Chapter 696: The Eagle Strikes the Sky and Sends the General to Heaven

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Jiang Wei's stuttering reflected his immense gratitude to Mi Yang.

With Jiang Wei's intelligence, how could he not see that Mi Yang was considering his future by letting him serve as Xiao Mi Cheng's master?

Jiang Wei asked himself that although he was unique in terms of talent, learning, and military strategy, no matter how good his talent and learning were, could he compare to those scholars in the government and the public?

No matter how good his military strategy is, can he compare with Mi Yang?

Mi Yangben has more and better choices.

But he focused his attention on himself, didn't he just want to use his identity as the master of the Prince of Qi to wash away the stain on his body?

Once the stain on his body is washed away, it may not be visible now, but it will definitely bring him unimaginable benefits in the future.

At least with this identity, from now on, he can truly be on the same starting line when competing with his peers in the Han Dynasty.

It can be said that the decision Mi Yang made today is equivalent to giving him the gift of reinvention again.

Because of knowing this, Jiang Wei's eyes towards Mi Yang gradually became moist.

"Da Sima..."

What is a wise man, what is a confidant, nothing better than this!

Jiang Wei, who was unable to express his inner gratitude in words for the moment, could only keep kowtowing to Mi Yang.

After seeing Jiang Wei's behavior, Mi Yang knew that Jiang Wei understood his intention.

Perhaps his decision will attract some criticism from the world, but Mi Yang really likes Jiang Wei and really wants to change Jiang Wei's originally rather tragic fate.

"May your Majesty endure the humiliation for a few days, and I hope that the country will be restored to safety after danger, and the sun and moon will be dim and bright again."

Jiang Wei, who said these words, deserves a more perfect future.

Mi Yang stood up, came to Jiang Wei, and helped Jiang Wei up from the ground.

"Since Bojo knows my heart, he will teach my son well in the future, so there is no need to act like a daughter."

After helping Jiang Wei up, Mi Yang said these words to Jiang Wei again.

After hearing Mi Yang's words, Jiang Wei reached out to wipe the tears from his eyes, then clasped his fists and promised Mi Yang:

"Please rest assured, Da Sima!

I will definitely teach and take care of the prince with all my heart in the future, and I will never let down the great Sima’s love and affection today.”

Jiang Wei's promise made the smile on Mi Yang's face deepen.

In fact, with Si Wen Cao here, Mi Yang is not unaware of how many people in Chang'an City view his relationship with Jiang Wei under the influence of Wei Yan.

But Mi Yang doesn't care about this, or it can be said that the world doesn't care about this either.

There are completely different social environments in this world and in future generations.

In today's world, people attach great importance to true feelings when interacting with each other. As long as the relationship between two people is deep, no matter how close they are in daily life, it will not be considered a moral corruption.

For example, after the victory in the Battle of Chibi, in order to celebrate this rare victory, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang danced with each other by the bonfire under the influence of moonlight wine, and even hugged each other while dancing...

This kind of behavior may seem strange to future generations, but in the eyes of current generations, it will be passed down as a good story.

Mi Yang does not seek that his relationship with Jiang Wei will become a good story in the future, but only seeks to exchange sincerity for sincerity.

After deciding that Jiang Wei would be Xiao Mi Cheng's tutor, Mi Yang took Jiang Wei's hand and wanted to give one more order. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ding Feng, who was in a hurry, came from

Wai walked in and reported to Mi Yang:

"Da Sima, Ma Dai wants to see you!"

After hearing Ding Feng's report, Mi Yang was a little surprised at first, but after Mi Yang saw Ding Feng's not so good expression, he had some suspicions in his heart.

"Let him in quickly."

Soon after, Ma Dai came to Mi Yang with a sad look on his face.

After seeing Mi Yang, Ma Dai knelt down in front of Mi Yang with a plop:

"Da Sima, my brother's life is like a thread.

