Chapter 587: Breaking Seven Strongholds in a Row, What a Big Joke

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Chencang is a county under Fufeng County.

In Fufeng County, it is located along the Weishui River as well as Chencang, and the city behind Chencang is Yi County.

Speaking of Xi County, many people in later generations may be familiar with it, because there is a place near Xi County named Wuzhangyuan.

Of course, Wuzhang Yuanshang is not famous now.

After Cao Zhen withdrew his troops from Chencang, he retreated all the way to Xi County.

After leading his army to Yi County, Cao Zhen knew that he could no longer retreat.

If the Han army can successfully capture Chencang, then the next target of the Han army must be Yi County.

Because the area between Yixian and Chencang has the Weishui River, it is not conducive to the garrison of the army.

However, if the Han army captured Yi County, then one hundred thousand Han troops would be able to break out of the narrow Wei River area and enter Wuzhangyuan Central Station to garrison.

This is very disadvantageous for Wei Jun.

Although Cao Zhen did not have an accurate judgment on whether Mi Yang could capture Chencang.

But as a qualified general, he must prepare for the worst for his own side.

What Cao Zhen told Hao Zhao before was to set up defense lines in the rear. In fact, he was talking about setting up defense lines in the narrow Weishui River area between Chencang and Xixian, taking advantage of the terrain to block the Han army layer by layer.

Continue eastward.

Since Cao Zhen had already made plans in his mind, he quickly started arranging everything after leading his army to Xi County.

During the retreat, Cao Zhen carefully explored the terrain and found that he could block the Han army at all levels by setting up camps.

Not only that, Cao Zhen even planned in his mind where to set up a camp.

According to Cao Zhen's inner plan, in order to maximize the goal of blocking the Han army at all levels, he would set up a total of seven camps.

Soon, military orders were issued from Cao Zhen's mouth.

Under Cao Zhen's order, groups of civilians, led by the Wei army, left Yi County one after another to set up camps.

After all military orders were issued, Hao Zhao's urgent report from Chencang was also delivered to Cao Zhen.

The contents of Hao Zhao's urgent report made Cao Zhen worried and at the same time somewhat relaxed.

What Cao Zhen was worried about was that the 100,000 Han troops were in a posture of fighting against Chencang. He didn't know whether Hao Zhao could defend Chencang in the end under the fierce offensive of the Han army.

What makes Cao Zhen relaxed is that the posture of fighting against Chen Cang means that he can get a precious period of time to calmly arrange the front line of defense.

After all, although Cao Zhen could not guarantee whether Chencang could be defended, it was undoubtedly a delusion for the Han army to capture Chencang in a short period of time.

After learning that the war situation in Chencang was developing as he expected, Cao Zhen soon issued another military order.

This military order was sent to the Wei generals who had left Yi County not long ago to set up camps.

The content of Cao Zhen's military order was very simple. He told the Wei generals that in the coming time, there was no need to seek urgency but stability, and they would try their best to build the camp as impregnable as possible.

It is easy to understand that Cao Zhenneng issued this military order.

After all, if time was tight, then Cao Zhen would definitely have ordered those Wei generals to set up the camp as soon as possible at all costs.

A camp that can be built quickly will always have loopholes, which is inevitable.

Time is not tight at the moment, so Cao Zhen believes that ensuring the stability of the camp must be the first priority.

But what Cao Zhen didn't know was that the excusable military order he issued would later deceive the Wei troops who went to build the camp.


The person responsible for building the first camp was Xia Houheng, a clan member of Cao Wei.

As the eldest son of Xia Houyuan, Xia Houheng can be said to have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

However, Xia Houheng is also considered to be a good person and has no bad habit of relying on favor to become arrogant.

As the eldest son of Xia Houyuan, Xia Houheng grew up immersed in military strategies. Although due to limited talent, his achievements were not as dazzling as those of his relatives such as Cao Zhen and Xia Houshang.

However, Xiahou Hengsheng had a calm personality, so he was highly valued by Cao Zhen in the past.

If not, Cao Zhen would not have given Xia Houheng the task of building the first camp.

For Xia Houheng, the son of a general, it was not difficult to build a camp based on the terrain.

When he led thousands of Wei troops and a large number of civilians to the location designated by Cao Zhen, he arranged all matters for building the camp based on his past experience.

Not long after, Xia Houheng received the latest military order from Cao Zhen.

Xia Houheng, who has a calm personality, fully agreed with Cao Zhen's latest military order.

In order to build a stable camp, the first priority is to build the basic framework of the camp.

As for the anti-horse antlers that protect the perimeter of the camp, there is no need to rush to install them at the moment - anyway, the Han army will not appear in front of him in a short time.

Moreover, in order to ensure his safety, Cao Zhen sent thousands of Wei troops to protect him.

Under the protection of thousands of Wei troops, Xia Houheng was very safe unless a large number of Han troops suddenly appeared.

