Chapter 583: Talent enters the net, Kong Ming regrets

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Soon after, a good news was delivered from the street pavilion to Mi Yang in Shanggui.

This good news was naturally written by Zhao Yun himself after his victory over the Wei army.

Mi Yang was not surprised that the battle at Jieting would end with the victory of the Han army.

But after reading the contents of the victory report, Mi Yang was full of curiosity about the process of the Han army's victory.

What he was curious about was how dare Cao Zhang send an unknown general to fight against Zhao Yun?

The most important thing is, Cao Zhang actually divided his troops?

I’m really not afraid of death!

Oh, he didn't know that the leader of the Han army had changed from himself to Zhao Yun.

Thinking of this, Mi Yang understood.

This was originally a hole he deliberately dug for him.

After all, if he didn't have God's perspective, Ren Cao Zhang would never have thought that he would let someone else take his place as the commander before the final result of the Jieting battle was reached.

To be honest, Mi Yang's move seemed to look down on Cao Zhang.

Thinking about it, Cao Zhang would not have any thoughts of humiliating himself.

But after a while, Mi Yang suddenly realized what he was doing. He thought that Cao Zhang's tactics were supposed to be used to deal with him.


Mi Yang's head was suddenly covered with black lines.

"Thief Cao, you insult me ​​too much!"

Although his own martial arts is not outstanding, he probably won't be able to catch Zhao Yun in one fight.

But Cao Zhang can't obviously look down upon himself so much!

Even if I underestimate him.

The idea of ​​having double standards made Mi Yang a little unhappy.

In order to regain the joy in her heart, Mi Yang read the report on the results of the victory again.

According to the victory report, after Zhao Yun led his army to defeat Han De's Wei army, he did not rush to encircle Zhang He and Cao Zhang's army.

He directly led his army forward and occupied the Wei army's camp, which was empty of defense.

After Zhao Yun occupied the Wei army's camp, he set a fire in the Wei army's camp.

The fire rising in the Wei army's camp quickly attracted the attention of the two Wei troops who were fighting fiercely with Ding Feng and Liu Feng.

After learning that their camp was on fire and their escape route was cut off, the two Wei armies immediately collapsed.

Tens of thousands of Wei troops died, some surrendered, some fled, and they never regained their authority.

It was Zhang He and Cao Zhang who escaped from the rolling mountains under the cover of their own troops.

Regarding this, Mi Yang cannot be said to be too disappointed.

Since he defeated the Wei army, the senior generals in the Wei army, except those who refused to retreat, could always escape with their lives as long as there were mountains around them.

What's more, Cao Zhang has Zhang He, a mountain-climbing general, by his side.

After learning that Cao Zhang and Zhang He escaped alive, Mi Yang couldn't help but secretly thought:

If there is a Romance of the Three Kingdoms game in later generations, then the senior generals of the Wei army who fought with him will probably all have a common characteristic - running fast.

And this characteristic is probably the golden one...

Although Zhao Yun failed to capture Cao Zhang and Zhang He alive in the end, the results he achieved were enough to be considered brilliant.

After Mi Yang read all the contents of the victory report, he smiled and said to Huang Quan beside him:

"The Han Dynasty has General Zilong, so why should we regret the bravery of Chu Ba?"

After hearing Mi Yang's praise for Zhao Yun, Huang Quan's face showed surprise and said:

"The great Han Dynasty is lucky to have such fierce generals as General Zuo."

As the adviser who temporarily collected military information for Mi Yang, Huang Quan had of course read the contents of the battle report long ago.

When he found out that Zhao Yun, who was nearly sixty years old, could actually kill four generals in formation and kill one general alive, Huang Quan's heart was like a storm.

Even in his sixtieth year, Huang Quan could not imagine how impressive Zhao Yun was in his prime, fighting in and out of tens of thousands of Wei troops.

Seeing the exclamation on Huang Quan's face, Mi Yang nodded with satisfaction.

He believed that soon, with the leakage of the content of this victory letter, and the praise he personally expressed for Zhao Yun today, no one in the world would think that Zhao Yun was old and unable to fight.

The reason why Mi Yang has this kind of thinking lies in the last sentence Zhao Yun said in the victory report:

"The world thinks that I am old and sometimes look down on me, so I just talk to express myself."

Zhao Yun's words were full of understatement, as if what he accomplished was not a feat but a simple effort.

But this sentence not only reflects Zhao Yun's strong self-confidence, but also vaguely reveals that Zhao Yun cares about the world talking about his old age.

Otherwise, why would Zhao Yun, who has always been calm and steady, say this arrogant sentence in the victory report?

Mi Yang, who knew Zhao Yun's thoughts, of course had to praise Zhao Yun personally, so that his words would spread to Zhao Yun's ears in the future, and Zhao Yun would be happy.

