Chapter 697: Posthumous title for the loyal minister Zhou Li

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Ma Chao's falling body was caught by Mi Yang in time.

At the same time, the crying in the courtyard was getting louder and louder.

Perhaps no matter how loud the crying in the courtyard was, it couldn't be compared to when Ma Chao's grandfather passed away, but at least now everyone in the courtyard was sincerely crying for Ma Chao's death.

This is probably what Ma Chao really values.

There was also mist appearing in Mi Yang's eyes.

Looking at Ma Chao with his eyes closed in his arms, but with a slight smile on his face, Mi Yang felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Soon after, Mi Yang motioned to Ma Dai, who was kneeling on the ground, and took Ma Chao's body from his arms.

When Ma Dai was trembling and about to take Ma Chao's body into the room to rest and tidy up, Mi Yang said:

"The room is too small, and the Cavalry General would not like to stay in it.

The grooming and burial should be carried out in the spacious courtyard."

After hearing Mi Yang's words, Ma Dai was obviously stunned for a moment.

Although he knew that it was inappropriate for him to disobey Mi Yang's instructions in his capacity, Ma Dai still reminded him with a cry:

"This may be disrespectful to etiquette."

Facing Ma Dai's concern, Mi Yang said nonchalantly:

"A Ma family man has his own style, so why should he care about the eyes of the world.

Just do as I say."

Mi Yang knew that if Ma Chao had a spirit in heaven, he would like his arrangement.

Then Mi Yang said to Ma Dai:

"General Hussar was very kind to you during his lifetime, so you must arrange his funeral properly.

As for the hussar general’s posthumous name...

Don’t worry, I’m alone.”

After saying this, Mi Yang bent down and picked up the body of the goshawk on the ground.

With feathers like needles and claws like knives, the goshawk is truly worthy of its reputation as the king of the sky.

After staring at the Goshawk's body for a long time, perhaps because she didn't want to be too immersed in the sad atmosphere, Mi Yang walked out of the courtyard.

Seeing Mi Yang leaving, Jiang Wei, who had just witnessed everything, quickly followed Mi Yang.

The courtyard was not very big, but Mi Yang walked for a long time before walking out of the courtyard.

After walking out of the courtyard, Mi Yang stopped.

Mi Yang raised her head and looked at the blue sky above, with a look of reminiscence in her eyes.

Seeing that Mi Yang was in a bad mood and kept silent, Jiang Wei could only stand behind him silently, feeling the sadness shown on Mi Yang's body.

After a long time, Mi Yang finally spoke to Jiang Weiyan:

"Boyo, do you know?

I have personally sent away many people in my life.

Among those people, there was my mentor Dharma Gong who raised me up, King Guanjun of Xiangyang who taught me everything he could, and the late emperor who treated me like his own son and treated me with the utmost affection.

These three people were all heroes in their time when they were alive, and all of them have deep feelings for me.

But no matter how great a hero is, he will eventually leave.

No matter how deep my feelings are, I can't keep them.

If there is a way, I really want to keep them.

When people see me young, they all envy me, but sometimes I feel that being young is not necessarily a good thing.

Because I can't predict when one of my closest relatives will leave me.

At some point, I will experience another huge, helpless regret."

As he spoke, the mist in Mi Yang's eyes finally turned into tears, falling down drop by drop from his face.

After listening to Mi Yang's words, Jiang Wei wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know where to start.

Jiang Wei knew that there was no deep personal relationship between Mi Yang and Ma Chao.

If it was just because of Ma Chao's departure, even though Mi Yang would be sad, she would never say the above words.

As Mi Yang said, the death of Ma Chao today aroused his thoughts for Fazheng, Guan Yu, Liu Bei and others.

More importantly, even if Mi Yang didn't say it, Jiang Wei knew that Mi Yang was secretly worried about the day when Zhang Fei and Zhuge Liang passed away.

Relatives are dying one after another.

At this moment, Jiang Wei seemed to have turned into Mi Yang just now, and could only be a patient listener.

I don't know how much time passed, but Jiang Wei only saw many servants from Ma Chao's residence running past him.

In the end, even the messenger carrying Liu Chan's will passed by him in a hurry.

With Ma Chao's status, the news of his death was bound to spread throughout Chang'an City as quickly as possible.

And just when Jiang Wei was thinking about what changes Ma Chao's death would bring to the world today, Mi Yang's voice came to his ears again.

"In addition to asking you to teach Ji Yang, I have another purpose in keeping you in Chang'an.

After I leave Chang'an, Xiao Xiao, who is against the Wei Dynasty, will inevitably have his thoughts on Guanzhong.

With the general and the prime minister here, I am generally relieved about the situation in Guanzhong.

But no matter how far-sighted the generals and prime ministers are, they still need one or two generals at their disposal.

You are from the North, not good at water fighting but good at mounted fighting. I kept you in Chang'an just to maximize your strengths.

