Chapter 605: Jinhou’s Wish, The Sun of Setting Stars

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The generals' enthusiasm for fighting put a smile on Mi Yang's face.

As a general of the Han Dynasty, Mi Yang liked the energetic appearance of all the Han generals.

Mi Yang's eyes flashed across the faces of the Han generals in front of him. Under his gaze, the mood of the Han generals to fight became even stronger.

They all knew that the general was about to start ordering generals.

All Han generals know that the current battle situation is very favorable to the Han army. The Wei army camp in Weibei that could not be attacked by force in the past is now very likely to be captured in one go.

If this is the case, Mi Yang's eyes fell on the Han generals at the moment, as if he was not choosing which general to kill Guo Huai.

Mi Yang is choosing who will be the next prince among the great men!

Which Han general wouldn't want to be granted a title based on his military exploits?

It's really normal for them to behave like this now.

Didn't you see that Wei Yan, who has a straightforward personality, began to push his colleagues around him to stop them from blocking his figure?

Of course, Wei Yan's excited expression could not escape Mi Yang's eyes, but after Mi Yang's eyes stayed on him for a while, he turned to a silver-robed general standing in front of him.

This general is clearly Zhao Yun!

Mi Yang quickly drew out a command arrow and handed it to Zhao Yun. After seeing Mi Yang's actions, Zhao Yun showed joy on his face and quickly bowed to Mi Yang.

"General Zuo, I have ordered you to lead an army of 50,000 to cross the Wei River again.

We will fight for the crossing tomorrow, can we take Guo Huai's head for me?"

Mi Yang's words fell on the ears of other generals, and their faces clearly showed disappointment.

Wei Yan looked at Zhao Yun with eyes that were almost like knives.

But the joy on Zhao Yun's face became even brighter at this moment.

"I would like to issue a military order!

If we fail to win tomorrow, I am willing to let the general handle me!"

The operation of the 50,000-strong army cannot be accomplished overnight.

The combat mission is set today and the action begins tomorrow. This speed is not too slow.

Zhao Yun's answer was sonorous and powerful, which made Mi Yang very satisfied.

"I believe in you alone."

After saying this, Mi Yang handed the command arrow in Zhao Yun's hand.

In order to ensure victory in tomorrow's battle, Mi Yang appointed several powerful generals as Zhao Yun's lieutenants.

After arranging all this, Mi Yang ordered the generals to go down and recuperate for tomorrow's battle.

However, as many Han generals gradually left, one general who was as majestic as Zhao Yun stayed alone.

This warrior is none other than the hussar general Ma Chao.

After seeing that there was no one else in the tent, Ma Chao looked at Mi Yang with both confusion and expectation.

Mi Yang knew very well why Ma Chao had such a look.

According to the military system of the Han Dynasty, the hussar general's position was only below that of the general.

So from a common sense point of view, the commander of the 100,000 Han troops in the Western Siege is Mi Yang, and his deputy should be Ma Chao.

But in fact this is not the case.

Although since Liu Bei handed over all the general power to Mi Yang, Ma Chao has been following Mi Yang.

However, during the period from Shanggui to Xiwei, the Han army encountered important combat missions, but Mi Yang did not arrange for Ma Chao to go forward even once.

For example, the last surprise attack on Xixian County.

The surprise attack on Yi County mainly relied on the high mobility of the cavalry, so it was natural for Mi Yang to let Zhao Yun go.

However, compared to Zhao Yun, Ma Chao was obviously more qualified for that task, because most of the cavalry in the Han army were Qiang and Di.

Ma Chao's prestige among the Qiang and Di people cannot be replaced by anyone.

Not to mention Ma Chao's cavalry commanding skills that are unparalleled in the world.

If Ma Chao was just disappointed when he failed to take the order that time, then Mi Yang's arrangement of troops today made Ma Chao feel quite puzzled.

Ma Chao knew that with his past, it would be difficult for him to lead an army independently.

Ma Chao doesn't expect this, he just hopes to become Zhao Yun's lieutenant.

But from Mi Yang's arrangement just now, Ma Chao did not hear his name.

Even Liu Feng, Zhang Yi and others had the opportunity to fight, but he, who was clearly superior in force to them, was never included in Mi Yang's arrangements. How could Ma Chao be willing to do this?

Seeing that Mi Yang didn't respond to his gaze, Ma Chao couldn't help but take a few steps forward, thinking of asking Mi Yang for clarification from a close distance.

But when Ma Chao moved his body a few steps forward, Ding Feng in the tent put on a stressed look as if he was facing a powerful enemy.

Under Ding Feng's command, Mi Yang's troops in the big tent couldn't help but stand between Mi Yang and Ma Chao.

Mi Yang's pro-junior reaction also made Ma Chao subconsciously stop in his tracks.

But Ma Chao's stop did not make Ding Feng relax his vigilance.

His eyes were always fixed on Ma Chao. Ma Chao had been famous in the world for a long time. He didn't know if the dozens of soldiers in the tent could stop Ma Chao.

