Chapter 506: Warning to the Imperial Ancestral Temple: Northern Expedition Message

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Chapter 506: Warning to the Imperial Ancestral Temple: Northern Expedition Message

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Ma Liang and Yang Hong looked at each other uneasily.

From their previous observation, we can see that Liu Bei was walking on the throne wearing a single garment for sleeping, and more importantly, Liu Bei was not wearing shoes or socks on his feet.

What does that mean?

This shows that after the cheers outside the imperial city reached the palace, Liu Bei was suddenly awakened from his sleep by the cheers.

And did the grand gathering outside the imperial city just now take place at noon? What about now?

The sun is setting in the west and the sky is getting dark!

In other words, Liu Bei probably wore a single coat, without shoes and socks, and waited for their battle report all morning.

After realizing this, Ma Liang and Yang Hong felt uneasy. Is it normal?

Liu Bei is a kind master. He is so kind that if a minister returns from the palace late at night, Liu Bei will send guards outside the palace to escort him.

I wonder if what happened in the past is excusable and Liu Bei won't blame him.

However, Ma Liang and Yang Hong judged others by themselves, and they must have guessed how anxious Liu Bei was when he saw the battle report just now. With his eager mind, whether Liu Bei would be angry or not is another matter.

The uneasiness in Ma Liang and Yang Hong's hearts made it very quiet outside the hall.

Most of the ministers outside Chengdu were sent to Jiange by Liu Bei before. For example, in Chengdu during the Ming Dynasty, only Ma Liang and Yang Hong were qualified to be received by Liu Bei.

And what was Liu Bei doing at that moment?

At that moment, Liu Bei's mind was attracted by the appearance in the battle report of his leg.

Liu Bei, whose beard and hair were almost completely red, looked increasingly bad.

Whether he could read every word of the battle report clearly, he wished he could rub the battle report in his legs into his eyes.

While reading the appearance in the battle report, Liu Bei's beard and hair were also slightly spread out on his face.

Although Liu Bei didn't say anything at that time, you can tell from his wide-open eyes and his constantly trembling legs what kind of stormy waves were stirring up in his heart at that time.

After reading the contents of the battle report, Liu Bei jumped up from the throne and walked up from the throne as nimbly as a child, shouting excitedly:

"I believe that since ancient times, there have been famous generals, and I don't know how many people are good at using soldiers. However, these famous generals all have their own strengths in terms of military situation, military strategy, and military formations.

And as for my great general, who can transport water, fire, heaven and earth, can the yin and yang of soldiers ever have the same skills?

The general's strategy is as deep as the abyss, and his prowess is commendable. He is truly a model for famous generals in modern times!"

After Liu Bei excitedly praised Mi Yang, he still felt unsatisfied. He paced back and forth in front of the throne with a look of wonder, murmuring incessantly:

"Such a great achievement must be rewarded heavily!"

Is there anything that should be rewarded?

Liu Bei was in trouble.

On the one hand, Liu Bei was afraid that if the reward was too light, the people of Tiandong would say that he was stingy.

On the other hand, Mi Yang is too young and the reward is too high. What will Liu Chan do in the future?

The contradictory psychology mixed with wonder and excitement made Liu Bei, who had experienced many things in the world, find himself in trouble.

But just when Liu Bei was thinking about that problem, he discovered why it was so quiet outside the palace.

Liu Bei stopped pacing and looked at Yang Hong and Ma Liang with a scrutinizing gaze.

Seeing Liu Bei's displeased look, Yang Hong and Ma Liang were relieved again.

After many years of being a ruler, how could the two wise ministers not understand the meaning in Liu Bei's eyes?

Liu Bei's eyes were saying: Why don't we praise his general?

Realizing this, Yang Hong and Ma Liang had helpless smiles on their lips.

No, they didn't want to praise him, but Liu Bei and Mi Yang's praise was already exaggerated!

Liu Bei mistakenly praised Mi Yang and described Mi Yang as an unprecedented general who knew the power of heaven and earth.

Moreover, Liu Bei did not speak out those praises as the emperor of the Han Dynasty, which was tantamount to endorsing those words with the righteousness of the Han Dynasty. How could those of them who were ministers praise him?

