Chapter 451 Frank disclosure and burial of bones in Qingshan

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Chapter 451 Frank disclosure and burial of bones in Qingshan

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 451 Frank disclosure and burial of bones in Qingshan

After feeling dissatisfied, Wu Yi began to quickly weigh the pros and cons in his mind.

In fact, from a personal perspective, Wu Yi is not as pure a minister as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

It was not Wu Yi's first time to betray someone, otherwise Liu Bei would not have been able to attack the east of Chengdu so easily.

That was also the biggest reason why Cao Hong knew how to write that letter to Wu Yi before the case of Cao Ren.

Wu Yi had the distinctive style of a contemporary disciple - being aware of current affairs.

Wu Yi's style can be clearly reflected from the original fight with Mi Yang.

But Wu Yifou likes to know current affairs well, but it doesn't mean that he can't even basicly analyze the pros and cons.

Cao Hong wonders if Liangzhou has an army structure like Cao Wei, where one commander controls all the power?

During Mi Yang's reform of the military system, he had basically prevented the occurrence of situations where military control was possible from the institutional perspective.

Under such circumstances, even if Wu Yizhen wanted to surrender, there was nothing he could do.

What's more, no matter how dangerous the situation Liangzhou faced in Cao Hong's letter, Wu Yi knew that the situation in Liangzhou in the east was critical, but it had not yet reached the point of overturning.

Wu Yi couldn't do that kind of thing by resolutely abandoning the glorious position he had gained among the Han Dynasty before the situation was completely clear.

After quickly weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Wu Yi had already made a decision in his mind.

But what Wu Yi said next made Ren Xiang feel quite satisfied.

"The messenger has come a long way, so it is better to go east to rest first.

I will think more about the battle that Cao Qiaoqi said."

Wu Yifeng is a scheming person. When he was reading Cao Hong's letter just now, although his mood fluctuated greatly, his expression was normal.

Coupled with Cao Hongxin's appearance, Wu Yi and Ren Xiang knew about it.

None of the people here can say that I was not curious about the letter, but without knowing exactly what the letter contained, it was very likely that Wu Yi had doubts.

After all, Wu Yi had already said whether Cao Hong's letter was a "declaration of war" on him. The two armies were in different positions, and it was not unusual for the general of one army to send an envoy to write a letter to the envoy of the other army to declare war.

After Ren Xiang heard Wu Yi's words, he would naturally feel happy.

Because he knew all the foreign affairs, he heard the meaning of consideration from Wu Yi's mouth.

If it was not intentional, why would he conceal the true appearance of the letter in front of the generals?

If it was not intentional, why would he respectfully address Cao Hong as Cao Huiqi?

I would like to know that between the Han and Wei Dynasties, due to the natural enemy relationship, the ministers of both sides do not recognize the legitimacy of the other side.

Ren Xiang was happy, but of course he did not resist Wu Yi's arrangement.

After Ren Xiang left the Big Expansion Blade, Wu Yi disbanded the hazel curtain

When the generals left, Wu Yi left his younger brother Wu Ban alone in Dongdong.

After Wu Yi and Wu Ban were left outside the tent, Wu Yi handed the letter from Cao Hong in his lap to Wu Ban for viewing.

Wu Ban originally thought that the content of the letter was not as his brother said, or a letter declaring war.

After he read the contents of the letter, his face immediately turned red.

Wu Ban, who was aware of the situation, advised Wu Yi: "Brother, don't be tempted by Cao Hong's dog thief!"

"It is absolutely forbidden to surrender to others!"

Although Wu Ban was dissatisfied with Mi Yang's approach at first and thought Mi Yang was too domineering.

But in the final analysis, Wu Ban's dissatisfaction with Mi Yang was more because he did not want the Wu family's power in Liangzhou to be reduced. Wu Ban had no dissatisfaction with the Han Dynasty and Liu Bei.

