Chapter 369 Life Choices

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Chapter 369 Life Choice: Kill Zhentian

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 369 Life Choice: Kill Zhentian

The time when the three-chief system really appeared in history should have been hundreds of years later during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

It's just that Mi Yang is a time traveler, so he can bring this system to the current world hundreds of years in advance.

Of course, Mi Yang also knows many excellent systems, but the systems must be adapted to the changing circumstances.

Any reform that goes beyond the development laws of the times is undoubtedly seeking death.

For example, Wang Mang.

The three-member system is very suitable for the current situation in every aspect.

The most important thing is that as long as the three-chief system is implemented in Liangzhou, Mi Yang will be able to bring all the manpower and material resources of Liangzhou back to the state capital.

Only by reaching this point can Mi Yang realize the political blueprint in his heart step by step.

One of the reasons why Mi Yang did not propose this system in front of his ministers is because he is now the lord of Liangzhou.

The lord is handsome, so what he needs to do is to make a ruling in the middle, and what he needs to do is to stabilize the overall situation, rather than personally fighting with the ministers.

Another reason is that he wants to further promote his confidants.

However, although he was not asked to propose this system personally, he had already personally arranged the corresponding back-ups.

Looking at the crowd of confidants who bowed to him, and listening to their words asking him to implement the three-member system, Mi Yang had a smile on his face.

But he didn't agree immediately.

He looked at the person sitting below him.

General of the Han expedition to the north, governor of Hanzhong, and relative of the Han Dynasty - Wu Yi.

The above various identities established Wu Yi's status as a prominent figure in Liangzhou.

In terms of status alone, his status is obviously higher than that of Fa Miao and others.

In addition, Wu Yijiu held Hanzhong for a long time and was quite prestigious in Hanzhong County, especially among the aristocratic families in Hanzhong.

Any political reform requires formality on the surface, which is an unspoken rule in politics.

Now Fa Miao, who is the head of Liangzhou's civil servants, has persuaded Mi Yang to implement the three-chief system. According to this unspoken rule, Mi Yang still needs Wu Yi's support.

Although Wu Yi's support currently cannot play a decisive role in Liangzhou's implementation of the three-chief system, Mi Yang still hopes to make things as watertight as possible.

This is also the reason why he talked to Wu Yi last night.

When Fa Miao and others bowed to Mi Yang, everyone's eyes on the high platform were already focused on him.

Perhaps some people speculated that Deng Ai's previous behavior was behind Mi Yang's instructions, but the words of worship by Fa Miao and others directly confirmed this.

However, as long as Mi Yang did not agree for a moment, those officials who tried their best not to implement the three-chief system would always have some hope in their hearts.

Under Mi Yang's gaze, everyone on the high platform followed Mi Yang's line of sight and turned their attention to Wu Yi.

Seeing this situation, Wu Yi's expression changed drastically.

Mi Yang's eyes were filled with scrutiny, while the eyes of many officials were filled with requests.

Maybe Mi Yang just wanted to ask for his opinion, but there was no doubt that many officials put their hopes on him.

Yes, if there is anyone else who can make Mi Yang worry, isn't it Wu Yi?

But facing everyone's gaze, Wu Yi broke out in cold sweat on his head.

He comes from an out-and-out aristocratic family. According to common sense, he should be on the same side as those many officials.

But at this time, Wu Yi kept thinking about what Mi Yang said to him.

Things that he had been unable to figure out originally seemed to have some clues combined with this situation.

What Mi Yang said last night comes from the Confucian classic "Mencius".

As a child of an aristocratic family, Wu Yi studied this book when he was continuing his studies after his enlightenment, so he knew the original text of that sentence very well.

He also knew very well why Mencius wrote such an article.

Because in that era, the noblest moral integrity of scholars was to attach great importance to righteousness.

That's why Mi Yang asked him last night: "Have you forgotten the righteousness of a scholar?"

There are many understandings of justice in today's world.

But in this situation, combined with the ideological program that "the people are the most important, the country is second, and the king is despised" that the great Confucian sage Mencius has always advocated, it is not difficult for Wu Yi to guess the meaning in Mi Yang's mouth, which specifically refers to:


It’s that “people are the most precious” thing that any Confucian scholar would memorize, but is forgotten by most Confucian scholars!

Just like Wu Yi before.

But in this world, he is not the only one who has forgotten this.

Those officials who looked at him with pleading eyes, weren't they scholars? Didn't they forget it?

The world is inherently turbid. Is it wrong for him to just go with the flow?

When he had figured everything out, Wu Yi ignored the eager pleading looks from many officials. He slowly raised his head, and then looked at Mi Yang with puzzled eyes.

Wu Yi's move was unexpected by Mi Yang.

However, Mi Yang's eyes no longer had any intention of questioning Wu Yi. Instead, his eyes gradually turned firm.

He must accomplish this today!

Two eyes collided invisible in the air, and Wu Yi, who noticed Mi Yang's firm intention, became more and more puzzled.

With Mi Yang's current status, as long as he continues to abide by the rules, the Mi family of Donghai will sooner or later become the top family in the Han Dynasty.