Although Yang Hong and Ma Liang felt quite embarrassed, facing Liu Bei's glaring gaze, they had no choice but to bow to Liu Bei at first:

Yang Hong: He has a magnificent weapon knowledge and a sharp demeanor. He is in the Northern Qing Dynasty. His imperial power is far and wide. He is probably a great general.

Ma Liang: The general was inspired by Heaven's bravery and wisdom, and his mighty force supported the saints. He traveled overseas with encouragement and commanded the four directions. This was the Heavenly policy of the East.

Yang Hong and Ma Liang tried their best to praise Mi Yang with all the praise they could think of, but their praise was not sincere.

After all, he was able to break Cao Wei's back in one battle, so Mi Yang cannot be praised enough.

Yang Hong and Ma Liang's praise was quite generous, but Liu Bei was a little dissatisfied after hearing it, so he looked at the waiter behind him.

When the waiter saw Liu Bei looking at him indiscriminately, he was stunned.

How could he come up with good words to exaggerate about the general because he is such a rough guy?

After holding it in for a long time and his face turned red, the waiter could finally hold on and praise:

"General, you are awesome!"

Oh my god, that's the best compliment a waiter can think of.

Obviously, Liu Bei was not satisfied with the compliments of Yang Hong and Ma Liang, let alone the compliments from the foreign attendant.

But he also knew the past of the foreign waiter, so he did not continue to embarrass the foreign waiter.

Liu Bei regretted a little at that time, and sent out most of the ministers in the DPRK for the sake of nuclear weapons. If most of the ministers were still there, they would definitely hear praise that suits his heart.

At the same time, Liu Bei also thought, no wonder Emperor Xiaowu was so excited when he learned that the Huns who were beaten by Huo Piaoqi were crying like ghosts and wolves, and ordered the Third Duke to personally celebrate Huo Piaoqi's sword dance.

It’s true that walking in brocade clothes at night is not a good feeling!

After reluctantly expressing some of the joy in his heart, Liu Bei turned around and told the waiter: "Bring me my formal clothes!"

"I beg you to go to the Ancestral Temple in person!"

When the three people outside the hall heard Liu Bei's words, their faces couldn't help but straighten up.

In today's world where we worship the ancestors of heaven and earth, worshiping the ancestral temple is a very important thing, especially for the king of Yejiao, the ancestral temple is equivalent to the place of their legal system.

At that time, Liu Bei's purpose of offering sacrifices to the Ancestral Temple could not be simpler - he wanted to convey the joy in his heart to his ancestors in heaven.

The big man is alive!

When Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, he built an imperial temple outside the palace in accordance with the ancestral system to honor the tablets of the late emperors of the Han Dynasty.

The Imperial Ancestral Temple is located in the northeast corner of the imperial city. Liu Bei was not particular about where he built the Imperial Ancestral Temple.

The direction of northeast is the direction of the two capitals of Han Dynasty.

Liu Bei, wearing a black crown robe, climbed the steps with a solemn expression, and slowly stepped into the solemn and fireworks-filled Han Dynasty Ancestral Temple in front of him.

Since Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty, the Imperial Ancestral Temple has become the only place in the east where the heroes of the late emperors of the Han Dynasty are honored.

It is also the first symbol that the legal system of the Han Dynasty has not been cut off in the world.

After entering the Imperial Ancestral Temple, Liu Bei stroked the hem of his clothes and knelt heavily to the east of the tablets of the late emperors of the Han Dynasty.

Taizu Liu Bang, Taizong Liu Heng, Shizong Liu Che, Zhongzong Liu Xun, Shizu Liu Xiu, and Xianzong Liu Zhuang are the six tablets of the late emperors of the Han Dynasty enshrined in Weiye Hall in the Imperial Ancestral Temple.

In the Imperial Ancestral Temple, only the emperor's tablet with the temple name can occupy it.

Originally, there were more than just those six emperors with temple names in the Han Dynasty.

But after Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, in order to alert himself, he cut off the temple titles of those emperors whose merits were not worthy of their merits. This was also done by Liu Xiu, the founder of the Han Dynasty.

In the context of Liu Bei's streamlining, the first emperors of the Han Dynasty who had Mingke's temple title were all worthy of their title.

Liu Bei raised his head and looked at the six memorial tablets of the late emperors hidden in the incense. His eyes slowly became moist:

"If you are not filial, the bright moon will come to pay homage to your ancestors."

"But I don't want to go to the Ancestral Temple to pay homage to our ancestors. Is it true that I feel guilty?