Moreover, after Mi Yang came to power, he did not exterminate the Wu family, but failed to reuse him from time to time. In the past few months, Wu Ban gradually realized the power of Mi Yang's legs.

Therefore, it is true that Wu Ban was dissatisfied with Mi Yang, but he had no intention of betraying Mi Yang.

Seeing that Wu Ban's first reaction after seeing the letter was not the same, Wu Yi's resentment surged up again.

It seemed that Cao Hong looked down on him, even close relatives and confidants like Wu Ban, let alone Cao Hong, an outsider?

Wu Yi's face turned pale, and he scolded Wu Band: "What am I talking nonsense about? Isn't he an ungrateful person?"

Wu Yi first made his attitude clear, and then he asked Wu Bandao: "Although he will not surrender to Wei, if Fa Miao knows about Mingyue, he will inevitably not be suspicious."

The reason why Wu Yi and Wu Ban were unwilling to betray Mi Yang was, in addition to the other reasons, mainly because Fa Miao was currently not the deputy general of Yang Pingguan.

After Mi Yang led his army to leave Nanzheng, did he originally intend to let Fa Miao stay in Nanzheng?

But later when Mi Yang heard that Ma Chao had led his army into Wudu, he changed his mind and appointed Fa Miao as the deputy general of Yangping Pass.

Wu Yi didn't know if Mi Yang's sudden appointment of Fa Miao as the deputy general of Yangping Pass was to protect him.

Judging from the situation outside the Pingguan Pass in Dongyang, if there is a law for Miao in January, Wu Yi will not be able to do anything that harms Mi Yang's interests.

The most important thing is that he can hide Mingyue's matter from others. Once Fa Miao knows about it, Fa Miao will become suspicious.

That's why Wu Yi thought of staying in the Dongwu class to discuss the matter together.

Facing Wu Yi's inquiry, Wu Banyidongzi also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Fa Miao had a bad relationship with them since Deng Xian's incident, which made it difficult for Fa Miao to naturally choose to trust Wu Yi.

Just when Wu Yi and Wu Ban brothers were thinking hard about how to make Fa Miao trust them, someone from outside the tent came to report that Fa Miao was leading his men towards the main tent.

The arrival of Fa Miao made Wu Yi and Wu Ban very nervous.

The sunflower is here.

Fa Miaofou had just returned outside the military camp.

After Fa Miao was sent to Yangping Pass by Mi Yang, he did not guarantee the safety of Yangping Pass. In the past half month, he had been inspecting the city defense outside Yangping Pass with his personal entourage.

Every month he comes out as soon as the moon rises and comes back as soon as the moon sets, and the bright moon is no exception.

Therefore, Fa Miao was not present during the general discussion just now.

Could it be that when he just returned to the military camp, a close confidant who had just participated in the discussion informed Fa Miao about the visit of the envoy Cao Hong.

After hearing that, Famiao felt good immediately.

If Cao Hong's letter did not declare war as his confidant said, Wu Yi could have let Ren Xiang leave after receiving Dong's letter declaring war. Why would he leave Dong Ren Xiang in the camp temporarily?

That little bit of unreasonableness made Fa Miao have no choice but to make Wu Yi suspicious.

As a result, Fa Miao had no time to rest, so he immediately led a group of cronies and rushed towards Wu Yi's tent.

When Fa Miao arrived outside Wu Yi's tent, he was surprised to find that Wu Yi was waiting for him outside the tent early.

It seems that Wu Yixue knew the news of his arrival in advance.

That's normal. In the army, who doesn't have many close friends?

At that time, the sky was completely dark, and the full moon hung high in the dark sky. The bright moonlight was shining through thousands of miles away and shining on the ground to the east of Wu Yi's feet.

The moon was as full as a disk, and the bright moonlight formed a ring to the east of Wu Yi's feet at that moment.

Before seeing Fa Miao, Wu Yi kept pacing in place because of the uneasiness in his heart.

But what he didn't realize was that he was pacing in place. After all, he had never taken a step outside the circle.

