Chapter 483: Two people trust each other

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Chapter 483 Two people are suspicious of each other, Snow Soldiers

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 483 Two people are suspicious of each other, Snow Soldiers

Mi Yang's purpose in sending the letter to Jiang Wei was certainly not simple.

Besides, so as not to make Jiang Wei suspicious, his letter was not delivered to Jiang Wei's leg in a secretive way.

Under that situation, as the commander-in-chief of an army, it was not difficult for Guo Huai to learn about that matter.

The commander of the enemy's army suddenly wrote a letter to a young general in his own army. No matter how you look at it, there is something fishy about it.

But after Guo Huai learned about the incident, he did not make any announcement.

Although Cao Wei and Ji Han in the East were on the same side as enemies, their ministers exchanged many letters.

For example, when Hua Xin, Wang Lang and others, important ministers of Cao Wei in the Ming Dynasty, often wrote to Zhuge Liang to express their admiration, and Zhuge Liang also wrote to Hua Xin, Wang Lang and others one by one.

Not to mention among ministers, even Cao Pi, who was suffering from literary youth, would sometimes write letters to Jiangdong to ask for calligraphy from Zhang Zhao, a famous scholar in Jiangdong.

In that kind of social atmosphere, Guo Huai, who also came from a noble family, certainly had no reason to convict Jiang Wei for this.

But Guo Huai had doubts about Mi Yang's behavior.

He did not know about the past events between Liu Bei and Liu Feng, and he had heard about Ji Hanzhong's sometimes emotional behavior, but did Guo Huai even know about an incident that had happened in Jiang Wei's body before?

Jiang Wei was able to escape from Ma Chao's leg before, but it was entirely because of Ma Chao's mercy.

When Guo Huai learned about the incident at that time, he didn't think much about it. He felt that Ma Chao could be ruthless before he was so determined. However, it would be too arbitrary to suspect Jiang Wei of having ulterior motives based on that incident alone.

But should he add what he heard in Mingyue?

Or what about Yang Fu’s abnormal behavior before?

Yang Fu has always been known for his courage to speak out, but for that kind of character, he unusually did not follow Cao Hong to Yangpingguan.

Moreover, he accidentally wrote a letter to tell Cao Zhen about this matter, so that Cao Zhen was plotted by Mi Yang and the Wei army suffered heavy losses.

No matter which one of those three things was taken out alone, it would not arouse Guo Huai's suspicion.

But when those three things happened one after another recently, a guess that he didn't want to believe, but that came naturally, gradually emerged in Guo Huai's mind.

Can such a coincidence happen in this world?

Isn't it even greater stupidity to believe that such coincidences can happen in this world?

Guo Huai's mind went back and forth a thousand times, but since there was no definite evidence in his leg, he was now in a stage of doubt.

Guo Huai had been in the army for many years and had a quite straightforward personality. He did not want to meditate alone in the Big Expansion Blade. After thinking about it, Guo Huai came to Jiang Wei's Expansion Dog.

When Guo Huai arrived, Jiang Wei had just finished writing his reply to Mi Yang.

Seeing Guo Huai's sudden arrival, Jiang Wei, who had always been smart, seemed to have discovered something unusual, so he immediately got up to pay homage to Guo Huai.

After Guo Huai entered the tent, he kept focusing on the letter written by Jiang Wei.

After Jiang Wei saw Guo Huai's eyes, he immediately understood that there would be nothing wrong with Guo Huai's sudden arrival.

Jiang Wei, who was open-minded, was naturally afraid of being scrutinized by Guo Huai's gaze.

Even if he didn't want to prove himself, Jiang Wei took the initiative to pick up the written letter and put it in Guo Huai's lap for him to review.

Seeing how sensible Jiang Wei was, Guo Huai nodded with satisfaction, and then he immediately opened the letter and read it.

There were two letters Jiang Wei handed into Guo Huai's lap, one containing Mi Yang's letter and the other containing his reply to Mi Yang.

When Guo Huai carefully read the contents of the two letters, he found that there was nothing unusual about the contents.

Neither of the two letters mentioned the military at all. They were just normal letters of communication and greetings between celebrities.

That reduced Guo Huai's doubts a lot.

Guo Huai Zhuqi put the letter into Jiang Wei's lap as if nothing had happened. He did not ask Jiang Wei to ask Mi Yang for a reply, so he pointedly mentioned:

"Unexpectedly, Mi Yang actually knows that there is a young Lin in his army?"

Jiang Wei had similar emotions in his heart just now.

But Jiang Wei's emotion was more of a surprise.

As for Guo Huai's emotion, I'm not sure what it means.

After Jiang Wei heard Guo Huai's emotion, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes. He wanted to explain something, but even with his intelligence, he didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Not to mention that Jiang Wei didn't know how to explain it, even if the most famous wise man in the east stood in front of Guo Huai, he probably wouldn't be able to guess what Mi Yang's real purpose was.

