Chapter 367 The Effect of Performing Martial Arts

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Chapter 367 The Effect of Performing Martial Arts Three Longs Made

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 367 The Effect of Performing Martial Arts Three Longs Made

Zhang Ni's behavior of leading troops to surround the high platform in broad daylight was discovered by some officials.

But when the officials looked at the soldiers wearing Liangzhou official army uniforms, they did not have any doubts about Zhang Ni's behavior.

Today is the time when Liangzhou holds a grand military parade. It is normal for some troops and horses to be mobilized.

In addition, Mu Mi Yang of Liangzhou was sitting on the high platform, so it was reasonable that his subordinates would mobilize troops and horses to protect the inside and outside of the high platform.

Those officials paid no attention to Zhang Yi who came with his troops.

As a close and beloved general of Mi Yang, Zhang Yi is still known to many people in Liangzhou.

But among the officials present, few thought highly of Zhang Ni.

Zhang Yi and Deng Ai both came from poor families.

Most of the officials present were from noble families, and it was only natural for the proud noble family members to look down on Zhang Ni, who came from a poor family.

Even though Zhang Yi's contribution to the Han Dynasty was much greater than that of them.

Not wanting to talk to Zhang Ni, those officials who discovered Zhang Ni's behavior turned their attention to the military parade in the venue.

At this time, in the open space, the thousands of speeding chariots had arrived within a hundred steps of thousands of wooden men.

When within this distance, the archers on thousands of chariots quickly took off the crossbows on their backs, and then took out a sharp arrow from the quiver on their waist with very skillful gestures.

The thousands of Liang Jun archers standing on the speeding chariots basically did not hesitate too much when they placed the sharp arrows in their hands on the long bows in their other hands.

They subconsciously shot the arrows in their hands towards the wooden man in front.

Even on a speeding chariot, the movements of thousands of archers setting up bows and shooting arrows were not affected at all.

With the sound of thousands of sharp arrows piercing the air, thousands of sharp arrows with cold light roared towards the thousands of wooden figures.

Just a moment later, with the help of the wind, thousands of sharp arrows were inserted into the array of thousands of dummies at lightning speed.

And when thousands of sharp arrows fell into the array of thousands of dummies, due to the strength of the arrows, the thousands of arrows were nailed into the bodies of thousands of wooden dummies.

After seeing this, hundreds of officials on and off the high platform burst into cheers.

At that time, only a few powerful armies wore iron armor. Most of the soldiers wore cloth armor, and the protective power of those cloth armors was not necessarily as high as that of wood.

So even though the thousands of enemies were all made of wooden figures, this scene still aroused cheers.

At least this scene proved the well-trained skills of the thousands of shooters and the sharpness of Liangzhou's military equipment.

And just after the cheers sounded from up and down the high platform, the thousands of chariots rushed into the array of thousands of dummies at extremely fast speeds.

The powerful impact of the chariot quickly knocked away the thousands of wooden men in front of them.

When thousands of wooden figures flew back, Rong You on the chariot waved the halberd in his hand, harvesting the heads of the wooden figures on the left and right.

Heads were cut off by sharp halberd blades and flew into the air, then fell heavily to the ground.

In less than three seconds, the array of thousands of wooden figures had been rushed to pieces, and there were not a few wooden figures who had their heads chopped off by thousands of soldiers.

When they saw this scene, hundreds of officials on and off the high platform showed satisfaction on their faces.

They felt very happy to have such well-trained soldiers protecting them.

But before the look of satisfaction on the faces of hundreds of officials dissipated, as bursts of more rapid drumbeats sounded, the thousands of tanks that had received the instructions began to slowly withdraw from the battlefield.

Their mission is over, and now comes the main event.

After thousands of chariots retreated under the urging of drums, a blood-heated scene suddenly appeared in the vast open space below the high platform.

I saw two opposing military formations gradually emerging from the field below.

Judging from the number of people in the military formation, there should be about five thousand people on one side.

The appearance of ten thousand troops on the scene can make people excited, but it will not make people boil with pain.

What really makes people excited is that the 10,000-strong army is fully equipped with strong armor and sharp blades, and a variety of long and short weapons!

Although the performance of the thousands of chariots just now can be said to be excellent, they were only fighting against wooden men who could not move.

But the soldiers in the two armies that appear now have weapons in their hands that can really kill people!

How can fighting against dead objects highlight the elite of the Han army, and how can people holding wooden weapons make people feel the true cold-bloodedness of the battlefield?

Only with real swords and guns can it be a real military parade!

In ancient times, confrontation with cold weapons was the most passionate romance in men's hearts.

