Chapter 402

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Chapter 402: Prospering the people internally and seeking disloyalty externally

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 402: Prospering the people internally and seeking disloyalty externally

As one of the two ancient capitals as famous as Luoyang in the world, Chang'an is very large in scale.

In its heyday, Chang'an City had 12 city gates and 8 main streets, the longest of which was thousands of meters long.

Although Chang'an City later experienced wars and many buildings were damaged, its basic layout remained unchanged.

In the contemporary Chang'an City, palaces, noble residences, official offices and other buildings accounted for two-thirds of the city's area, and most of them were concentrated in the central and southern parts of Chang'an City.

As for the markets in Chang'an City, they are all concentrated in the northwest direction of the city.

Due to the large number of merchants coming and going in Chang'an City, to this day, there are nine very large markets in the northwest corner of Chang'an City, which were called the "Nine Markets of Chang'an" by people at that time.

The establishment of the nine cities in Chang'an represents the development of Chang'an's commercial industry and also represents the control of commercial activities by those in power.

This layer of control, on the other hand, makes Huaan's intelligence collection more convenient.

Because the nine cities in Chang'an are concentrated together, once something unusual happens in a certain market, it will quickly spread to every corner of the nine cities.

The medicinal material shop opened by Hua An is not large, and the medicinal material shop he opens is not among the most prosperous markets in the nine cities.

Hua An didn't want to stand out too much.

However, even though the location of his medicine shop was not good, he soon learned from other businessmen that Wei Jun was buying medicines on a large scale due to word of mouth from businessmen.

Perhaps Wei Jun's current actions are only being carried out in the largest markets.

But after Hua An's careful inquiring, he knew that Wei Jun's massive purchase of medicinal materials would soon affect his market.

This strange movement of Wei Jun made Hua An excitedly clap his hands when no one was around.

All the preparations he made in advance were in vain.

However, more than ten years of imprisonment have already made Hua An develop a cautious character.

He knows that intelligence is sometimes a double-edged sword. If something goes wrong in some aspects, it may lead Mi Yang to make wrong judgments, which Hua An does not want to see.

Therefore, Hua An did not rush to send the information he obtained to Liangzhou immediately.

In the next period of time, Hua An used his all-around skills to continuously travel through the nine cities of Chang'an to further explore Wei Jun's actions.

"Most of the medicinal materials purchased by Wei Jun are used to treat trauma."

"Cities are asking all medicinal shops to replenish their supply as soon as possible."

"Some drug dealers who wanted to hoard their goods were captured by the Wei army and do not know whether they are alive or dead."

All kinds of information were obtained by him either through Hua An's inquiring or from Hua An's personal experience.

As a businessman, Hua An became very comfortable in gathering information.

Because sharing intelligence is a very important means of profit for businessmen.

Only by always paying attention to the government's first developments can we seek the greatest benefits for ourselves.

In addition, Hua An is a native of Xuzhou, and his pure Central Plains accent will not easily arouse people's suspicion.

The Mi family of Donghai became a wealthy businessman in Xuzhou, and war fortune was one of their most important sources of money.

With such a family heritage, it was not difficult for Hua An, who was born in the Mi family of the East China Sea, to get the answer he wanted from the numerous complex business intelligence.

After the answer gradually took shape in his heart, Hua An immediately returned to his medicine shop and summoned one of his disciples.

Being in enemy territory and spying on intelligence is an extremely dangerous thing.

For such a dangerous matter, ordinary servants can be recruited on the spot depending on the situation, but they must be accompanied by one or two completely trustworthy tribesmen.

Before this disciple came to him, Hua An whispered something to him.

By the time Hua An finished whispering, his disciple's expression had turned into one of horror.

Seeing the horrified look on his brother's face, Hua An expressed his understanding.

But he was not worried that his disciple would do something he didn't want to see because of the fear in his heart.

Betraying the family is one of the bottom lines of being a human being in this world.

This does not mean that any tribesman will definitely not betray, but the tribesmen who would betray the family had already left them under the pressure of the Wei army.

