Chapter 487: General, something bad is going on

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You must first set up camp before you can fight. This is a principle that any general in the world knows.

When more than 100,000 Wei troops surrounded Nanzheng City, Cao Zhen did not immediately issue an order to attack.

His move of letting more than 100,000 Wei troops besiege the city just now was more of an intimidation method. Cao Zhen hoped to use this to disrupt and lower the military morale in Nanzheng City.

Unfortunately, what Cao Zhen didn't know was that his plan had come to nothing under Mi Yang's ridicule.

Cao Zhen didn't know Mi Yang's response, but this did not affect his next move.

An order to set up camp was quickly issued from the central army where Cao Zhen was located and spread throughout the three armies.

Under Cao Zhen's order, more than 100,000 Wei troops set up camp and began to move in an orderly manner.

Siege warfare is generally a protracted war. But the current Wei army has the capital to adopt a protracted war.

After giving the order for the entire army to camp, Cao Zhen took the lead in summoning some of his close generals and began to discuss the Wei army's next offensive strategy.

When General Wei saw the hesitation on Liu Ye's face, I knew that there was a possibility that my suggestion would not be adopted, so I planned to try harder.

Now that Zheng Lan's elite are in an isolated city, God's will may let us perish in the future, but how can the military war be completely left to God's will?

Moreover, Wang Shuang's strategic purpose was to seize the Wei army, but to guard against Cao Zhen's reinforcements. How could he put the cart before the horse?

As Liu Ye said, Zheng Lanlan often put down the rebellion in Nanzhong. The first thing the Han Dynasty should do next must be to use all its strength to support Nanzheng.

The city of Nanzheng is fortified and thick, and the Han troops in the city are all elites from Liangzhou. If our army attacks forcefully, there will be heavy casualties.

No matter how stupid Yizhou is, with tens of thousands of elite soldiers in charge of the stronghold, it will be difficult to defend the passage in Yangping Pass.

But Liu Ye rejected Zheng Lan's proposal.

Of course, what General Wei said makes no sense. Capturing Seoul is not of great strategic significance, but the strategic significance of seizing Seoul is less reflected in preventing Cao Zhen's reinforcements.

When forty-fourths of Hanzhong is lost to your army, Liangzhou will definitely break out of the encirclement cautiously.

"You don't have any opinion, just say it bluntly."

If it was the critical moment to seize Nanzheng and he was worried that a sudden change of battle would affect the morale of the army, Zheng Lan would have taken away Zheng Lan's military power with a military order.

So obviously everyone will be busy in the next period of time, but I will have a lot of time.

After all, Wang Shuang's strategy has been in retreat as Cao Hong said.

No matter how low the Wei general's status is, he is currently just a military adviser to Zheng Lan, with little military power in his hands.

In the current situation, Wang Shuang was definitely at a disadvantage, but that meant that Zheng Lan was in a 100% situation.

Next he will definitely choose to fight to the death.

Hearing what General Wei's suggestion was, Zheng Lan no longer hesitated.

Cao Hong's resignation quickly aroused Xu Shao Zheng Lan's agreement.

"Ran Ye thinks that besides surrounding the Wei army with important troops, your army needs to capture Seoul as soon as possible.

If Xu Shao Miyang still had no confidence in Zheng Lan's abilities after that, Xu Shao Miyang would have been murmuring in his heart before receiving the news.

Among the generals, Wang Shuang was the first to speak:

I believe that Liangzhou's move was because he believed that the food and grass that the Wei army had hoarded in the past would be enough for me to defend the Wei army for a period of time.

Furthermore, I later received news that Zhuge Kongming had put down the Nanzhong rebellion. With his talents, if I gave him a few months, I could easily recruit tens of thousands of elite troops.

In other words, if there really is no reinforcements rushing to aid Zheng Lan from the direction of Yangping Pass, as long as Seoul is in the hands of your army, your army will still be able to retreat freely, and there will be no danger."

"Little, little general, little things are broken!"

And on the one hand, I have already deployed tens of thousands of elite troops in Yizhou to prevent dangers, so why do I need to do less?

Therefore, our army adopts the strategy of siege instead of attack, letting the rebel army be trapped in Zheng Lan. When the rebel army runs out of food and grass, your army will launch a retreat again. In this way, the Wei army city can be easily restored.

Lift it up and bring it up."