After taking over the military power of the Han Dynasty in place of Liu Bei, Mi Yang did not go beyond the rules and said that everything Mi Yang said now represented the official attitude of the Han Dynasty.

After expressing his praise for Zhao Yun, Mi Yang handed the good news back to Huang Quan and asked him to give it to Liu Bei for viewing.

Mi Yang knew that such a great victory would make Liu Bei happy.

After Huang Quan walked out of the tent with the good news, Mi Yang ordered Ding Feng to bring Ma Jun up.

Zhao Yun was not a man who was good at killing. Before he captured the Wei army's camp and set it on fire, he took all the people in the Wei army's camp who did not resist out of the Wei army's camp in advance.

Among those people was the trembling Ma Jun.

However, although Zhao Yun spared Ma Jun's life, Zhao Yun, who did not know Ma Jun's talents, still treated Ma Jun as an ordinary prisoner and imprisoned him with the prisoners of the Wei army.

Later, when Mi Yang's messenger arrived at the street pavilion, Zhao Yun knew that Ma Jun was the person Mi Yang wanted. He quickly rescued Ma Jun from a group of prisoners and handed it over to Mi Yang's messenger to bring him with the good news.


For Mi Yang, it is gratifying to win the victory at Jieting, but if Ma Jun is lost in the end, it will always be unsatisfactory.

Fortunately this didn't happen.

Not long after Ding Feng left, he brought an old man to Mi Yang.

Because he knew that Ma Jun was the person Mi Yang wanted and that Ma Jun looked weak, Zhao Yun did not put a rope on Ma Jun.

Ma Jun, who was carried all the way from the street pavilion to Guizhou, was already in a state of panic and uneasiness. Now he was suddenly taken to a large and richly decorated tent.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Looking at the valuable furnishings around him, and then looking at the young superior looking at him with a smile, a suspicion that made Ma Jun tremble slowly, slowly

emerged in Ma Jun's mind.

The person in front of me couldn't be the legendary evil demon who loves luxury!

Mi Yang was in the territory of the Han Dynasty. Because of his various great contributions to the Han Dynasty, Mi Yang was always compared to a white deer that symbolized auspiciousness.

But everything that goes well has its back. In the Wei Kingdom, because Mi Yang's hands were stained with too much blood of the Wei army, many people regarded Mi Yang as a big devil.

Under this impression, ordinary Wei generals would feel fear when seeing Mi Yang.

What's more, what about Ma Jun, an "honest man" who has never been on the battlefield and is only obsessed with mechanics?

Just when Ma Jun was breaking out in cold sweat because of his suspicions, Ding Feng saw that Ma Jun had not saluted Mi Yang for a long time, so he couldn't help but remind him:

"The general is here, why don't you pay my respects?"

Ding Feng's tone was not fierce, but his words that directly confirmed Mi Yang's identity scared Ma Jun to the ground.

After kneeling on the ground, Ma Jun kept kowtowing to Mi Yang and said in horror:

"I hope the general will not be surprised if Jun is short-sighted."

Ma Jun kept repeating these words several times.

Seeing Ma Jun's attitude as if he was encountering a devil, Mi Yang raised his eyebrows slightly.

Has his reputation in the Wei Dynasty reached this level?

"Stop knocking!"

Mi Yang's words stopped Ma Jun from kowtowing in time.

Mi Yang has an important task for Ma Jun next, and he doesn't want Ma Jun to destroy his precious head.

After stopping Ma Jun from harming himself, Mi Yang sat on his seat and asked Ma Jun to get up and reply.

"I heard that the catapult used by the rebels to attack the wall of our barracks was improved by you?"

When he heard Mi Yang's words, Ma Jun was so frightened that his legs softened and he almost knelt down in front of Mi Yang.

Ma Jun thought that Mi Yang was here to challenge him.

After all, his catapult almost broke through the Han army's camp wall.

Fortunately, Ding Feng, who had been watching Ma Jun, did not let Ma Jun kneel down again.

But because of the fear in his heart, Ma Jun still did not dare to look directly at Mi Yang. He raised his hands and said to Mi Yang in a trembling voice:

"General, General Jun, I know I was wrong.

Jun promises that as long as the general can spare Jun this time, Jun will burn all the drawings in his home when he returns and never talk about Kit Kat again!"

Ma Jun had no intention of deceiving Mi Yang.

Ma Jun behaved like this not only because he was afraid of Mi Yang, but also because he knew how people in the world viewed enemies with powerful weapons.

If the enemy possesses powerful weapons, the first reaction of the world is not to learn, but to destroy.

Destroy the enemy's powerful weapons, and destroy those who create such powerful weapons for the enemy.

People in the world have one idea - I don't have it, and you can't have it either.

Knowing this concept, wouldn't Ma Jun misunderstand Mi Yang's intentions?

Mi Yang saw that Ma Jun had misunderstood his intention, so he quickly explained:

"I don't want to blame you for this matter. I just hope that you can be a great man and create such a powerful siege weapon."

