Chapter 466: The dead piled up and dispersed by the enemy

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Chapter 466: The dead piled up and dispersed by the enemy

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 466: The dead piled up and dispersed by the enemy

Most people who are interested in the history of the Three Kingdoms have heard of Zhuge Liannu's reputation.

As the name suggests, the Zhuge Liannu is a repeating crossbow made by Zhuge Liang. The original name of Zhuge Liannu was Yuanrong Nu.

Due to the lack of historical data, later generations do not know when Zhuge Liang made the Zhuge Liannu.

But for a weapon as powerful as that, even if Zhuge Liang learned a lot about heaven and earth, the production cycle would never be short.

After traveling to the current world, out of curiosity, Mi Yang repeatedly asked whether Zhuge Liannu had been created during that time period.

For others, it would not be easy to find out the news, but as Mi Yang, he wanted to know whether it would be easy.

If he is a ruthless disciple of Zhuge Liang, just write and ask directly.

Fortunately, Zhuge Liannu was in the Han army at the time when he was in Dangdong.

Zhuge Liannu's sketch design was actually completed by Zhuge Liang and his wife Huang Yueying when he was young. He had not left Longzhong that year.

Although he later became an official, he followed Liu Bei in the early days. Liu Bei's base area was weak and unstable. Of course, he did not have the national power to support Zhuge Liang to turn Zhuge Liannu in the sketch into a posthumous title.

But after the Battle of Hanzhong, the Han Dynasty who occupied the two states of Jing and Yi had the initial national strength to forge the Zhuge Liannu for Zhuge Liang.

However, due to the complicated forging process of Zhuge Liannu, even if Zhuge Liang devoted all his national power, he could only build thousands of Zhuge Liannu in several years.

And unlike what later generations thought, Zhuge Liannu could be carried by his soldiers.

The Zhuge Liannu was too large in size and weight to be used by a single soldier, so after forging the Zhuge Liannu, Zhuge Liang placed thousands of Zhuge Liannu in Yangping Pass to guard Yangping Pass.

All these inconveniences to Zhuge Liannu are negated.

But Zhuge Liannu had so many inconveniences, yet Zhuge Liang insisted on forging it, which of course would not satisfy his desire for invention.

Zhuge Liannu's various inconveniences made it extremely powerful.

Months ago, Mi Yang personally tested the power of Zhuge Liannu.

In previous experiments, Mi Yang discovered that Zhuge Liannu could fire ten arrows continuously in a very short period of time, which gave Zhuge Liannu strong firepower.

This was enough to make Mi Yang happy, and what made Mi Yang even more happy was that even the arrows of Zhuge's crossbow were specially made.

While most arrows in the world were made of wood, Zhuge Liannu's arrows were all made of iron.

"Use iron as an arrow, the arrow is eight inches long."

When future generations read those eight words, they will not be able to understand the shock brought by those eight words.

But when those eight words fall into the eyes of the world, they are enough to surprise anyone.

Those eight words are enough to ensure that Zhuge Liannu's arrows have extremely strong armor-piercing power!

Even speaking from the knowledge of future generations, once an arrow made of iron is shot into the enemy's body, even if it misses the target, it will be difficult for the enemy who is hit to survive the subsequent treatment.


There is a disease called tetanus.

With thousands of Zhuge's crossbows flying, Mi Yang has the greatest confidence for this battle.

When all the tens of thousands of Wei troops led by Cao Zhen entered the Yangping Pass, he found that there were no Han troops outside the pass.

There are still nearly a thousand Han troops outside the pass, and they are relying on the steep terrain outside the pass to continuously block the invasion of a large number of Wei troops.

Seeing that scene, Cao Zhen had a sneer on his lips.

His bet on Mingyue was wrong, and Mi Yang indeed transferred most of the sergeants to the pass to ambush Cao Hong.

Otherwise, the Han army would not only be wronged by him now.

After realizing this, Cao Zhen kept waving the command flag in his leg, causing the surrounding Wei troops to continue to press toward the outside of the pass.

Cao Zhen knew what his purpose was - Cao Hong was facing a fierce attack from Mi Yang's army in the east, so the more violent he attacked from the rear, the less danger Cao Hong would encounter.

Moreover, now his army has rushed outside the Yangping Pass. Even if Mi Yang now knows the military situation behind the pass and wants to urgently dispatch sergeants to help, how many troops have he mobilized while he is fighting Cao Hong fiercely?

Yangping Pass, from the moment he rode his horse into it, already belonged to his Wei Dynasty.

At that moment, Cao Zhen's face looked proud.