But this idea is both impossible and ridiculous.

Feeling at peace in his heart, Xia Houheng soon became immersed in supervising the construction of the camp.

What Xia Houheng didn't know was that a few days after he led his army to the designated place, a troop of tens of thousands of fine cavalry was galloping towards his location.

The man in charge of this cavalry army was none other than Han Zuo General Zhao Yun.

Mi Yang's distant pointing that day made both Zhao Yun and Ma Chao look very surprised.

But after learning about Mi Yang's true intention, Zhao Yun felt not only worried but also excited.

Zhao Yun has a calm and good character, but he is Changshan Zhao Zilong!

Changshan Zhao Zilong, who was praised by Liu Bei as "full of courage", who dared to go in and out alone among tens of thousands of Wei troops, would he lack the courage to march forward?

Only when you move forward bravely can you become a hero!

Out of his trust in Mi Yang and his confidence in himself, Zhao Yun finally accepted this task under the envious eyes of Ma Chao.

Zhao Yun's body was constantly rising and falling on the galloping horse. At this moment, driven by him, the speed of the horse under his crotch had already reached its fastest speed.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Due to the speed, gusts of wind were like swords, constantly hitting Zhao Yun's face.

But for ordinary people, this would have been painful, but Zhao Yun closed his eyes in enjoyment.

At this moment, Zhao Yun seemed to have found the feeling of his youth.

Everyone knows that Zhao Yun is Liu Bei's favorite general, but few people know that Zhao Yun initially followed Gongsun Zan.

Decades ago, Gongsun Zan had a team of elite cavalry named "White Horse Yi Cong".

At that time, Gongsun Zan relied on this elite cavalry to conquer Wuhuan in the north and defeat Yuan Shao in the south.

When he was young, Zhao Yun was one of those thousands of white horses.

Scenes he experienced when he was young kept flashing through Zhao Yun's mind.

Following Zhao Yun were tens of thousands of Qiang and Di Jingqi. Different from the Hubao Cavalry and Xiliang Iron Cavalry, the tens of thousands of Qiang and Di Jingqi were actually light cavalry.

The White Horse Yi Cong back then was the most famous light cavalry army in the world.

Zhao Yun, who was once a member of the Baima Yi, was perhaps the best general in the world who knew how to command the light cavalry.

This may be the reason why Mi Yang sent Zhao Yun to lead tens of thousands of light cavalry troops to defeat the enemy.

Everyone says that the cavalry cannot break the formation, but is this really the case?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun suddenly opened his eyes.

After Zhao Yun opened his eyes, standing at the front of tens of thousands of fine knights, he could already vaguely see the camp being built in front of him.

The distance of tens of miles would not take long for the light cavalry army, which was best at running attacks.

When Zhao Yun, with a glint in his eyes, saw that there were no antlers blocking the cavalry outside the camp in front of him, a smile appeared on his face.

Mi Yang's unexpected tactics and the high mobility of the light cavalry were a perfect match.

Since the enemy has no defense, what else do they need to wait for?

There is no need to be encouraged by the sound of drums. The sound of tens of thousands of horse hooves shaking the ground is the best music for the charge of these tens of thousands of elite cavalry.

Inspired by this sweet music, the excited Zhao Yun straightened his body directly on his horse. He held a bright white spear high, becoming the most eye-catching command flag in the world at the moment.

At this moment, the sound of tens of thousands of arrow strings relaxing sounded behind Zhao Yun.

The next moment, tens of thousands of flowing arrows that could cover the sky rose into the sky under the shocked gaze of thousands of Wei troops.

The tens of thousands of Han troops' light cavalry advanced so fast that thousands of Wei troops were unable to react at all.

When Xia Houheng heard the loud neighing of horses coming from a distance, he immediately left the camp to observe.

But before he could make a judgment in his mind, as he just left the camp, he felt that the sky suddenly turned dark.

When Xia Houheng raised his head and looked upward, he realized that what darkened the world was not the surrounding objects, but the tens of thousands of tributary arrows.

Tens of thousands of tributary arrows came very fast. When tens of thousands of Han troops' elite cavalry had just charged within a few hundred steps in front of the Wei army's camp, these tens of thousands of tributary arrows were already like meteors from the sky, smashing into the bodies of many Wei troops.

Waves of frightened wailings awoke Xia Houheng from his shock.

Only then did he react and order the Wei army to form a camp and fight against the enemy.

Xia Houheng didn't know why tens of thousands of Han army elite cavalry suddenly appeared outside his camp, and Xia Houheng didn't know why no one in Chencang City ahead warned him.

He only knows one thing now, that is, today will be the day of his life and death.

Under the command of Xia Houheng, thousands of Wei troops began to gather, but what was the use of gathering at this time?

Xia Houheng thought of relying on the camp to hold on, but his camp had not yet been built, and many defensive facilities only existed in the drawings.