I hope Da Sima will go and see him for the last time!"

Ma Dai said this heavy request with a cry.

After listening to Ma Dai's words, Mi Yang had some guesses in his mind, but when he learned that the guesses came true, he still couldn't hide the look of shock on his face.

Ma Chao!

Without too much hesitation, Mi Yang walked towards the outside of the hall almost immediately. Before Mi Yang could reach the outside of the hall, his voice had already spread:

"Come here! Come here! Prepare your horses quickly!"


After galloping all the way, Mi Yang soon arrived outside Ma Chao's mansion.

As soon as Mi Yang got off his horse, he ran towards the mansion anxiously.

When the servants in the mansion saw Mi Yang arriving, they also hurriedly led the way.

Under the guidance of the servants, Mi Yang soon arrived outside Ma Chao's house.

But what Mi Yang didn't expect was that before he entered the room, he saw a familiar figure.

Ma Chao, who was seriously ill, did not stay in the room, but chose to sit on a stone chair outside the room.

Seeing this scene, Mi Yang looked puzzledly at Ma Dai who had just caught up behind him.

After noticing Mi Yang's surprised gaze, Ma Dai explained with a cry:

"No matter how much I try to persuade you today, my brother refuses to stay in the room."

After listening to Ma Dai's explanation, Mi Yang turned around and looked at Ma Chao, who was sitting there quietly. From Mi Yang's perspective, Ma Chao's body was motionless and there was no sign of life.

With a heavy heart, Mi Yang walked towards Ma Chao.

The distance between Mi Yang and Ma Chao was not far. Within a few steps, Mi Yang came behind Ma Chao.

Although it is April now, the weather in Chang'an is still not warm.

So Mi Yang, who was standing behind Ma Chao, stretched out his hand to untie his cloak and slowly put it on Ma Chao's shoulders.

Perhaps Mi Yang's movement woke up Ma Chao. Ma Chao, sensing someone behind him, opened his dim eyes and looked behind him.

After seeing Mi Yang arriving, Ma Chao struggled to squeeze out a smile on his pale face:

"Da Sima, you are here.

Please forgive me for being seriously ill and unable to stand up and perform the ceremony."

Ma Chao's voice was very soft. If Mi Yang hadn't been standing behind him, Mi Yang wouldn't have been able to hear what he was saying.

This is in sharp contrast to the resounding Ma Chao in Mi Yang's impression.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Mi Yang does not have much personal friendship with Ma Chao, but as the great Sima of the Han Dynasty, Mi Yang is grateful for Ma Chao's contribution to the Han Dynasty in recent years.

Since he is grateful, Mi Yang's mood at this moment must be sad.

"It doesn't matter."

Mi Yang suppressed the emotions in her heart, and after responding, she turned around and sat down in front of Ma Chao.

"Why don't Meng Qi take good care of himself in his room?

The cold outside will only aggravate Meng Qi's condition."

Mi Yang wanted to personally persuade Ma Chao to enter the room.

But perhaps knowing that his end was approaching, Ma Chao shook his head decisively and said, even in the face of Mi Yang's persuasion:

"It's so stuffy in the house, it makes me feel flustered."

"The room is too small, which makes me feel uncomfortable."

Ma Chao told Mi Yang why he insisted on not staying in the house.

After learning Ma Chao's thoughts and thinking of Ma Chao's life, Mi Yang stopped trying to persuade him.

Ma Chao can be said to be the proudest eagle in Liangzhou.

There will be a time when the eagle becomes old and dying, but that should be under the vast sky.

"Da Sima, I'm very happy that you can come and see me for the last time."

Ma Chao risked his life several times in battle and suffered a lot of injuries.

Although this injury left the famous doctors in Chang'an City helpless, it was not difficult to let Ma Chao know when his final day would be with the methods of those famous doctors.