Since the Zhongping Dynasty, the Han Dynasty has been destroyed and the people have been buried late. As a clan member of the Han Dynasty, Bei has been unable to help the Han Dynasty and save the people from the fire and water. This is not a shame.

In the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an, Emperor Xiaomin was killed by Cao Cao's thieves. He prepared a hundred thousand soldiers, but could not save Emperor Xiaomin when he was in danger. Isn't that a shame?

In the first year of Zhangwu, although Bei reestablished the Han Dynasty in Chengdu, he rebelled against the Wei Dynasty, stole the two capitals, usurped the artifacts, and was worshiped by the princes of Tiandong. Is this three shameful things?

I have three shames in my body. Since I succeeded to the throne, not a month has gone by without me being worried and filled with regret. There is not a single month that I have not been prepared for, there is nothing I can do!"

Speaking of that, Liu Bei was already in tears.

No one knows the pain in Liu Bei's heart. Even except for the minister Yuan Cong early in the morning, few people know whether Liu Bei will revive the Han Dynasty and what price he has paid in the past few decades.

His body is covered with scars, his wife and son are dead, and the world is humiliating him.

A single kind of suffering would be unbearable for any person.

But Liu Bei combined so many hardships into one body, which is not an inconspicuous thing at all.

The most valuable thing is that Liu Bei has never regretted his persistence for decades. What he worried about was whether he could not realize his ideal of reviving the Han Dynasty.

Even after his years of hard work, the Ming Dynasty's powerful Han Dynasty dominated the two states of Jing and Yi, but whenever Liu Bei, the powerful Liu Bei of Cao Wei, wanted to come late at night, it was like a rope around his neck, making him angry.


It also made him feel unspeakable guilt for having wronged his ancestors of the Han Dynasty.

Everyone compares him to the founder Liu Xiu, but how can he do better than the founder Liu Xiu?

But Mingyue is different!

Liu Bei tremblingly took out the battle report of Liangzhou from his arms. The way Liu Bei looked at the battle report in his leg was like a treasure.

"There was a great general named Mi Yang in his dynasty. He commanded a battle in Liangzhou and wiped out more than 100,000 bandits. There were only two bandits left. It was only a matter of time and month to defeat them.

In that battle, nine out of ten of the elite soldiers from Guanzhong who rebelled against Wei were buried in Liangzhou. His army's northern expedition to Guanzhong had already arrived, and the opportunity to conquer the old capital had arrived."

Having said that, Liu Bei reluctantly glanced at the battle report in his lap.

The battle report in his leg gave him the courage to face the ancestors of the Han Dynasty.

But then, Liu Bei threw the battle report in his leg into the brazier in front of him.

"Ancestors can watch it."

The flames in the brazier grew larger after hearing the battle report.

The sudden boiling flames seemed to announce that the heroic spirits of the six emperors of the Han Dynasty had received the battle report.

After doing that, Liu Bei took out another silk book from his arms.

The silk letter was also sent from Liangzhou together with the battle report.

But the silk letter was written by Mi Yang himself and was presented directly to Liu Bei. Therefore, except Mi Yang and Liu Bei, no one knew the contents of the silk letter.

After Liu Bei took out the silk book, his legs stopped shaking and his eyes became extremely determined.

Due to the mistake of the silk letter, Liu Bei did not throw it into the fire pot. He unfolded the silk letter and directly read the contents of the silk letter to the ancestors of the Han Dynasty, word by word.

"Those who pretend to be in the Cao Dynasty are actually treacherous and filthy in nature.

The ancestor of the Cao family, Teng Xichong, was filial to Emperor Dongchen. He once served as a servant by being flattering and filial to the emperor, and he became prosperous.

In the late festival, he caused chaos in the palace, secretly involved in supporting the establishment, and secretly plotted his own interests.

When caught by future generations, Pi will kill the loyal in front of the palace, and he is jealous and refuses to let others; he harbors evil intentions, and his false words can confuse the world.

If you have a lizard as your heart, you will be a wolf by nature, and you will be evil and unruly when you are close to you, you will harm your loyal and good people, and you will kill the king with poison.

Later, he usurped the Han Dynasty and established himself on his own. This was actually hated by both humans and gods, and was not tolerated by heaven and earth!

