Chapter 537 Who started the rumor? An unexpected surprise

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Chapter 448 The flames seal the field and transform into elbows and armpits

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 448 The flames seal the field and transform into elbows and armpits

When Nazai's hundreds of rockets were fired rapidly towards his own formation, Zai Qianwei's army did not feel panic.

Can they defeat the well-trained and experienced Wei Tianbing soldiers?

The generals in the Qianwei Army almost never shouted out the order immediately.

And when those orders were spread throughout the phalanx of thousands of Wei troops, the thousands of Wei troops who had already been mentally prepared raised the shields in their legs and put them on their heads.

Qian Wei Jun firmly believed that the shield wrapped in rawhide could easily block the flames falling from the sky.

After seeing that scene, Guo Huai and all the Wei generals were not so convinced.

When hundreds of scattered rockets fell into the square formation of thousands of Wei troops, some of them hit the shields held high in the legs of the Wei troops.

When those rockets touched the shield in Wei Jun's legs, they instantly fell straight to the ground like powerless kites.

Originally, when things developed to that point, everything did not exceed Wei Jun's expectations.

Suddenly, a fatal accident was about to hit Qian Weijun.

Among the hundreds of rockets, many of them flew directly through the gaps in the Wei army's shield wall and landed on the ground due to accuracy issues.

According to common sense, when a flaming arrow touches the ground, the flame in the arrow will automatically extinguish itself in a short time.

After all, the technology for extracting kerosene at that time was very backward, and the flammability of low-purity kerosene was not very good.

But when the flame that was supposed to disappear touched the stone fat flowing all over the Wei army's feet, a huge change occurred that none of the Wei army had expected.

What happens when oil meets fire?

Almost instantly, many streams of fire, like fire emerging from hell, rose at the feet of the Wei troops.

That scene was beyond the understanding of all Wei Jun.

Therefore, when many fires suddenly and violently ignited on the ground and climbed towards them at an extremely fast speed, many Wei soldiers were frightened and overwhelmed by the scene before them.

Could it be that the severe pain that came from Donglai's body made those in the Qianwei Army regain their senses in a matter of seconds?

After regaining their senses, many Wei soldiers relied on their survival instincts and began to flee around the mountain road.

Some fast-running Wei soldiers were the first to escape from the center of the spreading fire, and then they quickly fell to the ground and rolled over, trying to extinguish the raging fire.

Of course, that method is not applicable to fires caused by oil.

After the bottles and jars thrown by the Han army exploded on the ground, it was inevitable that most of the Wei soldiers present were contaminated with some oil.

Although there are only a few, that is enough.

Many Wei soldiers who were tumbling on the ground discovered that their tumbling not only did not extinguish the flames inside them, but on the contrary, the constant churning of the air around them further fueled the flames around them.

It didn't take long, just a few breaths later, the increasingly fierce fire enveloped all the Wei troops in an instant.

The sizzling sound was accompanied by the wails of countless Wei troops, constantly resounding in the deep mountain roads of Gushan.

In addition to the scalp-numbing sound, bursts of burning smell were also blown by the breeze and spread around.

When bursts of burning smell wafted into the nostrils of the Han and Wei armies, many people's bodies naturally reacted with nausea.

What was burned was not animal flesh, but living human beings!

But all of that, in the eyes of others, almost happened in an instant.

In an instant, the Wei army was very brave and high-spirited, eager to capture the Han army's camp.

At that moment, the Wei army was like a roast chicken, constantly suffering in the boundless fire.

Because everything happened too fast and was so unreasonable, Guo Huai looked a little dull after seeing everything.

What is that dark paste?

For the first time, fear appeared in Guo Huai's heart.

Because of the fear in his heart, Guo Huai did not notice that at some point, the drumstick in his leg fell heavily to the ground due to the loss of strength in his entire body.

When the heavy drumstick landed on the table east of Guo Huai's feet, there was a heavy muffled sound.

The muffled sound was like the lamentation of the Wei army at this moment, constantly invading the hearts of Chao Che and other generals.

If Guo Huai was afraid of something, how could they be afraid of it?

Originally, Mingyue and Guo Huai were gathered in Chaocha, otherwise they could watch how brave their own tiger soldiers were.

But now they were watching how their own son, Fang Erlang, was attacked by the raging fire.

How sad and heartbreaking that is!

Bu Nao Guo Huai is indeed a person who has seen the world, and he was the first among the Wei generals who were in Chao Chao to react.

He saw many Wei troops asking for help in the fierce fire in the Gu Valley Road. He made a decisive decision and issued an order:

"Save, save with water!"

Even if we spend countless amounts of water, we still need water to create an escape channel for the surviving Wei army!