Hua An looked at the look of horror on his younger brother's face, and he told his younger brother with serious words:

"We must bring this news to the young patriarch."

The young patriarch Hua An mentioned was Mi Yang.

The news of Mi Zhu's death had already been known to Hua An through special channels.

What Hua An knew was Mi Zhu's last words before she died.

Before Mi Zhu died, he appointed Mi Fang as the next head of the Mi family.

According to common sense, Mi Wei should inherit the position of head of the family after Mi Zhu's death.

However, it is also a recognized method of inheritance between brothers and brothers in this world.

In addition, Mi Wei voluntarily gave up his position as the head of the family, so now the head of the Mi family is Mi Fang.

And everyone knows that the reason why Mi Zhu appointed Mi Fang to succeed him as the head of the family is to pass the position of head of the Mi family to Mi Yang in the future.

Therefore, all members of the Mi clan now respect Mi Yang as the young clan leader in private.

Listening to the solemn tone in Hua An's words, Hua An's disciple nodded cautiously.

His nod means that he will successfully bring this news to Mi Yang's ears at the cost of his life.

After nodding to Hua'an, Hua'an's disciple took some money and left the city that afternoon.

After leaving the city, Hua'an's disciples quickly headed towards Liangzhou.

I didn't bring any followers because I was afraid that the followers would be unreliable.

Not writing the information in the letter is a way of ensuring that there will be no proof.

When Mi Yang's tribe was taken back to Ji Han by him, they were the most reliable trump card in Mi Yang's hand.

In the county government of Mianyang County, thousands of miles away from Chang'an, Mi Yang stood on a tall building nearby and looked at the many people below.

This tall building was built when the Xiao family took control of the county.

The reason why the Xiao family built this tall building was simply so that the soldiers in the county government could climb up to observe the enemy's situation during the civil uprising.

It can be said that Xiao's original intention of building this tall building was to better suppress the local people.

Perhaps after the high-rise building was built, the ancestors of the Xiao family also stepped onto the high-rise building. While admiring his masterpiece, he looked down with contempt at the people below who he regarded as mud.

But when Mi Yang led Fa Miao to stand on this tall building today, even though his eyes were looking down, his eyes were full of pride and joy.

Because today is the day when Mianyang County Government distributes one acre of land according to the land equalization system.

As time went by, Mianyang County’s work of censusing the population of Tianmu was finally completed.

After completing this work, in order to please Mi Yang, who was just outside the city, the newly appointed Mianyang County Magistrate immediately began to prepare for the New Deal land granting in Mianyang County.

According to the land equalization system implemented by Mi Yang, residents of Mianyang County, regardless of gender, can be allocated a certain number of acres based on population as long as they meet age conditions.

Perhaps the act of conferring farmland was not the first of its kind by Mi Yang, but was practiced in all dynasties.

Even when the heroes were dividing their empires, some princes also did this.

However, Mi Yang's land granting was completely different from what his predecessors had done.

The land granted by the predecessors was very good in name, but most of the land they granted fell into the hands of aristocratic families in various places, and there was no way it could fall directly into the hands of the people who were really suffering.

Before the land granting system was carried out, Mi Yang had already used strong methods to implement the three-head system.

The biggest function of the three-head system is to identify a large number of people who are sheltered by powerful families, and to make these people independent and no longer become slaves and vassals of a certain family and surname.

With this premise, it is enough to ensure that the acres of land granted by the equal land system can truly be achieved as described in his content, "Everyone who can cultivate land will have land."

And this point alone can make any common people who get this news feel extremely excited.

The status of acres among ancient people was the basis for their livelihood and the most important support in their lives.

It can be said that as long as the ruler can ensure that the vast majority of the people have fields to cultivate and crops to harvest, then this dynasty can be considered a prosperous age.

In the dynasties of this period, the centripetal force of the people was the strongest, and they were in a state of absolutely and sincerely supporting the ruler.

The people in ancient times never wanted much. Unfortunately, most of the time in history, rulers were unable to satisfy the people even with this simple request.