Parading with real swords and guns is not Mi Yang's unique behavior.

Since the Western Han Dynasty, Han Dynasty military parades have always used real weapons.

Therefore, often when the government holds a military parade, it attracts the attention of countless people and greatly deters some people's evil intentions.

Of course, the military parade is not a real battlefield battle, so the two sides will not really fight each other to the death.

But as long as you hold cold weapons, some casualties are inevitable.

But this is precisely the place in the military parade where military power can really be promoted.

With both sides holding cold weapons, how to ensure the grandeur of the military parade while ensuring that the soldiers do not suffer too many casualties is a test of the abilities of both the soldiers and the generals.

The abilities in these two aspects are the best criteria for judging whether the army is elite.

When the five thousand armies of both sides were in formation, they each approached the other side step by step under the command of their generals.

Although the advance of ten thousand infantry is not as rapid as the advance of thousands of chariots.

But when the 10,000 infantry troops, fully armored and armed with sharp blades, advance on the ground, the noise they make in the field will be even louder.

When the loud and neat sound of marching sounded in the open space, the drums behind them became louder and louder.

If you hear the drum, you will advance; if you retreat without permission, you will die!

This is an iron rule written into the Seven Kills Order, and no one under Mi Yang's command dares to violate it.

As the 10,000 infantry troops continued to advance towards the enemy, the rumble of footsteps resounding throughout the field seemed to combine with the high drumbeats behind them into an inspiring melody.

Not only did the tens of thousands of infantry troops become more and more morale-driven under this exciting melody, but even the hundreds of officials on the high platform showed excitement on their faces.

The armies of the two sides were not far apart, and soon the front lines of the armies of both sides were close to each other.

At this time, the generals in the armies of both sides immediately waved their flags and commanded the soldiers behind them.

Under the command of the general, even though they knew that the opponent was a comrade, the thousands of Han troops in front of the formation still resolutely raised their spears and stabbed towards the opponent.

When they saw thousands of spears coming towards them, the generals on the other side did not panic.

He calmly commanded the soldiers behind him and raised the specially made shield in his hand to resist the opponent's sudden spear.

A moment later, the sharp spear tip collided hard with the hard shield.

When the two collided, a burst of piercing shouts suddenly sounded in front of the two armies.

This is a sound unique to cold weapon duels.

And when these bursts of sound reached the high platform, the officials on the high platform showed joy on their faces.

They are the most powerful group in Liangzhou except Mi Yang.

They urgently need elite soldiers to protect their vested interests in Liangzhou.

But the scene that happened next made them feel even more excited.

When the Han army that was thrusting with spears found that their offensive was neutralized by the enemy, they immediately sent out the swordsmen in their formation.

Hundreds of elite swordsmen were summoned and quickly ran out of their own formation, then without hesitation drew out the long swords at their waists and slashed at the "enemy" on the opposite side.

After seeing this, the officials on the high platform were suddenly heartbroken.

When the pikemen were resisted, the Han army on the offensive chose to find another way and sent some short-soldier warriors to attack the enemy's formation.

Such an approach can be regarded as a thorough understanding of the changes in the art of war.

It's just that the two armies fighting below were all soldiers of Liang Jun, so the officials on the high platform couldn't help but feel secretly worried about the soldiers of the other side.

However, the soldiers who can be selected to perform fighting skills in front of Mi Yang must be the elite of the army.

So what worried many officials did not happen.

The general of the Han army on the other side, unaware of the opponent's intentions, decisively waved the command flag to let the pikemen hiding behind the protection of the shield come out.

The spear points with a cold gleam suddenly thrust out from behind the shield wall, catching hundreds of Han soldiers who were approaching from the opposite side with short blades by surprise.

In desperation, the hundreds of Han troops could only throw themselves to the ground to avoid the attack.

But even though the speed of the hundreds of Han troops was already very fast, some of them who lost the opportunity were still stabbed by the opponent's spears.

Since it was not a real battlefield, the spears on the opposite side did not stab at the vital points of the hundreds of Han soldiers, but injuries were inevitable wherever the sharp blades touched.

The part of the Han army that was stabbed by the spear let out a cry of pain and then fell to the ground covering the wound with his hands.

The bright red blood flowed from their wounds, proving the thrill of the battlefield just now.

When the blood flowed to the ground along with the wounds of the injured Han soldiers, a tense and dignified atmosphere began to spread.

Even so, the elite soldiers from both sides, who had long been accustomed to being injured in military parades, did not hesitate at all.

The Han army that had gained some advantage held up their shields under the command of the general, forming an indestructible shield and continued to approach the opponent step by step.

