Chapter 667: Five Beauties Zhuge Restarts the Prime Minister’s Kingdom

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Liu Bei's direct attack successfully shocked all the Han officials on the high platform.

The reason why all the Han officials exclaimed was not just because Liu Bei's method was too direct.

Also because Liu Bei was the first person to award a reward, which greatly exceeded their expectations.

Could it be Ma Chao?

How could it be him!

As we all know, Ma Chao has been notorious throughout the world for a long time.

Although the recent battles of Yinping and Tongguan have saved some of Ma Chao's reputation, it is impossible to say that those events can completely reverse Ma Chao's previous bad reputation.

According to what the officials knew, although Liu Bei was very polite to Ma Chao on the surface in the past, he actually did not trust him.

Even in terms of personal emotions, Liu Bei could say that he was disgusted with Ma Chao.

This is also normal.

As the saying goes, position determines thought. Just based on what Ma Chao has done in the past, no matter how benevolent and righteous a monarch is, he really cannot trust or like Ma Chao.

This is a well-known fact almost within the Han Dynasty.

Because of this, the ministers were so surprised that Liu Bei chose Ma Chao as his first reward target today.

After all, today is New Year's Day, and it is also the day when Liu Bei offered sacrifices to Taizu. It is of great political significance to be the first minister to be awarded a reward by Liu Bei today.

As for Ma Chao, looking left and right, he is really not worthy of this level of political significance.

Originally, what the ministers thought was that the first minister was either Zhuge Liang or Mi Yang, which is consistent with common sense.

It's just that the ministers couldn't figure this out for a while, but Zhuge Liang behind Liu Bei saw through Liu Bei's mind at a glance.

Liu Bei is following the story of Emperor Gaozu's "enfeoffment of Yongchi".

Virtue spreads all over the world, I think it will be a foreseeable thing after today.

Compared with what the ministers thought, Ma Chao thought more.

For Ma Chao, it is not important to increase the number of households by 3,000 households, as his food number is not low.

The important thing is that Liu Bei can allow him to choose a son of Ma as his heir.

When he was defeated in Liangzhou, his wife was killed by the Wei army. After surrendering to Liu Bei, he gave birth to another son, Ma Cheng.

It is a pity that Ma Cheng was born weak and sickly, which has always been a problem for him.

Being frail and sick affects all aspects. On the one hand, one's own age is immortal, and on the other hand, it is difficult to have children.

No matter where the problem is, it will directly expose you to the risk of interruption.

Normally, just in case something happens, he should choose a descendant of the clan to adopt him.

But he was a hussar general of the Han Dynasty and a Marquis of Zhuxiang of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, if he wanted to succeed a descendant of the clan, he must obtain Liu Bei's permission.

And Ma Chao also knew that given his embarrassing and sensitive situation among the big men, it was really not suitable for him to take the initiative to bring up this matter.

Even if he takes the initiative to propose this matter, it may be put aside due to the opposition of many ministers.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bei took the initiative to eliminate this hidden worry in his heart today.

When his relatives were almost dead, Liu Bei's power as emperor guaranteed his incense. This reward was extremely heart-warming for Ma Chao.

God’s grace is mighty!

This also meant that Liu Bei truly began to accept him in his heart.

Strong gratitude surged in his heart, and the majestic Ma Chao forgot to thank Liu Bei for a moment.

In the past, Ma Chao's performance would have triggered strong impeachment from the ministers, but it did not happen today.

Because then the ministers saw it, Ma Chao reacted with trembling body, and bowed to Liu Bei with inconvenience.

In the past, ten thousand enemies who could capture tigers and leopards alive now appear to have difficulty with their legs and feet. Isn't this all for the sake of the big man?

Looking at this scene, many people's eyes couldn't help but soften, including Liu Bei.

"Get up, Meng Qi.

You deserve all the glory today."

Ma Chao was even more moved by Liu Bei's gentle words.

When Ma Chao stood up and returned to the ranks of ministers, Liu Bei then called softly:

"Kong Ming."

It was not as assertive as calling Ma Chao just now, nor as formal as calling General Hussar just now, but Liu Bei's tone at this moment was full of intimacy.

Under Liu Bei's intimate call, Zhuge Liang, who had been hiding behind Liu Bei, quickly walked out from behind Liu Bei.

But just when Zhuge Liang was about to abide by his official duties and walk towards the bottom of the steps, Liu Bei reached out and grabbed Zhuge Liang's sleeve.

"I call you Kong Ming."

A brief sentence, but Zhuge Liang's body couldn't help but startled.

How could he not understand the deep meaning hidden in Liu Bei's words after years of being in love with each other?

They should not be separated by the cold steps of monarch and minister.

Looking at Liu Bei's sincere eyes, Zhuge Liang smiled on his face.

After all, Zhuge Liang did not want to disappoint Liu Bei, so he did not insist on continuing to walk downwards.

After Zhuge Liang stood still, Liu Bei expressed his views on Zhuge Liang in front of the Manchu ministers:

"My lady, my teeth have not moved, my signs have not been seen, I can clearly see the chance of survival and failure, the key to gain and loss, and I can't help but make the Lord transcendent and stand in the place of glory. Such a person is also a holy minister.

He who is humble and devoted to the good deeds day by day, who encourages the Lord to use etiquette and righteousness, who advises the Lord to adopt long-term strategies, who obeys his good deeds and saves his evil deeds, is a minister like this.

He who works hard and sleeps day and night, who is unremitting in advancing talents, who has done things in the past, and who has strict ideas, is a loyal minister.

A wise minister is one who clearly detects success or failure, prevents and rescues him early, blocks his path, cuts off its source, and turns misfortunes into blessings. The king will have no worries in the end. Such a person is a wise minister.

He who obeys the law according to the text, holds office, governs the country and makes the people happy, is a capable minister."

"In the past, I only thought that it would be a great blessing for the Lord if any of his subjects could receive such a good title.

But what I didn't expect was that you could combine the five great names into one, which is really rare.

It also makes me realize that God bless this man!"

When Liu Bei expressed his thoughts about Zhuge Liang, all officials in the court were moved.

This time, the Manchu ministers were not shocked.

Because in their eyes, even Liu Bei's words are all praise.

But every word of praise is extremely appropriate when applied to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang's deeds over the past decades have been witnessed by everyone in the world.

With everyone seeing it, who would think that Liu Bei was praising Zhuge Liang today?

Only Zhuge Liang, after hearing Liu Bei's praise for him, stepped back and bowed to Liu Bei to express his disdain.

It's a pity that Zhuge Liang's humility did not stop Liu Bei.

Looking at Zhuge Liang in front of him, the smile on Liu Bei's face grew stronger.

"If such a good minister is not rewarded generously, how can he comfort the hearts of loyal ministers in the world?"

"From now on, Prime Minister Zhuge Liang will be granted the title of Prime Minister."

When Liu Bei said these words, an even louder uproar immediately broke out on and off the high platform.

Your Majesty’s new reward for the Prime Minister is actually the Prime Minister!

Even Zhuge Liang was shocked by Liu Bei's decision.

But the shock Liu Bei is going to bring to everyone today is far more than that.

This chapter has been completed!
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