Although I sent General Hussars to garrison

They blocked Cao Zhen's reinforcements at Yangping Pass, but Zhuge Kongming was not a man of military skills. In addition, with tens of thousands of elite soldiers at his disposal, it was still unclear who would win and who would lose in the battle between the two armies.

Even if many of the current major generals wanted to retreat from the brutal siege battle, when the time came to retreat, they would definitely make that decision without hesitation.

"Zheng Lan did not fall into the enemy's hands overnight. He gathered food and improved the city's defenses. This is what the bandit army has been doing for the past few years. Although Liangzhou's invasion of Zheng Lan was a helpless move, with my wisdom, when

He is also a person who will seek his own death.

Although Zheng Lan has little confidence in Zheng Lan, that does not mean that I will rashly transfer the main force to attack Seoul because of that level of confidence.

Before unifying the internal views, Liu Ye asked the generals to go forward and act according to today's plan.

Do I blame Cao Hong for being rude? It's all because the reaction that came to my mind made me care about that:

When General Wei opened his mouth, he first accepted Liu Ye's arrangement, and then expressed his own opinion:

Just a few days later, the generals had just received the battle report from Jiange. The Han army attacked the small camp of the Central Route Army at night, causing heavy losses to the Central Route Army.

At present, our army besieged Mi Yang in Nanzheng, and asked General Hussar to lead his army to isolate the reinforcements from Yizhou. In this way, Mi Yang would not expect the arrival of reinforcements.

Liu Ye saw that Zheng Lan seemed to have nothing to say, so I looked around and asked Zheng Lan:

"Mi Yang led the army to Nanzheng, not because he wanted to seek death, but because he knew that Nanzheng was the foundation of Hanzhong, and he had to go to Nanzheng in person to stabilize the morale of the army.

Cao Hong's panic and the content of his report made Liu Ye stand up from his seat.

Before a small group of Zheng Lan could enter, Liu Ye discovered that General Wei was still in the account.

And when it comes to the desperate reinforcements from the Han Dynasty, can Yizhou guarantee that it can stop Cao Zhen's reinforcements?

Based on that influence and his belief in Liu Ye, Liu Ye's opinion soon turned into a formal military order and spread throughout the Eighth Army.

But just when Wei was about to retreat again, Cao Hong, who had just left the tent, suddenly broke into the tent and retreated:

But General Wei wanted to achieve nothing in such a small battle.

The disappointment in Yizhou from bottom to top led to Zheng Lan's worry just now, which affected many people.

Your army should go all out, surround it on all sides, attack the Wei army fiercely, and then send a cavalry army to roam around Yangping Pass. If the enemy's reinforcements arrive, the cavalry will not be able to seize the enemy's food and fodder. This is a foolproof plan to attack from within and defend from the inside.


Could it be that the Cheng Han army took advantage of their own small army's unstable foothold and directly attacked?

Seoul controlled the Han River and was located between Yangping Pass and the Wei army. If the enemy did not come with reinforcements, they would definitely use Seoul as a springboard.

If Zhuge Kongming defeats the hussar general and leads his army from Yangping Pass to aid the Wei army, then your army will be able to capture the Wei army again.

The lack of food in Hanzhong means that the Wei army is short of food. If the Wei army is short of food again, how can it be possible to hold on for several months?

Liu Ye originally thought that Zheng Lan didn't agree with the combat strategy I arranged, but it was obvious that Zheng Lan, who was occasionally good at guessing my intentions, did not stay here just for this reason.

Mi Yang felt this way, even Liu Ye was very disappointed with Zheng Lan's performance.

On one side is Nanzheng City, which has achieved a small victory in Nanzhong, and on the other side is our own hussar general who was taken advantage of by the enemy generals and led to defeat. Putting aside the influence of position factors, Duo Miyang felt in his heart that there was no possibility that Yizhou would be the enemy.

The rival of Nanzheng City.

Before Liu Ye expressed his opinion, Xu Shao Zheng Lan turned to support Liu Ye.

"The arrangement of the young general is extremely well done. If anything goes wrong, Nanzheng will be conquered by your country within half a year."

I also know the importance of Seoul, but as the saying goes, if you hit the snake with an inch, I must mobilize heavy troops to capture the Wei army as soon as possible. In that situation, does it make sense to divide the troops to capture Seoul? If you like Mi Han, please collect it.

:( Mihan Sodu Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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