I will report to Your Majesty tomorrow and ask Your Majesty to return the Qiang and Di cavalry commanded by General Hussar to your command.

I believe you will take care of them."

When Mi Yang finished speaking, Jiang Wei seemed to be unable to follow Mi Yang's thoughts for a while and was obviously stunned.

Jiang Wei did not expect that Mi Yang, who was still inexplicably sad just now, could quickly adjust his mood and directly change the topic to military and national affairs.

Jiang Wei's strangeness could not be hidden from Mi Yang, and Mi Yang also knew why Jiang Wei was acting like this.

Seeing this, Mi Yang turned around and patted Jiang Wei on the shoulder and said:

"I miss my ancestors very much.

But I know even more clearly that my ancestors handed over the country of Han Dynasty into my hands in the hope that one day I could unify the country again.

It is not impossible to commemorate our ancestors, but if we do so for the sake of commemorating our ancestors, it will delay the great cause of national unification.

In the future, when I go down there one day, and my ancestors see that I have failed to live up to their expectations, I am afraid I will be beaten severely."

Jiang Wei didn't expect Mi Yang to adjust his emotions so quickly, but at this time Jiang Wei also knew that Mi Yang was carrying a heavy burden.

It is such a heavy burden that prevents Mi Yang from spending too much time venting his personal emotions.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wei admired Mi Yang more and more.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Da Sima Zhen is the hope of the country!"

Jiang Wei used to praise Mi Yang.

Mi Yang, who heard Jiang Wei's praise, didn't take it seriously. He waved his hand and asked Jiang Wei:

"Bo Yue feels that if Wei Ruo has plans to attack Guanzhong in the future, which place should our army focus on guarding against?"

In Mi Yang's view, after the news of his arrival in Jingzhou spreads, Sima Yi would not just stay in Luoyang City.

First of all, Sima Yi has not yet suffered a severe beating from Zhuge Liang, so his military strategy will not change so quickly.

Secondly, from the intelligence received before, it is obvious that Cao Rui's intention is to use Luoyang or Jingzhou as a bargaining chip to contain himself, so that he cannot concentrate on one thing.

To achieve this goal, once there is a war in Jingzhou, it is impossible for Luoyang to do nothing.

Mi Yang's inquiry also made Jiang Wei fall into deep thought.

However, the smart Jiang Wei quickly gave his thoughts.

"I think that if the Wei rebels want to use troops against Guanzhong, they may follow Cao Cao's surprise attack on Guanzhong.

Therefore, our army should strengthen the defense of the Yellow River!"

Jiang Wei's answer made Mi Yang nodded with satisfaction.

"Boyo has such knowledge, I will no longer have to worry about looking to the west!"


Just when Mi Yang was about to leave Jingzhou, a piece of heavy news spread in Chang'an City.

Ma Chao, the Han hussar general, passed away.

Perhaps Ma Chao's reputation during his lifetime was not good, but Ma Chao's talents and status were unique in the Han Dynasty.

The death of such an important person is a huge loss to the Han Dynasty, and it also makes many people feel regretful.

However, in the Han Dynasty, which valued the study of prophecies, the Western and Eastern expeditions were about to begin, but a general died suddenly, which was considered a bad sign.

Fortunately, the Han Dynasty is now booming, and although similar remarks have been made, they have not caused any big waves.

Mi Yang did not live up to Ma Dai's expectations. Although he had been busy with the Eastern Expedition, he still took the time to write to the Taoist memorial and asked Liu Chan to give Ma Chao the posthumous title of "Wei".

Originally, according to the current etiquette system, after King Xiangyang, double posthumous titles became one of the highest honors given to ministers after their death.

But just like what Mi Yang said before Ma Chao died, Mi Yang would not go out of his way to cover up his past wrongdoings.

And with all the mistakes he made in the past, unless Ma Chao made a great contribution to rebuilding the Han Dynasty, he would not be rewarded with double posthumous titles.

However, although he won't get the double posthumous title, Ma Chao's achievements should also be fairly evaluated.

"The force of Congo is called Wei, the rebellion of Huaiyuan is called Wei, the barbarians are led to surrender, it is called Wei, and the sound of the sound is overlapping, it is called Wei."

Judging from the meaning of the posthumous title "Wei", this posthumous title is very suitable for Ma Chao.

And no matter which dynasty or generation, the posthumous title "Wei" has a high gold content.

I imagine that if Ma Chao was alive in heaven, he would be extremely satisfied with this posthumous title.

Because it was Mi Yang's suggestion, Liu Chan quickly issued a formal edict to posthumously honor Ma Chao as "Weihou".

As the heir to Ma Chao's political legacy, Ma Dai was filled with gratitude to Mi Yang when he received this edict.

Ma Dai originally wanted to visit Mi Yang in person to express his gratitude after taking care of Ma Chao's funeral.

