Chapter 440: Fight quickly and the two armies meet

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As a local from Liangzhou, how could Jiang Wei not have heard of Ma Chao’s famous name?

When Ma Chao led the various warlords from Xiliang to invade Guanxi, it was at the stage when Jiang Wei's mind was gradually maturing.

In Jiang Wei's impression, during that time there were people all over Liangzhou who insulted Ma Chao.

Of course, they are all people who are afraid of Ma Chao.

Ma Chao's prestige in Liangzhou is difficult to describe in words. Hearing his name will make people change their colors and create a deep fear in their hearts.

Even though Jiang Wei was as brave as a fighter, a solemn look appeared on his face after hearing Ma Chao's arrival.

Jiang Wei had been guessing what kind of moves Mi Yang would use to deal with Wei Jun's three-pronged attack strategy.

Now when he knew that Ma Chao was present in Wudu County, he understood Mi Yang's intention.

If the Wei army wants to successfully attack Yinping, it must capture Wudu County.

Wudu County is also a place where Qiang and Di people live together. The reason why Cao Zhen appointed Guo Huai as the commander-in-chief of the West Route Army was because of Guo Huai's prestige among the Qiang and Di tribes.

But when it comes to prestige among the Qiang and Di, who in the world can compare with Jin Ma Chao?

As long as the news of Ma Chao's entry into Wudu County spreads, Guo Huai's prestige and advantage in Wudu County will not only disappear, but it will definitely be greatly weakened.

Without the assistance of powerful prestige, how could Guo Huai, even with tens of thousands of troops at his disposal, be able to pacify Wudu County in a short time?

One link after another, a perfect fit. Although Mi Yang did not have the same military power as the Wei army, it did not mean that he could not use other methods to put the Wei army and the Han army on the same level to a certain extent.

After thinking through all Mi Yang's intentions, Jiang Wei laughed.

As expected of him.

Jiang Wei praised not only Mi Yang's resourcefulness, but also Mi Yang's courage.

Mi Yang actually had the courage to grant Ma Chao military power.

For a person who was notorious for killing his relatives, wouldn't Mi Yang be worried that he would have disobedient intentions after gaining military power?

Jiang Wei didn't know what Mi Yang was thinking, or whether Mi Yang had the means to control Ma Chao, but in any case, Mi Yang's courage in appointing Ma Chao as his general was enough to make Jiang Wei admire him.

As the saying goes, heroes cherish heroes. Although Jiang Wei thought highly of himself, he did not hesitate to praise Mi Yang.

Qiang Duan saw that Jiang Wei could still laugh after learning about Ma Chao's arrival, and thought he didn't know Ma Chao's reputation, so he thought of telling Jiang Wei a few words about Ma Chao's past.

But before Qiang Duan could speak, Jiang Wei asked a key question:

"How many soldiers did Ma Chao bring into Wudu?"

After hearing Jiang Wei's inquiry, Qiang Duan was stunned.

After he just heard the news about Ma Chao entering Wudu, his first reaction was fear, but he did not expect such a crucial thing.

After waking up, Qiang Duan immediately looked at the confidant who came to report the news and asked Jiang Wei's question in Di language.

After hearing Qiang Duan's inquiry, the Di man quickly answered Qiang Duan in Di language.

The Di man took a little long to answer because he informed the strong end of all the information he had detected.

After receiving Di Ren's answer, Qiang Duan's expression improved a lot.

He then told Jiang Wei in Chinese the information he had obtained: "According to the investigation by my son, Ma Chao leads about three thousand soldiers and horses, and they are all infantry."

After saying that Ma Chao's soldiers were all infantry, Qiang Duan emphasized this sentence with emphasis.

Ma Chao is difficult to deal with, and Ma Chao with cavalry is even more difficult for ordinary people to resist.

After learning that Ma Chao only led 3,000 Liangzhou troops into Wudu, Jiang Wei nodded thoughtfully.

This was not beyond his expectation.

It is true that Mi Yang can come up with clever tricks, but it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

The lack of military power in his hands will always be his, and even the entire Ni Han's, fatal weakness.

When Hanzhong's military strength was already insufficient, it was not easy for Mi Yang to provide Ma Chao with three thousand mobile troops.

Now that he knew the basic information about Ma Chao's army, Jiang Wei immediately began to think of strategies to deal with Ma Chao.

Ma Chao is famous for his unparalleled bravery, but unparalleled bravery does not mean invincible, otherwise Ma Chao would not have been defeated by Emperor Wu.

The reason why Emperor Wu defeated Ma Chao was because of his resourcefulness.

While Jiang Wei was thinking about countermeasures, Qiang Duan became a little anxious when he saw that Jiang Wei had become silent.

Although Jiang Wei did not bring many troops, standing behind Jiang Wei was Guo Huai's tens of thousands of troops. On the other hand, the strong men were not Jiang Wei's reinforcements, but Jiang Wei.

