Chapter 675: The whole city is grieving and the temple name is determined

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In the first month of the sixth year of Emperor Zhangwu of the Han Dynasty, all the people in Chang'an City fell into a state of extreme grief.

The founding king of today’s Han Dynasty, Liu Bei, passed away!

When this news spread throughout Chang'an City at an extremely fast speed, the people in Chang'an City who had received Liu Bei's kindness spontaneously put on mourning clothes, knelt down under Liu Bei's spiritual tablet at home, and cried bitterly.

The entire city of Chang'an was surrounded by endless cries.

Especially when the contents of Liu Bei's posthumous edict were announced in the city, the grief in the hearts of the people suddenly rose to a new level.

Among Liu Bei's edicts and on the deathbed of this great emperor, what was he most worried about?

What he was most worried about was not the stability of the throne of the successor monarch, nor the adverse environment that the Han Dynasty would face after his death.

What he is most worried about is that his people will not be able to live a prosperous life!

In order to prevent his worst fears from coming true, Liu Bei's first instruction in his edict was to recuperate and recuperate!

Liu Bei really never kept the word "people" in his heart.

And Liu Bei's benevolence was felt by every common people.

For the death of such a monarch who cared for them wholeheartedly, the people expressed their sorrow with the most simple actions.

According to etiquette, when an emperor is newly mourned, in order to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to cause chaos, the entire capital should be under martial law.

Mi Yang did the same thing.

When Liu Bei passed away, Zhang Fei cried bitterly and vomited blood, unable to see things, so many things fell on Zhuge Liang and Mi Yang.

Mi Yang immediately ordered, in his capacity as Assistant Minister and Grand Sima, to summon the garrison outside the city to enter the city and put the entire Chang'an City under temporary military control.

But what Mi Yang didn't expect was that he still underestimated Liu Bei's importance in the hearts of the people.

Even with the obstruction of many soldiers, many people felt that mourning Liu Bei at home was not enough to express their inner grief.

So they spontaneously took to the streets one by one wearing white clothes, supporting each other and crying bitterly all the way outside the palace city.

With the continuous gathering, tens of thousands of people finally gathered outside the palace city to kowtow in mourning.

And this kind of scene doesn't just happen in a palace.

It can be said that not long after, the entire Chang'an Palace was filled with people mourning for Liu Bei, with endless cries as far as the eye could see.

Not to mention the people in Chang'an City.

Even the garrison troops transferred in from outside the city by Mi Yang could not restrain themselves from the grief in their hearts, and many people fell down crying under the Chang'an Palace.

When Mi Yang learned the news, he saw that the people just gathered outside the palace and cried, and did not do any other excessive things.

In desperation, Mi Yang could only acquiesce to this spontaneous action of the people.

And this is true even for the people and the army, let alone the ministers who have accompanied Liu Bei through thick and thin for decades.

General Zhang Fei cried and vomited blood.

General Wei Zhao Yun fainted while supporting the coffin.

The hussar general, Ma Chao, knelt and kowtowed.

The later general Huang Quan grabbed the ground with his head and burst into tears...

All the ministers who could be called out used their most intense reactions to express the grief in their hearts.

Even the Manchus and Jiang Ji, who had just surrendered to the Han Dynasty, followed many ministers and knelt down outside Liu Bei's chamber, crying and unable to control themselves.

The huge Weiyang Palace was covered with white curtains on the day Liu Bei passed away.

And under the white curtains everywhere, there were ministers, chamberlains, maids, and Yulin guards who were all crying.

Listening to the cries of pain all around them, Zhuge Liang and Mi Yang couldn't control themselves several times.

But Zhuge Liang and Mi Yang knew that as assistant ministers, now was not the time to just cry.

Holding back the intense sadness in his heart, Zhuge Liang and Mi Yang led the ministers to support the crown prince Liu Chan in his succession to the throne.

After Liu Chan became the new king, Zhuge Liang and Mi Yang divided responsibilities and cooperated. Zhuge Liang led the staff of the Prime Minister's Mansion and was fully responsible for Liu Bei's funeral matters.

Mi Yang, on the other hand, led the subordinates in Grand Sima's Mansion and issued several orders in one day to maintain the security of Chang'an City to the greatest extent.

With the full cooperation of Zhuge Liang and Mi Yang, the death of Liu Bei caused a huge spiritual shock to the people inside and outside Chang'an City.

But in the end, after Liu Bei's death, no major troubles occurred inside or outside Chang'an.

As time goes by, everything is developing in a stable and orderly direction.

Liu Bei seemed to have realized in advance that after his death, Chang'an City and beyond would be plunged into uncontrollable weeping.

So in Liu Bei's edict, following Taizong's story, he specifically made the following provisions:

Three days after his death, everyone in the country took off their mourning clothes and refrained from all things of personal enjoyment.

In order not to affect normal life, the subjects of the Han Dynasty would cry fifteen times in the morning and evening before giving up in order to express their grief.

After he was laid in the coffin, the people across the country had to forget about his death and try their best to recover from their grief.

Although at the beginning, because he missed Liu Bei too much, Liu Bei's provisions in the edict were not well followed.

But as time went by, when Zhuge Liang worked hard to implement the provisions of Liu Bei's edict, the subjects in Chang'an gradually recovered from their grief.

The normal order of life is gradually restored quietly.

Although the subjects of Chang'an still cried involuntarily every time they thought of Liu Bei in their hearts, in order to follow Liu Bei's last edict, the subjects still tried their best to control their grief.

After the order in Chang'an City was restored in an orderly manner, under the auspices of Zhuge Liang, the first court meeting after Liu Bei's death was held as scheduled.

Although according to Liu Bei's last edict, on this day, all ministers should take off their mourning clothes and put on their regular clothes.

But on this day, all the ministers spontaneously put on mourning clothes and came to Hanzhang Hall.

Even Zhuge Liang and Mi Yang are like this.

Let them wear mourning clothes for Liu Bei for the last time today - this is the common thought in the hearts of all Han officials.

When all the Han officials arrived, under the auspices of Zhuge Liang, the imperial meeting was successfully held.

When the Great Court Meeting was first held, there was no quarrel among the ministers.

Because at the beginning, everyone discussed the reign name of the new emperor first.

When Zhuge Liang suggested using Jianxing as the title of the new emperor next year, most of the Han officials who were still immersed in grief had no other opinions on this point.

But after deciding on this point, the atmosphere of the meeting suddenly became tense.

"The late emperor passed away. In order to commend the late emperor for his achievements during his lifetime, his posthumous title was decided that morning."

With these words, Zhuge Liang ignited the officials in the palace.

As soon as Zhuge Liang finished speaking, Taichang Mengguang, who was in charge of the etiquette of the Han Dynasty, came out and said to Liu Chan on the throne:

"The late emperor had great virtues and meritorious deeds. Is his posthumous title sufficient to commend him?"

I have proposed that the temple title should be given to the late emperor and the second ancestor of Siwu!"

As soon as Meng Guang said this, he instantly gained the agreement of all the ministers present.

According to common sense, it is extremely difficult for Han emperors to obtain temple titles.

According to the etiquette system, if the Han emperor wanted to obtain a temple title, he needed to go through repeated arguments over a period of time.

But today they ignore common sense and etiquette.

The temple name of the late emperor has been decided today!

This chapter has been completed!
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