Chapter 406 History Regrets Don't Need to Repeat Itself

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Chapter 406 Historical regrets do not need to be repeated

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 406 Historical regrets do not need to be repeated

It is no wonder that all the ministers here have such doubts in their minds. It is true that Zhuge Liang had not yet made any military exploits in his time.

When Zhuge Liang assisted Liu Bei in the past, Zhuge Liang led troops.

It's just that in those few times when he led troops, Zhuge Liang played more of a role similar to supervising the army. He has not had the experience of independently commanding an army and commanding operations. So far, Zhuge Liang has never had this experience.

It is true that the Han Dynasty had extremely high requirements for the prime minister, and being both civil and military was the most basic configuration.

But people always have doubts about unknown things.

For the ministers in the palace, the success or failure of Zhuge Liang's southern expedition was a matter full of unknowns.

As a result, the doubts in the minds of the ministers could not be suppressed.

It goes without saying that the Prime Minister's southern expedition was successful, but what if it failed?

The big man may face overturning in an instant.

Every minister in the palace did not want to see such a situation.

In history, when Zhuge Liang was on his southern expedition, there may have been such doubts in the court, but the current situation is very different from that in history.

Historically, Ji Han's famous generals during the Southern Expedition either died or were not fully grown up, so in the end they had no choice but to let Zhuge Liang take command.

But the current situation in the Han Dynasty is that although many famous generals have died in recent years, there are still two people, Mi Yang and Zhang Fei.

Compared to Zhuge Liang, most of the ministers in the palace were more willing to believe in Mi Yang and Zhang Fei who had great military exploits.

So after Zhuge Liang asked for a southern expedition in front of Liu Chan, some ministers came to dissuade Zhuge Liang.

Under the leadership of some ministers, more and more ministers also joined the ranks to dissuade Zhuge Liang.

It's not that they disrespect Zhuge Liang, they acted to dissuade him, and they thought wholeheartedly about the big man.

After Liu Chan saw many ministers coming out to dissuade Zhuge Liang, his already wavering heart became more and more confused.

Liu Chan may not have the thoughtfulness of many ministers, but he is an obedient child.

Others don't know why Liu Bei has not been in charge of government affairs recently, how can he still not know?

After Liu Bei planned to let Liu Chan supervise the country, he summoned Liu Chan in private.

In that summons, Liu Bei did not teach Liu Chan any principles of governing the country. He just told Liu Chan:

"While the Prime Minister is assisting the government, he will serve as his father.

If you do this well, you will have no worries."

No matter how stupid Liu Chan is, he still knows the meaning of Liu Bei's words.

Liu Bei just told Liu Chan directly to hug Zhuge Liang's thigh tightly.

Precisely because he understood the meaning of Liu Bei's words, Liu Chan personally did not want Zhuge Liang to go south.

His father is ill and needs to rest, and his cousin is stationed outside. If his father-in-law leaves his side again, who can he rely on in the court in the future?

Liu Chan, who had this idea, saw that many ministers were trying to dissuade Zhuge Liang, so he expressed his views for the first time at the court meeting:

“The Prime Minister holds the important position of assisting the government, and he cannot live without the Prime Minister.

We don’t need to rush back to Liangzhou Mu. Anyway, according to the military situation, it is known that Wei Wei is still preparing for a war. As long as Liangzhou Mu can quickly pacify Nanzhong, Liangzhou will be fine."

Liu Chan's words reflected his reliance on Zhuge Liang and his trust in Mi Yang.

Liu Chan didn't know what kind of hardships and dangers the words Pingding Nanzhong represented.

He only naively thought that as long as Mi Yang was recalled to Nanzhong, it would be settled in a moment.

In this case, why should Liangzhou be too worried?

After Liu Chan said these words, he looked at Zhuge Liang expectantly. He felt that his views were quite unique.