But before that day arrived, Ma Dai received a piece of news.

"Da Sima led 60,000 Tiance troops and set out from Ba City Gate."

After receiving the news, Ma Dai, even though he was unable to go out to see Mi Yang off in person because of his filial piety, he still bowed three times and kowtowed nine times in the direction of the east in Ma Chao's mourning hall:

"I wish Great Sima a speedy victory!"


There is no airtight wall in the world, let alone such an important matter as Mi Yang's personal expedition.

Although in name only, Mi Yang was using the banner of "leaving Jingzhou out of town".

But when Wu's spies learned that Mi Yang had come to Jingzhou with 60,000 elite troops, they still subconsciously interpreted "leaving the town" as going out for an expedition.

If not to conquer Jiangdong, why did Mi Yang bring so many elites here?

When this shocking news came to Sun Quan's case under the frantic rush of the Wu spies, Sun Quan felt bad.

Mi Yang, do you like Jiangdong that much?

Before any definite news was sent, many people in the Wu Kingdom including Sun Quan believed that even if the Han Dynasty wanted to use troops next, Mi Yang's first target should be Luoyang.

Politically, Luoyang is the ancient capital of China and is of great significance.

Militarily, Luoyang controlled the Han army's main route into the Central Plains.

Economically, Luoyang is surrounded by prosperous counties such as Hedong and Hanoi.

No matter which way you look at it, Mi Yang should regard Luoyang as his first goal.

How could he suddenly come to Jingzhou on a whim with a heavy army?

Some people in both the government and the public of the Wu State believed that Mi Yang led a large number of troops to Jingzhou, perhaps not to attack Jiangdong, but also to attack Wancheng in the north and attack Yuzhou.

But such an idea seemed extremely ridiculous to Sun Quan.

Let’s not talk about whether Mi Yang can replicate the miracle of attacking Chang’an and capture Wancheng in a short time.

At least wanting to attack a fortified city like Wancheng, Mi Yang wanted to transfer most of Jingzhou's military forces to Yiyang County.

You must know that the situation is different now. Cao Wei no longer faces enemies on both sides. They have enough military strength to defend Wancheng alone.

And based on Mi Yang's military strategy, would he hastily transfer most of Jingzhou's military forces to Yiyang County, thus ignoring the heart of Jingzhou?

This is absolutely impossible.

After eliminating this point, it is very clear what Mi Yang's intention is in dancing the sword.

Sun Quan immediately held a court meeting in Jianye City regarding Mi Yang's Eastern Expedition.

When all the civil and military officials in Jianye City gathered in the newly built main hall, Sun Quan saw looks on their faces that were even more uneasy than his own.


Sun Quan couldn't help but stroke his head.

But as the saying goes, within three houses, there must be loyalty.

Is there not one or two ministers in the entire dynasty of Wu who dare to fight?

That is naturally impossible.

After seeing the gloomy looks on the faces of his colleagues around him, Zhou Li, who had just returned from a mission to Chang'an, walked out of the train with his head held high:

"The thief is a god or a ghost?

From my perspective, they are just like us, mortals with flesh and blood.

Since we are mortals, why are we so afraid?

Not to mention the naval forces in the world, my dynasty is number one.

Let’s just say that our dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty are in a life-and-death alliance. If our dynasty is in trouble, the Northern Wei Dynasty will never sit back and wait for death.

And by gathering the forces of our dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty, even though the Han army is strong, it must be invincible!"

Zhou Li expressed his views with sonorous words.

If we analyze Zhou Li's words sentence by sentence, it is not difficult to conclude that most of what he said has no practical use.

Because what he said is known to everyone.

It's just that sometimes, it doesn't matter whether the words are nutritious or not, what's important is to express an attitude.

In any case, when all the civil and military officials in the Wu Kingdom were silent, it was Zhou Li who was the first to stand up and make the first unyielding cry to fight against Mi Yang!

Sun Quan, who was still caressing his head, was overjoyed after hearing Zhou Li's words.

Zhou bream is so big, Wu Zhongchen!

"What Zhou Qing said is true.

Back then, Cao Cao led more than 200,000 elite soldiers to march south, but didn't they fail at Red Cliff?

If Mi Yang acts boldly today and intends to invade our country's territory, Cao Cao's tragedy in Chibi will serve as a lesson to him!"

As a monarch, Sun Quan immediately took over Zhou Li's words and personally inspired people's hearts.

Compared with Zhou Li's words, Sun Quan's words are more meaningful.

Jiangdong has indeed fought tough battles.

But Jiangdong was able to win the Battle of Chibi because of Zhou Yu's presence.

Where is Zhou Yu in Jiangdong now?

When they thought of this, everyone turned their attention to a minister standing in the first row.

Lu Boyan, can he fight?

This chapter has been completed!
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