Chapter 596: Amazing Good News: Family Iron Fist

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After Meng Da was sent out of Luoyang, he quickly returned to Guanzhong with great excitement.

Although Guanzhong is currently a war zone between the Han and Wei armies, there are many more inquiries on the road than usual.

But in ancient times when communications were backward, no matter how strict the interrogation was, how strict could it be?

Creating a path for the guilty and helping them escape from heavy scrutiny has been the specialty of wealthy families for four hundred years.

After crossing the naturally dangerous Tongguan Pass, Meng Da headed towards Wugong County without stopping.

After returning to Wugong County, Meng Da met the Si Wenli who had been waiting for him.

After hearing what Mi Yang asked Si Wenli to convey, Meng Da's already extremely excited mood became even more intense, as if a spoonful of hot oil had been poured on it.

Mi Yang placed the hope of regaining Chang'an on him, and he lived up to Mi Yang's expectations. He had great news to tell Mi Yang.

In a hot mood, Meng Da did not take much rest and returned to the west with the Siwen official.

Wugong County is not far from Xiwei, but Mengda returned to Xiwei City within a few days.

And Mi Yang also learned the news of Meng Da's return immediately.

At this time, Mi Yang was still discussing military plans with Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Jiang Wei and other generals. When he heard the news of Meng Da's return, he subconsciously shouted with joy:

"We have a chance to win!"

It wasn't that Mi Yang could predict what kind of good news Meng Da would bring him. Meng Da had secretly reported to Mi Yang before, saying that if he couldn't make contributions to Mi Yang, he wouldn't have the face to meet him.

Because of Meng Da's previous secret report, Mi Yang was full of expectations for Meng Da's return.

Mi Yang was thinking that it would be best if Meng Da could persuade Wugong County to uphold justice, so that the dilemma faced by the Han army in Wuzhangyuan could be solved.

Due to the expectations in her heart, Mi Yang hurriedly asked Ding Feng to go out and bring Meng Da in.

After hearing Mi Yang's words, Zhao Yun and other generals sitting around Mi Yang inevitably became curious in their hearts.

What kind of person would make Mi Yang let out that joyful cry when he returns?

For a moment, the names of the great sages of the time appeared in the minds of Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and others.

Just when General Zhao Yun was guessing and curious, Meng Da, led by Ding Feng, opened the door curtain and walked into the tent.

When Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and other generals saw Meng Da coming in, their faces showed obvious disappointment.

Although Meng Da can be regarded as a good general, he definitely cannot be associated with the word "great sage of the world".

However, because Jiang Wei didn't know Meng Da at first, the look of anticipation on his face did not diminish when he saw Meng Da come in.

But after listening to Meng Da's words of paying homage to Mi Yang, Jiang Wei's face naturally showed a look of disappointment.

It seems that all the generals in the tent do not have high expectations for Mengda.

Only Mi Yang looked at Meng Da, who had a tired face, with pity on his face. He quickly asked Meng Da to take a seat and asked Ding Feng to bring him wine and food to reward Meng Da.

To be honest, Mi Yang does not love Meng Da as much as he does Deng Ai and Jiang Wei.

But regardless of Mengda's character and ability, he is currently serving Mi Yang with all his life. For this reason alone, Mi Yang will not be stingy with his tenderness towards Mengda.

Meng Da was deeply moved by Mi Yang's warmth.

In order to repay Mi Yang's tenderness, although Meng Da was very hungry, he did not taste the fine wine and food in front of him first.

After sitting down, Meng Da immediately raised his hands to Mi Yang and said:

"I have recruited a lot of help for the general."

Hearing what Meng Da said, Mi Yang smiled and nodded, feeling that things were expected, and then asked:

"But are Zidu and his master's family willing to lend a helping hand to capture Wugong County?"

Wugong County is located behind Wuzhangyuan and is a grain and grass transshipment base for the Wei army in Wuzhangyuan.

If Nengwu Gong County could fall into the hands of the Han army, then Mi Yang would have many methods at his disposal in the battle of Wuzhangyuan.

After hearing Mi Yang's words, generals such as Zhao Yun and Ma Chao, knowing the stakes of the matter, also turned their attention to Meng Da again.

The Fufeng Meng family and the Fufeng Fa family were originally powerful families in Yi County.

The previous floods in Xi County not only led to the temporary relocation of Xi County, but also caused a large number of Xi County nobles to flee to Wugong County for refuge.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed not difficult for Mengda to use the reputation of the Meng family and the Fa family to instigate many wealthy families in Yuanxi County to cause trouble in Wugong County.

But faced with Mi Yang's speculation, Meng Da shook his head.

He raised his head high, proudly raised his hands to Mi Yang and said:


The great help I mentioned was the Hongnong Yang family!"

