Chapter 487 Deng Ai was trained and the Wei army attacked the city

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Chapter 487 Deng Ai was trained and the Wei army attacked the city

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

The three words "Dingjun Mountain" have special significance in the process of Liu Bei's fortune.

Everyone knows that before Liu Bei became King of Hanzhong, Liu Bei fought a great battle with Cao Cao.

Did the battle actually end with Liu Bei winning?

The victory in the Battle of Hanzhong was truly the first victory won by Liu Bei's group against Cao Cao's group, and it was also the greatest victory.

The results achieved in the Battle of Hanzhong were even greater than those of the two Battles of Xiangfan. It was also true that that battle directly ruined his life. Liu Bei, who was looked down upon by others, had the capital to become king in the world.

And why did Liu Bei win the Battle of Hanzhong?

Apart from the fact that Zhuge Liang was so big-hearted and worked so hard to ensure the logistics of the Han army, there was another very important reason:

At Fazheng's suggestion, Liu Bei made a surprise attack on Dingjun Mountain and killed the Wei army's commander Xia Houyuan, thus taking advantage of the situation to occupy most of the favorable terrain in Hanzhong.

Due to the favorable geographical location and the inferiority of both the people and the Han army, Cao Cao wanted to take back Hanzhong, but in the end he chose to retreat sadly.

Perhaps because there are no historical records that detail the battle of Hanzhong at that time, everyone in the world knows about the stunning surprise attack by the Han army on Dingjun Mountain, but few people know why the Han army chose that tactic.

That tactic came about because of the helplessness of the Han army.

When Liu Bei led his army out of the Jiange Pass with the intention of capturing Hanzhong, Yangping Pass was always an obstacle to escape.

After Liu Bei led his army to the east of Yangping Pass, he mobilized tens of thousands of Han troops to attack Yangping Pass and launched a fierce attack for a long time. However, due to the danger of Yangping Pass, the Han army was unable to capture Dongyang Ping Pass.

At that time, the Han army's food and grass were nearly exhausted. If they did not find another way to find another way, the Han army would be defeated initially.

But just when Liu Bei wanted to retreat, his military advisor Fa Zheng came up with a strategy for him to surprise Dingjun Mountain, thus turning the tide of the war in one fell swoop.

Many people in the world do not know the ins and outs of those wars back then, but it must be very clear that Mi Yang and Fa Miao were both ruthless and ruthless, and that they were both ruthless and irresponsible.

Because of this, when Mi Yang proposed to bring in Yizhou reinforcements through Dingjun Mountain, Fa Miao was surprised at first, but when he came to the east, he quickly realized whether that method was feasible.

Tens of thousands of Wei troops led by Cao Hong occupied Qiudao outside Yangping Pass, which prevented Yizhou's reinforcements from entering. However, the mountain road at Dingjun Mountain was directly connected to the mountain road outside Jiange.

Otherwise, how could Liu Bei have bypassed Yangping Pass and led his army directly to Hanzhong?

They asked Yizhou reinforcements to arrive at Jiange, and then followed the same marching route. They could bypass the encirclement of tens of thousands of Wei troops and arrive at Dingjun Mountain not far from Nanzheng City.

Even in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the two cities of Nanzheng were under the control of the Han army, so they asked Yizhou reinforcements to reach Dingjun Mountain safely, so that they would not face the situation of being blocked by the Wei army at the mountain.

And at that time, Mi Yang, who had received a large number of reinforcements in his legs, would not be able to think of a way to deal with Cao Zhen by mistake?

When that idea emerged in his mind, Fa Miao's surprise turned into surprise and strong shock.

I was pleasantly surprised that Hanzhong was finally saved.

His master Mi Yang was shocked, how did he come up with that plan?

Obviously, many people in the Han Dynasty were mentally prepared to accept the worst or most glorious ending, but Mi Yang seized that glimmer of hope!

Mi Yang looked at the surprised and shocked expression on Fa Miao's face, and he couldn't help but call a few times to wake up Fa Miao from his daze.

The strategy he proposed is currently just an idea.

To turn this idea into reality, we need the cooperation of Yizhou.

Re-walking Dingjun Mountain is easier said than done.

After all, Dingjun Mountain is currently not a tourist attraction in the future, but a completely undeveloped barren mountain.

Even though tens of thousands of Han troops had already walked through it once, times had changed and as years passed, vegetation grew and the original path could no longer be used.

Therefore, if they want to truly achieve that, Yizhou must do what it did back then, without wasting all its national power to achieve that feat.

If Zhuge Liang could be allowed to take charge of this matter as he did back then, would that be the best thing to do?

Thinking of Mi Yang, after waking up Fa Miao, he mistakenly said to him: "I am immediately looking for the hunters in the city to serve as guides, and then send out an elite team that is good at mountain warfare. It is best to have those who participated in the surprise attack on Dingjun Mountain.


Let them follow the guide over Dingjun Mountain and take a detour to Jiange, and convey his intention to the guard of Jiange.

And let the Jiange guard general report his intention to Chengdu as quickly as possible."

"We must seek speed. The survival of Hanzhong depends on this move!"

