Chapter 380: Qiao Yu's Poisonous Scheme

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Chapter 380 Qiao Yu’s poisonous plan Mi Yang’s disaster

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 380 Qiao Yu’s poisonous plan Mi Yang’s disaster

Li Miao was born in the Li family of Guanghan County.

Guanghan County, Shu County and Ba County are the three counties with the most prosperous economy in Yizhou, and they are also the three counties with the strongest gentry power in Yizhou.

It can be said that a large part of the officials in the Han Dynasty today were selected from these three counties.

With such a background, Li Miao has been very famous in Yizhou since he was young.

Not only is he famous, but his three brothers Li Chao, Li Shao and Li Li are also famous celebrities in Yizhou.

The people of Yizhou today call Li Chao, Li Shao and Li Li the "Three Dragons of the Li Family", which shows the Li family's reputation in Yizhou.

As for why people don't call Li Miao and his brothers the "Four Dragons of Li"?

This is because Li Miao's arrogant and outspoken personality made him disliked by some people in power.

For example, Liu Bei hated him very much.

Liu Bei hates Li Miao, not without reason. It stems from an incident that year.

In his early years, Li Miao was a subordinate of Liu Zhang, the shepherd of Yizhou. After Liu Bei captured Yizhou, because of the reputation of the Li family in Guanghan, he recruited Li Miao to work in Yizhou.

Later, during the Zhengdan period of the second year, Liu Bei asked his subordinate officials to pour wine to celebrate him. This was a normal thing.

But when Li Miao toasted to Liu Bei, he openly condemned Liu Bei: "Liu Zhang trusted you, but you captured Yizhou. This is not what you should do."

Zhengdan is a very important festival for a monarch, where hundreds of officials gather.

Although Li Miao's tone was somewhat tactful, he was actually accusing Liu Bei of being a wolf-hearted and ungrateful person, which made Liu Bei unhappy all of a sudden.

If it had been Cao Cao, Li Miao might have died on the spot.

But Liu Bei was just unhappy and asked Li Miao disdainfully: "You know what I did was wrong, so why didn't you help Liu Zhang in the first place and instead accepted my recruitment?"

From the allusion of asking for land and asking for a house, we can see that what Liu Bei hated most in his life was corrupt Confucianism, which is quite similar to Liu Bang.

With Liu Bei's wisdom, he could certainly see that Li Miao was nominally condemning him for justice, but in fact he was trying to gain prestige by condemning him.

And because of the promulgation of the "Shu Ke" at that time, many Yizhou nobles indeed missed Liu Zhang very much and thought about Liu Bei's early defeat.

Faced with Liu Bei's sarcastic rhetorical question, Li Miao was immediately choked up.

In the end, he had no choice but to say something that is still circulated in Chengdu and made a joke by ministers from the Yuan Clan and Jingzhou Clan:

"It's not that I don't dare, it's just that I can't do it."

Li Miao's answer fully exposed his hypocrisy.

If you still look forward and backward before supporting "justice", do you really want to support justice?

Li Miao's answer is of little importance to future generations.

But in the eyes of the world, it is a complete joke.

In today's world, people talk about deeds without caring about their heart.

Because Li Miao was as drunk as a clown at that time, some law enforcement officials wanted to bring Li Miao to justice.

It was Zhuge Liang who came out to save Li Miao's life.

Perhaps Zhuge Liang never expected that the first person who wanted to discredit him right after his death was the person he saved in the first place.

But what everyone present did not expect was that Li Miao, who had learned the lesson of nearly losing his life, would now openly make such an irrelevant suggestion.

Qiao Zhou's clan father, Qiao Yu, immediately snorted and said, "If you want to die, just go ahead, but we don't want to accompany you to death in vain."

Hearing that he had been taught a lesson in vain, a look of dissatisfaction immediately appeared on Li Miao's face.

He was also considering everyone's interests. How could Qiao Yu teach him a lesson?

Moreover, in terms of seniority and status alone, I am not inferior to him at all.

Dissatisfied, Li Miao immediately wanted to refute Qiao Yu in person, but fortunately there were sensible people in his family.

That person was none other than Li Chao, one of the "Three Dragons of the Li Family".

Li Chaoneng is called a dragon and is the patriarch of the contemporary Li family in Guanghan. Naturally, his knowledge is not low.

Seeing that his brother was about to have an attack, he immediately explained: "We got the news before His Majesty and the Prime Minister, so we can gather together for a secret meeting tonight.

What would Your Majesty and the Prime Minister think if we took the lead in impeaching Mi Yang before Your Majesty and the Prime Minister received the news from Liangzhou?

Do you think that we are loyal to the country? Or do you think that we are spreading spies and forming cliques for personal gain?"