Painting the ground as a prison can be regarded as a true portrayal of Dongwu Yi's heart.

Fa Miao's arrival was quickly noticed by Wu Yi. Seeing the generals with military power following Fa Miao, Wu Yi forced a smile on his face.

He met Fa Miao outside the tent for the purpose of checking. Wasn't it possible that he would not let Fa Miao feel worried?

From ancient times to the present, there have been countless cases of ambushing and killing people outside tents.

After Fa Miao came a few steps in front of him, Wu Yi took the initiative to invite Fa Miao and said, "Don't you think you can take a leisurely stroll with me?"

Faced with Wu Yi's invitation, Fa Miao agreed after thinking about it.

There were no close confidants of his around, so he stayed outside the tent because he was afraid that Wu Yi would have the idea of ​​​​Bi Ju.

Moreover, Wu Yi wanted to be alone with him and wanted to talk to him privately if he wanted anything.

Fa Miao quickly walked to the place where Wu Yi was side by side, and then followed Wu Yi's pace and started walking together in the vast open space outside the tent.

"The letter from Mingyue Cao Hong does not appear to be a declaration of war, but rather to induce surrender to him.

The reason why he did not tell the generals the truth in public was because he did not want to cause unwarranted suspicion."

Before he had taken a few steps, Wu Yi mistakenly told Miao the truth.

And he calmly took out Cao Hong's letter from his pocket and gave it to Fa Miao to read.

After listening to Wu Yi's words and seeing the contents of the letter, Fa Miao narrowed his eyes.

When the guess in his heart turned out to be true, Fa Miao was not too shocked, but the incident also made him feel very uncomfortable.

Whether it's a thorn-legged thing or not, Wu Yi's true attitude.

Seeing that Fa Miao's steps paused slightly, Wu Yizai immediately continued:

"He has neither the intention nor the ability to rebel. Cao Hong doesn't know that, but Bijia should know it very well."

Wu Yi knew that it would be difficult for Fa Miao to believe Ruofu's words based on his past.

But if you can clearly explain the objective helplessness, then Fa Miao will naturally believe it.

Sure enough, after listening to Wu Yi's words, Fa Miao resumed following Wu Yi's speed.

After explaining his attitude, Wu Yi continued as if talking to himself:

"No one can make mistakes unless he is a sage. This is a truth that everyone in the world knows.

But everyone in the world will find it hard to mistrust him because of what others do. Is he very clear about this in his heart?

When he was in Nanzheng, he was indeed dissatisfied with Zhou Mu's legs, but that month at the military parade high platform, he had already surrendered to Zhou Mu. Otherwise, how could Zhou Mu have given him the important task of garrisoning Yangping Pass?

Cao Hong's letter may be a sincere attempt to persuade him to surrender, but it may also be a estrangement plan. Ma Mengqi failed in this plan back then. I hope he won't get over that point and have doubts about whether he is wrong or not.

Inconsistency between the commander and the deputy in the army has always been a taboo for military strategists."

Wu Yi's tone was very sincere. Did he really not want Fa Miao to doubt him?

However, Wu Yi's words did not receive a response from Fa Miao.

Seeing that he had not received a positive response from Fa Miao for a long time, Wu Yi was a little anxious.

He turned around and looked at Fa Miao beside him. He saw that Fa Miao was contemplating with his eyes twisted at the moment.

"Don't drive, don't you want to believe him after all?"

Wu Yi's urgent question woke up Fa Miao from his deep meditation.

After seeing the eager look on Wu Yi's face, Fa Miao smiled and gave his answer:

"If Zhou Mu believes in me, he will naturally believe in me too."

Is Fa Miao really a qualified sunflower?

After hearing Fa Miao's affirmative answer, Wu Yi's heart suddenly felt like a big stone.

As long as he is suspicious of Fa Miao, the opinions of other people in the army will not be so important.

Wu Yi, who was relieved, wanted to send someone to send Ren Xiang away quickly.