Because the Wei troops in the mountain road at this moment are not elite soldiers.

Guo Huai's order quickly spread to the east. After receiving Guo Huai's order, a general commanded the auxiliary troops to push carts filled with water to the mountain road.

There are nearly 100,000 people living in Guo Huai's camp, and the water reserves outside his camp are certainly very rich.

Just like the trucks loaded with buckets, after entering the mountain road, the advancing auxiliary soldiers soon discovered that they could not continue to move forward at all.

By that time, the raging fire had almost completely enveloped the area where Qian Wei's army was just now.

The boiling fire light illuminated the originally deep mountain road extremely brightly.

Similarly, the mountain road seemed very hot at that moment.

It was as if the blazing moon from heaven had fallen into that mountain road.

How can anyone get involved in such a dangerous environment?

If there is no other way, the captain who commands the auxiliary soldiers can ask the auxiliary soldiers to pour water on the outer perimeter first.

The lieutenant was thinking otherwise. After the fire outside was extinguished by water, he was directing the auxiliary soldiers to push the water tanker deeper and deeper.

What the captain didn't expect was that when a large amount of water was poured on the flames on the ground, not only did the flames not go out, but they seemed to have received a boost, burning more and more vigorously!

It is something that almost everyone knows that water and fire are in conflict with each other. In the past, no matter how raging the flames were, as long as there was a lot of water, they could always be extinguished.

Where is the posthumous title?

It's just that the water he brought didn't put out the fire, but rather fueled the fire. That scene was enough to destroy the three views and made the captain's mentality explode.

When people encounter something that cannot be explained by common sense, they usually think about ghosts and gods.

At that time, the famous captain felt that the fire in front of him was not an earthly fire, but was released by the gods.

Thinking of this, the fear in the captain's heart invaded his reason. Without thinking, he threw away the auxiliary soldiers and ran towards the rear camp.

After the captain escaped, the auxiliary soldiers dispersed in a rush without anyone to control them, and fled toward the rear without seeking their lives.

But not long after, Guo Huai's attempt to save his regular soldiers completely failed.

Without the captain's reply, Guo Huai, who was standing high above the chariot, saw the strange scene.

Not only did he see it, but the Wei generals behind him also saw it.

After seeing that scene, most of the people in Chao Che had the same thoughts as the Wei military captain.

Could it be that since Heaven had not abandoned the Han Dynasty, the Han army really received help from the Gods?

As soon as that idea came to mind, many Wei soldiers couldn't help but be frightened.

If this is really the case, then what about them?

At that moment, the body of Wei Jun in the mountain road was being attacked by fierce fire.

The Wei generals who were in Chao Chai also seemed to have wildfires in their hearts, which were constantly tormenting their external hearts.

Guo Huai quickly noticed the abnormality of the Wei generals.

By using himself to save others, Guo Huai guessed what those Wei generals were thinking at that time.

Is Zaitian still on the side of the Han Dynasty?

Guo Huai did not believe that idea at all.

If this is really the case, when the late emperor proclaimed himself king and Ming Ming proclaimed himself emperor, why didn't a thunderbolt fall from the east and kill them directly?

If there really are ghosts and gods in the east of the sky who look down on all living beings, then over the past millennium, wars have been raging in China and countless people have been killed and injured. Why haven't they been seen taking action to stabilize the situation?

The Master does not talk about strange powers and chaos. Since saints do not believe in ghosts and gods, how can Guo Huai, a disciple of Confucianism, believe in it?

Guo Huai believes in humanity!

Guo Huai knew that the reason why Mingyue was experiencing such strange things was not because of the presence of illusory ghosts and gods, but because of the presence of the paste that he had never seen before.

Tiandong is full of wonders. There really is a flammable substance that he has never seen before. What's so strange about it?

The mood of the Eastern Front also needs to be appeased, otherwise if they are allowed to think wildly, the morale of the army will be affected.

"If the Han army really had divine help, why would Ma Chao need to be threatened by Mei Xuan and guard that solid mountain to seek enlightenment?

Isn’t it normal to directly use the power of ghosts and gods to destroy other armies?”

When Guo Huai's words spread throughout Chao Che, all the Wei generals in Chao Che were awakened by Qi Huai's words.

The reason is very simple. Just now, the Wei generals did not think of this because they were obsessed with the government.

Now when someone wakes them up, they all get rid of the roasted balls in their hearts.

After they regained their composure, Wei generals soon came forward to ask Guo Huai what they should do if they went east.

How to do?

Upon hearing that question, Guo Huai felt an unknown fire in his heart.