Hearing Li Chao's reminder, Li Miao immediately broke into a cold sweat.

What kind of spy can be faster than the imperial messenger?

And what is the purpose of arranging such spies?

As a minister, he already felt that something was not simple when he thought like this. If Liu Bei, as a monarch, realized this, who would Liu Bei think wanted to rebel?

Don't fail to defeat Mi Yang when the time comes, and end up being guillotined instead.

After reminding him, Li Chao looked at the friends present and reminded him emphatically: "Even after His Majesty and the Prime Minister receive the news, we cannot collectively report and openly stop Mi Yang."

After hearing what Li Chao said, most people present had puzzled expressions on their faces.

Only a few people showed thoughtful expressions on their faces after listening to Li Chao's words.

Among those people was the young Qiao Zhou.

Seeing that most people present did not understand his intention, Li Chao explained:

"Your Majesty and the Prime Minister have a deep grudge against us, and they are as close to Mi Yang as their nephews.

As the saying goes, there is no closeness without closeness. If we rashly and collectively file a petition to stop Mi Yang's reforms, His Majesty and the Prime Minister will inevitably suspect that our intentions are not good.

In addition, His Majesty has issued an imperial edict before, allowing Mi Yang to do things easily without having to report everything. Therefore, in terms of law and emotion, we have no definite charges that can make Mi Yang guilty."

Li Chao's explanation made everyone suddenly realize.

Based on Li Miao's suggestion just now, if everyone goes to court to impeach Mi Yang, they will impeach him for tampering with the laws of his ancestors and acting with arbitrary power.

If it weren't for Liu Bei's edict, Mi Yang's behavior would indeed be worthy of such charges.

However, under the edict "condemning" Mi Yang issued by Liu Bei before, these accusations are not so tenable.

As for changing the laws of the ancestors, not to mention that many emperors have often done this in the four hundred years since the Han Dynasty. Even ministers have such precedents.

After all, Mi Yang was a shepherd, and this status gave him great autonomy in governance.

Li Miao knew that if he wanted to overthrow a "powerful minister" like Mi Yang who was gradually becoming more powerful, he had to hit the target with one strike and not act with too much uncertainty.

Otherwise, once he escapes this time, when he takes full power in the future, Yizhou nobles like him will definitely have no good fruits to eat.

But after everyone understood the meaning of Li Chao's words, their faces showed worries again.

Are we just going to let Mi Yang harm their interests?

Seeing the worried expressions on everyone's faces, Li Chao and Qiao Yu looked at each other, and Qiao Yu said: "I have a way to make Mi Yang, the eagle, break his wings and make him fall into the canyon and die.


Qiao Yu's rather harsh words immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

The worried look on the faces of everyone present instantly disappeared and was replaced by looks of joy.

Everyone is a well-informed person, and they know that although Qiao Yu has been quiet in the past, he does not have the habit of talking big like Li Miao.

Since Qiao Yu dares to say this, then he must have a solution.

And among the people present, who wouldn’t want Mi Yang to end up like that?

Seeing everyone's faces looking over with joy, Qiao Yu slowly spoke:

"Since he took over Yizhou, our family's power has been greatly reduced, and besides, he is not as weak as Liu Zhang.

Those who hold military power in the Han Dynasty today are all his confidants, so we cannot openly take actions that go against his intentions."

The person Qiao Yu refers to is Liu Bei.

The reason why Qiao Yu did not call Liu Bei his majesty was because his only son died under the "Shu Ke".

With such a blood feud, Qiao Yu always used the word "he" to refer to Liu Bei in private.

Everyone present was Qiao Yu's good friend, so they naturally knew about Qiao Yu's habit.

What Qiao Yu said made everyone present nodded in agreement.

Isn't the reason why they are reduced to meeting in a secret room precisely because of what Qiao Yu said?

After Qiao Yu explained this most basic principle of action, he continued: "Although our power is not as powerful as it used to be, our family's influence in Yizhou has never changed.

We may not be able to influence his decision-making, but what if we use the big man's stability as a bargaining chip?

Yizhou is the seat of the imperial capital, and it is also where the entire Han Dynasty has accumulated money and food. Once Yizhou becomes unstable, the Han Dynasty will naturally become unstable as well.

And isn’t this something we can control?”

Hearing what Qiao Yu said, everyone present's eyes lit up.

Everyone knows that Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang's ambition is to help the Han Dynasty. This is their shining point, but why can't it become their weakness?

As long as you are good at using your own advantages, this is not difficult for the many Yizhou nobles present.

However, they were still waiting for Qiao Yu to continue talking about how to do it.

