Chapter 601: Symbol of national subjugation, following the example of Wei Wu

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After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather in Guanzhong is still hot.

But compared to the hot weather, Cao Zhen's heart felt as if it was filled with countless ice cubes, feeling cold to the bone.

Cao Zhen looked down at the Wei generals who had been summoned by him in a hurry, and then looked at the piles of memorials in front of the case as high as a mountain. For a long time, Cao Zhen was unable to utter a word.

The dense memorials on his case were all sent from various counties in Guanzhong.

Each report represents a city that betrayed the Wei Dynasty and fell into the arms of the Han Dynasty.

And looking at the intensive number of reports, everyone in the tent knew a ruthless and cruel fact - most of the counties in Guanzhong had rebelled!

This news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for all the Wei generals.

Most of the counties in Guanzhong are rebelling, so where should they go next?

Should he retreat or continue to confront the Han army at Wuzhangyuan?

If they retreat, the Han army will definitely pursue them.

If they don't withdraw their troops, it won't take long before their food routes will be attacked.

You may also fall into a situation where you are attacked from both sides.

Dilemma, panic, and fear are constantly lingering in the hearts of the Wei generals.

The atmosphere in the entire tent seemed very solemn, even lifeless.

The Wei generals felt that no matter which choice they made, they might put themselves in an extremely dangerous situation.

In this situation, no one can remain calm.

But at this moment, the entire military tent seemed very quiet, and no Wei general took the initiative to offer advice to Cao Zhen.

It's not that they are afraid of anything, it's that at this moment they are already confused and confused.

My mentality is completely broken, how can I still offer any advice?

All the Wei generals present here could only look at Cao Zhen with helpless eyes.

They hope that their general Cao Zhen can find a way out for them.

But faced with such a dangerous situation, how could Cao Zhen come up with a good solution in a hurry?

Cao Zhen only learned the news that Yang Biao had been killed a few days ago. After learning the news, Cao Zhen immediately realized that something was wrong.

When Xiahou Yuan was ordered to conquer Ma Chao, Cao Zhen was in Xiahou Yuan's army.

Cao Zhen, who had personally experienced the Battle of Liangzhou that year, knew very well the nature of the Guanxi family.

The difference between the Kansai aristocratic family and other aristocratic families in the world is that there is a ruthlessness unique to soldiers flowing in their blood.

You must know that most of the ancestors of the Kansai family were generals who followed the two geniuses Wei and Huo to conquer the Huns a hundred years ago.

During the Battle of Liangzhou, even Xia Houyuan's army did not dare to confront Ma Chao directly, but the Guanxi family did.

For a Kansai family with such a temperament, one must not push it too far.

Otherwise, it will easily lead to major changes.

Because of this worry in his heart, after Cao Zhen learned the news of Yang Biao's death, he quickly ordered someone to write a letter to Cao Rui, asking Cao Rui to send elite troops to garrison the counties in Guanzhong in time.

Only in this way can the worst case scenario be effectively avoided.

But not long before Cao Zhen sent the memorial, he received the news that Huaili had been captured by Su Ze.

After learning the news, more bad news appeared in Cao Zhen's eyes like buds bursting out of the ground in spring.

All this happened so fast that Cao Zhen had no chance to react.

It is clear that Cao Zhen has successfully blocked the Han army outside Wuzhangyuan, and it is clear that winter in Guanzhong will come in two months.

But suddenly, the situation of the Han and Wei armies in Guanzhong was directly reversed.

This made Cao Zhen feel anxious and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a chill to his bones.

Because of this battle situation, Cao Zhen felt that he had seen it before.

Just like last year's Battle of Nanzheng - if the Han army doesn't take action, it will be a sure kill!

Cao Zhen knew that only Mi Yang could do such a feat.

But what's the use of even guessing that the current chaos in Guanzhong is inextricably linked to Mi Yang?

For the current Wei army, it is not important why this happened.

What matters is how they deal with it.

While silent, Cao Zhen was holding a piece of information tightly in his hand.

This piece of information records the news of the fall of Huaili.

But Cao Zhen still clings to this piece of information to this day because it also records one thing - Cao Gun, the King of Fufeng, was killed by the bandit army and his body was exposed on the city wall.

Compared to the loss of Huaili City, Cao Zhen was deeply hit by Cao Gun's tragic death.

Yu Gong, Cao Gun was the vassal king of the Wei Dynasty. His tragic death was a huge harm to the prestige of the Wei Dynasty.

In private, Cao Gun is Cao Zhen's younger brother. As the elder brother, he has a lot of troops in his hands, but he can't protect his younger brother's safety. Is Cao Zhen worthy of the deceased Cao Cao?

Cao Zhen's red and swollen eyes at this moment declared a fact to the Wei generals - in the past few days, Cao Zhen spent every day in tears.

Facing the expectant looks of the Wei generals, Cao Zhen wanted to speak to calm their military morale.

