers guarding the city. The soldiers at the gate fired arrows to stop Mi Zhong, and then shouted at him loudly,

"Who is coming?"

Facing the questioning of the soldiers at the city gate, Mi Zhong took out the Mi Fang token given to him by Mi Yang and shouted at the city gate,

"I am the envoy of the prefect of Nanjun. I have something important to see the general. Please convey it on my behalf."

Mi Zhong shouted three times at the city gate to ensure that the soldiers on the city gate could hear him.

After hearing what Mi Zhong said, the city gate began to commotion, and soon a hanging basket was slowly lowered from the city gate.

Seeing this, Mi Zhong smiled.

At the same time, he was constantly recalling Mi Yang's instructions to him.

There is a secret room in the county office in the police city.

At this moment, in this secret room, there was a fat, wealthy old man inside.

The secret room is not big, but within the small secret room, there are dozens of large boxes.

These large boxes squeezed the entire secret room into an airtight space, but the old man didn't seem to care at all about the small environment at his feet.

At this moment, he was standing in front of a large open box, holding a piece of gold with an intoxicated look on his face and wondering what he was thinking.

And what was contained in the large open box was a lot of gold and silver jewelry.

Thinking about it, the items in other boxes should also be like these.

This bloated old man is the current police officer Shiren.

Shiren, also known as Junyi, was a native of Guangyang County, Youzhou. He was a general who had been with Liu Bei when he started his army from Youzhou.

Because of this, when Liu Bei left Jingzhou, he chose Shiren to guard the public security for him.

Shiren's body was not bloated due to years of fighting.

But since guarding the police, he has been pampering himself all day long, which not only eroded his ambition, but also made his body plump.

Compared with him before, he is completely different.

And just when Shiren was intoxicated with the jewelry in his hand, a report suddenly came from outside the secret room,

"General, an envoy from Jiangling City is visiting."

Shiren, who was suddenly interrupted from his intoxicated state, was a little angry at first.

But after hearing that Mi Fang's messenger was coming, he immediately opened his eyes, which had been squeezed into slits by the fat on his face.

Uncontrollable joy flashed in his eyes.

He thought this time it was just like usual,

The money is coming.

But what Shiren didn't know was that this time it was a seducer.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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