Chapter 465: Using oneself to seek others, Shang Qi’s conspiracy

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Chapter 465: Using oneself to plot against others

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 465: Using oneself to plot against others

Will Cao Zhen send troops?

As time went by, that question continued to echo in Fa Miao's mind.

Fa Miao carefully glanced at Mi Yang who was walking in the main seat. Looking from his angle, he could see that there was no worried look on Mi Yang's face.

On the contrary, he is quite like an old god.

Mi Yang's calm and calm attitude unconsciously reduced the suspicion in Fa Miao's heart.

But at the same time, a new question arose in Fa Miao's mind.

Mu Bohe Zepoiǎ Cao Zhen will definitely send troops to attack Yangping Pass when he is tempted by the empty city plan?

Fa Miao's secret observation did not hide from Mi Yang's gaze.

Seeing Fa Miao's restless look, Mi Yang thought for a moment and knew why Fa Miao was acting like this.

Yu Shi Mi Yang smiled and asked Fa Miao: "I and I have achieved the relationship between king and minister with the righteousness of brothers. If you have any questions, it's okay to ask. Why should you keep it in your heart?"

Mi Yang said that, so Fa Miao wouldn't be shy.

He directly asked the doubts in his heart.

After seeing that Fa Miao's doubts were no different from what she had guessed, Mi Yang smiled even more.

Why was he so sure that the empty city plan would induce Cao Zhen to send troops?

The reason is not complicated, just because the person who fell into his empty city plan was Cao Zhen, not Sima Yi.

In later generations, due to the wide spread of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the Empty City Strategy has become a well-known strategy.

But many people in later generations will think that the Empty City Strategy was just fabricated by Luo Guanzhong, but this is not the case.

During the Three Kingdoms period, there were indeed successful cases of the empty city strategy. The person who used the empty city strategy was not Zhuge Liang, but Zhao Yun.

The essence of the empty city strategy is to deceive the enemy, and its original function is to confuse the enemy and make them afraid to attack.

One of the reasons why Mi Yang believed that the empty city strategy he used in the east could have the opposite effect and become a tactic to lure the enemy was that he had Cao Hong as a bargaining chip in his leg.

At least in Cao Zhen's opinion, that's not the case.

Of course, there are some subtleties. In order to make the empty city strategy a tactic to lure the enemy, Cao Zhen's cooperation is very much needed.

The empty city stratagem is actually a very risky thing for the user, because if the enemy general they encounter is in a position to steal everything, then they can launch an attack and the truth of the empty city stratagem can be revealed in an instant.

Can it be said simply? How many people in the world can do that?

Regardless of whether it was the Wei general that Zhao Yun encountered in history, or the Sima Yi described in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", could they really not see whether the empty city strategy was just a dubious strategy?

That is definitely not feasible, because the empty city strategy is not very clever if it becomes popular.

But why were they so good at falling for the trap in the first place?

The reason is very simple. Take Sima Yi as an example. Of course he could choose to take risks, but did he have to take that kind of risk like Wei?

Do you really think Sima Yi is a loyal person to the country?

The Empty City Strategy may appear to be testing one's wisdom, but in reality it is testing one's loyalty.

If that person values ​​himself more than the country, then of course he will not attack rashly, and may even retreat decisively.

Because of the empty city strategy, he had every reason to retreat - the enemy was cunning and there was bound to be an ambush.

But if that person is not a true loyal minister, then the empty city strategy will be an excellent way to lure the enemy.

For a loyal minister, it was natural for Mei Xuan to risk his life to eliminate a serious danger for the country. For Cao Zhen, who was in charge of the situation, he could not give up the opportunity to save Cao Hong because of doubts in his heart.

If Mi Yang had not been in Cao Zhen's position, he would have resolutely launched an attack at Yangping Pass.

That would undermine Mi Yang's confidence, unless he misjudged Cao Zhen.

Of course, to take a step back, even if Cao Zhen is not hooked, it will not have a big impact on the Han army.

Since it’s a sure-fire deal, why doesn’t Mi Yang look calm?