Even Cao Zhen was thinking at that time that he would beg to kill Dong Mi Yang after he captured him.

Cao Zhen really couldn't bear to kill Mi Yang.

Cao Zhen didn't know it, but when his face was full of joy, there was a pair of eyes as calm as water in the dense forest around him, constantly watching him.

Even though Fa Miao beside him kept urging Mi Yang to activate Zhuge Liannu, Mi Yang's calm eyes did not change at all.

The Wei army was very deep!

A famous general's wrong decisions about life and death can often be revealed in an instant.

When Dong Zheng is right at that moment, the more he is wrong at that moment, the more Mi Yang needs to be able to calm down.

Just after Mi Yang waited patiently for half an hour, he noticed that no more Wei troops were coming in outside the pass, and the forwards of the Wei troops outside the pass were approaching step by step, very close to his hilltop.

After realizing that, Mi Yang stopped waiting.

A young general decisively pulled out the long sword from his waist in the dense forest. As a clear shout resounded in the dense forest, the tip of the sword with a cold light pointed to the east at the Wanwei Army.

With Mi Yang's sword pointed at ten thousand enemies, thousands of Han troops who had been prepared for a long time immediately launched the Zhuge Liannu in their legs without any hesitation.

The Zhuge Liannu is difficult to use by a single soldier. To successfully control a Zhuge Liannu, at least three soldiers need to cooperate with each other.

When thousands of Han troops uniformly filled Zhuge's crossbows with arrows, almost a second later, thousands of unstoppable iron arrows were fired towards the Wan Wei troops in the east.

In order to quickly clear out the participating Han troops blocking the front, Cao Zhendong ordered hundreds of cavalry to clear the way directly in front of the army.

The tall cavalry walked majestically at the forefront of the thousands of Wei troops. Among the hundreds of cavalry, they were also the first to be attacked by thousands of iron arrows.

Before the hundreds of Wei cavalry could react, thousands of extremely fast iron arrows flew directly in front of them.

Following a chilling popping sound, pieces of blood foam exploded in mid-air in front of hundreds of Wei cavalry like petals flying all over the sky.

Not long after, deep holes with blood flowing continuously appeared in the bodies of hundreds of Wei cavalry.

Thousands of iron arrows directly penetrated the bodies of hundreds of Wei soldiers, causing them to die.

When the hundreds of Wei cavalry died, their originally upright bodies were like kites whose strings were cut off at once, and they fell heavily to the ground from the tall horses.

At the same time, most of the hundreds of horses that had lost their owners were pierced and killed by the incoming iron arrows. For a time, the sad neighing sounds of the horses echoed outside Yangping Pass one after another.

When the sad neighing sounds fell to the east, the corpses of hundreds of tall horses fell uncontrollably towards the rear.

Just like the Yangpingguan city gate that was forced open by the Wei army just now.

One shot and a hundred horses fell!

The corpses of hundreds of Wei army cavalry and war horses fell to the ground, raising a thick cloud of dust in front of thousands of Wei army soldiers.

Everything happened too fast.

The infantry of the Wei army in the rear didn't know what was happening, but they saw that the cavalry they had been leaning on as a barrier and on their swords instantly disappeared in their eyes, and what was left in their eyes was a thick cloud of dust.

That scene was extremely impactful, and it also made many Wei soldiers feel fear.

But before the fear could brew in the hearts of many Wei Jun, the sharp-eyed Wei Jun suddenly discovered that in the thick dust, there seemed to be thousands of meteors shooting towards them.

That's neither a meteor nor an iron arrow released by Zhuge Liannu in the second round.

Zhuge Liannu does not mean that it can release ten iron arrows at the same time, it refers to that it can continuously shoot ten arrows in a very short period of time.

Because of the advanced nature of Zhuge's Liannu, the second round of thousands of iron arrows rushed toward their dense formation before most of the Wei army could react.

Coupled with the narrow terrain outside Yangping Pass, the Wei army's military formation was very dense when charging.

And that kind of situation undoubtedly allowed Zhuge Liannu to exert his greatest power invisibly.

When thousands of iron arrows shot from Kongluodong into the dense formation of thousands of Wei troops, at least hundreds more Wei soldiers died directly in the attack of the Han army's iron arrows.

But before the Wei army could react and set up a shield wall for defense, Zhuge Liannu's third iron arrow attack rushed into the Wei army's dense formation at an extremely fast speed.

This caused hundreds of Wei soldiers to scream again and fall straight to the ground with blood gushing out.

Just two rounds of iron arrow attacks took the lives of nearly a thousand of the Wei army when they were caught off guard.

