Chapter 337

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Chapter 337 Wu Kezheng, the crown prince abandons his son

Zhang Wen was able to enjoy such a great reputation in Jiangdong and win Zhang Zhao's favor, so he was certainly not someone who wasted his fame in vain.

His answer to Liu Bei, in addition to reflecting his wit and eloquence, also secretly explained a truth.

That is, since Sun Quan is a wise, benevolent, and loyal minister, naturally his captain cannot be replaced casually.

And if Sun Quan is not removed from the post of Taiwei, then the sharp edge in Liu Bei's words will be invisibly resolved by Zhang Wen.

It's just that Liu Bei is a self-made emperor, so it's impossible for him to be disturbed by Zhang Wen's words.

After laughing, Liu Bei looked at Zhang Wen with less gentle eyes.

Liu Bei leaned back on the throne, then looked at Zhang Wen and asked word by word:

"Wu Kezheng?"

When Liu Bei said these four words, pride flowed from the faces of all the Han ministers present.

On the other hand, the expressions on the faces of Zhang Wen and other envoys from Jiangdong, as well as Sun Deng, Zhuge Ke and others present here all changed.

Since Zhang Wen is good at defusing enemy attacks secretly, Liu Bei would just do it directly.

Before Zhang Wen went on his mission, Sun Quan had personally compiled a letter and sent it to Liu Bei.

Zhang Wen remembered that Zhang Zhao had been clamoring for Sun Shao to be the next Marquis of Wu in Jiangdong recently, and he was inevitably filled with worry.

Different from Liu Bei's answer, in Zhang Wen's account of Sun Deng, Sun Quan's health was not very good recently.

But despite this situation, it is not difficult to see from Zhang Wen's words that he still supports Sun Quan's rule in Jiangdong.

After helping Zhang Wen up, the first thing Sun Deng did, who was very filial by nature, was to ask Sun Quan how he was doing recently.

Seeing Sun Deng's expression, Zhang Wen's heart became more and more satisfied.

Because if Liu Bei really decided to change the national policy to prioritize the south and the north, then it would be better for Liu Bei not to speak out rashly in his current capacity without clearly consulting his subordinates about this matter.

After Liu Bei nodded, many of the Han officials on the high platform showed surprise on their faces.

Many of the Han officials present did not have strategic vision, and all they could do was obey Liu Bei's orders.

Including Sun Deng and others.

This is undeniably part of the reason, but there is a more important reason.

Filial piety comes first among all good deeds. Zhang Wen saw that the prince of Jiangdong was a filial person by nature, and his eyes showed great relief.

The meaning in his words also means that he gave up the idea of ​​changing national policy.

After all those people left, only Liu Bei's confidants and Han officials were left on the high platform.

Even with his current reputation in Jiangdong, his attitude towards the Sun family in Jiangdong can be understood as the current attitude of the major families in Jiangdong towards the Sun family.

After seeing no one around, Sun Deng cautiously approached Zhang Wen and asked:

"Zhang Jun, when can I return to Jiangdong?"

The current situation in the world is one of three pillars standing together, rather than dividing the world into two.

Liu Bei is an emperor. When he sees people and things, he must not just see one person or one thing.

If most of the Jiangdong families still support Sun Quan, then the battle to conquer Jiangdong is likely to turn into a protracted war.

Because his words and deeds represent Sun Quan's words and deeds.

Even the hostages from Jiangdong, such as Sun Deng and Chen Biao, also showed some embarrassment on their faces.

"Higher countries have troops to conquer, while small countries have strong defenses."

But Sun Deng also knew that Zhang Wen would not tell the truth if Sun Quan was really unwell when asked by Liu Bei.

This kind of practice was not only seen by Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, but also by almost every wise king in the Western Han Dynasty.

Under this mentality, Zhang Wenqiang held on to the few courage left in his heart.

From the day Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, he designated the "Northern Expedition against Wei" as the greatest national policy of the modern Han Dynasty. It can be said that this national policy is the foundation of the modern Han Dynasty.

Sun Quan has been in a depressed mood for the past few years, and mood can directly affect a person's health in ancient times.

Liu Bei had not yet made up his mind whether to agree to Sun Quan's request.

Zhang Wen knew that his words could not hide Liu Bei's experience.

On the contrary, Liu Bei's eyes looked a little heavy.

As if aware of the questioning looks cast by the Han officials, Liu Bei also looked at the Han officials.

But what he never expected was that Liu Bei was not like any emperor in the Eastern Han Dynasty who followed the rules of the game.

At this time, Deng Zhi, one of the Han officials, seemed to realize that Liu Bei was worried, so he took the initiative to come out and pay homage to Liu Bei and then asked:

With this idea in mind, Zhang Wen knew that he could not meet with Sun Deng for too long, so he said to Sun Deng:

"Before Wen set off from Yong'an, His Majesty asked me to tell the Crown Prince:

It's just that Sun Quan is only slightly ill at the moment.

