Chapter 313 Two Major Events Urgently Call Mi Yang

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Chapter 313 Two Major Events Urgently Summon Mi Yang

The news of Guan Yu's death cannot be concealed, and Liu Bei has no intention of concealing the news of Guan Yu's death.

So after Liu Bei cried for a long time, he asked the minister next to him to announce the news.

When the news of Guan Yu's death spread throughout Xinye City, the soldiers and civilians of the Han Dynasty inside and outside Xinye City instantly fell into great sadness.

The sergeants of the Han Dynasty were suppressed by military regulations, so they could not express their inner sadness too warmly.

But after the people in Xinye City learned the news of Guan Yu's death, many people immediately began to cry bitterly, just like Liu Bei and Zhang Fei.

The emotions of the people are simple, they are not literati.

When faced with uncontrollable sadness, they are unable to express their sadness with gorgeous words.

The only way they can express their sadness is by crying.

Among the people in Xinye who cried bitterly, the majority were elderly people over forty years old.

Only the Xinye people of this age are the ones who best remember Guan Yu's kindness in leading his troops to protect them.

Although Jingzhou was not Guan Yu's private property, Guan Yu's prestige among the Han people during his lifetime coupled with the huge influence he left behind in Jingzhou.

After seeing this scene, a look of surprise appeared on Mi Yang's face.

But Mi Yang was able to get Liu Bei's favor of entering without any communication, which is enough to prove Mi Yang's status in Liu Bei's heart.

Under the white banners of the spiritual curtain that symbolized great mourning, there were many Han soldiers holding sharp swords.

Among those talents, Guan Yu is undoubtedly the brightest star besides Zhuge Liang.

Especially from the layout outside this house, it can be seen that the house where Liu Bei lives today is where Guan Yu's mourning hall is located.

It's just that Jingzhou has a special geographical location that borders Cao Wei and Jiangdong. Under this situation, Mi Yang is more suitable than Zhang Fei to guard Jingzhou.

Whether it's public or private, Fei Yi would do it even if he didn't remind him.

And if a person is given a bad posthumous title after his death, not only his living descendants are likely to lose their current power and status, but also his family will decline.

"General Zuo, please advise your Majesty on behalf of the big man."

According to Mi Yang's guess, Liu Bei urgently summoned him to Xinye, probably to personally examine whether he could shoulder the important task of guarding Jingzhou.

It also solved a historical mystery of Ji Han for future generations.

This is because they are afraid that the evil spirit of the sword will hit the spirits of their ancestors who are lingering at home.

The first of the two major events is what kind of posthumous title Guan Yu should receive after his death.

After Mi Yang arrived in Xinye City, Fei Yi, who had already received instructions from Liu Bei, immediately took Mi Yang outside Liu Bei's dormitory.

Therefore, Mi Yang did not pay too much attention to this matter in the past few days.

Along with Liu Bei's summons and edict, there was also news of Guan Yu's death.

Then on the day he received Liu Bei's edict, he quickly rushed towards Xinye with more than a hundred personal guards.

Moreover, a beautiful posthumous title can become synonymous with the recipient of the posthumous title in later generations, thus being famous for thousands of years.

This does not mean that in the eyes of those ministers, Mi Yang is more capable than Zhang Fei.

This gave Mi Yang a huge reputation in Cao Wei and Jiangdong at the same time, which Zhang Fei did not have.

"Since he is a ghost in the underworld, how can he be afraid of the evil spirit of mere weapons?

In the ancient people's strong traditional concept of paying attention to posthumous names, the unique and final nature of the posthumous title made it a title that even the emperor cared about.

Therefore, for the sake of his country and his younger brother, Liu Bei must make early decisions on two major matters.

But with Liu Bei's love for Guan Yu, he should be the one who least wants to attack Guan Yu's undead soul with his evil spirit.

And when Mi Yang walked outside Guan Yu's mourning hall and was about to open the door of the mourning hall, what he didn't know was that his opening the door today would directly change the trajectory of his life for the next few decades.

But this does not mean that Mi Yang does not want to become the governor of Jingzhou, who is almost inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

But he is not a short-witted person like those depicted in later novels.

In ancient history, for important figures such as emperors, empresses, princes and ministers, after their death, the court would give them a title with evaluative meaning based on their deeds during their lifetime. This is a posthumous title.

When San Ying led his army all the way north, in order to ensure the safety of the army's retreat, Liu Bei asked Mi Yang to lead the army to garrison Fancheng and deal with post-war matters.

In this state of mind, it is one thing not to take the initiative and take measures, but if the opportunity falls in front of him, Mi Yang will not refuse it hypocritically.

However, the main focus of the debate among the ministers is what kind of posthumous title should be given to Guan Yu.

In real history, Zhang Fei was not a general like Guan Yu.

However, Liu Huangshu's great reputation was not created by him alone, but by the joint efforts of many talents under his command.

As for Mi Yang's loyalty, let alone his various identities and his past performance, no one would doubt his loyalty to the big man.

