Chapter 436 Chengdu exploded

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The next morning, Mi Yang stood on the top of the city and watched Ma Chao leave.

Soldiers are valuable and quick.

Now that they have reached a strategic agreement with Ma Chao, the reinforcements from Nanzheng City must of course rush to Yinping ahead of the Wei army.

Seeing the majestic tiger general leading the two thousand elite Liangzhou troops as they continued to march in the direction of Yinping, Mi Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Will Ma Chao definitely be Guo Huai's opponent?


If in the game, Ma Chao leads his army into a field battle with Guo Huai, there will basically not be a big problem, because the difference in force between the two is too big.

However, this is a real war, not a game of battle flags.

Real war does not pay attention to strict offensive strategies, and each person's ability cannot be quantified by simple numerical values.

Guo Huai may not be a match for Ma Chao, but with Guo Huai's ability in commanding troops, it is possible for him to defeat Ma Chao.

Because Guo Huai's own abilities are very impressive, not to mention that the power he currently possesses is several times that of Ma Chao.

From the beginning of this war, the strength of the two sides was extremely unequal.

But despite this, Mi Yang still had great expectations for Ma Chao to lead the army to garrison Yinping.

Guo Huai is not a good person, so how could Ma Chao be?

Who wins and who loses will only be known after the fight.

Fa Miao, who was behind Mi Yang, saw that Mi Yang's face was slightly relaxed, and his mood became much more relaxed.

But at this time, Fa Miao had a question in his mind.

"How do you know that you can convince Ma Chao?"

Fa Miao, as his confidant, already knew what Mi Yang did yesterday before Ma Chao arrived.

But just before, Fa Miao didn't have much expectations for Mi Yang's purpose.

Because no matter how much Ma Chao was despised by others, he had enjoyed great glory. Such people have an arrogance in their hearts that ordinary people cannot look directly at.

For such a person, it is not difficult to use force to make him surrender, but if you intend to use words to persuade him, it is quite difficult.

Fa Miao's question made Mi Yang laugh.

"The hussar general named Meng Qi, how could such a person spend his whole life crawling on the ground?

If the general could use him back then, I can do the same."

When Mi Yang said these words, his words showed strong confidence.

It is good that Ma Chao has his own pride, but Mi Zisheng has reached this day, and will the glory he has received be lower than Ma Chao?

After hearing Mi Yang's explanation, Fa Miao thought about it and smiled on his face.

Because Ma Chao has thoughts in his heart, he may be driven.

Maybe Ma Chao may not agree with Mi Yang's strategy in the end, but if he doesn't agree, then he will continue to return to Mianyang.

This is a very realistic thing. Mi Yang favors Ma Chao, but will never keep a useless person by his side.

Based on this reality, Ma Chao, who still had great ambitions, could not categorically reject Mi Yang's strategy from the beginning.

Of course, just like Mi Yang did yesterday, although Mi Yang can use power to lure Ma Chao to work for him, the best result is to convince him with words.

The one with the same desire from above and below wins. This principle applies to any army.

Watching the army under the city getting further and further away, until finally the army was no longer visible at all, Mi Yang withdrew his gaze from the distance.

At this time, Mi Yang seemed to remember something, and he said to Fa Miao with some worry:

"After the two thousand troops were taken away by the Hussar General, our troops inside and outside Nanzheng were less than ten thousand.

Ten thousand against fifty thousand will eventually turn into ten thousand against one hundred thousand, and the situation will be very unfavorable to our army."

In front of others, Mi Yang will of course show a calm face.

However, based on Fa Miao's relationship with him, the two of them were as close as brothers.

With her brother, Mi Yang doesn't mind releasing some of her true emotions.

After all, he is not a clay sculpture, he is a living person.

After listening to Mi Yang's words, Fa Miao couldn't help but frown and think.

After thinking for a long time, Fa Miao answered something that Mi Yang unexpectedly said.

Fa Miao pointed to Dingjun Mountain in the south of Zheng City and said to Mi Yang: "When my father and Your Majesty stepped into that mountain, I think I felt uneasy in my heart."

"But as their descendants, we can stand on top of Nanzheng City today.

We cannot disgrace their reputation back then, let alone live up to their hard work back then."

Mi Yang has a close relationship with Liu Bei. It is not wrong to say that Mi Yang is a descendant of Liu Bei.

After listening to what Fa Miao said, the smile on Mi Yang's face grew a little thicker.

He patted Fa Miao's shoulder hard and praised in his mouth: "When I studied with you before, I always thought you were too taciturn. I didn't expect you to be so eloquent."

The reason why Mi Yang said this was because Fa Miao's words had indeed dispelled a lot of worries in his heart.

Seeing Mi Yang mentioning his childhood memories, Fa Miao no longer regarded Mi Yang as his state shepherd.

"When my father brought you in, I thought you were ordinary. Who knew you would become so extraordinary when you grow up?"

Fa Miao's "counterattack" made Mi Yang burst into laughter.

Now he finally understood why Liu Bei was able to persevere and never give up on his ambition when he faced so many difficulties and obstacles.

In addition to Liu Bei's own tough character, this is also because he has many true friends around him.

Fortunately, Mi Yang also has such a good friend.

If that's the case, then there's really nothing to worry about.

No matter how difficult the dilemma he faces today, it cannot be more difficult for Liu Bei and others who started their business back then.

There is nothing wrong with future generations not being able to expand their territory like their ancestors, but if they can't even hold on to the foundation laid by their ancestors, then they deserve to die.

After Mi Yang finished laughing, he turned to Fa Miao and said, "Please pass on the order."

"Tomorrow, I will lead five thousand elite soldiers to build up momentum.

Since we are defending the enemy from abroad, we must naturally face the strongest enemy in person."

After Mi Yang gave the order, he walked straight down the tower.

When Fa Miao bent down to accept the order and raised his head, he only saw Mi Yang's disappearing figure.

That figure was bold and decisive.

The figure of Mi Yang and the words he just said formed a sharp contrast in Fa Miao's heart at this moment.

Everyone in the world is mortal, but there are always some people who will do things that ordinary people dare not think of or do, just like those people back then.

Thinking of this, Fa Miao unconsciously felt a sense of pride in his heart.

Because he is about to become one of those people.

What an honor!

As time went by, "Fighting Shu" gradually began to spread in Yizhou.

And this kind of spread is developing at a terrifying speed.

Soon after, almost the entire Yizhou learned of a shocking and inexplicable news.

"Hundreds of thousands of Wei troops are marching south!"

Ever since, Chengdu exploded, and so did Liu Chan.

I have to catch a 7 o'clock flight tomorrow morning and I have to go to bed early. I will only write 2,000 words today.

I've told you the reason, some readers should stop thinking nonsense.

This book will be well written, so don’t worry. If you like Mi Han, please bookmark it: ( The Mi Han Search Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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