When Mi Yang explained the explanation in his heart, Fa Miao was amazed.

No wonder so many famous generals were defeated at the hands of Mi Yang. Was their defeat really not unjust at all?

Not long after Mi Yang finished explaining to Fa Miao, Wang Hong hurriedly walked in from outside the tent and reported to Mi Yang:

"The Wei army has sent troops!"

After hearing Wang Hong's report, Mi Yang clapped her legs excitedly.

It’s done!

Mi Yang quickly asked Wang Hongdao: "How many percent of the enemy's army has been dispatched?"

Wang Hong recalled the scene he had just seen, his face also showed excitement, and he looked at Mi Yang with admiration and said:

"The Wei army has already come out in full force!"

After learning that Cao Zhen had no reservations, Mi Yang stood up instantly.

He looked at Fa Miao and said, "Would you like to follow Gu Ye Ran and follow his military style?"

Of course Fa Miao would not refuse Mi Yang's invitation.

He smiled and bowed to Mi Yang and said, "My lord, I do as you wish."

Although Dongding was determined to attack Yangping Pass, Cao Zhen was still a little cautious.

At the beginning, he did not let all 10,000 Wei troops suppress him.

Cao Zhen asked Fei Yao to lead an army of 3,000 men and push a dozen chariots towards Yangping Pass.

Although many Han troops at Yangping Pass withdrew, there were still some Han troops left.

But because the number was small, the arrow rain attack launched by the small number of Han troops did not pose a big threat to the powerful three thousand Wei troops.

Even because the number of people was too small, the sparse arrows could not be called rain of arrows.

Without much resistance to the east, three thousand Wei troops led by Fei Yao quickly rushed to the east of the city wall of Yangping Pass.

After seeing the extremely mottled tall city gate of Yangping Pass at close range, Fei Yao's breathing became rapid.

Since the distance was not far, Fei Yao could even see many green and black masses on the mottled city wall.

As a veteran general, Fei Yao knew that those who attacked Yangping Pass were spilling Dong's blood at the city gate.

Only when countless blood donations were sprayed on the city wall could the cocoa form such obvious lumps.

It can be seen from this that what a tragic battle took place east of that city gate.

But Ru Ming, he rushed here easily, how could Fei Yao's heart not be filled with excitement?

Fei Yao didn't hesitate at all, his horse rushed ahead of the Dongling chariot.

As the car crashed into it again and again, cracks gradually appeared in the city gate no matter how strong it was.

After an unknown amount of time of collision, the city gate that had guarded Yangpingguan for decades finally couldn't resist the continuous impact. At a certain point in time, it crashed outward like a fallen giant.

Fall down.

When the giant fell to the ground, there was a loud booming sound outside Yangping Pass.

After the loud noise rang out, Fei Yao saw Yangping Pass, which was almost like an empty city, and the hundreds of Han troops outside the pass who looked frightened.

That scene made Fei Yao have an extracranial orgasm.

An extremely certain military information was transmitted back to Cao Zhen's legs at an extremely fast speed.

"Outside the pass, it's really an empty city!"

After hearing the news, Cao Zhen also had an extracranial orgasm.

If we don’t attack with the whole army at that time, when will we wait?

The impatient sound of military drums instantly resounded outside Yangping Pass, and the remaining seven thousand Wei troops strode towards the outside of Yangping Pass with majestic steps.

Cao Zhen was like Cao Cao who had taken Dongyang Ping Pass, and he rode his horse towards the outside of Yangping Pass in high spirits.

And at the moment when Cao Zhen rode his horse into Yangping Pass, Mi Yang, who was in the dense forest, unconsciously looked towards Tian Zai.

The weather is very good in the bright moon, and there will never be an east rain!

At the same time, there were thousands of heavy crossbows in the dense forest, shining brightly in the sunlight.

Cao Zidan, have you ever heard of Zhuge Liannu?

Mingyue does her hair, a short chapter for now.

Mingyue 2 big chapter is here.

He asked for tinfoil ironing!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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