So Fei Yi said these words to Mi Yang.

The person who received the posthumous title represented the society at that time and highly recognized the contribution he made during his lifetime.

Just because a posthumous title has such a great influence on a person or even a family, all the Han officials in Xinye City have been arguing over what to use for Guan Yu's posthumous title.

Compared with the issue of choosing Guan Yu's posthumous title, the issue of who should guard Jingzhou in the future is the first priority of the country in the minds of many ministers.

Mi Yang's current official position is General Zuo.

For example, Zhaolie of the Han Dynasty, Wu Mu of the Song Dynasty, etc.

But among the current big men, there is another candidate who has been recommended by many ministers.

Based on Guan Yu's powerful position and the meritorious services he performed for the Han Dynasty during his lifetime, he must be the kind of honorable minister who is qualified to receive a posthumous title.

Although he had been prepared before, when Guan Yu, who was like his master and father, really left him, Mi Yang felt no less sad than Liu Bei and Zhang Fei.

But after he stepped onto the first step, he heard Fei Yi's voice coming again.

When Mi Yang arrived outside Liu Bei's dormitory, he discovered that the outside of Liu Bei's dormitory was covered with spiritual curtains and white flags.

On the contrary, Zhang Fei was good at using tricks during actual combat.

Not only Mi Yang was crying, but all the other Han generals who heard the news were also crying.

After learning that Guan Yu had passed away in Xinye City the day before yesterday, Mi Yang could not hide the sadness in her heart and couldn't help crying in public in front of all the generals.

Liu Bei had already given the order before that if Mi Yang arrived, he could enter directly without being informed.

Because both Cao Wei and Jiangdong were defeated by Mi Yang in a certain battle and suffered heavy losses.

It was just sad to be sad. After Mi Yang knew that Liu Bei was eager to see him in Xinye City, he immediately began to assign generals to garrison important places around Fancheng.

Moreover, because of the public security battle that year, Mi Yang had a prestige in Jingzhou that was only lower than that of Guan Yu.

Especially in Jingzhou, where Guan Yu's kindness and power are the most profound.

After Mi Yang listened to Fei Yi's words, he turned around and bowed slightly to Fei Yi, and then continued walking towards Guan Yu's mourning hall.

Although General Zuo is two levels lower than Zhang Fei's Chariot General, it is because this is the military position Liu Bei held for a long time.

And in addition to the above reasons, there is another reason that is a big bonus for Mi Yang.

Because if this is the case, it will make his second brother feel uneasy when he leaves.

It's just that although Liu Bei couldn't control his sadness, as the emperor of Han Dynasty, he would not let his sadness completely cover up his reason.

So as bursts of heart-wrenching cries came from the General's Mansion, there were also bursts of painful cries outside the General's Mansion in Xinye City.

On this day, everyone in Xinye City felt sad together.

In terms of status, ability, and loyalty, Zhang Fei was the first choice to replace Guan Yu as the governor of Jingzhou after his death.

In the tradition of the Han Dynasty, for ministers, those who are not princes are not given posthumous titles, but not all princes are eligible to receive posthumous titles after their death.

The reason why Mi Yang was so anxious was because he knew that at this sensitive moment, Liu Bei suddenly summoned him to Xinye for an unusual reason.

What's more, some of Guan Yu's direct generals, such as Liao Hua, Zhao Lei, Wang Fu, etc., even started to cry loudly.

After all, the ministers who can be taken by Liu Bei are all human beings. Considering Liu Bei's feelings for Guan Yu and Guan Yu's great contributions to the Han Dynasty during his lifetime.

And even if a person is honored to be given a posthumous title by the court, the posthumous title can be divided into three types: good posthumous title, middle posthumous title and bad posthumous title.

This can be easily seen from how Guan Yu taught Mi Yang many times before his death.

Regarding the reason, Mi Yang already had some guesses in his mind after learning about the controversy in Xinye City in the past few days from the minister of imperial edict.

For this reason, Liu Bei did not stop the dispute, but at the same time, he also did not arbitrate the dispute.

This candidate is Mi Yang.

Just do it, that's what Mi Yang was thinking at this moment.

Therefore, the ministers in Shinno began to gradually divide into two groups and continue to argue based on their different views.

On the second day after Guan Yu passed away, he ordered his messenger to quickly go to Fancheng and summon Mi Yang who was leading troops to garrison in Fancheng.

But what is a bit strange is that Liu Bei, who according to common sense should be most concerned about Guan Yu's posthumous title, after seeing the various beautiful posthumous titles presented by many ministers, he took the approach of keeping it in and not giving it to Guan Yu.

Make a decision after your posthumous title.

With his strong prestige both externally and internally, it would be a very suitable arrangement for Mi Yang to become the general guarding Jingzhou, a place with four battles.

It's just that not every big shot is eligible for a posthumous title.

This shows the importance of posthumous titles to a person in ancient times.

Just when Mi Yang rushed towards Xinye with speculation in his heart, Mi Yang and his party had already arrived in Xinye City in just two days.