As soon as Ma Chao said these words, a faint cry suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

It turns out that Ma Chao's family also knew about Ma Chao's condition, and now they are gradually gathering in the courtyard where Ma Chao is.

Listening to the sound of crying coming from behind, Ma Chao knew that it was his family, crying for him.

These cries also filled Ma Chao's eyes with sadness.

But Ma Chao is not sad that he is about to pass away. What he is sad about is:

"I still remember that when my grandfather passed away when I was young, all the old women and children of my Ma family were kneeling in front of his bed and outside his courtyard.

If I remember correctly, there were hundreds of clan members who died for my grandfather at that time.

But now, but now, I only have one brother, one concubine, and one son by my side."

After saying this, Ma Chao's face was already covered with tears.

Everyone present knows why so few people paid their last respects to Ma Chao today.

In the 17th year of Jian'an, Ma Teng and hundreds of Ma clan members were beheaded by Cao Cao in Yecheng!

This incident has always been the biggest knot in Ma Chao's heart in the past, and he has never shed tears in front of outsiders because of this incident.

But today, Ma Chao finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He is unfilial!

"Da Sima, what do you think the world will think of me a thousand years from now?"

Facing Ma Chao's inquiry, Mi Yang did not answer.

Because Mi Yang knew that to untie the bell, one must tie the bell. What Ma Chao needs now may just be a listener.

As Mi Yang expected, Ma Chao didn't seem to care about Mi Yang's answer. He then said:

"If I see my father and brother later, how should I face them?"

The two questions Ma Chao asked are obviously unanswerable.

Not only Mi Yang, no one in the world can answer Ma Chao.

Perhaps Ma Chao himself knew this, so he asked Mi Yang a more specific question.

"What kind of person will I be in the history books today?"

History books are often written by the victors.

As of now, Ma Chao believes that Mi Yang will be the winner.

Therefore, Ma Chao's words were not so much a question as a request, asking Mi Yang to speak kindly for him in the history books in the future.

And this request was something Mi Yang could answer.

Mi Yang looked at Ma Chao. Even though there was strong hope in Ma Chao's eyes, Mi Yang still expressed his attitude.

"I will not cover up Meng Qi's past mistakes."

Mi Yang's words undoubtedly fundamentally rejected Ma Chao's request.

Mi Yang's words completely shattered the hope in Ma Chao's eyes.

Are you still delusional after all?

But Mi Yang's next words gave Ma Chao a different kind of hope.

"Not to mention Meng Qi, but also other people, even my uncle Mi Gong, I will not flatter him in the history books.

“How can there be perfect people in the world? Why should there be perfect people in the world?

As far as filial piety is concerned, Meng Qi was indeed very wrong, and he will bear the infamy for this life for the rest of his life.

But were there only unfilial deeds in Meng Qi’s life?

During the Battle of Chengdu, Meng Qi returned to the Han Dynasty, which made Liu Zhang afraid to sacrifice Chengdu, so that the late emperor could gain the foundation of his hegemony.

In the battle of Xiangfan, Meng Qi personally led the cavalry and disrupted the enemy's formation with overwhelming force, helping our army to become famous throughout the world.

In the battle of Liangzhou, Meng Qi defended Yinping and fought fiercely with tens of thousands of bandits, leaving Guo Huai to besiege the city in vain. This allowed me to seize the opportunity and succeed in the battle.

In the Battle of Guanzhong, Meng Qi made a surprise attack on Tongguan and killed the traitor general Xu Chu, which frightened the enemy and made the enemy surrender to Tongguan. From then on, our army's eastward exit channel was opened.

Of the above four great achievements, which one cannot be recorded in history books, and which one cannot arouse the admiration and sigh of future generations?

And with the above four great achievements, how could Meng Qi not be praised as a hero who assisted the Han Dynasty and a loyal minister of the Liu family!

Although he failed in the way of filial piety and brotherhood, in terms of loyalty and righteousness, Meng Qi made me stand in awe.

