Chapter 2809 The old friend is no longer what he used to be

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The old man Niang was dumbfounded.

At the beginning, he was still hesitating whether to directly use the rebirth against death to destroy these six-domain desolate demons.

As a result, these six bedbugs, which have been a scourge for thousands of years, have been wiped out in a hurry.

It seems quite easy.

Such strength is comparable to what he was at his peak back then.

Old Man Nothingness looked at the gray-haired young man, but he also felt that he looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.


Along with the sound of two breaking winds, two more figures appeared beside the gray-haired boy.

An old man in white robes with an upright appearance and extraordinary demeanor held a silver long sword in his back hand, with a deep and mysterious sword intent rippling around his body.

The other is a woman wearing a loose Taoist robe. She has an outstanding appearance. She is lazy and a bit cold and uninhibited. Her feet are bare, and a pair of long, white and plump legs are exposed between the fluttering Taoist robe.

These three people really have their own characteristics.

A young man with gray hair and elegant and handsome appearance.

An old man in white robe holding a sword.

There is also a voluptuous woman who looks carefree.

This combination also made Old Man Xuanwu quickly remember the identities of these three people.

Yan Zheng!

Guchen Sword Lord!

And Sheng Xiaozi.

These three people all came from the Central Plains of the Lower Realm of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. They were once the top beings in the Lower Realm. Later, they ascended to the Great Wilderness Fairyland and received many opportunities.

Later, he returned to the lower realm and has always had a close relationship with Fuyun Mountain.

He can be regarded as Ye Qingyun's right-hand man in the lower realm.

"It's you!"

Old Man Nothingness has been silently paying attention to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and he will pay attention to anyone who has interacted with Ye Qingyun.

Naturally, I also remembered the existence of these three people.

It's just that Old Man Xingwu didn't expect that these three people would appear at this moment, and kill the Six Realm Desolate Demons neatly.

You must know that the Six Domain Desolate Demon is not an ordinary person, he was also a strong person in the ancient times.

Furthermore, the six people working together are sinister and vicious, and have extraordinary strength. Ordinary strong men will suffer great losses when encountering them.


Old Man Nothingness wanted to kill them all back then, but unfortunately these six guys ran fast and took refuge in the Eternal Divine Court, which allowed these Six Realms Desolate Demon Gou to survive.

Moreover, in the brief confrontation just now, Old Man Nothingness also clearly felt that the strength of the Six Realm Desolate Demons had improved a lot compared to the past.

I almost forced myself to use reverse death and regeneration.

In the end, it was easily solved by these three people.

It can be seen from this that the improvement in strength of these three people is even more terrifying.

Yan Zheng and the others also came to the old man of nothingness.

The old man with nothingness had a complicated expression on his face, and he cupped his fists and raised his hands towards the three of them.

"Thank you three for helping me, I'm very grateful."

"There is no need to say thank you. The three of us are here to help you on the orders of the Holy Empress of the Forbidden Abyss."

Among the three, Yan Zheng smiled lightly and spoke.

Old Man Xuanwu was startled when he heard this, and then he realized that the three of them were now strong men from the Forbidden Abyss.

No wonder the strength has become so amazing.

This is not surprising.

"I see."

Old Man Nothingness nodded, thinking that the Holy Queen of the Forbidden Abyss was really thoughtful. Perhaps she had already noticed that the Six Domain Desolate Demons would attack him, so she sent these three people to help him.

Don't even say it.

If the three of them hadn't come to help this time, Old Man Nothingness would really be in danger.

At this moment, Yan Zheng and the others looked not far away.

There are the remaining corpses of the six realms' wild demons floating there.

I saw bursts of white light emerging, and the power of the Supreme Avenue filled the air from these remaining corpses.

In an instant.

The six realms of desolate demons that had been killed were all resurrected, and even the old wounds caused by the void old man were healed.

This scene made Old Man Xianwu's pupils shrink involuntarily.

"The power of the avenue of creation!"

The Six Domain Desolate Demons themselves were also surprised. They didn’t expect that they and others could still be alive.

Come here, even the old wounds are completely healed.