Then the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, just in an instant.

Although Mi Yang was born into a farmer's family in his previous life, there were many ways to make a living in his time, so he could not fully appreciate the importance of acres of land to the people of that time.

But now, standing on a high-rise building, he understood this deeply after seeing what happened in front of him.

It was dark under the high-rise building, and there were endless crowds of people as far as the eye could see.

They are all Mianyang people who were summoned by the three chiefs and came to the county and outside.

Among the many people, because they had just been rescued, most of them were sallow and thin, and they did not even have any decent covering clothing on them.

It's October now and the weather is starting to get colder.

Originally, with the current weather, many people should feel cold.

But Mi Yang didn't detect much fear of the cold on the faces of many people.

On the contrary, at this moment, every citizen's face showed uncontrollable joy.

I have never seen that kind of joyful look.

Most of the joy Mi Yang had seen in the past was the joy after a great victory, or the joy when receiving a reward.

Most of those joys are warm and surging.

But the joy shown by many people now has an unspeakable undertone, as if the people are worried that the scene they are experiencing is a dream.

They didn't dare to shout loudly or dance. They only dared to line up silently, and then stared ahead with a pair of shining eyes.

After a long period of observation, Mi Yang seemed to understand the meaning of that bright light.

That meaning is called hope.

Perhaps the common people did not understand the significance of the implementation of the equalized land system because they had not read books. They could not even memorize the contents of the equalized land system.

But they knew that this system called land equalization was actually granting them acres of land, which raised their expectations for the future.

Only those who have fields are worthy of being called human beings, right?

In the past, most of them were under the control of aristocratic families. Although they put in a huge amount of labor, all they could get in the end was a meager amount of food.

Even they were not regarded as human beings by those aristocratic families.

With that meager amount of food, it was difficult not only to feed my family, but also to feed myself.

So in the past days, family members died one after another in front of their eyes. Faced with this tragic situation, all they could do was humble begging and helpless crying.

Isn’t the root cause of all this just that they don’t have their own land?

But things are different now, they are about to have their own fields.

Many people inside and outside the county government watched as people like themselves in front received their own land deeds from the officials of the county government.

Seeing those people like themselves crying with joy after receiving the land deeds, their faces showed extremely excited expressions.

I will soon become them.

Thinking of this, the eyes of many people became brighter and brighter. As the long line of people continued to move forward, a name continued to appear in their hearts - Mi Yang.

They remember this name deeply in their hearts.

They didn't know that the man with this name was watching them from the tall building behind them.

But they knew that it was this man who gave them the opportunity to own their own fields.

Just remember this and that's enough.

A priceless treasure called the people's heart is constantly gathering in Mi Yang under the effective implementation of the land equalization system.

And this situation is happening quietly all over Liangzhou at this moment.

Or maybe the current public sentiment cannot bring much help to Mi Yang right away.

But one day in the future, hundreds of thousands of people in Liangzhou will repay Mi Yang's kindness to them today with the most simple hearts.

Every drink and every peck has its own cause and effect.

Mi Yang did not stay on the high-rise building for long. The main reason why he appeared on the high-rise building today was to observe whether the officials in Mianyang County were violating the rules.

After realizing that this situation did not occur, Mi Yang also thought about leaving.

Just because he saw that his new policy had brought joy and hope to many people, Mi Yang seemed to be in a good mood when he left.

People in the world have various explanations for what Zhou Mu is.

But Mi Yang has his own opinions.

"The state pastor receives books from all directions, maintains the tranquility of a country, cares for the people internally, and fights against unruly ministers externally."

This sentence not only explains the power of the state pastor, but also points out his obligations.

Now seeing that he is gradually completing his mission of "nurturing the people internally", how can Mi Yang not feel satisfied and happy?

But not long after Mi Yang returned to the military camp, who was in a good mood, he received a piece of news that made him worried - Chang'an Secretary Wen had something important to report.

After receiving the news, Mi Yang had a vague suspicion in his mind.

He has done enough to help the people at home, but now is he going to have to fight against his enemies externally?

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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