And he, Mi Yang, will become the most popular minister of the Han Dynasty.

Mi Yang thought it was very simple to get these things, it could be said that they were at his fingertips.

As long as he turns a blind eye to some things and joins them.

But why didn't he choose to live a life of great honor, comfort and ease?

Instead, why do you want to do something that is likely to cause great controversy among the world and arouse great resentment among the nobles?

This will do no good to his future.

Regarding this point, Wu Yi was puzzled.

He even thought about how his Majesty and the Prime Minister would view him if what happened on the high platform today were spread.

But after Wu Yi thought of this, he seemed to understand why Mi Yang did what he did.

What Mi Yang is doing today is just like His Majesty back then.

When Liu Bei took control of Yizhou, the Yizhou nobles were not very dissatisfied with the change of owner at first.

After all, for nobles, changing masters is normal, as long as their interests are not touched.

But what the Yizhou nobles did not expect was that after Liu Bei took control of Yizhou, he became very dissatisfied with the current situation in Yizhou.

"The scholar-bureaucrats often use their wealth and power to bully the common people and make the people in Shu think of chaos. Eight out of every ten households."

Because they disliked Liu Yan very much, Liu Zhang and his son were gentle and tolerant of the nobles when they were in power.

In order to let the people of Yizhou live a good life, under the instruction of Liu Bei, five great talents worked together to create a "Shu Ke".

Once that severe law was promulgated, it immediately caused an uproar in Yizhou.

The guiding ideology of "Shu Ke" is "the principles are strong first, and the principles are weak later". Everyone in the world knows what is strong and what is weak.

Because of the promulgation of the "Shu Ke", the Yizhou nobles began to be deeply dissatisfied with Liu Bei's entry into Yizhou, and continued to exert resistance overtly and covertly, hoping that Liu Bei would give up halfway.

But what disappointed the Yizhou nobles was that when they did this, before Liu Bei could react, Zhuge Liang, who was always known for his gentle nature towards others, took the lead and raised the sharp blade.

One after another powerful people from aristocratic families fell under the bright red banner of the Han Dynasty, and instead, batches of common people were liberated.

The resistance at that time was not small, but Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, the monarch and his ministers, did not compromise at all on this point.

Without their persistence at that time, there would be no great governance in Yizhou today, nor would there be several great victories in recent years.

Thinking of the past styles of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, Wu Yi couldn't help but look helpless.

How could His Majesty and the Prime Minister blame Mi Yang for what happened today?

They are all Mi Yang's teachers, and Mi Yang's style is inherited from them.

They are the same as Mi Yang, true scholars who are unwilling to join the dirty world.

It's just that compared to His Majesty and the Prime Minister, Mi Yang acted more decisively.

No wonder Mi Yang is so favored by His Majesty and the Prime Minister.

No wonder I never gain His Majesty's trust.

If we are not colleagues, how can we talk about trust?

The look of helplessness was fleeting, and Wu Yi, who had figured everything out, stood up under the gaze of everyone.

He slowly walked towards Mi Yang.

Wu Yi's steps were heavy, but he knew that he had to make a choice in front of everyone.

"Fish is what I want; bear paws are what I want too."

This refers to him in the past.

But as Mencius said, it is often impossible to have both, so let him give up one today.

Seeing Wu Yi walking towards Mi Yang with a serious look on his face, all the officials behind him showed joy on their faces.

What they fear most is that Wu Yi turns a blind eye to this.

But as long as Wu Yi makes a choice, they feel that Wu Yi must be on their side.

Their confidence comes from what Wu Yi did in the past.

It also comes from Wu Yi’s identity.

After Wu Yi came to Mi Yang's side, he and Mi Yang looked at each other.

In the past, due to various reasons, he tried to avoid looking at Mi Yang to avoid being accused of being disrespectful.

But today, he was no longer cautious.

While looking at each other, Wu Yi continued to move towards Mi Yang.

Ding Feng, who was behind Mi Yang, saw this and wanted to step forward to stop Wu Yi like he did that day, but his move was stopped by Mi Yang.

Wu Yi looked particularly bold today, but Wu Yi like this made Mi Yang feel like she got to know him again.

Mi Yang knew that Wu Yi was approaching and wanted to ask him something, so he did not let Ding Feng stop Wu Yi.

During today's military parade, he was wearing fine armor on his inner body just to be safe.

Without any obstruction, Wu Yi quickly arrived in front of Mi Yang.

Looking at Mi Yang who was so close, Wu Yi asked the last question in his heart.

"Are the things that the shepherd did in the past all for today?"

A glass of wine releases military power, and ruthless generals are dealt with severely, including warning oneself in words, etc.

Link after link, we press forward step by step, until today's military parade shows off our strength.

Today's military parade is for showing off one's strength, but Mi Yang's target of showing off one's strength is not just Cao Zhen in Guanzhong.

In the past, Wu Yi only thought that Mi Yang wanted to monopolize power, but it was obvious that his idea was completely wrong.

Facing Wu Yi's question, Mi Yang thought for a while and then replied:

"It's both for today and tomorrow."

In Mi Yang's words, what he refers to today is the three-member system. What will he refer to tomorrow?