Such a terrifying scene, without the need for screams, could instantly spread a sense of fear to the entire army.

Even Cao Zhen felt it, a chill was spreading from his tailbone to his whole body at an extremely fast speed.

That kind of chill made Cao Zhen, who had never known what to be afraid of in the past, feel fear for the first time.

But after all, Cao Zhen had experienced hundreds of battles. Even though fear had almost taken over his entire psychology, he still retained a trace of clarity at first and issued a stern command:

"Shield formation! Shield formation!"

When Cao Zhen's order spread, guards with shields on their legs soon came forward, thinking of rushing to the front of the formation to set up a shield formation to guard their comrades behind them.

But what is true is that although Cao Zhen's orders were timely and the shield-leggers in the Wei army were all brave men, the formation of the Wei army was too dense.

The dense formation greatly delayed the movement of the shield legs.

Even because the shield legs suddenly moved forward, the already unstable Wei army's formation caused a great commotion.

With fear in their hearts, the Wei troops in the front row immediately dispersed like birds and beasts, and fled towards the surrounding mountain roads.

Once the Wei troops in the front row are dispersed, how can the Wei troops in the back row be willing to act as living targets?

As a result, while Shan Zai's iron arrows continued to shoot eastward, the formation of the remaining thousands of Wei troops completely collapsed.

The circular formation composed of thousands of Wei troops was like a growing bubble at that moment. After reaching a certain critical point, it suddenly exploded in Mi Yang's eyes.

Extremely gorgeous!

A hundred horses will fall with one shot, and ten thousand men will be driven away with another shot!

That ancient poem best describes the battlefield situation in Dangdong.

After seeing that scene, Mi Yang couldn't help but laugh heartily in the forest.

The most taboo thing for an infantry army is a loose formation. An infantry unit with a loose formation, no matter how many in number, is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

After noticing that the Wei army's formation was scattered, Mi Yangdong ordered Zhuge Liannu to stop firing.

Judging from the performance of Zhuge Liannu just now, its power is exactly the same as recorded in historical books.

But it’s true that given the current level of technological development in the world, if a weapon is too powerful, its accuracy will inevitably not be very good.

This can also be seen from the shooting just now.

The range and power of the Zhuge Liannu are definitely not among the best in the world, but it shoots thousands of arrows in each round, but there are often hundreds of arrows that can hit the enemy. This is not true when the enemies are densely gathered.


When the formation of the Eastern Wei army was scattered, Mi Yang found a good opportunity to defeat the Wei army, but at the same time, the effectiveness of Zhuge Liannu was greatly reduced invisibly.

Besides, the multiple rounds of shooting had already almost consumed Zhuge Liannu's iron arrows.

When those specially customized iron arrows were exhausted, Zhuge Liannu could no longer exert its power in the battle to the east.

That made Mi Yang feel a little regretful, but that was actually normal.

If Zhuge Liannu had not had all the drawbacks, Zhuge Liang would have pushed all the way to Chang'an with his powerful weapon.

The Zhuge Liannu without any shortcomings is not called a crossbow, it can be called a machine gun!

Although there was regret in his heart, Mi Yang was already very satisfied when he saw the scene of "the dead piled up one after another and scattered by the enemies" of the Wei army in the east.

It's time for Liangzhou Huben to appear after receiving Donglai.

After the passionate drumbeats unique to the Han army sounded, in the eyes of thousands of Wei soldiers, a scene suddenly appeared that shocked them.

They saw countless Han troops appearing in the mountains and forests. They were being led by a veteran general and charging toward them at extremely fast speeds.

In addition, under the guidance of the sound of drums, groups of Han troops suddenly ran out in the direction outside the pass.

The Han army's phalanx formed a human wall and was steadily advancing towards their thousands of Wei troops.

Looking at the numerous Han troops rushing eastward from the mountains and forests, faintly cutting off their retreat, and looking at the Han army formations advancing like a wall of swords in front of them, everything in Cao Zhen's mind turned red at that moment.

The total number of Han troops on both sides was several thousand.

If Mi Yang really led his army to ambush Cao Hong in the bright moon, how could he have arranged so many troops in advance?

Everything is fake!

When Mi Yang first hunted, it was not Cao Hong who wanted to hunt, but he wanted a goshawk!

What made Cao Zhen feel even more desperate was that rockets were shot out from the direction of the Han army. After the rockets landed on the ground, they instantly caused huge fires.

The place where the fire Lord's prayers filled the air was exactly where his retreat was.

The army surrounded him and the way back was blocked. Did Mingyue really die here seeking his life?

Cao Zhen couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh.

There is a chapter in the early morning.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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