When Mengda's answer fell into the ears of everyone in the tent, it immediately caused a huge change in the demeanor of everyone in the tent.

Mi Yang tilted his head, Zhao Yun was shocked, Jiang Wei sprayed tea, and Ma Chao's reaction was even more direct.

After being stunned, Ma Chao immediately stood up, approached Meng Da step by step, and asked with gleaming eyes:

"General Yingyang, are you serious about this?"

Regarding Ma Chao's still unbelievable question, Meng Da raised his head higher:

"That's natural!"

Immediately afterwards, Meng Da truthfully told most of the process of how he persuaded Yang Biao to the generals present.

"Mr. Yang promised that as long as the general can agree to his request, he will do his best for the Han!"

After saying this, Meng Da took out a letter written by Yang Xiao from his arms and asked Ding Feng to hand it over to Mi Yang.

Meng Da's determined attitude turned the surprise of everyone in the tent into surprise.

Everyone knew that Meng Da would not dare to deceive Mi Yang about such a thing, and he had no reason to do so.

After confirming the authenticity of Yang Biao's willingness to help the big man, the atmosphere in the tent suddenly became lively.

Needless to say, the Hongnong Yang family's status in Guanzhong is a powerful one.

If the Han army could really get the full help of the Hongnong Yang family, then the subsequent war to regain Guanzhong would be full of unimaginable conveniences.

Because of the surprise in their hearts, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and other Han generals all set their eyes on Mi Yang.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! According to Meng Da just now, the prerequisite for Yang Biao to agree to fully assist the Han army was that Mi Yang could agree to his request.

It was obvious that Yang Biao's request was in the letter Meng Da brought.

Not only Zhao Yun and others had their eyes on Mi Yang, but also Meng Da.

No one else knew what the content of the letter was, but he knew it clearly.

Since there were other people in the tent, he couldn't tell the matter directly in person. He could only wait for Mi Yang to give an answer after reading the contents of the letter.

Under the gaze of everyone, Mi Yang finished reading the contents of the letter in a short time.

After reading the contents of the letter, Mi Yang also knew what Yang Biao's request was.

Regarding this matter, Mi Yang immediately made a decision in her heart.

Facing everyone's gaze, Mi Yang quietly put the letter into his arms and laughed:

"Mr. Yang is worrying too much.

He wants to have a good relationship with my Mi family. This is a matter of promoting the lintel of my Mi family. How can I refuse to agree?"

Mi Yang's words made Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and others look clear on their faces - it turns out this is what happened.

It seems that Yang Biao proposed the marriage request because he was worried that Mi Yang would burn bridges in the future.

And such behavior is a normal thing for the family.

Only Meng Da had some thoughts in his eyes after listening to Mi Yang's words.

After laughing, Mi Yang continued:

"It can be seen from the letter that Yang Gongxiang was sincere in helping the Han Dynasty.

Now that our army has received help from Duke Yang, our army should also change its tactics accordingly.

Gentlemen, the chance of victory is approaching!"

Mi Yang's words successfully attracted the attention of the generals to change their tactics.

Mi Yang and other generals did not know that Meng Da would persuade Yang Biaoxiang to help the Han army, so most of the tactics they arranged focused on the Wuzhangyuan area.

But now that we know this, the Han army's tactics should naturally change.

With the help of the Yang family of Hongnong who can influence the attitude of most Guanzhong families, if you still limit your sights to Wuzhangyuan, it would be as ridiculous as having a fortune without knowing it.

At Mi Yang's reminder, the generals gathered in front of Mi Yang again and discussed together what the Han army should do next.

The key to how to do this lies in how the Han army can maximize the help brought by the Hongnong Yang family.

As for this point, it is actually not difficult to explore.

Because just over ten years ago, there was a very famous similar battle in the land of Guanzhong.

The protagonist of that battle was Ma Chao, who was sitting in front of Mi Yang.

And that battle example was the Battle of Liangzhou that caused Ma Chao to collapse.

The main reason why Ma Chao failed in that battle was not because Xia Houyuan was stronger than him, but because Ma Chao completely lost the support of the Kansai family.

In that battle, Ma Chao was almost manipulated by the Kansai family.

This is also the reason why Ma Chao had a greater reaction than others after hearing Meng Da's words just now.

He was suffering from personal pain, but he knew very well that if all the aristocratic families in the entire region united to fight against each other, even if they had tens of thousands of elite soldiers, they would not be able to escape defeat in the end.

In order to help Mi Yang now, Ma Chao did not mind personally uncovering the scars of the past and told Mi Yang and the generals present all the tricks the family could use.

As Ma Chao's story continued to deepen, the generals present were stunned for a while.

Is the family really that good at playing?