At this moment, Ding Feng even thought about calling in the large number of pro-army troops outside the big tent.

But before Ding Feng could speak, Mi Yang said:

"Back off!"

Even though he was worried about Mi Yang's safety, Ding Feng did not dare to disobey Mi Yang's orders.

At Ding Feng's signal, dozens of soldiers stepped aside, allowing Mi Yang to see Ma Chao again.

But at this moment, in Mi Yang's eyes, Ma Chao still had a somewhat uneasy look on his face.

He knew that what he had just done was overstepping his bounds.

Although Liu Bei often calls Mi Yang to him, there are so many ministers in the Han Dynasty. Apart from Mi Yang having this honor, how many other ministers can gain Liu Bei's trust?

For those in higher positions, the area within ten steps in front of them is a restricted area.

After seeing Ma Chao's expression, Mi Yang couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Ding Feng's actions just now were not caused by his instructions. Although he did not completely trust Ma Chao, he also knew that Ma Chao would not have any intention to commit murder.

It's just that his trust is useless. How many people in the world would trust themselves within ten steps to the hands of a general like Ma Chao?

Ding Feng also considered it for his safety.

And Ding Feng's subconscious reaction probably made Ma Chao panic again.

"General Hussars, do you think the solitary arrangement is unfair?"

Hearing Mi Yang's question, Ma Chao's face became more uneasy.

Ma Chao quickly bowed to Mi Yang and explained, "I don't dare."

Just as he was afraid of Liu Bei, Ma Chao was also afraid of Mi Yang.

Ma Chao's fear of Mi Yang stems not only from Mi Yang's great military exploits, but also from Mi Yang's current status.

The position of the hussar general is very noble, but the general is higher than the three princes, and he also has the power of the sword.

Coupled with his bad reputation, Ma Chao believed that if Mi Yang wanted to kill him, it would only be a matter of words.

Seeing that Ma Chao was getting more and more uneasy, Mi Yang sighed and told Ma Chao his true thoughts.

"After the First World War in Liangzhou, doesn't General Hussar still know Gu's thoughts?

The main reason why Gu has not let you go into battle is because of your health!"

During the Battle of Yinping, Ma Chao suffered many wounds, which were almost life-threatening.

It is true that Ma Chao has good physical health, and his mental illness has improved a lot due to Mi Yang's actions, so he barely managed to save his life.

But the root of the disease eventually settled in Ma Chao's body.

After all, Ma Chao is already over 40 years old, and he is considered an old man in this world.

Mi Yang knew this, and Ma Chao himself knew it too.

So when Mi Yang's answer fell into Ma Chao's ears, he raised his head and looked at Mi Yang in surprise.

While surprised, the uneasiness in Ma Chao's eyes disappeared, replaced by a look of emotion.

He had thought about many possibilities, but none of them had ever happened. Mi Yang had not allowed him to go into battle because he was worried about his physical condition.

It's not surprising that Ma Chao didn't expect this. After all, if Mi Yang hadn't said it himself, how would Ma Chao believe that there was anyone else in the world besides Ma Dai who cared about his body?

People in the world may only pay attention to how much value Ma Mengqi, the rebellious son of the Ma family, still has.

When Ma Chao looked at Mi Yang with emotion, Mi Yang continued:

"Although you are no less brave than General Zuo, we both know that your body cannot withstand high-intensity combat.

Your loyalty to the Han Dynasty and your repentance for the past are known from the battle of Yinping.

And as time goes by, more and more people will know about it.

You don't need to risk your life anymore, and I don't want you to risk your life anymore to make contributions to the Han Dynasty.

When we return to the old capital in the future, I will express my gratitude to you.

Given your status, your achievements will not be weaker than those of other generals.

In the history books of a hundred years from now, you and the Han Dynasty will have a good reputation, a good beginning and a good end, and a good reputation between the king and his ministers. Isn't this bad?"

Mi Yang had already planned the future for Ma Chao in his heart.

He also feels that such a future is the best for Ma Chao.

As the commander-in-chief of an army, Mi Yang should have considered the overall situation and brought out all the remaining value of Ma Chao.

If we can do this, Mi Yang will definitely be able to do some things better.

After all, Ma Chao is as famous as Zhao Yun and is an enemy of ten thousand people.

But Mi Yang is a grateful person. Mi Yang knows very well that without Ma Chao during the Yinping Battle, he would never have been able to persist to the end and win the Battle of Nanzheng.

Ma Chao has never let him down, so naturally he must consider Ma Chao wholeheartedly.

Mi Yang's affection for Ma Chao was beyond words, and Mi Yang's words made Ma Chao even more moved.

But he finally raised his head and said to Mi Yang:

"It is not my heart's wish to die on the bed of old age like General Huang.

If the unspeakable day really comes, I hope that on that day, I will still be holding the long tree in my hand!"