Qiao Yu did not keep everyone waiting. He immediately continued: "We can secretly send people to thoroughly publicize the equal land system throughout Yizhou, especially among the people."

"And we can appropriately transform some of the contents of the equal land system among the common people, or exaggerate some of its shortcomings.

The people are all ignorant, how many of them have their own opinions?

The people of Liangzhou can personally understand Mi Yang's intentions, but how can the people of Yizhou do this?

They have trusted us very much in the past. As long as we send people to publicize this matter, they will definitely believe it.

Then we will publicize that the current imperial court intends to promulgate the land equalization system throughout the country.

Once such news spreads widely, the people of Yizhou will definitely become uproar and uneasy.

If the people are uneasy and we continue to sit back and watch, now is the time of autumn harvest, then the entire harvest in Yizhou will be greatly affected.

By then, will he and Zhuge Liang still be able to sit still?"

If you want a family to prosper, you may want to use money.

But for a country to prosper, the most basic material is food.

Anything that affects the grain harvest is a major event related to the fate of the country. Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang are not unaware of this.

Just because they know it, they will not remain indifferent to this matter.

After Qiao Yu said the above words, he continued: "Because the equal land system has not yet been implemented, we cannot find a clear pain point to attack Mi Yang.

But similarly, before the equalization of land is implemented, who in the world can guarantee that it will bring prosperity instead of collapse?

Human beings all have worries, and many talented people throughout the ages have failed at this point and have been depressed and frustrated throughout their lives.

And when the grain harvest will be affected, the doubts in his and Zhuge Liang's hearts will be infinitely magnified.

Once this happens, can the land equalization system still be implemented smoothly?

I'm afraid we won't need to come forward by then, and other ministers will also have objections to this point.

To govern a country, you must keep it calm. This is the way to govern a country as Zhuge Liang himself said. He will never forget this.

Perhaps he and Zhuge Liang would not completely reject the equalization of land, but under the influence of such turmoil, the equalization of land would not be implemented in the short term.

After all, now he and Zhuge Liang, one is the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and the other is the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

Some of the things they were able to do back then can no longer be done with impunity."

After listening to everything Qiao Yu said, many people present were filled with admiration.

There is no need to face Liu Bei's power directly, and Mi Yang's land equalization system cannot be implemented. This can be said to be the best of both worlds.

But among the many people who admired it, some still had doubts.

Although Qiao Yu's plan was very possible, it made it impossible for Mi Yang's land equalization system to be implemented.

But it is not to directly cut off Mi Yang's future. In this case, once Mi Yang comes to power in the future, he is likely to restart the land equalization system again.

And how can this achieve the effect that Qiao Yu just said, making Mi Yang break his wings and fall?

Soon someone asked about this doubt in their mind.

After Qiao Yu heard this doubt, a smile appeared on his face: "You have this level of knowledge, do those common people have this level of knowledge?

Common people are easy to incite, and most of them lack far-sightedness.

It can be seen from the information that Mi Yang has already announced in all counties and counties in Liangzhou that the land equalization system is about to be implemented. It seems that by this time, the people of Liangzhou were already looking forward to it.

However, with this strong expectation, if the land equalization system is never truly implemented, then Mi Yang will not only lose his prestige, but the real great turmoil in Liangzhou will probably come!"

After Qiao Yu finished speaking these words, everyone present reacted by clasping their hands and bursting into laughter.

Their smiles were full of pride and joy.

It was as if Mi Yang's defeat was right in front of his eyes.

And it's normal for them to have this reaction.

Because this is not the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties where etiquette and righteousness have been completely lost. At that time, the word "faith and righteousness" was the political capital that people valued most.

Once Mi Yang loses this political capital, all his good reputation will disappear in an instant.

Perhaps because of his past achievements, he will not be defeated immediately.

But with this layer of political stain, he will never be able to reach the top of Renchen in his lifetime.

His status and reputation will gradually spread as his stain spreads, slowly swallowing up everything he has now.

And in addition, the Han Dynasty was a very bloody dynasty, and this kind of bloody nature was also possessed by the people of the Han Dynasty.

Or usually they are willing to be like cows and horses because of the pressure of life.

But once they know that they have been deceived and cannot get an inch of land, will they sit back and wait for death if they have no foundation for their livelihood?

But don’t forget who was the new force in the Yellow Turban Rebellion that swept the world.

Amidst the laughter of everyone, Qiao Zhou looked at his clan father, and some unexplainable emotions emerged in his heart.

Is this the skill that the clan father wants him to learn today?

Gathering the power of the Yizhou gentry to create irresistible public opinion, and thus achieve some of their own goals.

What a great move!

Thinking about it this time, Mi Yang can't escape this disaster.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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