When this thought emerged in his mind, Zhang Wen gradually lowered his head under Liu Bei's playful eyes.

When Zhang Wen's words spread across the high platform, not to mention the faces of all the Han officials showed sneer.

As a hostage in a foreign country, what is Sun Deng most afraid of? Isn't he afraid that his father will forget him?

Sun Deng has always been thinking about returning to Jiangdong one day.

If that were the case, Sun Quan would have called him long ago.

It was precisely for this reason that Liu Bei finally gave up the idea of ​​changing national policy.

"Huanghan, the upper country. Jiangdong, the small country."

Since Liu Bei has clearly revealed his intention to conquer Jiangdong, Zhang Wen will naturally not say any more official words.

Zhang Wen's attitude is representative of the attitudes of most Jiangdong families.

If he had not handled Liu Bei's answer properly, he would probably have become the eternal sinner of the Jiangdong Sun family.

It seems that during the two years in Jingzhou, Sun Deng was not led astray by Liu Bei's men.

Seeing that Liu Bei confirmed his judgment, Deng Zhi did not continue to ask questions.

However, Zhang Wen, who was entrusted with an important task by Sun Quan, even though his awe for Liu Bei was slowly deepening in his heart, he knew that he could never back down now.

After Deng Zhi brought Sun Deng, he took the initiative to exit the house and gave Zhang Wen and Sun Deng time to be alone.

What is the style of Gaozu?

But something unexpected happened to Zhang Wen again. After listening to Zhang Wen's words, Liu Bei didn't have the sneer on his face like other Han officials.

And based on the current situation in the world, once the attack on Jiangdong becomes a protracted war, strategically speaking, the Han Dynasty has already failed.

He originally thought that after he secretly defused Liu Bei's intentions and made Liu Bei unable to find a reason to send troops in name, Liu Bei would give up the idea of ​​sending troops to Jiangdong.

Moreover, the Han Dynasty's military power is currently at its peak. Under such circumstances, Liu Bei's words just now should have a strong deterrent effect on Zhang Wen.

But even though he didn't know it, Zhang Wen had noticed something abnormal from Liu Bei's reaction just now.

Zhang Wen looked at Liu Bei with fearful eyes.

Sun Quan's current title is Jiujiang Marquis. As Sun Quan's eldest son, Sun Deng was named the Prince of Jiujiang Marquis by Liu Bei last year.

"There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two kings in the land. Just like after the annexation of Wei, Sun Quan has not fully understood the destiny of heaven. I will carry the drum and go down the river again."

Although Liu Bei had already asked Zhang Wen this question when he was on the high platform just now.

Seeing Liu Bei suddenly asking him this question, Zhang Wen was confused for a moment.

Zhang Wen, who had not seen Sun Deng in the room for a long time, showed excitement on his face. He took the initiative to bow to Sun Deng:

"I pay my respects to the Crown Prince."

Without a clear response to Zhang Wen, he ordered those people from Jiangdong who were anxious to retreat first.

At that time, Jiangdong's national power was on par with the Han Dynasty, and even surpassed it in some aspects. Unexpectedly, Jiangdong has fallen to this level today.

After learning that Sun Quan was occasionally ill, Sun Deng's face showed deep concern.

Liu Bei has this idea, but it does not mean that he is a monarch who changes his orders from day to day.

After receiving this political signal, all the Han ministers had various thoughts in their minds.

Looking for a name is just polite, I can turn the table over to you at any time.

Liu Bei, who finally sat on the throne, could only whisper helplessly.

After thinking for a while, Liu Bei finally asked Zhang Wen: "How many people in Jiangdong are like Zhang Qing?"

Facing Sun Deng's inquiry, Zhang Wen informed Sun Deng of Sun Quan's physical condition.

He just wanted to kill one enemy for future kings while he could still fight.

However, Zhang Wen, as an envoy, still had the courage to answer: "There are eighty or ninety smart people, as compared to ministers, and the capacity of the carriages is countless."

But the key point is that there are two situations in the war to destroy the country, one is a quick victory, and the other is a protracted war.

Zhang Wen was born in one of the great families in Jiangdong.

He is not Sun Quan, and he will never only focus on immediate interests.

Among the entire Han Dynasty, there are only three or five people who can take the initiative to discuss national policy matters with Liu Bei.

After listening to Zhang Wen's answer, Liu Bei seemed a little tired.

But these heavy looks were well concealed by Liu Bei.

Now Sun Quan would take the initiative to send Zhang Wen to meet him, which was enough to greatly comfort his anxious heart.

Liu Bei knew that his ministers were waiting for his inner decision.

This is also a hidden political rule that meat eaters have played and followed for two hundred years in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

After Sun Deng helped Zhang Wen up, the excitement on his face was even deeper than Zhang Wen's.

Like Jiang Ji, his awe for Liu Bei is slowly deepening.

