Chapter 624 Weiyang’s Declaration Jingcheng Huaili

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When Mi Yang rode his horse and led Liu Bei into Chang'an City, what he saw was the people of Chang'an eating pots of pulp to welcome the king's division.

Countless Chang'an people crowded on both sides of the street.

They pushed each other's bodies, like a torrent that was constantly rushing against a dam, trying to get out of the way and run under the horse to see clearly the faces of Mi Yang and Liu Bei.

Even with the Han army maintaining order, their ideas could not come true.

But this does not affect the enthusiasm in their hearts at all.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years!"

"The great Han has lived for ten thousand years!"

"Congratulations to the Emperor and Han to drive out the enemy invaders and return them to the old capital!"

Loud blessings and compliments appeared one after another in the mouths of the people on both sides of the street.

Before taking Chang'an, reviving the Han Dynasty and returning the old capital may seem to the world to be an unrealistic slogan.

Because the time when this slogan was shouted was when Cao Wei was powerful in the world.

With the power of Cao Wei in the world at that time, anyone who wanted to challenge its authority would inevitably be criticized as "wishful thinking".

Even among the subjects within the Han Dynasty, even though he used this slogan as his political platform in the past, how many people really feel in their hearts that they can do this?

And precisely because most people in the world had so many doubts and even ridicules about this slogan before, when the big man actually did this, it would bring great shock to the world.

This kind of shock is difficult to describe in words. Perhaps a metaphor is appropriate.

"Revival of the Chinese nation" is also a great political slogan for later generations.

And if the Chinese nation can actually enter Washington one day and hold a grand military parade in front of the White House, how much shock will it bring to future generations?

How much pride will it bring to the Chinese nation?

Although the times are different, the feeling of shock and pride can be felt through imagination.

Because they had not received unified arrangements in advance, each person shouted different words, which led to a noisy atmosphere in Chang'an Ten Mile Long Street.

But it was precisely this atmosphere that made Liu Bei excited while sitting on the horse.

Because the words of each people are different, it proves that their actions are voluntary.

This is the best manifestation of Chang'an's people's return to the Han Dynasty.

For Liu Bei, who always valued people's support, nothing made him happier than this incident.

"When the people's hearts are restored to the Han Dynasty, how far will it be until the mountains and rivers are unified?"

Liu Bei, who was in front of Mi Yang, couldn't help but utter these happy sighs from his mouth.

After uttering this sigh, Liu Bei looked at everything around him with joy.

Although he was a member of the Han clan, Liu Bei had never been to Chang'an City and was unfamiliar with everything around him.

But Liu Bei learned a lot of past events about Chang'an City from some officials of the Dongzhou faction.

The street from Zhangcheng Gate to Weiyang Palace is one of the main roads in Chang'an City.

In the Western Han Dynasty, whenever the Han Dynasty achieved a major victory in battle, the emperor would come to the gate of Zhangcheng in person, and the generals who would bring glory to the Han Dynasty would personally welcome him into the Weiyang Palace.

The act of "sharing Weiyang" was not Liu Bei's initiative.

This is something that every great and promising man has done.

It is also a powerful manifestation of the great man showing his magnanimity and strength to the world.

Thinking back hundreds of years ago, Taizu, Emperor Xiaojing, Shizong, Zhongzong and other wise emperors who brought great prosperity to the Han Dynasty all walked through this street in person with the warm cheers of tens of thousands of people in Chang'an.

And were the emotions in their hearts at that time as exciting and happy as they are today?

Mi Yang, who heard Liu Bei's emotion, did not echo Liu Bei's words.

Because he knew that Liu Bei was immersed in boundless joy right now, and all he needed to do was listen.

When Mi Yang drove his war horses slowly through the streets, a majestic palace complex appeared in the eyes of Mi Yang and Liu Bei.

Weiyang Palace has arrived!

In the Han Dynasty, Weiyang Palace referred to not only a palace, but a collection of palaces as a whole.

The first thing that caught Mi Yang and Liu Bei's eyes was the endless palace wall.

The palace wall, which is nearly ten meters wide and more than ten meters high, stands in front of Mi Yang and Liu Bei in a majestic manner. People will be impressed by its momentum at first sight!

This is just the palace wall that protects the Weiyang Palace. So if the palace walls are like this, what about the Weiyang Palace located inside?

When he thought of this, even Mi Yang couldn't restrain the anticipation in his heart.

He kicked the horse's belly hard, making the horse speed up.

Sensing the master's emotions, the horse immediately took vigorous steps and jumped over the thick palace wall in a short while and arrived inside the Weiyang Palace.

After jumping over the palace wall, Mi Yang was shocked by what he saw.