Of course the strong end knows how much Ma Chao hates him. With the fear of Ma Chao in his heart, the strong end is only worried that Jiang Wei will abandon him.

After all, no one in the Wei army expected that Mi Yang would suddenly use Ma Chao to lead the army into Wudu County. With Ma Chao's reputation in the world, Jiang Wei would not be punished for temporarily retreating in the face of him.

Feeling uneasy, Qiang Duan took the initiative to ask the silent Jiang Weidao: "Where does the general think Ma Chao will lead his army after entering Wudu?"

It was a few days ago that Qiang Duan detected that Ma Chao entered Wudu County.

The current strong end really doesn't know where Ma Chao's army is.

The strong question pulled Jiang Wei out of his thoughts.

"It must be a low-level argument."

Jiang Wei's answer was affirmative.

Seeing Jiang Wei's certainty, Qiang Duan couldn't help but be a little surprised. Wudu County said it was not big or small, so how could Jiang Wei be sure that Ma Chao would definitely argue?

You must know that Xiabian City, as the seat of Wudu County, is the most fortified city in Wudu County. It is impossible for Ma Chao to think of using three thousand infantry without siege equipment to capture Xiabian City.

Sensing the confused look on Qiang Duan's face, Jiang Wei saw that he could still be of use to him, so he explained his conclusion.

"Xiabian is located in the center of Wudu County and is the hub of all important roads in Wudu County. If you want to control Wudu County, you must control Xiabian.

Since our army can detect the intelligence of the rebel army, Ma Chao must also know that I have led my army into Wudu County at this time.

Ma Chao is a veteran general. He can certainly guess the purpose of leading my army into Wudu County.

Since the enemy has an opportunity, how could Ma Chao not strike first?

Although it is difficult for three thousand infantry to attack the city, if Ma Chao were to occupy the key roads and defend them, our army would not be able to defeat the enemy at all with the same strength.

Ma Chao knows that General Shu will lead his army into Wudu County in a few days. No matter how good Ma Chao is at fighting, he will not be able to defeat our tens of thousands of troops head-on with three thousand infantry.

Therefore, his target must be me.

If what I have predicted is correct, Ma Chao will lead his soldiers to march quickly outside Xiabian City to find an important road to stop our army."

Under Jiang Wei's explanation, Qiang Duan couldn't help but become convinced of Jiang Wei's judgment.

But after knowing Ma Chao's purpose, new worries emerged in Qiang Duan's heart. He tried to persuade Jiang Wei:

"Since we already know the enemy's purpose, the general might as well lead the army and station it outside Hechi County, waiting for the arrival of General Shu's army before planning the next step."

Qiang Duan made this suggestion not only for Jiang Wei's sake, but also for his own consideration.

However, after Jiang Wei listened to Qiang Duan's suggestion, he laughed disdainfully:

"He has three thousand soldiers, don't I have any?

Moreover, now that I have five thousand of your troops joining me, in terms of military strength, our army is far superior to theirs.

Is there any reason in the world that when there are many soldiers, those who fear those who have few soldiers dare not advance?

If General Zheng Shu learns that you and I are acting like this, I'm afraid that when he arrives with his army, he will behead you and me as a flag sacrifice to stabilize the morale of the army."

Ordinary people would be afraid of Ma Chao, but judging from Jiang Wei's actions in history, he really is not afraid of Ma Chao.

It’s not like Ma Chao has never been defeated before.

Jiang Wei's words made the strong end even more frightened.

He was afraid of Ma Chao's reputation, but he was even more afraid of Guo Huai's punishment in the future.

Seeing that Qiang Duan was already scared because of his words, Jiang Wei continued:

"You don't have to worry too much. Hanzhong is far away from Wudu. Even if Ma Chao marches in a hurry, it will be difficult for him to block our army from Xiabian before our army reaches Xiabian.

As long as Ma Chao does not occupy the geographical advantage, what do you and I have to fear when we join forces?

Now we need to fight quickly to compete with the enemy for the upper hand!"

Under Jiang Wei's analysis, Qiang Duan, who had lost his opinion, couldn't help but nodded.

Seeing that Qiang Duan had been persuaded by him, Jiang Wei continued to persuade: "Since there is still room for a joint attack, and if you sit back and wait for reinforcements, you will die, then why do you have any hesitation?"

It has to be said that Jiang Wei really has a way of encouraging people. No wonder Zhong Hui in history was deceived by him.

Encouraged by Jiang Wei's words, Qiang Duan seemed to feel that he had no way out.

Although he could lead his army to retreat to Yinping, if he lost the support from Cao Wei, how could he resist the Han army in the future?

Since there is no way out, we can only do what Jiang Wei said.

Qiang Duan bowed to Jiang Wei and said, "Everything depends on the general's orders."

