Chapter 669: Qihou’s new title: General Tiance

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When Liu Bei held Zhuge Liang's hands, Zhuge Liang felt that Liu Bei's palms were quite cold, and he also saw a bit of fatigue on Liu Bei's face.

Zhuge Liang immediately looked at Liu Bei with caring eyes.

Early this morning, Liu Bei got up early to freshen up under the service of his chamberlain, and then he was on his way.

Even after arriving at Changling, Liu Bei did not receive any news for a moment, and instead launched a series of questioning activities.

Until tonight’s reward.

Thinking of today's cold weather and the many things Liu Bei did today, Zhuge Liang's worry became more intense.

Liu Bei is an old man who is nearly seventy years old. He has been suffering from serious illnesses in recent years. How can such a body withstand so many things that consume his mind?

Zhuge Liang remonstrated with Liu Bei in a low voice: "Your Majesty, why don't you take a rest first? I have some affairs that I can help you with."

Faced with Zhuge Liang's kind proposal, Liu Bei had no intention of agreeing.

"There are some things that I must do myself. It is best for you and the future of this man."

After saying this, Liu Bei gave Zhuge Liang a reassuring look, and then motioned to Zhuge Liang and the four princes Liu Chan to step back for the time being.

After receiving Liu Bei's signal, Zhuge Liang was still worried, but he said nothing more.

After Zhuge Liang and the four princes Liu Chan retreated, Liu Bei called out: "Yide!"

Perhaps he had expected that he would be the one after Zhuge Liang. After hearing Liu Bei's call, Zhang Fei quickly responded:

"Brother Chen is here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the muscular Zhang Fei immediately appeared in front of Liu Bei.

And in his hand, he still held Guan Yu's tablet firmly.

Looking at Zhang Fei holding the Guan Yu tablet in front of him, Liu Bei had an illusion in a trance:

It seemed that the person standing in front of him at this moment was not only Zhang Fei, but also Guan Yu.

Liu Bei, who kept recalling Guan Yu's voice and smile in his mind, could not help but tremble with his hands.

If we say that he and Zhuge Liang are close friends, they are like each other.

Then the relationship between him and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei was pure and unadulterated as brothers.

How should we specifically describe his brotherly relationship with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei?

"Guan, Zhang Jiujiu, was born in the Kuang Dynasty. He carried me with his wings. He was a majestic tiger. He was surrounded by feudal lords. He regarded me as a brother. He was so powerful that he helped me in times of difficulty. I suffered hundreds of wounds, but I was never afraid.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with the ancient sages, uniting with the two virtues!

If I don't meet the clouds and gain virtue in this life, even if I control thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, it won't be valuable!"

When Liu Bei's words fell, Zhang Fei, who had always had a strong temperament, couldn't hold it back. Tears in his eyes instantly covered his face.

Compared with the multiple shocks they received just now, the ministers now felt endless emotions after hearing Liu Bei's views on Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

To be able to make an emperor say those words openly in front of the heroes of his ancestors and in front of the people of the world is enough to show the depth of Liu Bei's feelings for Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Perhaps for Liu Bei, the existence of the two brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei has long been an indispensable part of his life.

It's a pity that God's will played a trick on people, and the three brothers could not fulfill the vows they made in Taoyuan after all.

Looking at Zhang Fei who was crying non-stop, Liu Bei did not care about his status as an emperor at all. He rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward to wipe the tears from Zhang Fei's face.

Zhang Fei, who was a full head taller than Liu Bei, was like a well-behaved younger brother at this moment, leaning down and letting Liu Bei wipe his tears.

This intimate scene is difficult for even brothers to see each other, but now it is displayed in the eyes of all ministers without reservation.

But the warm scene is always short-lived.

Liu Bei will not forget what he mainly does today.

After wiping the tears on Zhang Fei's face, Liu Bei stepped back and said loudly to the ministers:

"General Chariot and Cavalry has fought for many years and made countless contributions to the Han Dynasty. Therefore, I am issuing an edict today to remove the title of General from the Marquis of Qi and make General Chariot and Cavalry into the General of Jin. He will increase the number of households in the city by 5,000!"

All the ministers knew that Liu Bei would reward Zhang Fei heavily, and with the example of Zhuge Liang in the past, they thought that no matter how heavily Liu Bei rewarded Zhang Fei, they would not be surprised.

It is a pity that after hearing the content of Liu Bei's reward for Zhang Fei, the officials inevitably cast surprised glances at Liu Bei again.

With Zhang Fei's many years of merit and qualifications, isn't he qualified to be a general?