Mi Yang's tone was full of solemnity.

Mi Yang's solemn tone made Fa Miao solemnly bow to Mi Yang:

"I will live up to the general's trust!"

After saying that, Fa Miao turned around and left, going to make arrangements.

After Fa Miao left the city wall, Mi Yang looked in the direction of Dingjun Mountain.

A few years ago, there was a red-clothed Confucian standing on the mountainside of another mountain, with his turban flying and his feather fan gently waving, creating a bright and beautiful scene for the big man.

A few years later, in the bright moon, his disciples stood at the top of Nanzheng City, making secret plans and deploying everything, thinking of securing a bright future for the Han Dynasty.

Then maybe the meaning of the word "inheritance" will be revealed.

Mi Yang's eyes gradually blurred as he looked at Dingjun Mountain:

"If you have a spirit in heaven, please bless him."

When she said that, Mi Yang couldn't help but clenched the letter in her lap.

He is a very good mentor.

He said he would come to help him as soon as possible.

Deng Ai led four thousand Liangzhou troops and marched towards Jiange at almost the fastest marching speed.

A few months ago, he was officially worshiped as Zuo Zhonglang General by Liu Bei.

General Zuo Zhonglang can be said to be the highest-ranking military officer, and there is only a thin line between him and higher-level generals.

But the promotion in status did not make Deng Ai very happy, even though he had been looking forward to it for a long time that month.

Deng Ai was not happy about his promotion, not because he was greedy, but because he was always thinking about the war in Liangzhou, or in other words, he was thinking about his master Mi Yang.

Deng Ai was born in a poor family, and he had seen the warmth and coldness of human relationships since he was a child. He definitely did not have the qualities of a saint, and he did not have a sincere desire for fame.

But precisely because he has seen many human relationships, he appreciates the value of true love even more.

That is not the precious thing about a child from a poor family.

Even though Mi Yang had scolded him many times in the past months, Deng Ai would always remember Mi Yang's kindness and promotion.

Now that Mi Yang is in trouble, how can Deng Ai be in the mood to feel happy about his promotion?

Fortunately, Bidong and the Prime Minister did not value the shepherd uncle.

After resting for several months in Chengdu, Liu Bei issued a formal imperial edict to Deng Ai to lead his troops to Jiange as the vanguard of reinforcements.

After receiving the order, Deng Ai issued the military order in the most stern tone, asking the four thousand Liangzhou troops to pack up as quickly as possible, and then quickly advance towards Jiange with light equipment.

Along the way, four thousand Liangzhou troops could march on a moonlit night.

Bu Nao's high-intensity march did not arouse any complaints from Ren He, Huang Huan and Brown. They were all direct troops of Mi Yang, and Liangzhou was their hometown.

The four thousand Liangzhou troops were no less anxious than Deng Ai about rescuing their lord and hometown.

Marching rapidly to the east, Deng Ai quickly led the army to the outside of Jiange.

Facing the arrival of four thousand Liangzhou troops, Liu Feng did not choose to go out to greet them.

Liu Fengfou had extraordinary military talents, and he had just used his extraordinary military talents to win a great victory for the Han army.

It can be said that at present, outside the Han Dynasty, due to his status and pride, the number of people Liu Feng can really pay attention to is definitely no more than five fingers.

Obviously, Deng Ai was not among them.

There was a huge difference in status between Deng Ai and Liu Feng in Bu Nao. Is it normal for Liu Feng not to go out of the city to meet Deng Ai? Deng Ai did not have any opinions on this matter.

Is it because of the urgency in his heart, after Deng Ai arranged his troops and horses, he asked to see Liu Feng on the grounds that he wanted to report something.

As Deng Ai was the vanguard of Zhuge Liang's army, Liu Feng originally didn't want to see him, but Liu Feng thought that Deng Ai was Mi Yang's confidant, so Liu Feng met with Deng Ai for Mi Yang's sake.

After Deng Ai saw Liu Feng, he immediately suggested to Liu Feng:

"Ai was ordered by the emperor to lead an army of 4,000 to come to the rescue, and together with the 5,000 people outside the pass, his army had a strength of nearly 10,000.

With nearly 10,000 troops, his army also occupies a favorable location, and the situation has changed. It is better for the general to lead nearly 10,000 elite troops to attack the Wei army's camp, even if his army cannot successfully defeat the rebel army.

Given the strength of his army, the bandit army would have to raise a large number of troops to stop him. In this way, the military situation might be known to Wu Zhengbei.

After Wu Zheng went to the north to find out, he would know that reinforcements from other countries had arrived, and Liangzhou's army would be confident."

As soon as Deng Ai saw Liu Feng's polite face, he told Liu Feng his plan without saying a few words.

Deng Ai believed that his battle plan was feasible, but he was unaware of his suggestions, which aroused Liu Feng's dissatisfaction.

How could a small lieutenant general dare to speak nonsense in front of him?

If there is really a good opportunity to attack, then you should inform him yourself instead of asking him to "teach" you.