It’s hard to figure out what to do. If you don’t retreat at that time, why don’t you continue to send regular soldiers in to die?

Guo Huai looked at the area in the distance that was slightly distorted by the flames. He knew whether the Qianwei army in that area could not be saved.

After knowing this, Guo Huai decisively gave Ming Jin the order to withdraw his troops.

Since he can't be saved, Guo Huai will not waste any more energy to save him.

After Dongda's order, heartache and anger inevitably emerged in General Guo's heart.

The Han army did not even touch the camp wall and lost thousands of regular soldiers.

That kind of loss is not small.

The most important thing is that this kind of loss is a strong proof that Ma Chao has overcome the dilemma he set up.

Ma Mengqi is really mine!

After Ming Jin retreated his troops in the Wei army's camp, another order from Guo Huai spread throughout the army soon after.

The whole army retreats three miles!

Who knows whether that weird demonic fire will take advantage of the wind and burn all the way to our camp?

Before you find out the origin of that strange paste-like substance, be careful.

Ma Chao stood on the camp wall, with calm eyes, watching Qian Wei's army wailing and being swallowed up by the continuous fire.

Soon after, the wails of the Qianwei army gradually stopped.

In such a blazing east, it is impossible for a single person among thousands of Wei troops to survive.

The Qianwei army was easily destroyed in just one battle. Such a result was truly remarkable.

But there was no joy in Ma Chao's eyes. Of course, he was not like Guo Huai, who had regrets and pain in his heart.

After all, those devoured by the fire are not his enemies.

At that moment, Ma Chao thought of the many auxiliary soldiers of the Wei army who had also died in that area last month.

Different identities, but in the same place, got the same thing.

If you think about it carefully, it's quite ironic.

The paste he asked the Han army to throw just now is called Shizhi in some places in Liangzhou.

Stone fat is a natural creation between heaven and earth. They float on water and are very flammable.

People in some places in Liangzhou often use stone grease as simple lighting objects.

Because stone fat is difficult to collect, few people in Liangzhou know about it.

Even though Ma Chao's family has lived in Liangzhou for hundreds of years and has deep-rooted influence in Liangzhou, he did not hear about this by chance.

At that time, Ma Chao was undecided. After hearing about it, he felt that this thing was quite magical, so he ordered people to collect some.

Unexpectedly, Mingyue would be put to great use.

But Ma Dai suggested that he use stone fat as kerosene. Without Ma Dai's reminder, he would not have won the victory over Mingyue.

Thinking of this, Ma Chao planned to write a battle report to Mi Yang and inform Mi Yang of Ma Dai's performance in that battle.

If Ma Dai can be appreciated by Mi Yang, Ma Dai will have a solid backer among the Han Dynasty in the future.

Of course, if Qiu wants to mention Ma Dai's contribution, the existence of Shizhi must also be mentioned to Mi Yang.

After all, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ma Chao wouldn't have been able to believe that Shi Zhi would be so powerful when exposed to open fire.

Bu Nao Ma Chao felt that Mi Yang would not be interested in items like Shi Zhi. As a member of a famous family, Mi Yang would not be interested in those strange and obscene skills.

After seeing that there was no other movement by the Wei army, Ma Chao asked Ma Dai to continue to stay at the camp wall, and then he walked east of the camp wall.

The Liangzhou army at the camp wall watched Ma Chao leave with admiring eyes.

Just now, Ma Chao led them to victory again.

Two consecutive victories were enough for Ma Chao to establish his own prestige in the hearts of the Liangzhou troops.

But just as Ma Chao returned to his own Big Expansion Blade, he got some not-so-good news.

Mi Yang's messenger has arrived.

The reason why Ma Chao felt that the arrival of Mi Yang's envoy was a good thing was because he knew that Mi Yang would not send the envoy if nothing happened.

Especially since he did not report any battle situation.

The sudden arrival of Mi Yang's envoy must have been reported to Mi Yang by Zhang Yi because of his action of leading his army into Wudu County.

Will Mi Yang agree with his actions?

Ma Chao has no confidence.

After all, there is a difference between closeness and distance. Zhang Yi is Mi Yang's confidant. Mi Yang must be emotionally convinced of Zhang Yi's words.

If not, Mi Yang felt resentful towards Zhang Yi because of his playing.

Amid worries, Ma Chao summoned Mi Yang's envoy.

The messenger rejected Lu Yi.

Well, Lu Yifou was one of the people who looked down on Ma Chao the most under Mi Yang's command in the past.

Seeing the upright gentleman Fulu Yi arriving, Ma Chao's worry became more and more intense.

His past has almost made him a thorn in the side of all gentlemen in the East.

Mi Yang's attitude seems obvious.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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