But after thinking about it, Cao Zhen only felt a sense of internal destruction in his heart at this moment, and there was no clever way to resolve the current dangerous situation of the Wei army.

Cao Zhen remained silent for a long time, which made all the Wei generals more and more frightened.

If Cao Zhen can't do anything, then aren't they doomed?

Under the inner panic, a Wei general soon took the initiative to break the silence.

This Wei general is Sun Li.

Sun Li stood up, came to Cao Zhen and knelt down before him. After kowtowing to Cao Zhen, Sun Li raised his head again with a look of sadness on his face.

"This is the time when life and death are at stake.

General, whether our army is defending or retreating, we must come up with a charter as soon as possible!

If the delay continues for a long time, the morale of our army will only become more unstable. If the bandits suddenly send troops to launch a fierce attack on Wuzhangyuan when our army's morale is exhausted, then our army will never return eastward."

Sun Li's words instantly resonated with the other Wei generals present.

After Sun Li finished speaking, the other Wei generals stood up and came to Cao Zhen. They bowed to Cao Zhen as Sun Li had just done.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Although the generals said different things after visiting the shrine, they all expressed the intention of asking Cao Zhen to make a decision as soon as possible.

After all the Wei generals kowtowed to Cao Zhen, the entire military tent was quickly overwhelmed by the calls for petitions.

We can't blame the Wei generals for being so eager, Cao Zhen's reaction today was really too abnormal.

In the past, when Cao Zhen heard bad news, he would get angry, but after getting angry, Cao Zhen would often come up with countermeasures.

But today, Cao Zhen was uncharacteristically showing no signs of anger.

In Cao Zhen, they only noticed a silence that was more sorrowful than heartbroken.

This silence seemed to symbolize that Cao Zhen had given up struggling.

Compared with the superficial explosion, this kind of explosion that starts from the depths of the heart is even more unacceptable to the Wei generals.

Looking at the anxious Wei generals below, Cao Zhen couldn't help but cover his chest.

What's going on with this image of national subjugation?

He felt the sweet-smelling blood rising rapidly from his chest and abdomen to his throat.

But in order to prevent the army's morale from further breaking, Cao Zhen swallowed the mouthful of sweet blood.

After swallowing the blood, Cao Zhen wanted to stand up and help the kneeling Wei generals.

The moment Cao Zhen stood up, the curtain of the big tent was suddenly opened, and then Liu Ye strode in from outside the tent.

Liu Ye's arrival was immediately noticed by Cao Zhen who got up.

Seeing Liu Ye return, Cao Zhen immediately changed his target and walked quickly towards Liu Ye.

Before reaching Liu Ye, Cao Zhen grabbed Liu Ye's hands:

"Does Ziyang have any ideas to teach me?"

Cao Zhen's tone didn't sound like a question, but rather like a plea.

Liu Ye, whose hands were grabbed, looked at Cao Zhen who looked expectant in front of him, and then looked at the frightened Wei generals who were kneeling on the ground. In an instant, he knew what happened in the tent just now.

Facing Cao Zhen's expectant gaze, Liu Ye made no attempt to dodge, which meant that he indeed had a suggestion in his heart to offer.

"Our army must not retreat!"

Liu Ye expressed his views directly and categorically.

After hearing Liu Ye's words, Cao Zhen couldn't help but hold Liu Ye's hands harder.

"Please teach me quickly!"

Under Cao Zhen's urging, Liu Ye did not delay, he immediately spoke:

"Judging from the current situation, it seems that our army is about to be attacked from two sides, but this is not the case."

Liu Ye's words not only made Cao Zhen's eyes light up, but also made all the kneeling Wei generals raise their heads to look at Liu Ye.

"Most counties in Guanzhong are rebelling, which is very detrimental to our army. But Ye has been analyzing military reports from various places in the past few days, and even drove horses to explore several nearby counties.

After much analysis and investigation, Ye discovered that the reason why the rebels were able to capture the county so quickly was partly due to their influence in the local area, and partly because of the clan soldiers in their hands."

"In other words, those rebel thieves do not have any elite field warriors.

The general and other generals also know that the combat effectiveness of the family soldiers is not strong, and each family does not have too many clan soldiers.

It is true that when the county is captured, those aristocratic families will unite together.

But once the county town was captured, the first thing those aristocratic families thought about was to protect the land and the people and wait for the rebels.

Unless there are special circumstances, they will not lead their troops to leave their home base.

The enemy's troops are neither strong nor numerous, and their forces are scattered in various places without a unified command. Given these two weaknesses, why should our army fear them attacking the front and rear?"

"Yi Ye predicts that even if they want to attack our army's food road, they may be unable to do so."

"From the actual situation, the real enemy of our army has always been Mi Yang's army.

The reason why Mi Yang has been holding back his troops these past few days is that he is waiting for our troops to withdraw.