Ma Chao knew Mi Yang was doing it for his own good, but would he, Jin Ma Chao, be afraid of death?

Everyone is destined to die, but what he wants is the ending of being shrouded in horse leather.

Ma Chao's tone was very generous.

And in the way he looked at Mi Yang at this moment, there was a firmness that seemed familiar to Mi Yang.

Such a firm look had appeared when Ma Chao took over the task of guarding Yinping.


Mi Yang originally wanted to persuade him again, but his words were blocked by Ma Chao.

"If the General really wants to achieve perfection, please give me a chance to be shrouded in horse leather!"

When saying this, Ma Chao, who was always proud, bowed deeply to Mi Yang three times.

In the current world, the etiquette of three deep bows is usually only used for monarchs, elders or benefactors.

Ma Chao now offered three bows to Mi Yang, not only to express his gratitude to Mi Yang for his protectiveness, but also to solemnly request Mi Yang to agree to his request.

Ma Chao's three bows moved Mi Yang's face.

Those words of persuasion were finally swallowed back by Mi Yang.

"A secret report has been sent to Chang'an. Soon Cao Rui will send a support force to rescue Chang'an.

The commander of the supporting army is Xu Chu, and Gu will let you go when the time comes."

After saying these words, Mi Yang waved his hand and said to Ma Chao:

"Back off."

Ma Chao was very excited when he heard that his request was responded to and that he was about to face Xu Chu again.

The last regret in my heart finally had a chance to make up for it.

"Thank you, General!"


Early on the next morning, 50,000 Han troops gathered in the western siege city amidst the sound of loud war drums.

When all the 50,000 Han troops were assembled, Zhao Yun bowed to Mi Yang on the city wall, and then issued the order to go out to the 50,000 Han troops behind him.

Under the order to go out, the 50,000 Han troops and the accompanying Han generals all let out a shout.

Then 50,000 Han troops, led by Zhao Yun, began to cross the Wei River like an unstoppable torrent.

Zhao Yun's previous attacks failed to capture the Wei army's camp in Weibei, but they still succeeded in allowing the Han army to establish a base in Weibei.

The existence of this base area can prevent the Han army from being attacked by the Wei army when they cross the Wei River, and also avoid the fatigue of the Han army from taking a detour to cross the Wei River.

Under the escort of warships, all 50,000 well-trained Han troops crossed the Wei River and reached Weibei within an hour.

Naturally, the actions of tens of thousands of Han troops fighting to cross the Wei River could not be concealed from the Wei army's scouts.

Not long after, Guo Huai, who was in the Wei army camp, learned the news that was like the coming of death.

After learning that his food route was cut off, Guo Huai deduced that the Han army might launch a fierce attack on his camp soon.

Therefore, when this day really came, Guo Huai's sadness was far greater than his panic.

He had repelled the Han army's attacks several times in the past, but could the situation in the past be the same as today?

In the past, Wei's army's food routes had not been cut off, and coupled with his skillful command, the camp was impregnable.

But now the news that the food route has been cut off has spread throughout the army, and the morale of the Wei army is very low.

Without morale, how could he, Guo Huai, withstand another fierce attack by the Han army even though he was as capable as the Marquis of Han?

What's more, according to the scouts, the number of Han troops dispatched today was tens of thousands!

It seems that Mi Yang is determined to take his head today.

It's not that Guo Huai didn't think about retreating, but without Cao Zhen's order, once he led his troops to retreat without permission, he would be giving up Weibei to Mi Yang.

And if the Han army is allowed to occupy Weibei, Mi Yang's army can connect with the Han army on the east bank of Wugong River. Once this situation is formed, tens of thousands of Wei troops will be completely surrounded by Mi Yang's army!

Guo Huai cannot bear such a responsibility, and now he has only one option: fight to the death.

As long as Cao Zhen can send reinforcements in time, Weibei will not necessarily fall into the hands of the Han army today.

Thinking of this, Guo Huai on the one hand ordered his deputy general to summon the sergeants, and on the other hand he urgently sent a messenger to Wuzhangyuan on the other side to ask for help from Cao Zhen.

After Guo Huai arranged these two things, the 50,000 Han troops had already formed their formation and were slowly approaching the Wei army camp not far away.

Mi Yang, who was standing on the wall of the western siege, could clearly see the progress of his own army by taking advantage of his commanding position.

There was a messenger rushing out of the Wei army camp, and naturally he could not escape his gaze.

But Mi Yang did not order anyone to intercept and kill the messenger.

He wanted Cao Zhen to lead his army to rescue Guo Huai in Weibei.

Is Guo Huai, a mere man, worthy of his 50,000-man army?

Is Guo Huai, a mere person, worthy of the Prime Minister observing the stars at night?

He said that swordsmen were born in Weibei, and some generals would fall, but he did not say that only one general would fall today.

Today will be the common day for many generals of the Wei Army and Kansai to fall! If you like Mi Han, please bookmark it: ( The Mi Han Novel Search Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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