That's definitely not the case.

What surprised all the ministers was Liu Bei's words "removing the title of General of Qihou".

As we all know, the current general of the Han Dynasty is Mi Yang. If Liu Bei wants to appoint Zhang Fei as the new general, he must first remove Mi Yang.

But the point is, Mi Yang has made great contributions to the Han Dynasty, so why should he be exempted from the title of General?

After realizing this, the ministers quickly turned their attention from Liu Bei to Mi Yang behind him.

But at this time, the eyes of the ministers had changed from surprise to intense confusion and suspicion.

All the ministers wanted to see Mi Yang's reaction at this time.

Not to mention the ministers below the high platform, Zhuge Liang, Liu Chan and others on the high platform also looked at Mi Yang with similar eyes.

When the ministers looked at Mi Yang, Mi Yang also had a look of surprise on his face.

He had no idea in advance that Liu Bei would suddenly remove him from the post of general today.

Mi Yang's first reaction after the accident was to think about the reason like all the ministers.

When the ministers saw that Mi Yang was as unaware of the matter as they were, many of them immediately changed the direction of their speculation to something bad.

Because if Liu Bei had discussed this matter with Mi Yang in advance, it means that the relationship between Liu Bei and Mi Yang is still the same as before.

After all, if the relationship between Liu Bei and Mi Yang had not changed, it would have been impossible for Liu Bei not to inform Mi Yang of this matter in advance.

But Liu Bei didn't.

Could it be that Mi Yang really displeased Liu Bei in some aspects and Liu Bei wanted to punish Mi Yang?

But when they thought of Mi Yang's great achievements for the Han Dynasty, the ministers didn't quite believe this conclusion.

Liu Bei is a well-deserved wise king. With Mi Yang's great contributions to the Han Dynasty, it is unreasonable for Liu Bei not to reward him, so how can he punish him?

But Mi Yang's reaction didn't seem to be fake.

So what is the truth?

Invisibly, many of the ministers' brain cells died.

But compared to the secret speculations of other ministers, the emotions of ministers from the Kansai family and the Dongzhou family are much more straightforward.

There were worried looks on their faces.

They and Mi Yang have a mutually prosperous and mutually destructive relationship. They certainly do not want Mi Yang to be punished and the power in their hands to be reduced.

These ministers have already made a plan in their hearts and will wait and see how the situation develops. If the situation today is really unfavorable to Mi Yang, then they will definitely give him a warning.

Their interests are at stake and they cannot retreat at this time.

But there was another person who had the same idea as these ministers, and that person was Liu Chan.

But compared to these more experienced ministers, Liu Chan's ideas were still a little too immature.

Liu Chan, who had always been submissive in front of Liu Bei, mustered up the courage at this moment, took the initiative to come to Liu Bei, and bowed deeply to Liu Bei.

Seeing Liu Chan suddenly coming to him, Liu Bei, who was about to call out Mi Yang next moment, couldn't help but be stunned.

"The prince has something to report?"

Liu Bei really couldn't imagine why Liu Chan suddenly stood up at this time.

But what Liu Chan said next made Liu Bei stunned for a little longer.

"The Marquis of Qi has made great contributions to the country."

Liu Chan solemnly said these words under everyone's doubtful eyes.

And just after Liu Chan said these words, Mi Yang couldn't help but hold her forehead and sigh - Lao Tie, I'm not in a hurry at this time, why are you in a hurry!

But even though she complained about Liu Chan in her heart, Mi Yang did not hesitate at all in her actions.

Without waiting for Liu Bei's call, Mi Yang walked directly from behind Liu Bei and came to Liu Chan's side.

Then Mi Yang bowed to Liu Bei and said:

"As a subject of the Han Dynasty, it is my duty to serve the Han Dynasty. I dare not talk about my merits."

After saying this, Mi Yang reached out and pulled Liu Chan aside, hoping that he could retreat with her.

But Liu Chan ignored Mi Yang, his expression was still solemn.

His solemn look coupled with the words he just said made everyone feel very clearly his desire to protect Mi Yang.

After Liu Chan's words fell, Liu Bei did not respond to his words in time, which made Liu Chan inevitably become uneasy.

He is not as smart as many heroes, and he is not as experienced as many veterans. He cannot see why Liu Bei suddenly dismissed Mi Yang from the post of general.

Because he couldn't see it, he felt worried in his heart.

Liu Chan didn't want to put too much thought into speculation anymore. His idea at this time was that he didn't want Mi Yang to be wronged.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, his move was impulsive and unwise.