Wuzhangyuan is surrounded by flat land. Once our army withdraws in a hurry, it will give Mi Yang an opportunity, and then our army will truly be in a desperate situation.

Therefore, our army must not withdraw rashly and can only continue to defend Wuzhangyuan!"

After Liu Ye finished speaking his opinion, Cao Zhen and the other Wei generals showed some surprise on their faces.

However, General Wei soon raised objections.

"Although what the servant said is reasonable, as long as Mi Yang's army does not retreat, our army will always be in a situation of being attacked from both sides."

When this Wei general raised this objection, Liu Ye immediately said seriously without waiting for other Wei generals to agree:

“The lesser of two evils!

Our army has been defending Wuzhangyuan. Although it seems risky, it is also the same for the rebel army.

The rebels had sneaked across the upper reaches of the Wei River several times before, hoping to attack the camps on the north bank of the Wei River, but all those attacks were repelled by Guo Yongzhou.

From this point of view, Guo Yongzhou's previous proposal to divide the troops was correct.

Guo Yongzhou led his troops in the north, and our troops were stationed in the south. This formed a pincer attack, making it impossible for the rebels to cross Wuzhangyuan with peace of mind.

The bandit army cannot hold out against us for too long. Winter is only two months away!

As soon as winter comes, the rebel army's food routes will be harassed by a large number of aliens. How can the rebel army not retreat by then?

Compared with the bandit army led by Mi bandits, the rebellion in Guanzhong counties is just a scabies disease.

After the traitor army retreats, the main force of our army can retreat to defeat them one by one!"

After Liu Ye said the above words, he bowed to Cao Zhen cautiously:

"Has the General forgotten the Yanzhou Rebellion?

The situation in Yanzhou back then was very similar to that in Guanzhong today, but Emperor Wu was not in a hurry to regain the counties. Instead, he gave priority to repelling Lu Bu's army.

Never forget the past and be the guide for the future, now our army has to compete with the thieves in terms of resilience!"

In order to further convince Cao Zhen, Liu Ye couldn't help but bring up Cao Cao's examples.

After Liu Ye mentioned Cao Cao, the panic in the hearts of Cao Zhen and other Wei generals was receding little by little.

This is not to say that they all think what Liu Ye said is definitely right, but compared to their own panic, Liu Ye at least came up with a strategy that seemed to be effective.

As Liu Ye said, do they have any choice now?

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After thinking about it in various ways, Cao Zhen finally chose to believe Liu Ye.

Cao Zhen let go of Liu Ye's hand and turned back to the main seat. He glanced at the Wei generals below, and then issued an order from his mouth:

"What the servant said makes sense, and I am determined to act in accordance with what the servant said.

After you return to your headquarters, you must do your best to appease the morale of the soldiers in each unit.

From now on, if anyone dares to make false claims about withdrawing troops again, he will be killed without mercy!"

Cao Zhen's majestic tone instantly spread throughout the military tent.

Under Cao Zhen's majestic tone, all the Wei generals stood up one after another, bowed to Cao Zhen and took orders:


After receiving the order, the Wei generals left the military tents one after another to appease the soldiers' morale.

After the Wei generals left, Cao Zhen could no longer suppress the grief in his heart and stumbled down on his seat.

Cao Zhen fell down and startled Liu Ye.

Liu Ye quickly stepped forward to Cao Zhen and asked with concern:

"General, please take care of yourself!"

Facing Liu Ye's concern, a sad smile appeared on Cao Zhen's face.

He raised the letter of information that he had been holding tightly in his hand, and said to Liu Ye with sobs:

"I am incompetent, I am incompetent!

In the future, under the Nine Springs, the late Emperor will ask my brother why he is headless, how should I answer?"

As he spoke, Cao Zhen couldn't help but clenched his fist and banged hard on the desk in front of him because of the grief and anger in his heart.

With Cao Zhen's heavy tapping, many memorials originally placed on the desk were gradually scattered on the ground.

The memorials scattered on the ground symbolized the disintegration of Guanzhong, and seeing it in Cao Zhen's eyes made his blood surge.

Because of his duty as a minister, Cao Zhen would not blame Cao Rui. He also knew that if he were in Cao Rui's position, he would probably make the same decision as Cao Rui.

Seeing Cao Zhen taking the responsibility on himself, Liu Ye's eyes showed sadness.

Suddenly Cao Zhen on the side held Liu Ye's hand again and asked:

"Mi Yang, are there any plans for you?"

Cao Zhen's sudden inquiry caught Liu Ye off guard.

But after thinking about it carefully, Liu Ye, who was always full of wisdom and scheming, could not give an answer to this question for a while.

With Mi Yang's methods, would he only make this secret move against the Kansai family?

If it's more than that, what will be his next move? If you like Mi Han, please bookmark it: ( Mi Han's novel search website has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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