But after Zhuge Liang listened to Liu Chan's words, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes, but he still bowed to Liu Chan extremely respectfully and said:

"The reason why Ni Wei is still preparing for war is that Ni Wei is afraid of General Zuo's reputation.

But once General Zuo leaves Liangzhou, Ni Wei will definitely launch an attack on Liangzhou immediately.

Although Nanzhong has few troops, the terrain is dangerous and cannot be pacified overnight. Therefore, General Zuo must not leave Liangzhou.

What we are waiting for to rebel against Wei is to respond to the rebel forces in the south and south. At that time, our army will fall into a situation where we lose sight of one thing and lose the other. In order to prevent the rebel Wei from succeeding, our army should strike first and become stronger.

General Zuo was in Liangzhou for one day, and Wei Wei would not rush to attack Liangzhou.

Our army can take advantage of Wei Shang's mobilization of troops to attack instead of defend, and take the initiative to pacify Nanzhong first. This is the only way for our army to break the situation."

Zhuge Liang told Liu Chan his strategy carefully.

Zhuge Liang's strategy was not just for Liu Chan.

When many ministers in the palace listened to Zhuge Liang's words, their faces showed contemplation.

They had only considered how to defend themselves and how to tear down the eastern wall to repair the western wall, so that the Han people could passively survive this crisis.

Only Zhuge Liang had the upper hand and figured out how to proactively solve this crisis.

This is the difference between them and Zhuge Liang.

The ministers present may have been limited by their personal knowledge at first and did not have Zhuge Liang's strategic thinking.

But after Zhuge Liang analyzed the current situation for them, they realized that they were not idlers and gradually understood Zhuge Liang's intentions.

After expressing his inner thoughts to Liu Chan and the ministers, Zhuge Liang then bowed to Liu Chan and sincerely requested:

"I am not a reckless person. I want to personally conquer the south. I am confident in my heart. I hope the prince can trust me."

When Zhuge Liang's sincere request fell into Liu Chan's ears, even though Liu Chan was reluctant, thinking of Liu Bei's instructions, he still agreed to Zhuge Liang's request after some reluctance and worry.

"In this case, I will entrust the prime minister with full authority to deal with Nanzhong."

After hearing Liu Chan's words, Zhuge Liang's face showed joy.

After the ministers heard Liu Chan's permission for Zhuge Liang's southern expedition, they stopped trying to dissuade him.

Liu Chan has agreed to Zhuge Liang's request, so as long as Liu Bei does not come forward to object, who in the current government and the public can stop Zhuge Liang?

At this time, all the ministers could only pray silently in their hearts that Zhuge Liang could return victoriously from this southern expedition.

After getting Liu Chan's permission, Zhuge Liang immediately turned around in front of all the ministers and arranged all the matters for the southern expedition.

As Zhuge Liang issued one command after another, the Han court began to mobilize again in the form of a war machine.

In a main hall of the Chengdu Imperial Palace, Liu Bei was sitting on the throne listening to Mi Wei's report below.

Mi Wei reported exactly what happened at the court meeting just now.

The past few days of rest have made Liu Bei's mental state much better.

It's just that after all, his body has been declining, so his face still looks more haggard than before.

And following Mi Wei's report, Liu Bei coughed from time to time.

These coughing sounds disturbed Mi Wei's thoughts, causing him to stop reporting from time to time, and then look at Liu Bei with worried eyes.

After repeating it several times, Liu Bei, who felt like he was hearing the sound intermittently, couldn't help but feel a little annoyed: "You reported it to me. Keep watching what I do."

Facing Liu Bei's rebuke, Mi Wei lowered his head in fear, and then continued to report everything that happened at the court meeting just now.

With Mi Wei's continuous reports, Liu Bei heard Zhuge Liang's arrangements for the list of personnel who would accompany him on the southern expedition.

Mi Wei said each name one by one. Liu Bei didn't react at all when hearing most of the names, but when he heard the word "Ma Di", Liu Bei frowned.

He has disliked Ma Su for a long time.