It must be the different Liangzhou after the implementation of the three-chief system.

After getting the answer, Wu Yi had a smile on his face.

He immediately retreated facing Mi Yang, and when he was in front of Deng Ai, he waved his sleeves vigorously, and then bowed deeply to Mi Yang in a very standard bowing posture.

At the same time, an impassioned shout from the veteran resounded on the wide platform.

"I second the proposal!"

Although Wu Yi's shout contained only three words, it was full of power.

Maybe he took the wrong path in the past, so let him make a new choice today!

Hope it's not too late.

When Wu Yi shouted out his second words, many ministers on the high platform all had surprised and inexplicable looks on their faces.

How can this be!

Wu Yi is also a member of a noble family!

Wu Yi's second suggestion shattered the inner reliance of many officials on the high platform.

In fact, they did not rely on the wrong thing, but they forgot one thing.

Zhuge Gong, who put the people first, was also from an aristocratic family, and among the close ministers who followed Mi Yang, there were also children from aristocratic families.

Troubled times are turbid, but in the turbulent currents, there will always be a few bright pearls emerging.

Cao Wei had it, Soochow had it, and Ji Han, who was full of ideals, would certainly not be lacking.

After being shocked, some officials were hesitant because of Wu Yi's choice. After all, what was Wu Yi's status?

If he firmly opposes Mi Yang's three-chief system, many officials based on his status will unite around him to oppose Mi Yang. This is also a situation Mi Yang does not want to see.

Political behavior is to win over one faction and fight against another.

However, although Wu Yi made his choice and influenced some officials, there were still a large number of officials who could not accept the three-chief system.

Among them, those with the most intense opposition were those officials headed by Xiao Pu.

Xiao Pu was about to lose his mind at this time. He didn't know what it meant to have the overall situation decided. He just wanted to protect himself and suddenly pointed his finger at Mi Yang.

"Uncle Mu, aren't you afraid of losing the support of the people of Liangzhou by doing this?"

There was a hint of threat in Xiao Pu's words.

As a wise king, no one is afraid of this, because losing the support of the people means that they will face constant rebellion.

In the past, the word "people's support" was often used by the gentry to constrain the ruler.

Because their influence among the people is unparalleled.

Obviously, Xiao Pu used the method of pressing the top of the box.

Seeing that Xiao Pu was so stupid that he dared to speak to Mi Yang like this, Fa Miao was furious and wanted to order someone to capture Xiao Pu.

But at this time Mi Yang had already stood up from his seat.

He walked up to Xiao Pu step by step, facing Mi Yang's approach step by step. Feeling the aura released by Mi Yang, Xiao Pu was so frightened that he almost lost his balance.

Before arriving at Xiao Pu, Mi Yang sneered and asked Xiao Pu, "As a descendant of Prime Minister Xiao, do you know what the people's support is?"

After asking Xiao Pu this question, and before Xiao Pu could answer, Mi Yang said to him: "Gu, today I will let you see what the people's heart is."

After finishing speaking, Mi Yang pressed his sword and came to the edge of the high platform.

After arriving here, Mi Yang's figure reappeared in the eyes of the thirty thousand soldiers below the high platform.

After seeing Mi Yang's figure, Sanwan Liangjun's eyes gradually became fiery again.

On the edge of the towering platform, Mi Yang looked at his thirty thousand soldiers below.

He opened his hands as if to embrace all the 30,000 elite Liangjun troops below him, and then he shouted:

"What should we do if we are against the loneliness?"

No matter how loud Mi Yang's voice was, it was impossible for all his shouts to reach the ears of 30,000 Liang troops.

But there is a voice official on each step of the high platform.

One by one, the messengers spread Mi Yang's question all over the high platform, and then reached the ears of 30,000 Liangjun at extremely fast speeds.

When thirty thousand Liang troops heard their master ask them this question, they immediately began to answer Mi Yang with actions under the leadership of generals at all levels.

The sound of tens of thousands of spears hitting the ground rose up instantly, as if they were about to break through the blue sky above everyone's heads.

What followed was a sound more exciting than the sound of tens of thousands of spears hitting the ground.




Thirty thousand Liangzhou soldiers used all their strength to shout the most intimidating word in the world.

The deafening shouts of tens of thousands of people shouting for death were like tens of thousands of sharp knives surrounding the officials on and off the high platform.

Feeling the murderous intent that seemed to be everywhere in the world under the influence of tens of thousands of shouts of killing, all the officials on the high platform were frightened out of their wits.

They thought of the elite 30,000 Liang troops during the military parade just now.

Can their clan soldiers stop such an elite force?

Thinking of this, Xiao Pu turned pale and most of the officials collapsed to the ground.

This is Mi Yang's popular sentiment, and this is also Mi Yang's determination to implement the three-chief system.

The three-member system is unstoppable!

But Mi Yang seemed to be quite enjoying it when he heard the shouts of killing that made many officials frightened.

He looked towards the west and thought to himself:

Subjects are like sons, and those who love their sons will have far-reaching plans.

You have all made plans for your subjects, now it is your disciple’s turn.

Chapter 2 yesterday.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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