In the past, Liu Bei often criticized Liu Feng for being "arrogant and self-willed". From Liu Feng's two thoughts, we can see that Liu Bei's criticism was very wrong.

Liu Feng's expression turned cold.

"The bandit army has just suffered a huge defeat, and now it is a time when defenses are tight. If the enemy army attacks rashly, it will not be effective, and it will definitely result in heavy losses.

I have been ordered by Bidong to guard the sword pavilion. How can I send out all my troops to protect the safety of the Qin sword pavilion?

If I didn't know the enemy's situation and asked for a battle without authorization, if it weren't for Mihou's sake, I would have been punished by our military law.

It’s very hard to retreat to the East quickly!”

Liu Feng severely reprimanded Deng Ai.

After being reprimanded, Deng Ai wanted to persuade him again, but when he saw Liu Feng's left and right bodyguards holding swords in front of him, he had no choice but to leave.

He admitted that his suggestion was risky, but Liangzhou was in danger, so it was better to take a risk than to do nothing.

After Deng Ai withdrew from the East, Liu Feng's expression softened slightly.

The reason why Liu Feng categorically rejected Deng Ai's proposal was that on the one hand he really thought it was not a good time to send troops to attack the Wei army in the east, and on the other hand it was because of his selfish considerations.

After being released from confinement by Liu Bei, Liu Feng knew that his performance in welcoming Dong Lai was very important.

That's why he took such a big risk and chose to sneak attack the Wei army on a snowy night.

But just as he said, the task Liu Bei gave him did not allow him to defend Jiange, but did not allow him to support Mi Yang.

He bears the danger of Jiange's unrest for Nuclear Coal Hyun, but what about other things?

When Liu Bei needed him, Liu Feng would never spare his life. This was not the case at the Battle of Hanzhong and the Battle of Zaiyong.

Can I ask if there is no conflict between my own selfishness and Liu Bei's explicit order? Then Liu Feng's choice is also very simple, then I can follow my own selfishness.

During the First Battle of Xiangfan, did Liu Feng adopt a similar approach?

Back then, Guan Yu sent envoys more than ten times, but Liu Feng was not allowed to send troops. Now even though Mi Yang has the same power as Guan Yu back then, doesn't he fail to send out envoys?

In this case, it is better to guard the sword pavilion well. It is not the best explanation for Liu Bei and myself.

There is an old Chinese saying that states are easy to change, but nature is hard to change.

Excellent military talent and impressive military records cannot cover up the fact that Liu Feng was arrogant, domineering and selfish.

Whether such a character is a blessing or a curse, the month will tell.

In April of the fourth year of Emperor Zhangwu of the Han Dynasty, when most of the Yizhou reinforcements had not yet arrived at Jiange, most of the Wei army had already arrived not far from the outside of Nanzheng City.

In that month, during the Wei army's fierce attack on the east, Cao Zhen had controlled most of the cities in Hanzhong.

That month, Cao Zhen's injuries had almost improved, and he could finally appear on horseback in front of tens of thousands of Wei troops.

Cao Zhen, who was walking high on his horse, looked at the nearby Nanzheng City, with endless anger in his eyes that was about to be released.

Whether it was the owner of that city or not, he suffered a huge defeat half a year ago, which even left him with an unspeakable disability throughout his life.

In both public and private matters, Cao Zhen now has the mentality of wanting to kill Mi Yang and then be quick.

However, because the great defeat left a deep impression on Cao Zhen, Cao Zhen did not rashly lead his army to continue marching towards Nanzheng City after approaching the east of Nanzheng City.

He was waiting for the remaining Wei troops to gather.

Just a few months after Cao Zhen arrived at Nanzheng City, the remaining Wei troops gathered from all directions in Hanzhong and arrived outside Nanzheng City.

By that month, more than 100,000 Wei troops had gathered outside Nanzheng City (including auxiliary troops).

At the same time, Cao Zhen's military orders also spread extremely quickly.

When Cao Zhen's military order was spread throughout the three armies, more than 100,000 Wei troops, like a large dark cloud with no end in sight, all surrounded Nanzheng City.

In the military formation of more than 100,000 people, there were many siege equipment as high as the Nanzheng city wall.

Those towering siege engines, like mountain peaks standing in the endless dark clouds, are approaching Nanzheng City step by step with a terrifying momentum.

The Wei army's move to siege the city soon alarmed Mi Yang outside the city. Surrounded by a group of confidants, Mi Yang boarded the Nanzheng city wall.

The people on the city wall were affected by the momentum of the enemy outside the city and their expressions were unstable.

But after seeing that scene, Mi Yang couldn't help laughing and said:

"The ants in the east of the city are just like the rats in the east of the Yangtze River!"

Mi Yang's tone seemed to be mocking, teasing, but more like she didn't care.

And when Mi Yang's words spread to the ears of the people around him, everyone who thought of Mi Yang's police record couldn't help but laugh along with Mi Yang.

Even if endless enemy forces approach from the east of the city, who can guarantee that the Han Red Deer beside them will not turn the tables again?

The victorious and defeated soldiers have unexpected family affairs. It is not a man to treat the enemy with nothing!

This chapter has been completed!
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