Chapter 661: The monarch and his ministers weep, the sky is filled with red

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Just when a hint of fish belly white appeared on the horizon, the Han ministers in Hanzhang Hall heard some subtle sounds.

Listening to Shen Xin, it was not difficult to find that the subtle sound was the sound of footsteps, and there was a faint sound of the collision of jade.

The sound of steady footsteps and the crisp sound of jade clashing were mixed together, which seemed particularly pleasant in this quiet early morning.

And as the fish belly becomes more and more white on the horizon, the sweet sound gets closer and closer to Hanzhang Hall.

When the sweet sound stopped outside Hanzhang Hall, all the Han ministers in the hall also looked outside the hall.

At this moment, the sky outside the hall was no longer pitch black. Today's first ray of sunshine was shining through the thin clouds, pouring wantonly outside Hanzhang Hall.

After the first ray of sunlight appeared, the outside of Hanzhang Hall gradually became brighter.

With the help of the bright environment, the Han ministers in Hanzhang Hall could easily see the upright Liu Bei standing outside the hall.

Liu Bei is seven feet tall and has a majestic appearance. His many years of military service have given him a vaguely extraordinary bearing.

The imperial robes of the Han Dynasty emperors were very solemn.

When the solemn crown robe was put on Liu Bei, who was already extraordinary in bearing, the image of an emperor who was not angry but powerful, and whom no one dared to look directly at, suddenly appeared in the eyes of the ministers.

It can be said that in the eyes of the current Han officials, the solemn Han emperor's crown uniform and the majestic Liu Bei vividly displayed the majesty of the Han emperor.

After seeing this scene, all the Han officials lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at Liu Bei. At the same time, tears could not help but appear in their eyes.

Today is a day of great joy, and it is this heavy joy that makes all the Han ministers unable to control their tears.

How many years has it been?

Perhaps it was during the earlier reign of Emperor Huan Ling that the majesty of the Han emperor began to gradually dissipate in the hearts of the people of the world.

Among the Han ministers present here, there are many veterans who had met Emperor Ling in the past.

In their impression, the Ling Emperor, who behaved frivolously, had no royal dignity at all although he held the status of an emperor.

Whether it was Emperor Ling's daily behavior or the political orders he issued during his reign, they all invisibly consumed the people of the world's respect for the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

No matter how deep awe is, it will gradually dry up after being consumed for a long time.

After the people of the world no longer respected the Han emperor, Dong Zhuo's rebellion broke out in the Han Dynasty.

And after Dong Zhuo's chaos, the majesty of the Han emperor was completely gone.

In the hearts of the world, the Emperor of Han was nothing more than a puppet who was at the mercy of others.

The Emperor of the Han Dynasty was the leader of the Han Dynasty. The loss of the dignity of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty also represented the complete collapse of the majesty of the Han Dynasty in the hearts of the world.

For those who were loyal to the Han Dynasty, this was undoubtedly the most painful thing they had experienced in decades.

For decades, many people who were loyal to the Han Dynasty could only bury their heads in the vast annals of history, diligently reading through the glorious past of the Han Dynasty.

Because only in that cold past, many people who were loyal to the Han Dynasty could appreciate and reflect on the majesty of the Han emperor.

And today, they finally no longer have to read through the cold annals of history, and they no longer have to feel so much regret in their hearts after reading through the annals of history.

The big man is back.

Bathed in the warm sunshine, the big Han True Dragon stepped into the Hanzhang Hall step by step under the sunshine.

The dragon travels and the light follows.

Every time Liu Bei took a step deeper into Hanzhang Hall, the dazzling sunlight followed Liu Bei's footsteps and covered Hanzhang Hall a little more.

As Liu Bei advanced step by step, the Han ministers who felt the bright light around them could no longer control their emotions and hid their faces and sobbed.

The low cries of joy were only a few or two in the beginning.

But after Liu Bei came to stand on the throne, his joyful cries drowned the entire Hanzhang Palace.

At this moment, the entire Hanzhang Hall was completely enveloped in dazzling sunlight.

The figures of the great Han monarchs and ministers were shrouded in the rising sun, shining brightly.

When this miraculous scene fell into the eyes of the new ministers who had surrendered to the Han Dynasty, they felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

They, who were formerly Wei Chen, had already rejected the Han Dynasty in their hearts when they surrendered to Cao Cao.

But when they saw today's scene, they couldn't help but shed tears in their eyes.

No matter how we deny the Han people, as we are all Chinese people, who wouldn’t have feelings for the 400-year-old Han people?

Looking at the ministers covering their faces and crying, why were Liu Bei's eyes not filled with tears?

When it comes to feelings for the big man, no one in the world can have a deeper feeling than him.

Liu Bei did not stop the ministers from crying, he just gently stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears flowing from his eyes.

When his hand touched his face, Liu Bei felt that his face was already full of ravines.

He is old, and many of the officials in the palace are also old.

A lifetime of struggle finally paid off today.

"Gentlemen, we have restored the Han Dynasty!

We did it."

A word that sounded like emotion, excitement, and even pride came from Liu Bei's mouth.

This sentence was spoken by Liu Bei to his comrades who had followed him for many years.

Decades ago, a man named Liu Bei, a mat weaver and shoe seller, called on a group of like-minded young people and shouted the slogan "Reviving the Han Dynasty" and resolutely launched the seemingly unstoppable trend of separatism.


Over the past decades, Liu Bei and his colleagues have experienced countless failures.

I don’t know how much ridicule and insult I suffered.

No one believed that the dying Han Dynasty could be revived in the hands of a group of young people who did not know the heights of the world.

The dreams of those young people seem very childish and absurd to most people.

But today, when those young people have entered their twilight years, they did it.

Although the world has not yet been unified, the recovery of Guanzhong and the restoration of the old capital shocked the world, making it impossible for anyone to deceive themselves anymore.

The Han Dynasty is really resurrected.

Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang, Mi Fang and other ministers who had followed Liu Bei for many years had their collars soaked with tears after hearing Liu Bei's words.

After Liu Bei's words rang out, a breeze suddenly rose in Hanzhang Hall.

The breeze blew across the faces of the Han officials and Liu Bei, as if a pair of hands were caressing their faces.

This made them feel like those people were back.

Guan Yu, Mi Zhu, Sun Qian, Jian Yong...

This warm illusion made Liu Bei speak loudly again:

"Everyone, everyone in the world is waiting for us, and our ancestors are also waiting for us!

It’s okay!”

After saying this, Liu Bei laughed and took the lead to walk towards the outside of Hanzhang Hall.

After Liu Bei led the way, the ministers in the palace, led by Zhuge Liang and Zhang Fei, wiped away the tears on their faces and followed Liu Bei directly.

Paying homage to Changling is by no means an honor that only belongs to Liu Bei alone.

As we all know, emperors of the Han Dynasty like to let their heroes rest beside their mausoleums.

Today is not only the day when Liu Bei pays homage to his ancestors, but it is also an important day for many Han officials to pay homage to their ancestors.

When Liu Bei stepped out of Hanzhang Hall, a spectacular scene fell into the eyes of Liu Bei and the ministers behind him.

Tens of thousands of Han troops wearing fine armor, led by General Mi Yang, were standing quietly in the open space below Hanzhang Hall.

Tens of thousands of uniform armors sparkled under the bright sunlight, as if the entire world outside Hanzhang Hall was dyed red. If you like Mihan, please collect it: ( The update speed of Mihan Sodu Novel Network is the fastest on the entire network.

This chapter has been completed!
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