However, although he was unhappy, Liu Bei did not express any opinions on this. He just continued to listen to Mi Wei's report quietly.

Although he has temporarily handed over all political power to Zhuge Liang due to illness recently, he is still in power after all.

Therefore, before today's court meeting, Zhuge Liang asked to see him last night, informed Liu Bei of his strategy to break the situation and his idea of ​​personally conquering Nanzhong, and asked for his opinion.

Regarding Zhuge Liang's strategy, Liu Bei was not Liu Chan. He knew the stakes.

He did not oppose Zhuge Liang's strategy, but after Zhuge Liang finished explaining his strategy, he implicitly stated that he wanted to lead the southern expedition in Zhuge Liang's place.

Not surprisingly, his idea was strongly discouraged by Zhuge Liang.

The miasma in Nanzhong is so dense that even an ordinary man in his prime might get sick if he enters, let alone Liu Bei who is already sick?

For the sake of Liu Bei's health, Zhuge Liang would not sit back and let Liu Bei's dangerous idea come true.

Faced with Zhuge Liang's dissuasion, no matter how much Liu Bei wanted to conquer the South, he could only regretfully give up the idea in the end.

Thinking of Zhuge Liang's caring and worried advice last night, Liu Bei felt regretful and at the same time, a smile subconsciously appeared on his lips.

Zhuge Liang regards him as a king's father, so as a king's father, even if he is sick, he must consider everything for Zhuge Liang in advance.

This is the reason why Mi Wei is reporting in front of him now.

In fact, according to common sense, even if Liu Bei is unable to see things due to physical reasons, as an emperor, he should secretly send his confidants to monitor Zhuge Liang's every move.

It is essential to be on guard against others, especially for an emperor.

But Liu Bei did not do this.

For four hundred years, the Han family had supervisors who were directly subordinate to the emperor like the embroidered messengers.

Liu Bei didn't let anyone spy on Zhuge Liang. It wasn't that he didn't have the people to do such a thing, but that he didn't think it was necessary.

On the one hand, Liu Bei has great trust in Zhuge Liang, and on the other hand, Liu Bei also has full confidence in himself.

As the founding monarch known for his benevolence and righteousness, he did not need to use cunning means to deal with ministers.

Because as long as he wants, hundreds of officials in the imperial court can become his embroidered messengers at any time.

As long as he appears in front of the ministers, he is still the most unequivocal emperor among the Han Dynasty, and no one can shake his status in the Han Dynasty.

As time went by, the report from Mi Wei's mouth had ended.

At this time, Liu Bei already knew all Zhuge Liang's arrangements.

After knowing this, Liu Bei hugged his sick body and kept thinking about whether there were any omissions in Zhuge Liang's arrangement.

People who are sick are most afraid of wasting their minds, but Liu Bei still couldn't help but plan for the next generation.

While Liu Bei was thinking about it in his mind, the small yellow gate outside the palace came to report that it was Prime Minister Zhuge Liang who wanted to see him.

Liu Bei had expected that Zhuge Liang would come to see him after the court meeting.

Zhuge Liang has always done a good job in his duty as a minister.

It happened that Liu Bei also had something to say to Zhuge Liang, so he ordered people to call Zhuge Liang in, and asked Mi Wei to leave first.

Under Liu Bei's order, Mi Wei retreated toward the outside of the palace, and he happened to meet Zhuge Liang on the way.

Seeing Mi Wei saluting him, Zhuge Liang suddenly understood why he was here.

After understanding this, Zhuge Liang showed helplessness on his face.

Zhuge Liang quickened his pace and came to Liu Bei and bowed to him. After saluting Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang advised Liu Bei:

"Your Majesty, please do not overthink."

When Zhuge Liang visited Liu Bei last night, he could have informed Liu Bei of his plans for the southern expedition in advance, but he did not do so because he was worried that Liu Bei would be troubled by this.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bei couldn't help himself today and summoned Mi Wei to ask about everything that happened in the court meeting.