The content of the letter was very simple, that is, Sun Quan hoped that the envoy he sent this time could meet with Sun Deng.

Liu Bei's words were full of regret.

When Liu Bei saw that it was Deng Zhi, whom he trusted, who came out to ask this question, he couldn't help but nodded and replied:

"Of the three in the world, Jiangdong is currently the weakest. I just wanted to unify the south first."

Sun Quan is now a Han official in name only, while Liu Bei is the Han emperor.

When Zhang Wen, who was in panic, saw Sun Deng arriving, a look of surprise and relief immediately appeared on his face.

As for why Liu Bei gave up the idea of ​​attacking Jiangdong, the Han officials also learned the answer from Liu Bei's words.

Didn't he still want to attack Jiangdong just now? Why does Liu Bei care about this now?

On the surface, it seems that Liu Bei gave up the idea of ​​attacking because of Zhang Wen's performance and felt that Jiangdong still had talents.

When Liu Bei intended to attack Jiangdong, as an envoy, he could only answer this way.

Most of today's celebrities come from aristocratic families.

However, even if Deng Zhi did not say anything at this time, after Liu Bei confirmed Deng Zhi's guess, all the Han ministers present still turned their attention to Liu Bei.

Zhang Wen didn't know what Liu Bei on the high platform was thinking about after he left.

Deng Zhi was not worried that Sun Deng would reveal some secrets.

"Jiangdong's vitality will soon be restored, Your Majesty, don't be impatient."

The emperors of the Western Han Dynasty were the ones who made the rules of the game, and they never liked to abide by the rules of the game.

Facing Sun Deng's question, Zhang Wen's face froze and he didn't know how to answer.

Now that Liu Bei is willing to agree to Sun Quan's request, it is obvious that this is Liu Bei's show of goodwill towards Sun Quan's dispatch of envoys, and it is also an act by him to comfort Zhang Wen's heart.

In the eyes of Zhang Wen, who pays close attention to the Confucian tradition, how can the title of Marquis of Wu, which represents a different meaning, be easily given to Sun Shao?

Of course it's not needed.

Just as time went by and Zhang Wen's worries became more and more serious, Deng Zhi, on Liu Bei's order, brought Sun Deng to Zhang Wen's residence.

He raised his hands to Liu Bei and replied:

When Sun Deng heard that Zhang Wen was the heir apparent, Sun Deng, who had longed for Jiangdong for a long time, immediately took the initiative to help Zhang Wen up.

Aiming to preserve the classics, reading the classics extensively, advocating virtues, and practicing archery and imperial skills, one should have both."

Although Zhang Wen was not very confident when he made this answer, he still managed to finish the sentence.

But what I didn't expect was that just now Liu Bei really had the intention to conquer Jiangdong.

Facing the waiting of all the Han officials, Liu Bei finally just shook his head and said: "What a pity, there are many talented people in Jiangdong."

But in order to prevent Sun Deng from feeling depressed, he could only reply with comfort:

If you use the emperor to conquer your ministers, then the minister must be wrong. Do you need to find any more reasons?

"Your Majesty really has the intention to conquer Jiangdong."

With a faint worry in his heart, Zhang Wen thought about whether to report the matter to Sun Quan.

Just now, Liu Bei had already made plans.

Like Liu Bei, some were regretful, some were relieved, and some were disappointed.

Zhang Wen's words naturally contained some boastful words, but there was nothing that could be done about it.

A talented person is also a distinguished person and a famous person.

When Zhang Wen finished saying this, Sun Deng's face showed some joy.

In this view, when Liu Bei asked Zhang Wen whether Wu can be conquered, in the eyes of the ministers, it might just be Liu Bei's words to scare Zhang Wen.

Perhaps Sun Quan was a very long-lived man in history, but the situation in this world is very different from that in history.

With the current national strength of the Han Dynasty, it is wishful thinking to eat up Cao Wei in one bite, but it is possible to conquer Jiangdong.

On the contrary, as Zhang Wen looked at Liu Bei now, four words slowly emerged from his heart:

The style of the great ancestor.

When the entire Jingzhou was on guard against Sun Deng, if a young boy like Sun Deng could still find out the secret, then Jingzhou's defense measures would be rubbish.

Seeing that Sun Quan just asked Zhang Wen to tell him this, Sun Deng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed on his face.

What determines these two situations, apart from the current national strength of the Han Dynasty, is more importantly the attitude of the Jiangdong family.

After Liu Bei listened to Zhang Wen's answer, his face showed some scrutiny.

It's just that when his words fell into the ears of all the Han ministers present, they seemed a bit ridiculous for no reason.

As he grew up, he naturally understood the meaning of Zhang Wen's words.

But what Sun Deng didn't know was that there was another sentence Zhang Wen didn't say.

Mr. Zhong is almost ten years old.

Around 12 o'clock, there is another chapter.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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