In later generations, he visited the Forbidden City, but the palace architectural style in the Ming and Qing Dynasties was very different from that in the Han Dynasty.

After Mi Yang saw the full view of Weiyang Palace in front of him, a sentence that Xiao He, the famous Prime Minister of the early Han Dynasty, once said came to mind:

"The world has not yet been settled, so it is possible to move to the palace accordingly. Moreover, the emperor has his home all over the world. He is neither magnificent nor majestic, and will not be able to be added to by future generations."

People in later generations may only remember the sentence "There is no majesty without magnificence", but they have forgotten the last heroic words Xiao He said.

And there is no hope for future generations to do the same!

Before seeing Weiyang Palace, Mi Yang originally thought that these words were exaggerated by Xiao He.

But after actually seeing the Weiyang Palace, Mi Yang realized that Xiao He's words were not exaggerating, he was simply stating a fact.

What caught Mi Yang's eyes was a magnificent palace with a height of more than ten meters and a side length of several hundred meters.

The foundation is like this, let alone the main hall, which is the protagonist?

From Mi Yang's perspective, the main entrance of the palace is at least dozens of meters above the ground!

What is the concept of tens of meters?

Once a person stands at the main entrance of the palace and looks down, a sense of dominance over the world will arise in his heart.

This is Weiyang Palace, which has carried the glory of the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years!

And this is just a palace within Weiyang Palace!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After seeing the full view of the palace in front of him, Mi Yang couldn't help but have an idea in his mind:

Based on the magnificence of the Weiyang Palace, he felt that it would be difficult for Liu Bei not to designate Chang'an as the capital of the Han Dynasty.

Just as Mi Yang expected, when Liu Bei saw the palace in front of him that was so magnificent that it was difficult to describe in words, he couldn't help but jump from his horse.

Compared to Mi Yang, Liu Bei felt deeper in his heart at the moment.

Because he is a descendant of the Western Han Dynasty emperors, the magnificent palace complex in his eyes is the great political property left to him by his ancestors.

Whether in terms of legality or personal feelings, the palace in front of him is his real home!

It is also the real root of the Liu family!

After Liu Bei dismounted, Mi Yang also quickly jumped off the horse and followed Liu Bei.

When Liu Bei came to the steps in front of the palace, he said to Mi Yang beside him:

"Help me up."

After hearing Liu Bei's instructions, Mi Yang quickly stepped forward to help Liu Bei, and climbed the stairs in front of him step by step, heading towards the palace above.

I don’t know how many steps there are in total.

If he looked from below to above, Mi Yang would have the feeling that he couldn't see his head due to the perspective problem.

And when he was supporting Liu Bei up the stairs step by step, he felt that with every step he took, Liu Bei would gain a little more strength from his body.

Liu Bei also felt this way.

So when he was halfway there, Liu Bei gently let go of Mi Yang's hand, and then climbed up the stairs alone.

While Liu Bei continued to climb the steps, Mi Yang stopped.

The further up he goes, the smaller Liu Bei's figure becomes in Mi Yang.

But as his figure continued to shrink, Liu Bei's aura of a king continued to grow invisibly.

If Liu Bei is called the true dragon in the world, then returning to Weiyang Palace means that this true dragon has returned to the sea that belongs to him.

Liu Bei walked faster and faster, and soon Liu Bei reached the top of the steps.

After stepping on the top step, Liu Bei seemed to feel something. He turned around and looked down.

At this time, after learning the whereabouts of Liu Bei and Mi Yang, batches of Han troops poured into the palace.

The people escorted by their team were the many Wei generals and Wei troops who had just been captured in the city.

After seeing the figures of Liu Bei and Mi Yang, the Han army asked the Wei army prisoners to kneel down under the palace, at the feet of Liu Bei and Mi Yang.

Looking at the Han army with flags fluttering below, and then at the disgraced Wei army prisoners with faces begging for mercy, Liu Bei suddenly felt a surge of pride in his heart:

He slowly opened his hands under the magnificent palace door.

At this moment, Liu Bei's imperial aura suddenly reached its peak.

And then an edict came from his mouth:

"I have ordered the eight regions and the four seas to worship Changling on New Year's Day!

I will tell everyone in the world on that day: The big man is back!"

With the help of the special echo facility outside the palace, Liu Bei's voice was firmly transmitted to the ears of everyone below.

After hearing Liu Bei's words, the kneeling prisoners of the Wei army couldn't help but look up.

But now they are so humble that they cannot see Liu Bei's figure.

Even so, the constant echoes of Liu Bei's voice outside the palace made the fear on their faces become more and more intense.

For some timid people, their buttocks gradually started to tremble.