Xia Houheng thought about thousands of Wei infantry troops forming a formation to resist the impact of tens of thousands of Han cavalry troops, but the sudden arrow rain attack just now had already shattered the hearts of many auxiliary soldiers.

They screamed and fled in all directions, constantly disturbing thousands of Wei army infantry, making it impossible for them to quickly gather in one place.

Moreover, the most important thing is that although Zhao Yun wants to break the formation, it does not mean that he will immediately attack the enemy formation.

Tens of thousands of Han troops' elite cavalry, marching like lightning, were about to enter the Wei army's camp when they suddenly changed directions under Zhao Yun's command.

And just when Xia Houheng's tens of thousands of Han army's elite cavalry were about to leave, he saw Zhao Yun leading tens of thousands of Han army's elite cavalry, galloping from another direction.

At the same time, a new round of arrow rain attacks invaded the Wei army's camp like a violent storm, blowing the formation of thousands of Wei troops to pieces.

After repeating this three times, the morale of thousands of Wei troops was on the verge of collapse.

Many Wei troops began to disobey Xia Houheng's hoarse orders, and they showed signs of uncontrollable retreat towards the rear.

After seeing this, Zhao Yun knew that the time had come.

At this moment, Zhao Yun took the lead and raised his whip, riding his horse, leaping high into the air, leaping over the ten-foot-high camp wall like a god descending from heaven, and stepped directly into the Wei army's camp.

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is here!"

That heroic and fearless gesture like a silver dragon sailing out of the sea, and that sharp shout that revealed his identity, made the Wei army in the camp even more frightened, and they fled for their lives.

There was such a huge Wei camp and thousands of Wei soldiers armed with swords. At this moment, no one dared to step forward to stop Zhao Yun!

Changshan Zhao Zilong, what is it?

Entering and exiting the enemy's stronghold, making the enemy invincible, frightening the enemy with his heroic spirit and fierceness, so that the enemy does not dare to harm him, this is Changshan Zhao Zilong!

That heroic gesture and that sharp shout not only broke the hearts of thousands of Wei soldiers, but also boosted the morale of tens of thousands of Han cavalry.

How could a cavalry army composed of tens of thousands of Qiang and Di knights lack someone with superb riding skills like Zhao Yun?

More and more Han cavalry, following behind that silver-white color, jumped into the Wei army's camp, and then killed the thousands of Wei soldiers in front who had not yet fled.

Zhao Yun's heroic charge alone had already caused part of the Wei army to flee, not to mention the collective charge of thousands of Han cavalry?

If you don’t run away now, when will you wait?

A full-scale rout of the Wei army occurred in the camp.

Thousands of Wei troops fled desperately towards the rear of Xi County.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, Xia Houheng, who was originally standing in front of the Wei army's formation, was stabbed to death by Zhao Yun who came quickly before he could escape.

Zhao Yun did not know that the person he stabbed to death was a clan relative of Cao Wei.

All he could see now were the thousands of fleeing Wei army infantry.

In order to complete Mi Yang's instructions, Zhao Yun did not order the cavalry behind him to go on a killing spree. He only ordered tens of thousands of Han cavalry to follow thousands of fleeing Wei infantry.

Tens of thousands of Han cavalry followed behind, like a sharp sword hanging above their heads, causing thousands of Wei infantry to burst out with a strong will to survive and desperately escape back to Xi County.

It is true that thousands of Wei army infantry want to survive, but they have forgotten that what is in front of them is not Xi County, but the other six camps that are being built!

The seven camps were not far apart, and soon thousands of Wei infantry fled to the next camp.

Before the Wei generals in this camp could react to what was going on, they saw a large number of comrades rushing towards their camp, which made it impossible for them to organize an effective defense line.

As a result, Zhao Yun soon led tens of thousands of Han cavalry to break through the second camp.

Next is the third place.

After breaking through the third camp, the physical strength of thousands of Wei troops was exhausted, but Zhao Yun didn't need them anymore.

After successively breaking through the three Wei army camps slightly closer to Chencang, the defenses of the four camps far away from Chencang will only become weaker and weaker.

After leading his army to break through the barrier of the third Wei army camp, Zhao Yun ordered the entire army to speed up. He wanted to use the autumn wind to sweep away fallen leaves and quickly seize the remaining four camps.

This will completely open the passage to Xi County for Mi Yang's army in the rear!


Cao Zhen, who was in Xi County, soon received a piece of bad news:

In just one day, the seven camps he deployed were broken through by Zhao Yun and his army one after another.

Destroy seven villages in a row in one day, defeat seven villages in a row in one day!

Cao Zhen's carefully planned seven lines of defense seemed like a big joke under Mi Yang's fast-attack-slow tactics and Zhao Yun's fearless charge.

The most fearful thing in war is to guess the enemy's intentions wrongly from the beginning! If you like Mi Han, please bookmark it: ( Mi Han Search Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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