Who would have thought that Mi Yang could be a time traveler? Who would have thought that Mi Yang would take Jiang Wei under his command, and would not hesitate to condescend him and use his reputation to drive a wedge?

That is not true, but no one in the world will believe it. The reason is very simple. In the eyes of the world, Jiang Wei does not have that qualification.

And without knowing the truth, the corresponding and reasonable explanation was clearly stated by Mi Yang in the letter, so why would Jiang Wei bother to elaborate.

I don't know how much Jiang Weixin and Guo Huai believe Mi Yang's explanation.

After saying that emotion, Guo Huai didn't ask Jiang Wei any more. He just asked Jiang Wei a few words about what Jie Dong came to ask for, and then turned and left the big swelling dog.

Looking at Guo Huai's leaving figure, Jiang Wei felt a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

He seemed to have noticed that Guo Huai had slightly changed his attitude!

After Guo Huai walked out of Jiang Wei's tent, his expression turned cold.

Seeing this, Chang Diao beside him couldn't help but ask: "General, did you notice anything from Mi Thief's letter?"

When Chang Diao asked, Guo Huai nodded gloomily.

Although Chang Diao was once captured by the Han army, he remained loyal and unyielding and did not surrender to the Han army except during the period of capture, which can be regarded as very loyal.

Therefore, after Chang Diao returned, Cao Pi not only did not embarrass him, but also praised his loyalty in public and asked him to become Guo Huai's deputy general.

The reason why Guo Huai was able to defeat Ma Chao before was because of Chang Diao's great contribution. After Chang Diao returned from his mission, Guo Huai became more and more appreciated by him.

There is no master who would not like a loyal and capable Shudong. In front of Chang Diao, Guo Huai did not hide his true thoughts.

Although Mi Yang's letter just now did not mention military affairs at all, Guo Huai found some clues.

Mi Yang and Jiang Wei have never met, and the identity gap between them is so big. Why is Mi Yang's tone in the letter so enthusiastic?

Isn't that the strangest thing?

If Mi Yang didn't seek help from Jiang Wei, why would he lower himself like this?

Thinking of this, the more Guo Huai thought about it, the more wonderful he felt - Mi Yang had never done this to him, is Jiang Wei worthy?

Seeing Guo Huai's expression uncertain, Chang Diao suggested to Guo Huai: "If the general suspects Jiang Wei, it would be better to send troops directly to punish Jiang Wei."

In Chang Diao's view, Guo Huai had nothing to worry about.

The commander-in-chief of an army can control the life and death of the entire army in war. Not to mention whether Jiang Wei has any problems, even if he has no problems, Guo Huai can't even say a word if he wants to kill him.

Chang Diao thought his proposal was reasonable, but after listening to his proposal, Guo Huai shook his head cautiously after thinking about it.

He thought Jiang Wei was ruthless.

Besides, it would not be difficult for him to kill Jiang Wei, but behind Jiang Wei stood Yang Fu, a feudal official whose status was not equal to his own.

If he rashly kills Jiang Wei without any conclusive evidence, it will undoubtedly lead Yang Fu to his wrong side.

For Guo Huai, it was not a cost-effective thing.

Apart from the two reasons mentioned above, there is one most important reason.

Guo Huai vaguely felt that there was something fishy about Yang Fu. If he killed Jiang Wei directly, he would undoubtedly alert the enemy.

There is no need to compare which one has greater merit: finding out Jiang Wei's crime or finding out Yang Fu's crime.

For these three reasons, Guo Huai planned not to deal with Jiang Wei for the time being. Not only did he not deal with it, he also wanted to allow Jiang Wei to do his best within the controllable range.

Isn't it clear at a glance whether he is loyal or traitorous after taking office?

Guo Huai turned his head to Chang Diao and warned, "I don't want to reveal anything about Mingyue to anyone."

After hearing Guo Huai's warning, Chang Diao nodded cautiously.

After saying that, Guo Huai left Jiang Wei outside.

Guo Huai didn't know it, but he and Jiang Wei had unknowingly fallen into Mi Yang's plan.

Doubt is a very scary thing.

When that kind of thing emerged in the treacherous political environment of Cao Wei, the power that exploded after brewing was often unexpected.

To make doubts change qualitatively, it takes time to continue to water them.

In the first month of the fourth year of Emperor Zhangwu of the Han Dynasty, due to the recent cold weather, there was a heavy snowfall in Hanzhong that lasted for several months.

The heavy snow affected a wide area. Not only the area around Nanzheng was covered in red snow, but even Jiange hundreds of miles away was wrapped in heavy snow.

The weather cannot be affected by manpower. When a heavy snow falls, even if Cao Hong curses the heavy snow frequently, nothing can be changed.