Liu Bei was somewhat dissatisfied with Zhuge Liang's advice.

But he didn't want to get too entangled on this point, otherwise with Zhuge Liang's character, he would definitely have to admonish him endlessly.

Liu Bei just asked Zhuge Liang: "When are you going to go on an expedition?"

Facing Liu Bei's inquiry, Zhuge Liang respectfully replied: "In five days."

After hearing Zhuge Liang's answer, Liu Bei nodded thoughtfully.

Originally, five days was not enough time to complete preparations for a battle, but Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang had previously left some troops in the counties of Yinan in order to defend Nanzhong.

In this case, Zhuge Liang does not need to mobilize a large army to Chengdu. He only needs to lead a part of the army all the way south to continuously join the armies of various counties. When he reaches Nanzhong, he will naturally have a large army under his command.

This method of dispatching troops can also greatly reduce the loss of military rations on the road.

After knowing the specific date of Zhuge Liang's dispatch of troops, Liu Bei was silent for a while, and then he warned Zhuge Liang:

"Ma Su's words are of no use, so you should be careful."

After hearing Liu Bei's warning, Zhuge Liang straightened his face and bowed to accept the order.

After warning Zhuge Liang on this point, he felt that there was nothing else he could advise Zhuge Liang, so Liu Bei fell into silence for a while.

He knew that Zhuge Liang came to see him today to say goodbye to him.

After all, with his current body, he would not be able to see Zhuge Liang off in person in five days.

Just when he thought that Zhuge Liang was going to lead an army for the first time, and the expedition was to the dangerous Nanzhong area, Liu Bei had something to say and was unhappy.

As a result, what appeared in the entire hall next were Liu Bei's teachings.

From setting up camp to arranging troops, and from checking and balancing his subordinates to corresponding military laws, Liu Bei tried his best to use concise and concise words to pass on his experience to Zhuge Liang one by one.

Listening to Liu Bei's meticulous teachings, the warmth in Zhuge Liang's heart grew stronger and stronger.

In the eyes of the world, it was Zhuge Liang who made Liu Bei successful, and because of his achievements, many people ignore his age and regard him as Liu Bei's peer, but in fact this is wrong.

He and Liu Bei succeeded each other.

And during the days he spent with Liu Bei, his relationship with Liu Bei was actually similar to that between a father and his nephew.

Liu Bei had taught him a lot as an elder in the past, just like what he is doing today.

"Lord" is Zhuge Liang's unique honorific title for Liu Bei.

Lord is the master, and Gong is a respectful title for the elders in the family. In Zhuge Liang's heart, Liu Bei is not only his master, but also the elder in the family who teaches him to grow up.

In this life, Zhuge Liang has yet to defeat the Wei army until they are howling like ghosts and wolves.

But maybe when Zhuge Liang achieved such impressive achievements in history, when the green lantern was lit, Zhuge Liang also hoped that Liu Bei's spirit in heaven would be proud of him.

Fortunately, there will be no such regrets between Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang in this life.

Zhuge Liang patiently listened to every word of Liu Bei's teachings, but no matter how long the teachings were, there would be a moment when they would stop.

When Liu Bei's teachings stopped, Zhuge Liang knew that the time had come, and he bowed to Liu Bei:

"Lord, I have to leave."

Listening to Zhuge Liang's words of resignation, Liu Bei had a look of reluctance in his eyes, but he still responded calmly.

After Liu Bei responded, Zhuge Liang took a deep breath, turned around and walked out of the hall.

Looking at Zhuge Liang's leaving figure, Liu Bei secretly said in his heart:

"I am waiting for your triumphant return in Chengdu."

As this layer of thoughts emerged, Zhuge Liang's back disappeared in the hall.

Plain words cannot conceal the strong friendship between Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, everything is left unsaid.

In Nanzhong, Zhuge Liang is here.

(End of chapter)

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