Since no corresponding history books have appeared in the world at that time, although Zhao Yun, Meng Da, Jiang Wei and others here have heard some of the story of Ma Chao's defeat, they do not know the detailed process.

Although Mi Yang has read relevant records in later history books, it is obvious that due to perspective problems, Chen Shou did not record many things truthfully.

After learning more and more facts, Mi Yang "admired" the family's methods that would not be reflected in the history books.

All I can say is that if something really happens, the family is really professional.

Following Ma Chao's explanation, Mi Yang and the generals quickly drafted a specific strategy.

After writing all the tactics into a letter, Mi Yang stood up and handed the letter into Meng Da's hands.

"I hope you will return to Luoyang and deliver this letter to Duke Yang."

Faced with Mi Yang's explanation, Meng Da was extremely happy.

But just after Meng Da stood up and took the letter, Mi Yang grabbed Meng Da's hand and said to Meng Da:

"Zi Du's hard work has yielded great results, so let me personally escort you out of the camp."

Mi Yang's words seemed to be addressed to Meng Da, but in fact they were addressed to other people in the account.

After listening to Mi Yang's words, the other people in the tent only felt that Mi Yang was a polite and virtuous corporal and didn't think much about it.

On the other hand, Meng Da felt ripples in his heart, but he didn't dare to show the abnormality in his heart on his face, so he could only let Mi Yangli send him out.

After leading Meng Da out of the tent to a secluded place, Mi Yang suddenly stopped.

Mi Yang's stop let Meng Da know that the real drama was coming.

Sure enough, Mi Yang's cold voice soon reached Meng Da's ears:

"Tell Mr. Yang that his request has been granted."

"Gu's master is the descendant of the Fufeng Fa clan. In terms of inheritance, Gu can be considered a member of the Guanxi scholars. Since they share the same roots, there should be no breach of trust.

As for the marriage that Gu just said, it can also be regarded as one of Gu's sincerity."

Mi Yang's cold attitude made Mengda feel that Mi Yang's current mood was not as good as he behaved in the tent.

But in the end he got a clear answer from Mi Yang.

"General, please rest assured. The general has written a reply in his own hand, and the reputation of the Fufeng Fa family and the Fufeng Meng family is vouched for. Guild Yang believes in the sincerity of the general."

"Well, you go ahead."

Mi Yang's words made Meng Da no longer hesitate. After bowing solemnly to Mi Yang, Meng Da got up and rode towards Luoyang.

Watching Meng Da's figure gradually disappear from sight, Mi Yang did not go back immediately.

He was carefully thinking about the impact Yang Biao's request would have on the big man.

Yang Biao would make a request to "move the capital to Chang'an", which was not surprising to Mi Yang.

On the contrary, if Yang Biao did not make such a request, Mi Yang might have to worry about whether Yang Biao was sincerely willing to help him.

Mi Yang himself had no objection to the move of the capital to Chang'an. This was originally what he had in mind.

As for why Yang Biao didn't directly send this request to Liu Bei, the reason is simple.

What Yang Biao wanted was not that Chang'an would become the capital of the Han Dynasty after it regained Guanzhong. What Yang Biao wanted was for Chang'an to remain the capital of the Han Dynasty.

In order to achieve the true goal in his heart, Mi Yang, who seems to be able to stay in power for a long time, is naturally more worthy of entrustment.

On the other hand, if Mi Yang does not agree, Mi Yang will have the right to move the capital after Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang pass away.

By the time Mi Yang passed away, decades had passed.

Decades of time were enough for the Kansai family to take advantage of the huge advantage of Chang'an being the capital of the country and develop into a powerful political force again.

By then, who can stop the Kansai family from becoming big?

In order to ensure that Mi Yang can become the talisman of the Kansai family, Yang Biao can even promise to turn the Kansai family into a political force subordinate to Mi Yang.

In this way, the interests of the Kansai family and Mi Yang's personal interests are tied together.

In Yang Biao's view, Mi Yang was also a member of the gentry, and he was very willing to make this kind of exchange of interests and would do his best to protect it.

But unfortunately, what Yang Biao didn't know was that Mi Yang was actually a time-traveler who had received education from later generations.

Mi Yang doesn't know how to do things that start with chaos and end with abandonment, but does "peacefully breaking up" count as abandonment?

He only promised Yang Biao that he would move the capital to Chang'an, but he did not promise that he would not move it based on political needs. He also did not promise that the Han Dynasty would only have one capital in the future.

Aristocratic families can exist, but they cannot grow so large that they affect state affairs. This is Mi Yang's political bottom line.

After thinking about the measures to restrict the Kansai family in the future, Mi Yang looked at the Wuzhangyuan.

General Cao, just wait for the iron fist of the family to hit you hard in the face! If you like Mi Han, please bookmark it: ( Mi Han Search Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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