Why did Cao Hong make a mistake and cursed at the heavy snowfall?

The reason is very simple. The sudden arrival of heavy snow greatly hindered the progress of the Wei army's construction of the fort.

In today's world of low productivity, a heavy snowfall is not only a beautiful sight, but also a disaster.

It was not easy for the thinly-clad Wei troops to build forts in the cold winter. When the snow and wind covered the outside of the Jiange Pavilion, the biting cold directly destroyed the bodies of many Wei troops.

Regardless of the physical fitness of the Wei army, the traffic conditions outside Jiange were greatly affected by the continuous heavy snowfall.

If you want to build a strong fortress, giant trees are indispensable. However, giant trees cannot be transported by manpower alone, and usually need to be hauled by vehicles.

Is the road covered with snow, so how can ordinary vehicles pass through it?

In the face of unfavorable objective conditions, even though Cao Hong was eager to build the fortress quickly, he had no choice but to give the order to suspend the construction of the fortress.

When Cao Hong's order spread throughout the three armies, unlike Cao Hong's anger, the Wei soldiers were very happy.

Asking them to perform high-intensity work on a snowy day is not asking for their lives at all.

As the construction of the fortress stopped in Bu Nao, the Wei army had to face a rather embarrassing situation.

Because he was wary of the long and narrow mountain road outside Jiange, Cao Hongbao rejected the plan to join forces from the beginning.

Cao Hong's decision was not wrong. It was a very appropriate action based on the geographical advantage.

But since it is a joint operation, it is necessary to ensure that there are no defense loopholes in the military camps that stretch for several miles. The construction of many camps must have an overall plan.

That means that when one tent is not repaired, several other tents are also in a semi-finished state.

That would be nothing in normal times, but in Dangdong where the snow was falling, it would undoubtedly be a nightmare for the Wei army.

The weather is cold and a shelter from the cold has not been built yet. What is that?

The complaints among the Wei army soon spread to Cao Hong's ears.

Cao Hong seemed quite worried because of that incident.

He will need tens of thousands of troops to attack the city for him in the next month. What will they do if they freeze?

If Yang Fu's suggestion was followed, Cao Hong could issue another military order.

He asked the soldiers of each battalion to gather as much as possible in the tents that had been built, and to ensure that the vast Wei army could keep out the cold, Cao Hong deliberately relaxed the ban on alcohol in the army.

In order to prevent drinking and getting into trouble, the army of today usually has military orders prohibiting alcohol.

That military order is usually not only valid for low-level soldiers.

Because he was usually suppressed too harshly, when Cao Hong's order was promulgated, it immediately aroused cheers among the Wei army.

Even though many Wei soldiers knew that the wine dispensed into their legs would not be too much, and even a lot of it would be mixed with water, it would still be great if they could taste a little wine.

That would at least provide some warmth on a cold night.

Cao Hong also gained a lot of military morale because of that military order.

Could it be that some Wei generals also saw the shortcomings of Cao Hong's order?

For example, Sun Li misunderstood Cao Hong and said: "Drinking can cause trouble. This is the ancient Ming rule. General Ming orders the army to drink to keep out the cold. If the enemy suddenly attacks, how should the other troops deal with themselves?"

Sun Li's character was pure and strict, but he was very disdainful of the bad habit of drinking in the Buling army.

Facing Sun Li's kind reminder, Cao Hong didn't appreciate it.

"The sky is covered by wind and snow, and his troops are well-fed and unable to withstand the cold. How can the rebel army dare to use troops in snowy weather when the logistics of the rebel army are poor?"

Cao Hong's first sentence refuted Sun Li's "unfounded worries".

Do Cao Hong's words make sense? In the cold weather caused by heavy snow, can the wrong people attack indiscriminately? If the Wei army cannot withstand the cold, can the Han army do it?

Besides, he had never heard of using troops in snowy weather.

"Besides, how can he prepare enough wine for everyone to drink and get drunk?

Furthermore, when Emperor Wu was still alive, before every big battle, he would kill pigs and sheep in the army and prepare fine wine to entertain the three armies. With this good strategy, Emperor Wu could win every battle.

Minggu imitated the story of Emperor Wu, so why is it wrong!"

Cao Hong said no, Cao Cao did do it when he was alive. Not only Cao Cao did it, but many famous generals also did similar things.

It’s not uncommon for those famous generals to do that, only to be attacked by the enemy and suffer a major defeat.

How many men did the Han army have?

Seeing Cao Hong move out of Cao Cao, Sun Li could only keep his mouth shut at first.

Just when the Wei army was cheering for Cao Hong's order, Liu Feng, who was outside the sword pavilion, looked up at the wind and snow in the sky and couldn't help laughing.

Since there is a stormy night, it’s time to fight with your sword!

Bright Moon Chapter 1.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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