Chapter 503: First capture the two thieves and then proceed to the Northern Expedition

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Chapter 503: First capture the two thieves and then proceed to the Northern Expedition

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

More than ten months have passed since that January, which will definitely go down in history.

For more than ten months, the raging Han River has been noisy in the vast plain outside Nanzheng City. It seems that it has been guided by someone to cleanse away all the filth in the world.

It was only in recent months that the Han River outside Nanzheng City gradually receded, which gave Wei Yan, Zhou Tai, Deng Ai and others the opportunity to come to Nanzheng City in person to return Mi Yang's life.

But when Mingyue's Resurrection Council was present, the whole place seemed very quiet.

The generals and generals attending the meeting all looked at and worshiped Mi Yang who was walking at the head with a look of reverence like a god.

Even in future generations with advanced technology, human beings will always be in awe of fires and floods, let alone Dangdong?

Since ancient times, although there are many famous generals who have relied on the power of heaven and earth to defeat their enemies, often after completing such feats, those famous generals will not only gain great fame, but also be covered in a layer of mystery in the eyes of the world.


For example, Guan Yu flooded the Seventh Army a few years ago.

The result of Flooding Seven Armies is incomparable to the Battle of Hanzhong.

But Guan Yu was so powerful in China with that battle that even after his death, his legend was often circulated among the people.

Apart from Guan Yu's unrivaled loyalty and righteousness, the biggest reason was that the Seventh Army was flooded and that Guan Yu fought a great victory with the help of the mighty power of heaven and earth.

I want to know that the reason why the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is sacred stems from the Confucian idea of ​​"relationship between heaven and man". The emperor is not the spokesman for the gods to exercise power in the human world.

The most important thing is that there are many people in history who have used the power of water to defeat the enemy.

But in just a few years, famous generals who have turned the world around with the help of water and fire, the two greatest powers in the world, are unprecedented and unique.

When it is passed down to later generations, I wonder how many literati and poets will become fans of Mi Yang.

Well, just like those people outside the hall now.

Everyone's eyes of awe and adoration were very enthusiastic, and Mi Yang certainly couldn't notice it.

After noticing, Mi Yang looked at Lu Yi helplessly.

The reason why everyone followed him was not only because they were amazed at his achievements, but also because of the painting that Lu Yi painted.

It turns out that Lu Yi, who was good at painting, painted the scene of the flood in the east of the city that January, while he was standing in the city with arms outstretched and laughing.

Needless to say, Lu Yi's painting skills are lifelike.

And Zhengfu's lifelike portrait, after being seen by everyone, caused them to exclaim in exclamation, and at the same time deepened their awe and admiration for him in their hearts.

Of course, if it is a good thing to be feared and worshiped by others, then everything must be done in a moderate way.

After finally waiting for the flood to recede, and now we are discussing the strategy of our own army's eastward step, the whole hall is completely silent.

There was no other way, so Mi Yang coughed a few times, and after dispersing some of the silence outside the hall, he started to directly ask names by name.

Mi Yang first looked at Deng Ai, who had just arrived from Yizhou, and asked in a deep voice: "How many reinforcements will I bring from Yizhou tomorrow?"

Facing Mi Yang's inquiry, Deng Ai did not dare to neglect him. He immediately stood up and bowed to Mi Yang before replying:

"The total number of troops setting off from Jiange is forty thousand.

The number of troops who arrived at Dingjun Mountain first was approximately 20,000."

After the report, Deng Ai expressed his conclusion.

"If there are no mistakes on the road, the remaining 20,000 troops will arrive in Hanzhong by the end of that month at the latest."

After listening to Deng Ai's report, Mi Yang nodded slightly.

The 40,000-strong army was large in number and the mountain road was narrow. No matter how painstakingly Zhuge Liang arranged it, it was impossible to transport the 40,000-strong army to Dingjun Mountain.

Not all of the reinforcements from Bu Nao have arrived, but it's not long until the end of the month, so it won't delay his plan to move eastward.

After asking about the specific situation of Deng Ai's reinforcements, Mi Yang turned his attention to Lu Yi and asked:

"Have you ever found any trace of Cao Zhen and others?"

When the Han River outside the city showed signs of receding, Mi Yang asked Lu Yi to arrange for people to clean the battlefield.

In the work of cleaning the battlefield, there is a very important aspect, which is to search for the whereabouts of those generals who were sought after by the Wei army.

Either death or escape, there must be a rough answer.

After Mi Yang asked the urn dog, Lu Yi immediately stood up seriously and replied:

"Have the bodies of some Wei generals been found so far, but Cao Zhen's body has not yet been found."

After hearing what Lu Yi said, Mi Yang pondered for a while.

Cao Zhen's body has not been found yet, which means that Cao Zhen's whereabouts are unknown.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Cao Zhen must have escaped.

After all, the work of cleaning up the battlefield has just begun, and the flood-ravaged city outside is littered with corpses and ordnance. It is obvious that it is a arduous and time-consuming task to truly count the results of that battle.


Even if Cao Zhen escaped, it would not surprise Mi Yang.