The clan members of the Han Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, could not use the angry situation to secure the country and pay tribute to the kindness of the two Han Dynasties. Due to the disappointment of Tiandong, they followed the support of Yuwai and reestablished the country to purge the evildoers!

From ancient times to the Ming Dynasty, there have been such evil people, and they have not or will not perish. Moreover, the Cao family's treachery has exhausted the bamboos in Nanshan, and the crimes are not exhausted; it is difficult to end the evil in the East China Sea.

During the Battle of Liangzhou, the general bowed his armor and walked around Nanzheng. Thunder and rain came together, and the heaven and earth changed. Then he set up his army and marched against the Han River.

A million-strong army is named after the Han army. When you breathe, you will be Han. When you praise, you will flow. When you shout, you will pray. When you are strong, you will be free.

If you use this to attack a city, no city will fall; if you use this to attack a formation, no formation will be destroyed!

For example, in the battle of Nanzheng, the sea was flooded with residual firewood, the Kunlun River was raised to suppress the small eggs, the Han River was tens of thousands, and hundreds of roads were advanced, hundreds of thousands of Wei troops were overturned, and the dead soldiers were not many, and the armor was accumulated

Then the bear's ears are small.

Because of his great defeat, he took advantage of his opportunity to break the bamboo, and Ming Shunren generals rebelled, swearing to Nan Zheng, and raising all the troops from Liang, Jing, and the three states!

Against Wei's accumulation, he has taken the first position. Now that Liangzhou is solid, he can then attack Chang'an. If the three states revolt, he will have sufficient food and troops, and he will be invincible!

Cao Pi, a young boy, did not understand military strategy, so he rebelled against the enemy in large numbers. Nandong yelled at the Lord, saying that the number of soldiers was enough to keep away from the emperor's power, and the armor was strong enough to escape the heavenly punishment.

But the large number of soldiers and armor is not enough to rely on.

From Cao Zhen's invasion to the Ming Dynasty, it lasted nearly a year.

During this period, there were more than a hundred men who were galloping in an ugly manner, and there were more than a hundred men who were powerful and famous. The rest of the soldiers were brave and brave, and there were countless men who fought for the top spot.

This is the common knowledge of Tiandong.

Looking at the treacherous state of the rebel army, Qi Feng marched south, with high ambition and high ambition, seemingly invincible.

However, in the Ming Dynasty, they were all wearing swords and axes, their heads and waists were separated and turned into smoke and dust, leaving no remains.

The general holds a machete and an eagle flying, transporting water to attract the wind. Before the soldiers leave the city and before the drum sounds, there will be tens of thousands of corpses lying on the ground, bleeding and drifting in the oars. This is also known to Tiandong!

I don’t know that in the battle of Liangzhou, Cao Zhen fled into the mountains and forests, and his soldiers were scattered in the wilderness. From then on, where did he rely on?

I'm afraid that his curse words have not stopped, but Liangzhou's sword has already sunk into his chest.

Why? The power of God is unstoppable, and the sin of disobedience is serious.

In the Ming Dynasty, the land in the pass was nothing like reeds, the armies fled, and the people were terrified. The Holy Dynasty opened in the open, cherishing the lives of the people, and punished one person without scruples against others, so he set up extraordinary rewards for extraordinary achievements.

Is it possible to avoid serious responsibility?

For the sake of all the kings, it is better to hold the city in line with the righteous, open the door and send money, and know the changes in the territory. This is enough to make a good talk, and even for the descendants, to guard and bear the burden for a long time.

The Duke or his family may pass down the title of Han Dynasty, or his family may pass down the Confucian classics. The words are still in his ears, how can he forget his heart when he is loyal?

If we can turn misfortunes into blessings, we can jointly establish the honor of the diligent king, and do not abolish the orders of the old king, all the rewards from the nobles will refer to the mountains and rivers.

If he is attached to a poor city, wanders on the wrong road, and follows unknown signs, he will be punished later.

Please see who owns the east of the sky in the realm of the bright moon!"

When he read the last sentence, Liu Bei's tone became particularly heroic.

When the moon comes out, he can finally confidently shout those words in front of the ancestors of the Han Dynasty and thousands of living beings in the east!

That big man was beaten back by Mi Yang!

That silk letter was clearly written by Mi Yang himself, a message for the Northern Expedition!

Chapter One.

Early morning in Dongzhi Chapter.

Please give me more monthly passes.

This chapter has been completed!
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