And Fa Miao seemed to have read his thoughts.

Fa Miao whispered to Wu Yi, "But what if he asks the general to surrender?"

After hearing what Fa Miao said, Wu Yi immediately opened his eyes and looked at Fa Miao.

But he soon realized that Fa Miao was asking him to surrender instead of pretending to do so.

After understanding Hong Fa Miao's intention, Wu Yi quickly began to think about the feasibility of that strategy.

After thinking about it in various ways, Wu Yi misunderstood and shook his head.

"The case of Mencius cutting off his hair and cutting off his will has already happened before. Cao Hong will never trust him again."

After hearing Wu Yi's judgment, Fa Miao was not disappointed. On the contrary, the smile on his face grew stronger.

"During the Battle of Chibi, Huang Gai, the general from Jiangdong, pretended to surrender to Cao Cao by using a tactic of suffering the consequences, thus causing Cao Cao's army to be severely defeated.

That battle made Cao Cao afraid to go south for several years. Compared with the Battle of Xicheng, which battle taught the Wei army a deeper lesson?

But when Meng Zidu cut off his hair and his will, Cao Jun still believed in his surrender, so why not?"

"The master who remembers the past does not forget the aftermath. Many people remember this saying, but if everyone can do it, why would Tiandong be in such a state of chaos?"

"In his opinion, when Cao Hong intended to write that letter to the general, he was already expecting the general's surrender.

Expectation is what you want, and how rational can you be if you have something in your heart?"

At that moment, Fa Miao's thinking was clearer than ever.

Fa Miao often heard a sentence from Mi Yang:

"The world often says that history can serve as a guide, but the biggest lesson Zhengzheng's history books can teach the world is no. The world often doesn't believe those lessons."

Mi Yang's words are very descriptive when placed in Dangdong.

Fa Miao didn't know, but the reason why Mi Yang said that was because he was familiar with the history of the Three Kingdoms in his previous life.

In history, even if there are lessons from the Chibi defeat, there are often successful cases of Soochow using fake surrender later.

The most famous one is Zhou Li's attempt to gain Cao Xiu's fortune by cutting off his hair, but apart from that case, there are many other examples of successful false surrenders.

Even Sun Quan was severely cheated once by the Liaodong Gongsun clan.

Cao Xiu, Sun Quan and other people who were deceived were not fools, but they did not fall into the trap. The reason was that they had desires in their hearts.

The greater the desire in the heart, the lower the corresponding rational judgment will be, which is not humane.

After listening to Fa Miao's analysis, Wu Yi felt that what Fa Miao said was very reasonable.

And Fa Miao's words about Dong Lai directly made Wu Yidong determined.

"The pass is in the lap of his army. No matter whether the fake surrender is successful or not, his army will be in an invincible position. Why doesn't the general give it a try?"

Seeing that Fa Miao had already said that, and Wu Yi was not an indecisive person, he responded immediately:


His poor reputation led Cao Hong to persuade him to surrender.

But since the reputation is not good, what’s the point of being bad?

After Wu Yi promised him, Fa Miao's face showed respect for Wu Yi:

"In the letter, Cao Hong persuaded the general with his feelings about his hometown. The general did not care about returning to his hometown, but devoted his life to the great Han Dynasty. The general is so righteous and Miao admires him.

There is something Miao said to the state pastor, please pass it on to the general."

"Why do we need a place to bury our bones? There is no place in life without green hills!"

The first words that Fa Miao said made Wu Yi feel hot and excited.

He looked up at the thousands of miles of green mountains surrounding Yangping Pass, and the pride in his heart grew stronger.

He is from China, isn’t Mi Yang the same?

Fa Miao's hometown is not in Yizhou either.

But as long as we have a common belief in our hearts, even if we die outside the Qingshan Mountains first, we just want to have the corpses of our comrades beside us, and that is not a regret.

With just those words, he was sure to cheat Cao Hong!

There is a chapter in the early morning.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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