Perhaps in Xinye City, Uncle Liu Huang's reputation is the most deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

After hearing that Liu Bei's arrangement had this meaning, Mi Yang couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

Moreover, Zhang Fei's loyalty to Liu Bei is well known throughout the world.

It is precisely because Zhang Fei and Mi Yang are both suitable to succeed Guan Yu and become the next governor of Jingzhou.

At the same time, Mi Yang also heard the deep concern in Fei Yi's tone. It was obvious that Liu Bei's mental state must have been very bad these days.

And when the news of Guan Yu's death spread to other counties in the Han Dynasty, the whole Han Dynasty would soon fall into an atmosphere of national sorrow.

After Fei Yi said these words, he motioned Mi Yang to enter Guan Yu's mourning hall.

In fact, although Guan Yu revealed during his lifetime that he might become the governor of Jingzhou after his death.

How deep Liu Bei's feelings for Guan Yu are can be reflected from the arrangement of this detail.

If the next governor of Jingzhou is Mi Yang, whom he favored during his lifetime, it will undoubtedly be a great thing for Jingzhou and the Han Dynasty.

In future generations, this person's reputation will most likely be infamy for eternity.

Posthumous titles began in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

According to the etiquette of the world, weapons such as swords are not allowed to appear during the funeral.

It's just that after all, that was what Guan Yu thought. Whether this thing can come true or not depends on Liu Bei's decision.

After ignoring Ma Chao as an invisible man, the general guarding Jingzhou should naturally be the chariot general Zhang Fei.

Xinye and Fancheng were not far apart, and there was a connection with Yushui. Therefore, Mi Yang in Fancheng received Liu Bei's summons not long after.

Fei Yi saw a look of surprise on Mi Yang's face. He knew what Mi Yang was wondering about, so he explained:

Because according to the tradition of succession in politics, when General Guan Yu dies, the post of Governor of Jingzhou should be inherited by Ma Chao, the hussar general who is only under him.

That is, in the eyes of many ministers, Mi Yang was Guan Yu's preferred successor during his lifetime.

For such an important state, his choice to guard it is undoubtedly related to the national destiny of the Han Dynasty.

Considering the relationship between Liu Bei and Guan Yu, it makes sense for Liu Bei to personally guard Guan Yu's funeral as the emperor.

In the past few days, no matter how prominent the minister was, he could not even ask to see Liu Bei.

This matter is about the issue of who should guard Jingzhou after Guan Yu passes away.

"Your Majesty believes that the general was a hero when he was alive, and his soul after death must also be a ghost in the underworld."

Originally this matter would not have caused controversy.

Therefore, this military position has a special status in the current Han official system.

Just as Zhang Fei wanted to be the governor of Hanzhong back then, Mi Yang now wants to be the governor of Jingzhou.

However, although Liu Bei did not clearly express his attitude towards the dispute between the two factions of ministers, it does not mean that he did nothing.

And Your Majesty thinks that having the general's personal troops stationed outside the mourning hall may make him feel that the general is still in this world."

After Mi Yang saw Fei Yi's signal, he was ready to step up the steps and walk towards Guan Yu's mourning hall.

But Ma Chao was completely distrusted, so no one suggested this option to Liu Bei at all.

Of course, the actions of those ministers were not to form cliques for personal gain. Their starting point was for the good of the country, and it was a normal dispute arising from different political opinions.

It is Mi Yang's ambition to go to higher places and help the Han Dynasty, but this does not mean that Mi Yang does not have his own political ambitions.

So under Liu Bei's attitude, the debate in Xinye City became more and more intense.

Fei Yi's tone was very heavy, and it was obvious what he was worried about.

But when this bright star fell, it brought endless sadness to many people in Xinye.

Therefore, the turmoil over the discussion of Guan Yu's posthumous title passed quickly. However, after the turmoil passed, a dispute over one matter was put on the table again.

If anyone dares to raise objections to Guan Yu's deserved posthumous title, he will definitely be sent down by Liu Bei to apologize to Guan Yu personally.

In terms of ability and past achievements, in the eyes of some ministers, Mi Yang was more suitable to guard Jingzhou than Zhang Fei.

If not for this, the generals would not have publicly recommended Zhang Fei as the governor of Hanzhong.

Moreover, once Mi Yang recalled the words Guan Yu immediately entrusted to him that day, the sadness in his heart became even more uncontrollable.

Because Jingzhou is too important to the current Han Dynasty, its importance is even no less than Yizhou, where the capital of the Han Dynasty is located today.

However, although many ministers had doubts, they felt that this was probably because Liu Bei was too sad during this period, and he wanted to choose an excellent posthumous title for Guan Yu.

Yesterday I got up at 23:00, took a shower and had a meal and started typing at 1:00. I just finished writing it now. This is the update of chapter 1 that belongs to yesterday.

I'm going to sleep now. There will be another chapter around 18 o'clock today, and then there will be another chapter later.

Although my update time is very weird, I am really not lazy.

I'm so cold, good night everyone.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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