Mi Yang's gentle words, while slightly calming Ma Jun's inner fear, also made him raise his head and look at Mi Yang in surprise.

Ma Jun saw the sincere look on Mi Yang's face.

It was this sincere expression that made Ma Jun feel that all this was unreal.

What Ma Jun didn't know was that Mi Yang, who came from a later generation, had a different concept than the people of the current generation - I must have what the enemy has, and I must be better than the enemy!

Seeing Ma Jun's expression of disbelief, Mi Yang continued to speak to Ma Jun:

"You don't need to think otherwise.

As a lonely person, I won't be able to deceive you.

Gu can also guarantee you today that as long as you can serve Gu in the future, Gu can not only guarantee that you will get a high official and a generous salary, but it will not be an easy task to leave your name in the history books."

Fame and fortune are two temptations that people in the world often cannot resist.

Mi Yang finally figured out that Ma Jun was not a virtuous and famous person, so there was no need to beat around the bush in his recruitment, just express his feelings directly.

After Mi Yang's words fell into Ma Jun's ears, Ma Jun's expression became extremely complicated.

On the one hand, just as Mi Yang said, Ma Jun believed that Mi Yang would not lie to him.

On the one hand, Ma Jun did not dare to fully believe Mi Yang's words because of his experience of being bullied in the past decades.

Ma Jun was worried, Mi Yang just said these words to him out of temporary interest.

And when the sharp weapons he creates cannot meet his wishes, or under the influence of the gossips of the world, Mi Yang will quickly change his attitude.

When he was in Cao Wei, wasn't this how Cao Pi treated him?

Cao Pi had also heard of Ma Jun's reputation and wanted to reuse him.

But making sharp weapons is not something that can be accomplished overnight. As time went by and the courtiers made various comments, Cao Pi quickly put him aside and ignored him.

As the king of a country, Cao Pi still had to worry about what others said, let alone Mi Yang, who was in a slightly lower status.

When Mi Yang saw that Ma Jun had not responded to his solicitation, his tone couldn't help but become a little more serious:


If Ma Jun refused to serve him to the death because he was loyal to the Wei Dynasty, then Mi Yang would have another way to deal with Ma Jun.

Ma Jun heard that Mi Yang's tone showed signs of changing to a bad side. After thinking about it again and again, he expressed his concerns:

"The General's love for Gu Lingjun is a great honor, but it's awe-inspiring..."

After hearing Ma Jun's answer, Mi Yang understood what Ma Jun was worried about.

Machinery has always been called a strange skill by traditional Confucian scholars.

After knowing what Ma Jun's concerns were, Mi Yang did not feel worried, but laughed:

"The military power of the Han Dynasty is now in my hands. Why should I fear what others say?"

"If there is someone who really scares you, you can try asking him to speak to you alone."

"You can do things for Guzi with peace of mind, and Guzi will protect you."

There was strong self-confidence in Mi Yang's words, and this self-confidence also made Ma Jun's worries gradually disappear.

Mi Yang has already said this. If he still hesitates, it means he doesn't know what is good and what is good.

Finally, Ma Jun bowed deeply to Mi Yang and said, "Jun is willing to work like a dog and horse!"

Seeing that Ma Jun was finally willing to work for him, Mi Yang was quite happy.

He immediately issued a task to Ma Jun: "After you come to our army, the next step is to build a powerful catapult as soon as possible.

Depending on how much manpower and material resources are needed, you can write a list to Gu, and Gu will give you the greatest support.

I have only one request: the catapult you build will make the city walls of Chang'an tremble!"

Mi Yang's request made Ma Jun frown deeply.

General, is the first mission you assigned so challenging?

It's just.

It’s not impossible!

"I accept your order!"


When the month of China turns to June, various places in Yizhou begin to get busy.

This is because it is the busy farming season in Yizhou.

Once the busy farming season arrives, this means that Zhuge Liang's workload will also begin to increase dramatically.

After all, he is currently Guan Zhong of the Han Dynasty.

Nearing midnight, Zhuge Liang took a carriage and returned to the mansion after finishing his busy day.

There has already been a curfew in Chengdu, and the only sound on the wide streets is the sound of Zhuge Liang's carriage.

The neighing of the horses mixed with the sound of the rutting wheels made Zhuge Liang unable to concentrate in the carriage.

Seeing that he could not rest his mind, Zhuge Liang picked up another official document and read it.

This official document was sent from the front line to urge for supplies.

Ever since Liu Bei led his army in the Northern Expedition, official documents like this would arrive every once in a while, and Zhuge Liang had long been used to it.

But every time he saw official documents from the front line urging for supplies, Zhuge Liang would inevitably have some regrets in his heart.

Since you are Guan Zhong, when can you be Le Yi? If you like Mi Han, please bookmark it: ( Mi Han's novel search website has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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