I know Meng Qi is concerned about your reputation in future generations, but you need to know, Meng Qi, that future generations will insult you because of filial piety and brotherhood, and there will also be people who will praise you because of loyalty.

What regrets do you have in such a life?

With such a future, there is nothing to fear!

Although I cannot promise to beautify it for you, I can promise you that you will have a place in the "Ode to the Assistant Ministers of the Great Han Dynasty" in the future.

You must also be among the front seats!"

Mi Yang's every sentence was sonorous, and each of his words struck Ma Chao's heart like morning bells and evening drums. While Ma Chao was suddenly enlightened, the gloom in Ma Chao's eyes gradually disappeared.

"Praise to the Assistant Ministers of the Great Han Dynasty"?

So looking forward to it!

Ma Chao, who was awakened by Mi Yang, couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh.

Ma Mengqi, your life has been magnificent enough, what else is there to regret, and what else is there to ask for?

Perhaps Ma Chao's laughter was too wanton. While Ma Chao was laughing, a goshawk flew in the sky where he and Mi Yang were, and was circling continuously.

The goshawk's cry was clear and high, attracting the attention of Mi Yang and Ma Chao.

Ma Chao, who was heartbroken by Mi Yang, looked at the goshawk above his head that seemed to be demonstrating. The vigor in his eyes was quickly recovering.

"Ma Dai, get my long bow!"

After hearing Ma Chao's instructions, Ma Dai quickly ran into the house and took out a long bow and a sharp arrow.

When Ma Dai handed the long bow into Ma Chao's hand, Ma Chao wanted to stand up, but maybe he had been sitting for too long, and Ma Chao staggered a little as he just stood up.

Upon seeing this, Ma Dai immediately stretched out his hand to support Ma Chao's body.

But this made Ma Chao furious.

"Get off!"

After reaching out and pushing Ma Dai away, Ma Chao straightened his body and looked at Mi Yang and said to him:

"I know that Da Sima will march eastwards in a few days.

My life is at stake and I may no longer be able to accompany Da Sima to fight against Wu Ni.

But Da Sima has given me half a lifetime of great things, so I can't help but express my gratitude.

The ancients called the eagle the king's bird in the sky.

Today I will hunt for the king of the day, in order to cheer up Da Sima’s Eastern Campaign!”

After saying these words, Ma Chao turned around and drew the long bow in his hand, put the sharp arrow in his hand on the bowstring, and aimed at the domineering goshawk in the sky.

Looking at the circling goshawk in the sky, sweat gradually appeared in Ma Chao's hands.

In the past, it would not be difficult to shoot down that goshawk with his shooting skills.

But now he is holding on to his seriously ill body and drawing a powerful bow. Others cannot understand the hardships involved.

But no matter how hard it is, Ma Chao still has to shoot down the goshawk.

The only eagle in Chang'an City is Ma Mengqi!

In order to make his movements more convenient, Ma Chao took off all his tops regardless of the cold weather.

When Ma Chao was naked, all the dense scars on his body appeared before Mi Yang's eyes.

The scars on Ma Chao's body all represent his heroic deeds for the Han Dynasty, and are also the best proof of his continuous efforts to atone for his sins throughout his life.

Ma Chao is a sinner, but he is also a hero!

With Ma Chao's full concentration, the goshawk in the sky seemed to sense danger. Just when it wanted to fly away from the sky, Ma Chao, aware of its purpose, did not hesitate.

A moment later, a sharp arrow flashing with cold light was hurtling towards the sky at lightning speed.

This sharp arrow was galloping so fast that Mi Yang could only see a flash of cold light, and a moment after the flash of cold light, Mi Yang heard a shrill cry of an eagle in the sky.

The eagle's cry was loud enough to break the sky.

At the same time as the goshawk fell to the ground, a pair of weak hands also hung in front of Mi Yang.

General Shenweitian is gone.

This chapter has been completed!
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