But this is what he must do.

In the second year of Zhang Wu's reign, he and Mi Yang high-fived each other in the palace and swore an oath to never betray each other.

In order to prevent Mi Yang from being wronged, no matter how uneasy he felt, Liu Chan still firmly maintained his posture of deep worship and expressed his attitude stubbornly.

After a moment of daze, Liu Bei's thoughts gradually returned.

Liu Bei, whose thoughts returned, kept turning his eyes on Liu Chan and Mi Yang.

Then a burst of laughter burst out from Liu Bei's mouth.

Liu Bei smiled and pointed at Liu Chan and Mi Yang and said to Zhang Fei in front of him:

"Yide, the two of them are just like you and I were brothers back then!"

After saying this, Liu Bei laughed more and more happily and louder and louder.

After listening to Liu Bei's words, Zhang Fei couldn't help laughing when he recalled the past.

Yes, they look more and more alike!

When Liu Bei's laughter rang out, the officials immediately realized that Mi Yang's removal from the post of general was definitely not due to any problem in his relationship with Liu Bei.

Liu Bei is trying to attract others!

But if the position of general can only be regarded as a brick, then what kind of reward can be worthy of the title of jade?

Without letting the confused ministers wait too long, Liu Bei shouted loudly the next moment:

"Zi Sheng!"

"I'm here!"

While answering Liu Bei's call, Mi Yang took a step forward.

Liu Bei looked at Mi Yang quietly at first.

When facing Zhuge Liang, his reaction was mainly to be thankful and grateful.

When facing Zhang Fei, his reaction was mainly to cherish and be affectionate.

But when facing Mi Yang, Liu Bei's heart was completely filled with four different words.

Satisfied and proud!

"Before today, I had thought about how to praise you on the Lingyun High Platform.

But until today, I haven't figured it out yet.

No one has meritorious deeds except that of Qing, but it is Qing’s merits that are as tiring as leaves and as heavy as Mount Tai!

I am proud to have you as a good disciple, and the great man is also proud to have you as a famous minister!"

Although Liu Bei said he didn't know how to praise Mi Yang, Mi Yang still felt flattered by what he said.

For hundreds of years, there have been many people who were proud to be subjects of the Han Dynasty.

But in Liu Bei's words, the big man would be proud of him now.

This praise is more important than all the good words.

Liu Bei's praise of Mi Yang naturally fell into the ears of the ministers.

If others were praised like this by Liu Bei, the officials would inevitably feel scornful.

But after seeing that the person was Mi Yang, their eyes became heated.

Looking at the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in Guanzhong, and thinking about the great rejuvenation of the Han Dynasty today, is Liu Bei's praise exaggerated?

No, it is well deserved!

Just when the ministers looked at Mi Yang with intense eyes, Liu Bei took Mi Yang's hand directly to the high platform. He said loudly to the hundreds of Han ministers and tens of thousands of Han troops below:

"In the first year of Zhang Wu, I secretly made a decision in my heart. One day, I will create a unique title of general for the adopted son beside me!

After winning the Battle of Nanzheng, I also promised this great hero of the Han Dynasty beside me that one day I would hold a ceremony for him that would attract the attention of thousands of people!

And that one day is today!"

After expressing his feelings to the world, Liu Bei looked at the servant behind him.

When the chamberlain saw Liu Bei's eyes, he immediately walked towards the bottom of the high platform.

When the chamberlain walked off the platform, Liu Bei directly raised Mi Yang's hand beside him and shouted loudly to the people of the world:

"Today I canonize the Marquis of Qi Mi Yang as General Tiance!

General Tiance is above the princes, prime ministers, generals, three princes, and princes, and all etiquette and regulations are the same as those of a prince!"

Liu Bei's voice was sonorous and powerful, and it floated up and down the high platform for a long time.

When Liu Bei's words reached the ears of the Han officials, their expressions could no longer be described as shocked.

To be precise, it should be sluggish.

They were dumbfounded.

Needless to say, Taichang Xu Ci almost fainted from anger.

As an emperor, it is not unusual for Liu Bei to create a new title for a general.

The title "General Hussars" was specially thought up by Emperor Xiaowu for Huo Qubing.

It is understandable that the title of general created by the emperor has a higher status.

But the question is, can the status of Admiral Tiance be described as higher?

From Liu Bei's description of the status of General Tiance, we can see that the title of General Tiance has gone beyond the boundaries of a minister!

This is just a name, what about the next rights?

Your Majesty, you have to control yourself!

This chapter has been completed!
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