"That's it! The power given to us by the King of Creation has finally been integrated with us!"

The cold-haired man was extremely excited.

"Hahahaha! It's not in vain that we begged all those years ago, it turns out that we already have the power of this avenue of creation within us!"

"If that's the case, then don't we have immortality?"

"As long as the power of the Avenue of Creation continues, we can be resurrected no matter how many times we die!"

The resurrected Six Domain Desolate Demons have obviously become more confident.

Back then, they were each planted the seeds of the path of creation by the creation kings among the ten kings.

It's just that the qualifications of the Six Domain Desolate Demons are limited and they are unable to comprehend the power of such a profound and unpredictable avenue on their own.

But by chance, the Six Realms Desolate Demon was also sealed behind the Bronze Palace Gate, and it was not until recently that he was lucky enough to escape.

These long years of sealing also allowed the seeds of the old path of creation to gradually take root and sprout in their bodies.

It wasn't until six people were killed once that the power of the Avenue of Creation was fully activated.

This was the resurrection that we just saw.

"Hmph! No matter who you are, if you dare to help this damn old thing, then you three should die together!"

The Six Domain Desolate Demons rushed over again.


The six of them shouted for kill in unison, and their respective powers instantly condensed into a monstrous demonic shadow.

This is the magical power of the Six Realms Desolate Demon, which can concentrate the power of six people and explode it.

Moreover, there is no loss to the six of them at all, and the offensive they bear will be shared by the six people at the same time.

This kind of joint technique is very powerful.

Now that the six of them have been blessed by the power of the Avenue of Creation, they don't have to worry about anything at all.

He spared no effort when taking action.

The terrifying and ferocious giant demonic figure crushed over instantly, causing the void to shatter wherever it went.

One can imagine how powerful this huge demonic shadow is.

The face of the old man Xuanwu suddenly changed, and he held the Qi Xuan Hun Tian in his hand.

The bamboo was immediately sacrificed, preparing to use the power of Qixuan Huantian Bamboo to resist the attack of the huge demonic shadow.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to take action, just leave it to me."

The sword master Gu Chen who was holding the sword said calmly.

"These six people are insidious and cunning. Don't underestimate them."

Old Man Xianwu was afraid that the three of them would suffer a loss, so he quickly reminded them.

Before he finished speaking, he saw Sheng Xiaozi flying up while laughing.

"Let me come and meet you!"

Sheng Xiaozi's Taoist robes fluttered, and as he waved his palms, wisps of Taoist rhyme emerged spontaneously, and each strand of Taoist rhyme contained the power of the supreme avenue.

The power of Yin Yang Avenue!

The Dao Yun gathered together and turned into a Yin-Yang mountain peak, which collided heavily with the huge demonic shadow that was coming.


The collision of the two giant objects did not make a deafening sound.

I saw that the yin and yang mountain peaks were constantly changing, and the huge demonic shadow was easily dissolved with the power of yin and yang.

Yin and Yang transform all things!

As long as the realm of the Supreme Avenue is not touched, the power of the Yin and Yang Avenue can dissolve all kinds of forces in the world and all things.

And Sheng Xiaozi's offensive didn't stop there.

Her figure disappeared instantly, and when she reappeared, she was already behind the six-domain wild demon.

"court death!"

The wild demons from the six realms all turned around, each and every one of them was filled with demonic aura, and their bodies suddenly became majestic.

Magical powers are not the strength of the Six Realms Desolate Demon. Physical confrontation is the real strength of the Six Realms Desolate Demon.

Seeing that this woman actually dared to approach them, the Six Realm Desolate Demons naturally felt that she was too trusting.

We must let this woman know how powerful our Six Domain Desolate Demons are!

Just when the six-domain desolate demon rushed towards Sheng Xiaozi in an instant, a cold smile appeared on Sheng Xiaozi's face.

"The universe is in your sleeves!"

The jade arms waved, and the sleeves and robes billowed.

A force instantly enveloped all directions, and the six realms of desolate demons felt their eyes go dark, and they were all drawn into Sheng Xiaozi's sleeves.

And this is not only the secret of everything, but also the deprivation of the six senses!

This chapter has been completed!
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