If Cao Zhenqiu wanted to flood Nanzheng, he would definitely arrange for people to build ships in the camp so that they could not be used for subsequent sieges.

When Wei Yan led his troops to seize the dike, whether any of the Wei troops escaped back to the camp indicates that Cao Zhen most likely learned the news before the Han River poured into the Wei camp.

According to normal people's thinking, after hearing the news, their first reaction would definitely be to run away, or else stay here and wait to die?

Perhaps Mi Yang wanted to kill Cao Zhen at first, but when more than 100,000 Wei troops were wiped out, Mi Yang's goal changed.

Besides, if Cao Zhen is still alive, would it be a good thing for Mi Yang?

Losing a bad wolf but gaining a young lin is a sure-fire business no matter how you look at it.

Thoughts flashed through her heart quickly. After thinking about them, Mi Yang turned to Lu Yi and asked:

"The first thing: I ask people to send people to burn Wei Jun's corpse as soon as possible."

"Second thing: Please send people to repair the dam of Han River as soon as possible."

There are often epidemics after wars or major disasters. Is it possible that human corpses exposed to the wild for a long time will breed a lot of bacteria?

In addition, human corpses will be eaten by many birds and beasts in the wild, and living people will capture those birds and beasts for food, so cross-infection of Eastern blight occurs.

If you want to prevent this, the best way is to burn all the corpses.

As for the second point, it is also a major matter related to people's livelihood.

The Miyang River flooded the Wei army, and the main force was asked to dig out the dikes built by the Wei army. However, when the flood was released, many of the dikes along the Han River were also washed away.

When the flood outside Ming City gradually recedes, the project of repairing the Han River dam must also be put on schedule.

After all, it’s the rainy season in Dangdong.

If the original dam of the Han River is not repaired as soon as possible, it will inevitably have a negative impact on the people's livelihood in Hanzhong.

After Lu Yi listened to Mi Yang's instructions, he also understood the importance of those two things, so he nodded solemnly.

Anyway, although many people in the Wei army were drowned, many people were captured as well, so they could be used as coolies to complete those two major tasks.

After Lu Yi left east, Wei Yan saw that Mi Yang had already arranged the relevant affairs for the people's livelihood, so he stood up and said to Mi Yang:

"Did you turn a blind eye to the two thieves in Liangzhou?"

Wei Yan's remarks aroused laughter from everyone present.

Who are the two thieves in Liangzhou that Wei Yan refers to?

It's just Guo Huai and Cao Hong who don't know yet.

Among the two men, Cao Hong was deceived by Zhuge Liang's trick of doubting his troops, and now he was focused on holding on to the fortress to buy time for Cao Zhen to seize the Southeast Zheng.

Can Guo Huai's Wei army attack Yinping on a moonlit night? If troops are not sent to help as soon as possible, Ma Chao and Zhang Yi may be in danger.

The reason why Wei Yan's words aroused laughter from everyone present was because of his phrase "turn a blind eye".

Of course, Mi Yang would not forget the two Wei armies, Guo Huai and Cao Hong, and to defeat these two Wei armies, he would certainly need to send generals there.

Therefore, what Wei Yan said about "turning a blind eye" is essentially self-recommendation.

General, I must not turn a blind eye to Chen Dong's desire for war!

Wei Yan's eager request for war not only aroused everyone's laughter, but also aroused the desire for war among many generals present.

Moments after Wei Yan finished speaking, a dozen generals outside the hall stood up and expressed their intention to fight.

Wei Yan's face turned red with anger as he looked at the competitors around him.

Why didn't you see us get up just now? Now that you are the first to ask for a fight, we get up to seize the opportunity with you. That's so unkind.

Facing Wei Yan's "glaring eyes", Deng Ai, Ding Feng, Ding Feng, Fu Qian and others also looked back with a look of determination to win.

Great work comes first, who cares about shame?

Seeing the invisible exchanges between the fierce generals' eyes in the air, Mi Yangcuo was both satisfied and a little embarrassed by the scene in front of him.

Guo Huai and Cao Hong are just two people, so how can we tell them apart?

Finally, Mi Yang couldn't help but come up with a compromise.

"Guhui will personally attack the two thieves Guo Huai and Cao Hong."

After hearing what Mi Yang said, the generals in Liangzhou no longer looked at each other. They all looked at Mi Yang in surprise.

You have already made such a big contribution to Lidong, why are you so embarrassed to compete with them for such "small credit"!

Although the generals were surprised, they did not dare to contradict him directly.

Wei Yan's mind was spinning quickly at first. He took a step forward and deliberately exposed the wound cloth tied to his leg, and then looked at Mi Yang with pleading eyes - he has bled and been injured for you, so why don't you turn a blind eye?


Wei Yan's performance aroused the generals' surprise, so that's okay?

But after Mi Yang saw Wei Yan's actions, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

After laughing, Mi Yang reiterated his decision.

Mi Yang's decision shattered the expectations of Wei Yan and others. In the case of Mi Yang's own expedition, even if they could join the army and achieve military exploits, such military exploits would not be as powerful as defeating the enemy independently.