Another reason why Qiang Duan chose to listen to Jiang Wei was that this was the period of the Three Kingdoms. The Three Kingdoms inherited the afterglow of the Han Dynasty, and the strength of their military force was extraordinary and foreign nations could withstand it.

Even though Qiang Duan calls himself king, he also knows that the king he calls himself is nothing in the eyes of ordinary Han captains.

After successfully persuading the strong end, Jiang Wei immediately ordered the entire army to break camp.

And when Jiang Wei's order spread throughout the army, the three thousand Wei troops who did not know the inside story could only act according to Jiang Wei's order honestly.

Jiang Wei was right. After entering Wudu County, Ma Chao led 3,000 Liangzhou troops to rush towards Xiabian City.

He had to get ahead of the Wei army and set up a camp on the main road of Xiabian City to stop the Wei army.

After several days of continuous high-intensity marching, Ma Chao, who was sitting on his horse, could already see the top of Ben Castle.

When he saw the top of Xiaben City, Ma Chao's face showed joy, and he once again urged the soldiers behind him to move faster.

It seems that Jiang Wei is also incompetent. If Guo Huai were here, he would definitely guess his intention and quickly move towards Xiabian City.

When the military strength of the two armies is equal, the side that occupies the favorable location in advance is almost invincible.

This is the key to rapid military success.

But what Ma Chao didn't know was that when he was leading his army towards Xiabian City, there was also a large army in the north of Xiabian City that was rapidly advancing towards Xiabian City.

This army was composed of eight thousand soldiers led by Jiang Wei and Qiang Duan.

If you look down from a high-altitude perspective, you will find that at this moment, there are large armies in the north and south of Shimoben Castle, each advancing rapidly towards the other.

They are tit-for-tat enemies.

However, due to the obstruction of Xiabencheng, neither Ma Chao nor Jiang Wei knew at this moment that they were about to meet.

However, as the two armies continued to approach Shimobencheng, the sentries sent by the two armies soon discovered each other's presence.

So almost at the same time, the sentinels of the two sides turned back to their main army at the fastest speed and reported the news to their respective generals.

When Ma Chao heard the news, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

According to reports from the sentries, the number of enemy troops who suddenly appeared was nearly ten thousand, far exceeding our own.

However, a large part of the nearly 10,000 enemy troops were foreigners.

After learning this, Ma Chao instantly made a judgment in his mind.

The enemy army we are about to encounter must be the vanguard of the Wei army.

The reason why the Wei army's vanguard army was so much larger than what was reported in the intelligence was that the Wei army had gathered some of the Qiang and Di tribes in advance.

This was something Ma Chao had not expected before, but it was not enough to make Ma Chao panic.

Ma Chao originally wanted to rush to an important road north of Xiabian City to stop the Wei army, but now it seems that this idea cannot be realized.

In addition, the number of enemy troops is much greater than that of our own army, so it is inappropriate to continue the rapid march at this time.

Ma Chao immediately issued an order for the entire army to stop marching.

Then he commanded the three thousand troops behind him to form formation.

According to the reports of the sentry cavalry, there are some light cavalry in the enemy army. With the cavalry, it is impossible to lead the 3,000 Liangzhou troops to retreat.

On level ground, infantry must not expose their backs to cavalry.

The best way to deal with the Liangzhou Army at the moment is to form formations to protect themselves.

Just when Ma Chao was commanding the Liangzhou army to form formations in an orderly manner, Jiang Wei also finished listening to the report from the sentry cavalry.

Compared to Ma Chao's surprise, Jiang Wei's expression was joyful after hearing that Ma Chao's army was not far away.

There were three thousand in number, all of whom were infantry, and there was flat land outside Xiabian City. All these favorable conditions for our side stimulated Jiang Wei's heart.

Jiang Wei almost without thinking gave the order for the entire army to speed up their march.

Under Jiang Wei's urging, the eight thousand Wei troops quickly bypassed Xia Bian City and were directly exposed to the eyes of the three thousand Liangzhou troops.

Jiang Wei rode on his horse and saw that the three thousand Liangzhou troops had formed their formation, but this did not make him change his mind.

The horns of the Wei army sounded loudly on the desolate land, indicating that Jiang Wei, the general, had issued an order to attack.

The vanguard army must be elite. Although the Wei army's rapid march has consumed a lot of physical strength, they did not complain after the horn blew. Instead, they instinctively followed the guidance of the order flag and headed towards the three thousand people who suddenly appeared in front.

The enemy troops rushed to kill him.

Debate again, debate again!

During the Battle of Hanzhong that year, the coalition forces of Zhang Fei and Ma Chao were defeated by the Wei army commanded by Cao Xiu outside Xiabian City.

Today, when the Second Hanzhong War started, as if by fate, two armies of mortal enemies met again outside Xiabian City.

And who will win this time!

Chapter two!

I’ll see if I’m free today. If I’m free, I’ll continue with two updates. If you like Mi Han, please bookmark it: ( Mi Han’s Novel Search Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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