As long as the golden sound does not sound, they are determined not to retreat.

The Han army on the other side saw that the other side was pressing forward step by step, and they were not willing to show weakness.

After the hundreds of Han soldiers who had just been sent came back to support the injured soldiers, the generals among them immediately ordered the entire army to retreat quickly, and then released arrows to block the approach of the opposing soldiers.

Shields that can withstand spears are very heavy.

Therefore, it was impossible for the Han army to lift the heavy shield above their heads to protect it.

There are not many archers in the opponent's formation, and the soldiers participating in the military parade today are all wearing fine armor and helmets.

However, under the attack of thousands of arrows, many soldiers were still shot by the arrows and fell to the ground.

Most of the soldiers hit by stray arrows were not in danger of death, but injuries were unavoidable.

As soon as the two armies fought, each suffered damage.

Even at this point, the armies on both sides still had no intention of stopping.

The stern shield is still advancing steadily, and the sharp arrows are still flying in the field, all of which restore the real scene on the battlefield.

However, as one side pressed forward step by step, the other side gradually retreated.

If you can't retreat, then fight.

So the Han army that was retreating immediately took a step forward under the command of the general, waving the spears and swords in their hands, and pressed against the opponent across the formation.

Thousands of sounds of fighting reached the high platform at extremely fast speeds, and continued to impact the hearts of everyone on the high platform.

Under this impact, a white-haired official on the high platform suddenly couldn't help shouting:

"Strong armor and sharp blades, long and short mixed, crossbows and crossbows coming and going, all the troops are in front"!

"Get off your horse and fight, swords and swords will meet each other, and you will be at odds with each other"!

This knowledgeable official kept shouting these two sentences, and as he shouted, his eyes became moist.

These two sentences come from the famous history book "Hanshu".

These two sentences record the scene when the Central Army conducted a military parade when the Han Dynasty was at its peak.

When the Han Dynasty was strong and powerful, all the countries surrendered and envoys continued.

The emperor of the Han Dynasty liked to hold military parades in front of envoys from various countries. He wanted to show the world the power of the Han army!

Perhaps because it was a military parade, the armies of both sides could not really fight, and the cruelty of the battlefield could not be truly reflected.

But for Liang Jun, who has the same origin, they can, under the command of a man, wave their weapons at their comrades in front without hesitation.

They don't need to rely on word of mouth, just listen to the sound of drums and watch the flags, and they can perform actions in a uniform manner.

Even after injuring their comrades, they could continue moving forward without hesitation, because the sound of gold on the high platform did not sound.

All of this proves that this kind of army is a well-trained army with strict rules and regulations.

And such an army can undoubtedly proudly shout the words "the strongest army in the world"!

Unexpectedly, I could see the scene recorded in history books from this high platform today.

Seeing this scene that recreated the military might of the Han Dynasty in its heyday, how could this old man not feel extremely excited?

And when the old official shouted these two sentences, the officials on the high platform who had read "Han Shu" also understood the old man's state of mind.

Who doesn’t yearn for the prosperous age of the Han Dynasty recorded in the "Book of Han"?

Now on the high platform of Liangzhou, they had a first glimpse of the military strength of the Han Dynasty at its peak.

Excitement is contagious quickly.

Soon all the officials on the high platform were infected by the old official, and their faces showed excitement.

Liangzhou has such a strong army, will it still be a luxury to hope to revive the Han Dynasty in the future?

Especially this powerful army is still in the hands of Mi Yang, a famous general in the world.

When everyone's faces showed excitement, Mi Yang gave the order to ring the gold.

The goal has been achieved.

When the sharp sound of ringing gold was transmitted from the high platform to the ground, the Han army who was fighting between long and short armies below reacted instantly.

Under the command of their respective generals, they retreated towards the rear in an orderly manner.

After the two warring armies separated, Deng Ai, who had been prepared for a long time, took a deep breath and walked from his seat to Mi Yang.

While everyone was still immersed in excitement, Deng Ai bowed to Mi Yang under everyone's gaze and said loudly:

"I have a system called Sanchang, which can help Liangzhou's national strength grow. I hope Mu Bo will adopt it."

When everyone saw that Deng Ai had come out to offer advice to Mi Yang, many people felt contempt in their hearts.

People from poor families are so shameless and they really know how to choose the opportunity to please the shepherd.

But then this view in their minds quickly disappeared.

Because after saying this, Deng Ai took out the document in his arms and explained the specific content of the three-member system.

When they heard what the three-chief system was, all the officials on the high platform exploded!

Wu Yi was so frightened that he looked at Mi Yang with disbelief.

Everything he did today was for this purpose!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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