Seeing the disappointed expressions of the generals, Mi Yang couldn't bear to dampen their enthusiasm, so she made a mistake and explained to Wei Yan and Deng Ai:

"I don't want to take credit, but I actually have other important matters that I want to entrust to the Second Minister."

Mi Yang's words once again caused strong desire to appear in the eyes of Wei Yan and Deng Ai.

Mi Yanghui didn't have to lie to them.

Mi Yang faced the longing looks of Wei Yan and Deng Ai and expressed her plan.

"Gu Yu asked the two of them to lead five thousand soldiers and horses each, and go to the entrance of Luo Valley and Xie Valley respectively to seek fortifications at the two places in Gu Nadong."

Mi Yang's words made Wei Yan and Deng Ai realize that the matter was not simple.

As we all know, when Cao Zhen's army entered Hanzhong, he asked to pass through the two passages of Luo Valley and Xie Valley.

After leading the troops into Hanzhong, the Wei army built fortresses at Luogu and Xiegukou respectively to store large amounts of military rations shipped from Chang'an.

Thinking of that, Deng Ai couldn't help but ask aloud: "Does the general want to seize the rebel army's food reserves?"

Deng Aifou was astute, and his guess was not wrong, but he was only half wrong.

Mi Yang smiled and asked someone to carry a new map. When the large map was baked behind Mi Yang, everyone outside the hall couldn't help but breathe quickly.

Many people even stood up involuntarily.

Everyone had this kind of reaction, or else they seemed to have a glimpse of the blueprint for hegemony in Mi Yang's heart at that moment.

What hangs behind Mi Yang is not the map of Liangzhou, but a brand-new map of Guanzhong!

Mi Yang suddenly ordered someone to hang the map in Guanzhong. Isn't his intention obvious?

Northern Expedition!

Mi Yang's words from the east confirmed everyone's suspicions.

"Since Cao Zhen is defeated, the two thieves Guo Huai and Cao Hong will leave the withered bones in the grave. Their defeat is not a matter of time, so there is nothing to fear.

But Bidong and the Prime Minister devoted all the national power of Yizhou and summoned tens of thousands of troops for Gu. Could Gu just repay Bidong and the Prime Minister with the results of defending Liangzhou?

After his army defeated the armies of Guo Huai and Cao Hong, the Wei army in Guanzhong was left with only ten elite field troops. At this time, it was time for his army to launch a large-scale northern expedition to regain the country.

It is better to use your remaining courage to chase the poor bandits, and not to use your reputation as an academic overlord!"

When saying the last words, Mi Yang slammed the general's seal in his leg against the case in front of him.

The gold general seal collided with the bookcase, making a clear and loud sound, and the loud sound was like morning bells and evening drums, shaking the hearts of everyone outside the hall.

Those eight words of launching a massive Northern Expedition and regaining the country were like the best nourishment in the world, completely stimulating everyone's ambitions.

That's what a strong man should do!

Amid the strong excitement in the heart, everyone outside the hall enthusiastically paid homage to Mi Yang.

At that moment, Wei Yan and Deng Ai also knew how demanding their mission was.

Yizhou is short of food, but if they can seize the two grain and grass bases of the Eastern Wei Army, then the biggest shortcoming of the Han Army will be made up for in an instant.

By then, the Northern Expedition will no longer be a loud slogan, but something that can be put into action immediately.

While everyone was thinking about clearing out the overseas rebels, Mi Yang had already thought about the Northern Expedition, which was the pattern that a great general of the Han Dynasty should have.

Wei Yan and Deng Ai no longer had any reluctance in their hearts. After receiving Mi Yang's general order, they went to order all their troops and horses with the envious eyes of the generals.

After Wei Yan and Deng Ai left, Mi Yang arranged all the matters for the expedition in a few months, and then ordered a group of generals to retreat to the east.

But Kefa Miao, Lu Yi and Zhou Tai spontaneously stayed in Donglai.

The reason why those three people stayed in Dongdong was to fight for writing a battle report for Mi Yang.

The joint camp of Wei troops was flooded for dozens of miles, and more than 100,000 Wei troops were wiped out in a chat and laughter. What a great victory.

And what an honor it is to personally write the battle report for that great victory that will go down in history?

Although they, as civil servants, could not compete for the merits on the battlefield, they could compete for the glory east of the battlefield no matter what.

Concerned about whether they could win that glory, Fa Miao and Lu Yi each moved out of their own chariots and established their identities, hoping to prove the legitimacy of their battle reports.

As for Zhou Tai, although his status was not as high as theirs, he did not use the fact that he personally broke the embankment as a bargaining chip to fight against each other. With the three of them refusing to give in to each other, it was hard to tell the winner for a while.

Mi Yang looked at the three ruthless ministers who were fighting. He felt a little headache, so he asked each of the three to write a battle report and then choose the best one.

Later, Mi Yang chose the battle report that was the best among the three, and then ordered people to copy multiple copies and send them out quickly at a speed of hundreds of miles.

A few months later:

The vast rivers of Han are led by the gods, and a flying feather reports a shock to the east!

This chapter has been completed!
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