The glory and majesty of the Han Dynasty will never disappear. In the past, it was just buried deep in the hearts of the world.

The Han army's victory in regaining Chang'an and Liu Bei's declaration have successfully rekindled their awe of the Han in their hearts.

After hearing Liu Bei's declaration, the Han army below showed a strong look of pride on their faces.

Tens of thousands of Han troops gathered below the palace and bowed to Liu Bei:

"According to the order!"


In November of the fifth year of Emperor Zhangwu of the Han Dynasty, the news that the Han army had recaptured Chang'an was spreading at an extremely fast speed to the surrounding areas with Chang'an as the center.

The first ones to get the news were of course the heads of the Kansai aristocratic families gathered in Huaili City.

At this time, many heads of Kansai aristocratic families were still trying their best to raise food and fodder for Mi Yang's army.

Although each of their families had only promised to give them tens of thousands of shi of food at most before, every head of the aristocratic family knew that attacking Chang'an was bound to be a long-lasting affair.

If all factors are taken into consideration, it is not impossible that this war will last for more than half a year.

In such a long time span, the amount of food and grass consumed by the nearly 100,000 Han troops would be an astonishing figure.

And once Mi Yang is agreed to that day, then this astonishing consumption of food and grass will most likely be shared equally by each of their aristocratic families in the future.

For politicians, how can they only get the food and grass they buy for free once?

Many heads of Kansai aristocratic families understand this truth, so each of them has been looking sad recently.

And just when all the heads of the Guanxi aristocratic families were sighing at home and thinking about how to save some food and grass, their own spies who returned from Chang'an City quickly delivered the news to them that the Han army had recaptured Chang'an.

Su Ze looked at the clan leader in front of him and told him the news of the Han army's recapture of Chang'an with a smile. He only had one feeling in his heart at the moment.

Isn't this clan member crazy?

A somewhat impatient Su Ze interrupted the clan's son and continued:

"I have seen with my own eyes how strong the defenses of Chang'an City are.

The general is a genius, but siege warfare is no better than ordinary field battles.

Before the beginning of next year, it would be considered a world-shattering achievement for the general to capture Chang'an.

Now that the general has sent troops for less than a month, how can he possibly regain Chang'an?"

It wasn't that Su Ze didn't believe in Mi Yang. On the contrary, because he knew the military well, he assumed that Mi Yang could regain Chang'an early next year, which was already a high expectation for Mi Yang.

How is it possible that Chang'an was recaptured in less than a month after deploying troops?

Su Ze, who had lived for decades, didn't believe it anyway.

After expressing his views, Su Ze said in a lecturing tone: "You have always been impatient in the past, so I sent you to investigate the military situation outside Chang'an City."

"But recovering Chang'an is such a big deal, no matter how impatient you are, you shouldn't be like this on this matter.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Maybe the general led his army to capture the moat of Chang'an City, but that is still far from regaining Chang'an City!"

A few days ago, Su Ze received news that the Han army had successfully breached the moat of Chang'an. Within a few days, the clan leader came back in a hurry to tell him that Chang'an City had been recaptured by Mi Yang.

In just a few days, Su Ze would naturally think that his impatient clan member had misjudged the situation.

Facing Su Ze's doubts, the clan members became more and more anxious.

He watched with his own eyes a large number of Han troops pouring into Chang'an City. If this does not count as regaining Chang'an, then what does it count?

After seeing this, he immediately came back to report to Su Ze. Unexpectedly, what he got was doubts.

Just when the clan leader was about to explain, a servant ran in anxiously, pointed at Su Zeyan who was out of breath outside, and said:

"Master, outside, outside!"

The servant's stammering look made Su Ze very unhappy.

Su Ze, who always values ​​family tradition, attaches great importance to manners.

"Why panic!"

"If you have anything to say, can it be that the sky is falling?"

Su Ze's tone was quite harsh, which frightened the servant.

The fright made the servant finally speak coherently, and he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"The general has sent a messenger back. Chang'an has been recaptured by our army!"

After hearing this, Su Ze accidentally lost his grip on the teacup in his hand.

When the tea cup fell and shattered on the ground, Su Zeyi stood up with a face full of shock.

"What did you say? Say it again?"

Seeing Su Ze didn't believe it, the servant could only say:

“It’s going crazy out there!

Master, please go out and see for yourself!"

The servant's words made Su Ze unable to bear it any longer and ran outside in a hurry.

Seeing Su Ze look anxious like never before, the clansman looked dumbfounded.

Clan father, please pay attention to the manners of my Fufeng Su family! If you like Mi Han, please bookmark it: ( Mi Han Search Novel Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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